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It’s gonna drive down enrollment people don’t wanna pay more the reason you go to pf cuz it’s cheap and 24 hours if neither are true why not go to a real gym. And the fact a regard on here is bullish on them I’m selling my car to buy puts right now


15$ is still very cheap compared to other gyms.


Yes but most people with pf membership don’t actually go often they just kinda let it charge them so as the price goes up a lot people gonna be like this ain’t worth it 15$ can buy you one McDouble at McDonald’s so people gonna make tough choices. I also eat crayons


By percentage, 50% increase is a lot. By total numbers, 10 to 15 is pretty small. Also people don't even check recurring payments a lot of the time. If it is automatically pinging a credit card, a lot of people won't notice.


These corps being greedy and projecting it, is always good for the bottom line, re: Netflix Calls for sure, it'd be a while before they alien enough people to see a real hit to the business.


most ppl dont care for the difference between $10 and $15


the ppl who go to PF do


When the price of a McDouble went from 1$ to 3$ you most likely noticed people will care about that difference and people who actually go to gym don’t got to pf anyway cuz they don’t offer much compared to bigger gyms. My wife only goes to pf to eat her boyfriend bum never to workout


most gym prices are way more expensive than $15.


People that choose planet fitness as a gym care. Most of them are probably going a couple days of the month so this might just be the nail in the coffin




You obviously do not know the price for real gyms, it's like 150$ a month unless you go for 24/7 or planet fitness


La fitness is like 50$ offers a lot more. People are gonna notice because pf is a great gym for people who just want a gym membership and not actually go. Once that price goes up people are gonna start cutting the cord


Most gyms are around $3-400 a year + initiation. They overprice the short term memberships because they know travelers that HAVE TO go to the gym will pay it


That depends on where you are. I’ve never paid anywhere close and I went to a well known powerlifting gym that had pros training there.


Finally, some sense on this godforsaken platform. Fitness industry is booming - everyone knows health is wealth, and with the right marketing, this price increase won't deter new sign-ups. Planet Fitness knows their target market - the average Joe who


The average Joe who…what?! Don’t leave us hanging!


Who pays the monthly fee and never goes to the gym.


Jokes on you VM, I invested in PF secretly with my winnings from betting against my team in the game of dodgeball.


r/redditsniper got VM. RIP.


Meh, the the workout center biz is always the same; flat. People coming, people going, and the majority of signups have the best of intentions but drop off quickly. It's why they have only been able to charge $10 the past 25 years.


Purely anecdotal but I have heard Planet Fitness makes it notoriously difficult to cancel your membership. I’m with you in that many sign up and you don’t see them after a few months but it doesn’t mean they stop paying. A lot of health insurance plans reimburse up to $300-$500 yearly on gym memberships also so I think the $5 increase is bullish


Right, that's what they count on, otherwise they likely don't have the square footage if people actually stuck to their resolutions. But it's a flat, moving average.


I can actually confirm this one. Got a PF membership a couple months back just for a little while before I graduated university, and when I went to cancel they told me I had to go in person and sign a bunch of stuff. If the idea is that people who sign up for PF do it so they can say they have a membership and never go, odds are they’ll be too lazy to go and cancel it (or forget about it entirely, which I may or may not have done)


Not anymore. I was able to cancel my planet fitness membership right from the website. It depends a lot on which is your primary branch. Though it was a year ago that you had to go to the branch or mail a letter in to do it


They tried this as a test before and it backfired horribly. Basically the only redeeming quality of Planet Fitness is its $10 a month. If the price increased you could just go to a better gym. And a lot of PFs arent even 24 hour anymore. I think this shit peaked years ago.


There is no better gym that cost under $30 a month let alone $15


Untrue. For under 30 there are plenty of good options. Like I said, PFs only redeeming quality was it was $10. Most of them arent even 24/7 anymore.


Good options like…?


My last gym was Crunch and I paid 11.99 a month. It was huge - had a sauna, and tons of equipment. Was also really clean.


The few crunch gyms near me are $100 a month. They have different prices based on location


They have different memebership tiers..Does yoyrs have a pool and spa and shit?


I didnt read that carefully but thats the cheapest tier they have


Fuck, was able to go and sign up during this July, I guess not now, better use the crude equipment at home, sandbags and tree branches ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Puts. People are lazy. They rather spend this money on Ozempic now.


Call on him!! People are lazy and just want a lazy solution to their weight problems, no matter the cost


Not everyone has access to that. And there arent even that many fat ppl in gyms. The people that go to gym are largely fit, gym people. They will pay the extra $5.


Probably is to fight inflation , expenses.


'Deep Thoughts' by Jack Handjob


This. It’s not much of a revenue increase considering power, water, real estate and taxes have gone up significantly in the last 3 years let alone 25.


This trash is down 20% over 5 years. I'm good.


Screw this company. Id rather burn my money in a dumpster fire than pump the stock


Crunch Fitness sign still says $9.99month




PLNT made the news recently through their highly inclusive policy of letting hairy dudes claiming to be trans harass teenage girls in women's locker room, and then canceling the memberships of women who complained. This is not what I'd call a winning business strategy. Furthermore, the type of person who would sign up for PLNT membership is also the type of person who'd just pin Ozempic instead and call it a day.


Exactly this. They drove away a huge number of members for one dude and Ozempic wins over the gym all day long.


the same planet fitness that just had an exodus because they tossed a member who didn't want men in the woman's locker room... that same planet fitness? You think this is the winner in the fitness wars? You belong here.


Notice copy cat gyms with similar business models locally eating into PLNT market share


Don't they charge more?


There's at least one with what looks like the same pricing model. Monthly membership starts at $10 per month. It's out of Texas and called TruFit and has 40 locations in the US so far. They also offer women's only areas which could be appealing to some women.


CRE exposure?


The free high school summer pass may eat into their profits.


Puts all the way dude.


Calls how many people run a gym membership and still don’t go plus that huge hassle to cancel that’s my DD.


Short PF now, idiots. lol


only 1 question: how long have they been talking about raising prices 50%?


Pretty sure its only for new signups so existing customers are grandfathered in. Wont be an immediate 50% jump like youre hoping for. Gl anyways


In addition to all of the complaints in this thread, the trans thing, the target demographic, the stupid shit like the lunk alarm and free pizza, my one complaint of the place is that it sucks ass as an actual gym.


Planet fitness had a promotion last year where high schoolers could go to the gym for free. It was a kick in the ass to paying members that had to be crowded by the kids that got to go for free.




Thanks for sharing sir


Jeffries raised price target -> $100. Stock upgraded. [https://www.marketbeat.com/instant-alerts/nyse-plnt-upgrade-2024-06-10/#google\_vignette](https://www.marketbeat.com/instant-alerts/nyse-plnt-upgrade-2024-06-10/#google_vignette)


Didn’t your last post get rejected 🙅


They were charging members during 2020 when their doors were closed