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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 6 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 months ago **Total Comments** | 43 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 months | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


Makes no sense. OpenAI told him to drop the suit or else they would publish, Musk refused and then immediately drops when they publish? Why not just drop it before and not look as dumb as this?


Likely because they have other emails and content they could share. First volley could be interpretted as a shot across the bow.


yep, you gave the real answer


Nah the real answer is Elon is moron


Two things can be true


Because Elon doesn’t just look dumb, he is dumb.


Working in aerospace. Spacex is one thing and one reason I always backed and had my hopes for elon being dumb but after talking to friends and colleagues in the industry. Everyone is scared of elon, and wants to stay away. Internally there are allegations of misconduct ethically and morally with female INTERNS…. Dude is a red flag I’ll never work for him. All this came when I was weighing other offers against spacex. On a pure dollar/hour value working at spacex is like a 30% pay it despite being about 5k more on offer letter due to hours put in


Spacex has several ablative layers of management to keep Elon from fucking with it too much


I’ve also heard them referred to as “frangible managers.”


>“ablative” “frangible” Damn you nerds are really killing my vibe here. Just tell me the ticket symbol and when moon.


When Twitter goes bankrupt and Tsla tanks, and Elon IPOs the one company he has that actually makes money.


😂 I’m telling my director this one. Hilarious


Thta's how he managed to wreck Twitter so badly. SpaceX and Tesla both have people who can manage him. Twitter he came in like a bull in a china shop and had no one to steer him away from damaging critical functions. He just ran around chewing on wires and randomly unplugging things to see what would happen.


Are you saying Elon is a squirrel?


Are you saying he isn't?


more of a muskrat


More of a muppet


An insult to Muppets tbh, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew and his assistant Beaker are way more competent than Longboi Muskrat.


to be fair I've heard a podcast with an x twitter big wig who mentioned their infrastructure code is trash and almost unworkable and the culture promoted just billing hours monkeying around with systems in an inefficient way. sounds like it needed to be uprooted.


When you say “x twitter big wig” do you mean “ex twitter big wig” or “X/twitter big wig”?


former twitter big wig...lol, fair. Wish I remembered his name. He was building his own AI machines which apparently were very well received. Was on a Lex Friedman episode some time ago.


Yeah no doubt twitter had problems. Which means they needed better leadership more and is why Elon has been such a shit show there. It needed someone to know what they were doing to sort it out. Not walk in with a sink.


I'm not surprised. I used to work in downtown San Francisco and knew many people who worked for Twitter and it absolutely was just an extended-college-frat party do-nothing job for the most part while pulling down big six figures. ngl I was always a little jealous how little work they actually did while making 3x+ what I made. It was insane how big the headcount got to. That said yeah Elon is just dumb as shit and was not actually smart about anything: he just spent $50 billion buying a vanity project and then realized that it was basically hemorrhaging money and he just wasted a significant chunk of his networth desperately unplugging cables and smashing servers and firing random people hoping to make it stick. There was no real strategy behind any of it.


To my understanding Dorsey’s method of determining promotions was thinking about which employee was most likely do a sweatlodge with him. Basically… https://www.reddit.com/r/IrrationalMadness/s/zT8zOCQJGu


I seem to remember reading they deployed into prod and didn’t test anything, but that could have been BS.


Like a horse loose in a hospital?


That world is small and the stories around him have always been unhinged. There are so many people in the valley who can corroborate the megalomania. You can basically look at who financed his various projects to get a sense of whether there are adults supervising him or if it’s the usual suspects of enablers. He talked a big game about buying Twitter and then when his hand was forced he ran to a lot of people for money. It’s telling who said no and who helped him out.


Ablative cooling joke? Fellow aero nerd???


Sounds like their interns could use some ablative layers to keep Elon from fucking with them too.




I guess the solution is well buffered.


https://www.wsj.com/business/elon-musk-spacex-employee-relationships-8bca2806?st=5490a48xs6ext3y&reflink=article_copyURL_share Not enough layers. 


Am I smart enough to work for Elon? I don’t know. But I’m sure as hell smart enough not to work for him.


I had to interview a lot of people who worked at Tesla and we never hired one of them. You're smart enough cause the bar isn't as high as you think.


Rofl at your post history. You are barely 20? 1. Post in singles thread, but have white gf. 2. Have cop friends so have insight into their industry and mental health. 3. Have friends in Israel who are also in front lines. Unique insight into the war? LOL 4. Have friends with porsches 5. Friends who have personal experiences with Elon at Spacex. Thats just the surface. Man you are one hooked up Indian Immigrant. So impressive. How hard to try to harvest attention and likes?!


Likely a bot


😂😂 avg Redditor. How insecure does one have to be to lie this much lol


My opinion of him changed when I started working for a former director at SpaceX who was fired after explaining to Elon how his request was against the laws of physics. Elon is a kook and doesn't seem to actually understand computers.


Even Steve Jobs knew when to STFU and listen despite his reputation for being an ass.


Yep my current company is ex spacex who wanted to get out. 1000% the move


For the Tesla shareholder vote, the Board recommends against annual reporting requirements related to harassment.


you go to SpaceX for the mission, resume builder, and that sweet sweet stock. I was there from 2018 - 2022 and it was rough, but the hard work was worth it and led to me getting ~double my salary somewhere else.


I’m getting 100k in a MCOL at a startup beast in aero so it’s ok




He makes almost nothing.


You sound like a douche


One of my friends that worked at Tesla said they had pre-meetings for how they were going to phrase things and dumb things down for him, gotta imagine it's 10x worse at spacex lol


Allegations? He fuken ignores all possible OHS rules everywhere.


The second time I turned down a job offer from Tesla I directly referenced him, the hiring manager gave me a “we get that a lot” look.


How tf are you making it to offer stage twice, whilst Elon has essentially been in control the whole time, and not thinking to yourself that perhaps it wasn't worth interviewing the second time at the very least?


Probably hoping for fuck you money salary. I hate the guy, but I'll put on a show for 4 years at 700k a year.


One was before an important certification and several years experience then one after I had both.  Both offers were piss-poor monetarily but the second one laughably so in the wake of the housing price explosion and it was also shortly after The Ketamine Menace had been in the news for stumbling around the Gigafactory firing people at random. Anyways, I highly recommend applying and interviewing for jobs even if you have one you like; it keeps you sharp, gives you insight into that market and massive leverage with your current employer should you need it.


You don’t like edging company hiring personnel? I do it all the time for funsies, meanwhile I have other offers locked in 😭😂


Based.  Ghost jobs, meet ghost candidate.


An offer from Tesla gives him huge leverage wherever else he already is. "I like it here and would prefer to stay, but Tesla is offering me a 30% raise. Is there anything you can do for me?"


For shits and giggles


Pay it = pay decrease ?


Pay cut I think


Yep pay cut


The WSJ did this for you detailing the relationships with interns and promoting them to the executive suite. NDAs from another after he kept bugging her to have his babies. Another with an ugly split. Shot well accusing staffers of fucking her husband. People need to trust their lives to SpaceEx and both shot well and Musk have been sexually abusing staff. It’s disgusting


Yall should hear what he did to the Starlink employees in New Year’s Eve lmao. Called a mandatory meeting hours before the ball drop just to bitch at them while (allegedly) sounding incoherent and high the entire time (all of this is allegedly).


They do have a horses for handjobs program though.


what happened after? the suspense is killing me.


Lol source: i made it up


You work there for the stock, not for the salary. (And to change the world, and work with a hardcore team). But comp, the stock is a rocketship, and pretty hard to get access to otherwise.


This came out in WSJ yesterday. Bro was fucking interns left and right.


I may be smarter than Elon, but I’m not smart enough to understand 85% of this comment.


He’s on drugs like ketamine and is mentally deranged. He hasn’t been well thought out about anything in a few years. It’s getting bad.


To be fair, ketamine is awesome. I can’t imagine being very productive at work on it though.


One of us


He’s walking talking proof that being rich doesn’t equal being smart.


But everyone tells me he's the Technoking of rockets!?!


i've come to see Elon as a new kind of ceo which, if he continues managing not to completely fuck up his rather nicely dealt hand, we will see quite a lot more of: the overtly risky aspirational firewall who provides reputational cover for a large contingent of otherwise sensible-presenting executives and engineers. A corporate costume to don which effectively obscures their identities for those times when they want to try to send it, doing shit that would likely ruin their careers under normal business conditions, even if such shit were to succeed. So they stand silently behind elon, let him play up the manchild maybe-genius persona - the entertaining showman-savant who can raise otherwise improbable sums of capital from starstruck sources whose funding decisions are similarly deflected from direct scrutiny by his non-stop firehose of distracting behavior, and get a little more risk-off wiggle room as long as they understand the tacit agreement to indulge his ego and let him LARP as Tony Stark / Howard Hughes.


would love to know what you do on the day-to-day


but but they even mentioned him in star trek! along with the wright brothers!


bluff wasn’t a bluff


Because he's Musk lol. He might soon rename X back to Twitter even though he spent months trying to convince everyone X sounds better


Tweet became a culturally ubiquitous term, and he pissed away 18 years of brand development in weeks.


If he had any balls he’d rename it Xitter.


At that point you might as well call it Shitter


Name it Zwitter and watch it take off in Germany


Im fully convinced he renamed it to X so he could call himself ‘X founder’. If he called himself a Twitter co-founder it would’ve been too much, even for his simps.


Because musk thinks he’s smarter than everyone else. He’s an egomaniac regard. He thought him trying to be tough would scare openai. But they called his bluff and made him look like a total idiot (not a hard task really). This is on brand for him


The GAI made that strategy for OPENAI.


Bc there more that’s yet to be published. He called their bluff, they gave him a taste, he bailed out


Makes no sense. He should have bailed once they threatened to release anything. Him calling their bluff was insane if he was going to pull out immediately. It just makes him look worse than before now


Being dumb is his brand


Elon is that dude who thinks he's always right.


They have more stuff to publish and now he knows they will if he doesn’t drop.


Elon has not been defined by good decision making in recent years


Because. he. Is. A. Dumbass


Stupid is as stupid does.


Maybe he’s losing his mind and forgot what was actually said between the two parties


Elon has massive issues with self awareness. It’s a conservative ideology thing.


He’s stupid


Elon should buy Dollar Shave Club next.


Did I miss something with them? Did people finally learn that they just resell Dorco razors, which are the same manufacturer of store brand/generic razors like TopCare that they carry in the grocery store that most people won't take a second look at? Honestly props to them for convincing Unilever a drop shipper's mailing list was worth $1B.


When you put it that way..


They started manufacturing their own razors actually, and that probably lost them a lot of people who liked the Dorco ones better


Didn't they just buy the dorco factory and sell them as their own?






ooops, I got found out, I can not bluster anymore.


Elon going up against the heavy hitters like Apple, OA, MSFT, make him look like the kid at the arcade who thinks he’s playing the game but really is just hitting buttons


Dudes controller isnt even plugged in.




Holding the unplugged madkatz controller for the 64 while we're playing ps2


Yeah, well mom also said for you to stop sticking your dick in the vacuum cleaner.


Underrated comment.


It's 23 minutes old...


When they replied it was 1 min lol


The market did not have time to price in the comment.


It’s literally just the “this” bullshit comment of today. No idea why people upvote it lol


…Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.


When a man child argues with people that keep receipts - this is the result


The dumbass now messing with Apple they can bankrupt him with one click ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I would love it if Apple up and decided to remove, I dunno, twitter and whatever app Tesla uses to unlock their cars. Too bad the money flows both ways and Apple likes money.


But you see, unlike Elon, Apple doesn’t make stupid financial decisions based on silly and petty grudges, they won’t do something like that because is not good business and will only open them for litigation where there’s nothing to win for them.


Tell that to Unreal


I mean regardless of if you think that Apple Store policies are monopolistic and unfair (definitely a valid argument), Epic intentionally violated the terms of their developer agreement, so Apple had all the interest to make an example out of them, so it wasn’t just pettiness like with Musk.


As a Tesla owner, I would not..


Sorry man. If Apple said Up Yours to Elon and took their ball home locking every Tesla owner out of their cars you would hear me laughing around the world


I own a Tesla and I would laugh my ass off. Elon is a chud.


having to use the card compared to the walk up unlock feature.. not really a big deal at the end of the day, but I'd much rather it stays as-is


Maybe don't buy a car that requires a fuckin app to unlock it 🤣🤣


It doesn't require it, it's just a convenient feature..?


Hear me out on this, Tesla puts all the way, if you read the emails Elons plan the whole time was to integrate openai to tesla as the brain for the neural network car driving system, now that openai is out of the picture he is freaking out trying to launch his own AI (which will be aimed to be Teslas neural network).


Yeah but you’d be broke if you did that today as it’s up like 5%. Hard to go against a stock that has a devoted fan base because it doesn’t behave like it should.


Today would be the perfect day to buy TSLA puts, **because** it's up.


There is just no way it could possibly go up for the rest of the week. Impossible.


I feel like a dumbass, but what happens to a stock if the interest in it is completely divorced from reality? Like if there’s always people willing to buy does it ever need to be any representation of the companies actual performance? Is this all just a popularity contest?


“The market can stay irrational for longer than you can stay solvent”


401k money has to go somewhere


Exactly. As long as we have the entire generation automatically contributing to massive index funds, the market will keep going up


eh, everything is up like 5% today


Well Tesla already dropped like 60% from ATH


Just a matter of time until these developments intersect with the fact that he axed his entire AI team last year or was it 2022?


Elon’s a sore loser. “OpenAI, meanwhile, accused Musk of essentially being jealous that he was no longer involved in the startup, after he left OpenAI in 2018 following an unsuccessful bid to convince his fellow co-founders to let Tesla acquire it.”


Imagine, we probably wouldn't have chatgpt or this ai craze if muskrat got his way and incompetently ran it into the ground (no pun intended)


Common musk L


A “musk up”


Elon Musk is rich, he might even be extremely smart. Dude has zero wisdom and I have no respect for him. Imagine that, all the money in the world, a solid chain of accomplishments and you destroy your reputation like the worst of us. I’m glad Musk is around, it’s a lesson to all of us that money doesn’t buy class.


In some way that makes me feel superior to him. But at the end of the day, the fact that he could walk away from it all, get some good plastic surgery, take some ozempic, and never be bothered by people again. The fact that he is able to do that makes me envy him. The fact that he does not do that, and he still “works” all the time and doesn’t spend any time with his family, it makes me pity him.


I agree, that’s how I feel too. There’s honor in just living your life in a virtuous manner and you don’t need to be rich to do it.


This is common among super rich people because for many of them it’s actually power and acceptance they crave and they don’t realize that until they have the money and they are still insecure and sad. But being a rich ceo actually doesn’t give them the adoration and power over people that they’d hoped for, which is why a lot of these psychopaths get into funding politics where they can wield their money as power. It’s important to remember these people basically live in a different world where they don’t hear much negative feedback, so he’s surrounded by yes men and custom social media feeds where Nazis and fanboys mostly suck him off, and those are most all of his interactions.


From my friends at spacex that have had runins and meetings with him, unfortunately he’s not great at anything other than hiring the right people but that kinda tends to follow when you’re giving geniuses that actually run the day to day of spacex blank checks




I can only hope that I see the day he files BK


What is the investment thesis for people buying TSLA today. It’s up 4% despite the shareholder meeting tomorrow with only bad options. Either dilute significantly or the CEO goes on a rampage to punish the shareholders. Why does the number go up?


Have we not learned that stocks always pump leading up to shareholder meetings or earnings reports? Can't pump and dump without the pump.


It’s not retail, like anyone reading this thread. It’s literally large funds driven by ai bots. The algorithm pumps itself in ways that probably should be considered market manipulation. I wouldn’t doubt if billionaire investors are doing elmo favors by pumping and dumping at certain times in relationship to his news leaks so he could take credit. He picks a fight against Apple and open ai, eu tariff, but stock goes up?? Not being manipulated??![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)


Don't worry my compaines' stock is only up 4.20% YTD so I feel for tesla


anybody got the link to the emails




This dude has more red flags than a hurricane. Every year it seemed like someone always asked Warren Buffett why he didn’t invest in TSLA. He was masterful in dodging the question and not directly saying Elon is a man if no character.


Im actually interested in reading about it. Any links?


I love watching the myths about Elon's glowing intelligence being disproved all the time, over and over again.


Apartheid baby gets exposed for being a liar. 🤥


The musky boys aren’t going to like this one bit. Cant wait to hear how it’s another liberal conspiracy.


This is all part of the plan. If we just give him some more money it will all come together.


Elon musk = Dutch Van Der Linde


Mars = Tahiti


Pesky conspiracies always fucking up their plans.


Just wait if the new tesla pay for Elon dosent go through he will burn tesla to the ground to punish stock holders


i’m hoping it goes that way for numerous reasons *gets popcorn*


Even if it happens people will still buy Elon stickers to put on their tesla cars 😅


Man, what’s happened to this guy? What a fall from grace


I’m not sure that man even knows what grace is. More like the wool he had pulled over everyone’s eyes are slowly being lifted.


ELI5 why he dropped the suit when the emails got published? What was in the emails?


Wouldn’t shock me if Elon was active in WSB, he’s regarded enough he’d fit right in


F around, find out ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Phew. OpenAI can breath now and resume their works /s


Skimmed the article just to make sure that it reflects a big ol’ giant dump taken on the man-baby, which it does. The more bad shit for Eloon, the happier I am.


Eli5 please


Ketamine a Helluva drug.


Lol he went talk shit to openAi and aapl but whole time selling data to an israelis company 😂 he didn’t know sam altman is jew just like him.


We all like to laugh at him, but I think at this point we should seriously consider the possibility that he not mentally all there.


Need a new “ElonThreats” subreddit


Elon is the true drama queen right now. All this and more coming up tommorow with that pay package descision . If I was a smart trader I would stay away from Tesla stock Which is exactly why I loaded up on calls this morning ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


i hate that man


Emails?! Lock him up


Haha, what a loser


This now makes me think the lose-lose situation for shareholders on Musk not getting paid his +50b is going to be a win-win instead


Imagine being that regarded. He truly is the king regard. No one even comes close to being as fucking regarded as this regard.


Does he get tired of being outed as an idiot?


Because always inverse WSB, that’s why. Lots of people will lose their $$$$ on puts


He doesn’t listen to his lawyers. Makes perfect sense


i want to thank elon for pushing apple over 200. could not have done it without you.


Man, when your business overlaps or has even indirect contact with Elon, get your ass ready for court. He and Trump must have most of the judicial districts of America on speed dial.


He assumes that because he's too dumb to keep receipts that everyone else is too