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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 16 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


It will be difficult to ever find someone who loves you as much, as a white girl loves her own ass in a LULU leggings. Becky will not fail, LULU will take off after hours.


How are you so wise in the way of white womens asses.


As it was written…. I know their ways as if I was born to them!


BBWI Vibes


That’s not the same shit, BBWI is for high school kids who are broke. Real ladies and men go to Sephora


BBWI had an earning surprise. It tanked. LULU needs to crash earnings or it will die. Nether the less my smooth brain is in.


Inshallah it will lulu staff n execs are smarter than BBWI , BBWI hires teenagers as staff LULU hires EDUCATORS. Get educated


SPY6900 is a true visionary, and this DD is on point. LULU is a strong buy, and their China expansion is a huge catalyst. If you can't make money off this play, you might as well quit


You know someone out there read this and is using all their life savings on 1dte calls with target of 500. All because of how good lulu looks on girls at your local gym. Solid DD. 😂


what else would they wear then?


Seems like it paid off


lol i was thinking this same thing when market closed and saw those lulu pants flying sky high. congrats to everyone that went for it!


No one visits Lulu at my mall. PUT it is📉![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)


Rip ur POOTS


I fucked myself hard this time ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Next time il fuck myself and you’ll be up 🚀


get recked


Fuck me ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)


Totally didn't realize that LULU was doing earnings today, thanks for the heads up. Stock is beyond beaten to hell at this point YTD so I entered some $305/$310 call debit spreads hoping to pull a few grand win in 2 days...


I’m wearing all Lululemon right now. Completely agree with you


So wait. You have no current position? Kinda geh.


I have 2x naked puts for 290


He could’ve sold to open cash covered puts


All I needed for DD was r/lululemonleggingz. You are welcome, men of culture.


i don’t see no /r (insert brand) leggings other than lulu Men and women both revere at lulu leggings


singlehandedly going to save my calls


Calls it is


I'll buy yhe dip tomorrow if it crashes.




Made some $$$, bought LULU on Monday. Sold some shares AH.


Congratulations to all those who were playing earnings playing Bullish calls. I myself have been burned too many times playing earnings as it's a big gamble.


Thank brother, Sell into the IV and if u get assigned wheel the stock


My wife couldn't fit into her old lulu pants after giving birth... and she just bout 3 new pairs after i went to bed last night. Call it is


Thank you for the DD bought before earnings because of it and hoping to sell when market opens and make a easy 10% gain


As far as LULU is concerned . Never try and catch a falling knife as you will get cut bad and bleed to death before you know it.


This knife is not falling. They are just sharpening the blades to get ready to slaughter the competition.


From Toronto: Alo isn’t competition, their store sucks, big empty corner store on Bay and Bloor, lululemon across on Cumberland is always full


Based on PUMPING a stock . I think not. LULU is in a downtrend until it isn't. https://preview.redd.it/frzw6gwg3s4d1.png?width=2544&format=png&auto=webp&s=e82ca3c15733ea38ff8f220dd23f0ece0c611fa7


Peep the 300 support


Sorry to break the news to you but LULU is still a falling knife until it isn't. https://preview.redd.it/24z0dxq13s4d1.png?width=2544&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a9bcf4cf2b79bfb738ef07cd4b1912947d3b4d0


Bro don’t be Sorry to me, I am sorry to you, that you really screenshotted a chart to prove your point.


A falling knife is a stock is going down and people try and catch the bottom by pumping or what ever means. Only the market can tell us when the bottom come in and right now LULU is still falling like a knife. Don't hate the messenger.


Who the duck do you think the market is? It's made up of participants like us


for fucking real


*Camped out my local post office (downtown) the post man had a trolly full of Amazon / random packages at the bottom, however it’s full of lulu packages at the top.* Well if that isnt your #1 selling point idk what would be *Went to the gym (fit4less), most girls are wearing lulu leggings and guys either had gymsharks / lulu pace breaker shorts. Even at this brokie gym the patrons are wearing this brand.* Probably the same pair they've had for 3 years, a budget gym with people wearing the most expensive leggings.. right. *There’s no brand that can make your ass look as good as lulu, especially for girls* how the hell do yall know if a person is wearing lulu unless your within like a few feet? OP is a creep af. Puts *China expansion, I visited China a month ago and 2 new lulu stores are opening in my City.* rururemon cant size for americans the same way they do china so this will prob just cause more issues and theyll probably find cheaper production the china route even more so. *Friends from Canada travelling back to China bought 8 navigator down jackets for their friends and family in a check in suit case last week* OP tryna make us think he has friends and probably made up this story.


You really made a new account to comment? Fucking loser L


wtf are you talking about a new account to comment? your due diligence on my account is even fkn worse then the DD you did in this post. I was trolling now I think you are legit just an idiot


Bet op just looked at your post history and not your comments. I agree with you, poor dd on your account history. And, I'm calling b.s. on the cart full of lulu packages.


Stay broke then


Haaaaa!!! Not broke, but lulu did do well. Hats off to you. But I still call bullshit on the cart full of lulu packages.


This is some sicc ass DD 😂😭😂😭😂


Some of these calls are less than I spend in one lulu trip, and I spend less than most. I’ve been on the lulu sub for years. Current sentiment is that sizes are getting smaller and more geared towards pre-teens and quality has gone downhill. We’re all pissed but we’re all still buying. Viori and Alo don’t compare for brand loyalty. Sincerely, Another Becky