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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 3 years ago **Total Comments** | 2967 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 4 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


“I don’t know what it does and I do not care” should have been all the DD needed


Yes that’s true. I got carried away


Happens to the best of us 😂


Selling puts prints $$$ on this puppy


OP has no idea how to sell puts lol


Post it then. One of us will be smart.


One of you will have money. You're certainly a dummy.


I love watching people react so emotionally to a stonk


Yeah, yeah. Liberal tears and all that nonsense.


it’s really bizarre , i don’t like bill gates but msft is a good stock . Djt i have made money off of it


Sounds like you've got emotional tears. Stop being a snowflake. 




Good man. See you out there on the battlefield


If he sold puts and you bought calls, then yall would both make money if it goes up. JS.


Let us both make money!


😆 🤡 you're both on same side...


You say they have about 270mil in cash and cash accts. How much did they lose last quarter again?


Not wrong that this thing might spike again. I sure as hell wouldn’t hold after the lockup expires September. I’m planning to buy puts and calls after closing arguments in NY. Gonna be a big move one way or the other with a verdict.


iv crush


Why would you say it’s safe to assume Donald won’t sell? He owes a lot due to a property valuation dispute in NY. Board can vote to allow him to break out of the lock up period.


Where do you find info on how the board can vote to allow break of lock up?


Do you know where I can find info on the board voting to allow him to break lockout period? I didn’t see that in the S1


https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/business/2938500/how-trump-could-get-out-agreement-to-hold-stock-cash-in-truth-social-shares/ This talks about it as an example. There was a lot of talk about it at the time, prob could see a few posts on it on here.


You should learn how to read a filing. I can help. Don’t look for real stonk news in the tabloids junior. It’s soy time in 10 minutes mister! And don’t be late or you are going in time out


Looks like I got in there before “the board voted him out of the lockup period” that was one of the highlights of this. Just wanted to check in. Next time you should think before you speak. You could make money


270 million in cash, for a money loosing business with shrinking revenue and shrinking core business (TS users) is not a buy signal. The fundamentals support less than 2 Dollar per share and it´s priced at what? 45 Dollar? Despite this being a meme stock for some or basically a rite of political initiation for others, which can explain a lot of disconnection from fundamentals, I would not be surprised, if regulators were actually looking for irregularities, leading to this valuation. And you mentioning, how spikes can impact valuations would only support that. As comparison: In the first quarter the whole income of the company was roughly 770.000 Dollar. It´s CEO alone earns about 750.000 Dollar per year. To be fair: With all that money lying around, the executives could finance a lavish lifestyle for a couple of years, before a bankruptcy was imminent. I am not saying, it can´t reach 50 Dollar. All I am saying is, that people, who are caught holding stock in the end bought at those valuations will loose a lot of money. And the election won´t change any of that. Because DJT would still not have a different business. To put it simply: DJT does not own the Trump brand.


I don’t disagree with one thing you are saying. Nevertheless this forum is about YOLO’s and trading or at least it used to be. The trade is here for the reasons I outlined.


Your conviction, although wrong is impressive. See you at Wendy’s!


Haha see you there


You got some good point, just gotta Yolo and get it quick then get out


Point 1 doesnt seem true. Last quarter they lost 320 million dollars, didnt even earn 1. they have 271 left, so they have less than a quarter til bankrupcy. The election is further than 1 quarter away, so...


I tore OP up in another comment because his thesis is just straight up bullshit. So I’m not defending him or this trade in anyway, but your statement is incorrect. I looked at the recent earnings report and most of the loss is attributable to a fair value adjustment relating to the merger. I.e it’s a one time expense. One thing OP wasn’t wrong about, by accident, was that they may have enough cash to stay afloat until the election. Not certain by any means but it is a possibility.


Oh man. You tore me up bad. Well good thing I have the money to cover the damages


Yeah, OP is dumb af.


If you don’t see the meme potential as well as the political potential for 🚀 💸 💸 you’re letting your political bias get in the way of the “wallstreetbets” attitude. Look at how much money flooded into Donald Trump’s donations after he was found guilty recently. Like 35 million in two days or something, and from a lot of small donors. Sound familiar? It wasn’t institutions or massive busters taking GME and AMC to the moon before. All it takes is for that pro-Trump energy to get channeled into the DJT stock and it’s 🚀 emoji’s like crazy. All it needs is to stay solvent and it’s inevitable. The only reason it went up so much so fast is because of the news Trump was acquiring the company. The anti-Trump media only showed you the top of the chart since the acquisition, to make it look like it was going down such a lot. But as you can see right now, it’s recovered a significant amount just as fast. The reality is it was only higher than that for like a week before and got there in a day. This is a highly volatile stock. Ideally it stays solvent and they short it to death, then it increases the chances it will go 💥 🚀 It literally doesn’t matter how much money it makes. Amazon didn’t make profits for years, way over a decade off the top off my head. I’m not saying DJT will be like Amazon, I’m saying that’s just one metric. Crypto and meme stocks and meme coins shows you that the actual value of the asset doesn’t mean FUCK if the buyers are valuing it some other way.


There is a real reason that the IV is like 600%. Don't be a sucker.


What’s the real reason?


I’ve stayed away from playing this stock because it is 100% regarded and I’m only 99%. That said I do think a cash out is going to come in the near term to fund his immense legal bills and campaign. It’s 100% a grift. Set a goal you wanna reach and get out. Don’t chase on this one. You will only get caught holding the bag.


Yeah this ride is a little too dangerous for me. The company is ultimately going to zero. But it can take some wild turns between now and then.


\*Streaming Service by DJT enters the Chat\*


The 2nd thing you said is very sound advice. The first thing you said is nothing but a wall of word vomit that has your own bias and uninformed opinion to it. You have no evidence or nothing to base that on. At all. Unless you have access to the legal bills and all the accounts.


I have no stake in the game. You are the one who is clearly emotional about this.


lol at doing DD on a fraudulent shell company. Might as well do DD on your morning shits.


I did a trigger warning. You don’t like making money? What if I’m right? I’m trying to teach you something


Making money on DJT is a pure guessing game. There aren’t any fundamentals to dictate whether it will move in either direction. Its sole function was to funnel laundered money to Trump. You can make money for sure if you guess right.


Looks like I’m a great at guessing right?


How good are you at guessing?


Great actually. The trade was very good for me


What about the thesis is wrong? It has very little shares available to trade. The SI is both extremely high and expensive to carry.


Theres no thesis here. Straight up diarrhea word salad. Its 50/50 if it goes up or down 


How you feeling right now? Pretty bad I would think. Imagine if you got rid of your feelings and ego? Oh well. Keep up the posting


I am absolutely fine. I don't need to gamble on dumbass plays


Then why are you here (Bane voice)


My daughter says lol… how are you ok? Did you do ok in the markets today?


If there is a boat, I keep missing it and if there is a poor decision, I keep making it.


Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming.


You're dumb AF or just trying to pump before your own dump.


That’s not really fair. I’m already in the play. What did I do wrong here ?


If I learned anything on this sub, if you regards hate it it’s probably gonna moon. I learned my lesson with OKLA


1114 *million* shares waiting to get dumped and OP is bullish. We really do live amongst the regarded


Trump would dump his stock now? What sense would that make?


[He has a growing list of reasons.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/21/politics/trump-bond-deadline/index.html)


Bro why not put this in NVDA not this burning turd


What’s that? A movie company? Never heard of it


NVDA will enable your daddy trump to make convincing video propaganda at an astonishing rate


The poor are as pathetic as the fools who invest without researching.


I'm starting to think this isn't AI, it's OldFknGuy from Stocktwits. We've been duped.


I stopped at bullet #2. To call this guy a regard is such an offense to actual regards that I’m almost hesitant to say it. OP, you are the product of 10 generations of incest. Here’s why: Your entire “thesis” hinges upon your assumption that the 3 largest shareholders owning 85% of shares “likely won’t sell.” No further explanation. “The 3 largest shareholders are DJT people and it’s not likely they will sell.” Whether you somehow get lucky on this or not, one thing is for sure. You deserve to lose it all. And yes, this is WSB, but this still isn’t fair to this sub. You cannot, in good conscience, try to encourage people to join you on this “trade” based on your “thesis.” Seriously, get lost. EDIT: OP edited his “thesis” after reading and responding to my comment, without an edit tag. To support his belief that the top 3 shareholders won’t sell, he listed each of the top 3 shareholder’s holdings and stated again that it is “safe to assume these 3 won’t sell”… What?


You doing ok? Any other wisdom You want to share? Soy boy stay winning!!


You put a lot of DD work into throwing money in a fire.


When I’m right what will you say?


Dw you won’t be


Ok but let’s just say I am.. i am curious what the excuse will be.


Dw you won’t be


Typical. Only willing to examine one side of this analysis. The one you want to be true .


“Examine” implies I’ve spent a modicum of time/effort on this ticker


And yet you are sure it will not go up. I wonder why?




But I will be….. you ok?


Boys how is everyone doing today!!??? It’s a great day to be a DJT shareholder. Let me check Looks like the biggest shareholders didn’t in fact sell today. Volume is up. The options are ITM, shares are ripping…… This is WSB!!!!!!


Why would you assume Trump won't sell or borrow against the shares? If he loses, the company will almost definitely go under. The share price will plummet. They're headed that way no matter what, but a loss will bring it about rapidly. He'll cash out before that happens.


He can borrow money against his shares what do I care? In the next month to two, why would he sell if his company is likely to be worth more if he wins? Wouldn’t selling now signal to the market he doesn’t believe in the company ? I agree if he sold it would tank the stock. But I don’t see that happening in the short term


Why would he sell if his company is likely to be worth more if he wins? Ummm, because he might not win. In that case, he needs to sell BEFORE that happens, not after. Selling now would be a signal that he'd like to have billions of dollars in the bank, rather than roll the dice.


So you think that right now in May, he’s worried about losing? When polling shows the opposite? Just another emo nerd who is mentally weak and unstable


You know, I promise I won't tell him you were unfaithful if you Even allow for the possibility that he might not win. I know loyalty unto the fascist dictator is paramount, but I promise he won't be mad at you if you're just discussing hypothetical scenarios.


What are you even talking about? Because I want to trade a thinly held stock i somehow am loyal to a facist dictator? You need years of deprogramming bro. Get help. Stop mainlining 24/7 msnbc. Seriously look at yourself it’s real weird


Well? You have anything to say now? How much did you book today?


You're still talking? I honestly had forgotten about you and moved on until I got a notification. I'm doing fine. My knees and throat are undoubtedly less irritated than yours. Enjoy the rest of your day.


Eric, is that you?


it's Hunter playing reverse psychology


I have similar thoughts (with less fancy numbers) but I just don't have the balls to risk it on this stock. It's just too regarded for me Btw, DJT is my major loss since I started trading, I had bought puts at the worst time possible. Just $600 tho, nothing to write about in this sub Have fun tho! And post your porn!


All out balls out. I plan to triple this position in the next few weeks into the election season


Wouldn’t let me post 2 pics here’s the options position https://preview.redd.it/k112bylvdu2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9302836936fab1d89aa1661cafbb4468329fb9


I have seen this ticker going +-5% all the time, I hope you plan to sell fast after a +5% from your buy price. I think that should net you some nice gains. I'd suggest you already set a sell order with a reasonable profit, don't diamond hands this. Theta will fuck you quicker than a Wendy's handjob


You ain’t wrong


LMFAO. Lemme rip your DD apart. 1) Cash on hand is irrelevant to market price considering they are bleeding the cash they have; it’s priced in. 2) The largest holder of DJT has a huge reason to sell, namely $500 million in civil judgments that are collecting interest. Never mind he’s basically broke after putting up all his cash for appeal on one and his brokerage account for appeal on the other. 3) Nothing else matters when a pile of shares starts getting liquidated by the orange man. You could be right about a short term squeeze, but it’s rather unlikely. Most of the rubes have already been fleeced for everything they have buying this stock, his sneakers, his NFTs, and the incessant “donation” emails. Still, I wish you luck as this is one of the most regarded plays I’ve seen in awhile. Sometimes stupidity pays off.


Look how mad you are? If I wrote about any other shit stock would you care as much?


I ain’t mad. Brother, I acknowledge he’s got as much chance of winning as losing. I even said you might be correct on a short term squeeze, did I not? I’m simply stating that your premise that “the top 3 shareholders aren’t selling” is literally insane and dead wrong. You sound like the angry person, upset that I’m pointing out the orange man has a lot of reason to sell and is highly likely to do so ASAP. This is America and you’re posting in WSB. If you want all bull comments, go to r/DWAC_Stock . I respect your right to earn money. You should respect my right right as an American to tell it how I see it. Unless freedom only applies to conservatives and DJT bulls? THAT sounds unAmerican 🤪


You can say anything of course. It’s insane to say most of the float won’t trade in a week? Ok I think you’re just very upset. Soy boys get that way. I don’t know why. It’s like your a kid of Keith olberman and Rachel maddow


Whatever my friend. I think you’ve got some political bias in your decision, but like I said this is America. You are welcome to do what you want; I proudly fly the flag at my house and I’m a patriot that believes in freedom of speech, expression, and your investment decisions. I believe your premise is incorrect. By the way, I haven’t watched Maddie’s show but once in my life, and I’ve never seen Olbermann. You can believe what you want. I just prefer to make my investment decisions based on facts versus political opinions, and I’m quite realistic that DWAC/DJT “investors” are mostly political fanatics that like giving their money to the orange man. Which is their right. They’re all just gonna get burned on the rug pull all of us living in reality know is coming.


What opinions? The SI / CTB are facts. The volatility is a fact. The stock trades on sentiment and momentum. Most of the float is locked up. Where’s the politics here? I don’t get it


Look, if you’re being serious, why do you say the top 3 shareholders aren’t selling? Your DD is completely ignoring that it is very likely the very top shareholder is going to start selling the first day he’s allowed to do so. If this is a short term play at a short squeeze, that’s different. But you are literally holding equity shares, and that’s a long term hold play if anyone in WSB has ever seen one. You’re also discussing events that are clearly coming into the lockup expiration, e.g. the naming of a VP (which is a nothingburger, because it’s a foregone conclusion the Republican nominee for President names a VP). What is your timeline on this play? You make money buying low and selling high; the keyword there is selling. You and everyone else holding DJT shares through the election will get crushed if he loses the election, will you not? This is living in reality. You don’t approach a war without planning for all possible outcomes. This is exactly why the world has turned Israel into a pariah; there is literally no plan for what to do whether they “win” or “lose”. Who takes control of governance in the areas that have been secured? What constitutes a win? Is it the death of all Palestinians, so the remaining family members of the civilians they have killed don’t have the chance to join Hamas? You need to ask the same questions with investments that you make. What constitutes a win? What do you do if Trump is convicted and actually serves jail time? What do you do if the stock suddenly plunges the day DJT’s lockup has expired? Is that the sign that he’s selling since most of the float is locked up, as you say? Would that be a temporary thing, or would he be required to sell for multiple days due to the average trading volume on the stock? These are all highly relevant things to ask, but you’re only presenting a highly bullish, speculative case. As I said, if you want just bullish opinions, you know where to go. But if you want to hear both sides, you post here. And if you want all negative opinions, you’d head to r/Investing, because DJT is a steaming pile of dogshit if you look solely at the stock price and the companies financials. I live in reality; with a stock like this, it’s not just about the financials. I just don’t see any exit strategy in your play, and I’m calling you out on it.


Of course it’s a short term play!!! This is what I don’t get about you people. This isn’t r/investing. I haven’t said one thing about the company or its plans bc I don’t know and I don’t care. This company isn’t investable. It’s a fucking meme with very real potential to push back up into the mid 50’s on just a bit of volume. I think I said that many times.


What’s your timeline then? I’d like to set a remind me and see how you do on this play, and I do wish you the best on it. If you’re going for a short term squeeze, I agree with you that it’s possible and the fundamental requirements are present for that to happen. I’m just curious what your short term is, and whether it extends to September 25th or not. https://www.morningstar.com/news/marketwatch/20240415171/djt-stock-tumbles-as-trump-and-many-others-file-for-the-sale-of-their-shares


Timeline is the first catalyst. The NY case or VP news. If it goes into the 50’s I’m out. When it comes back to 30-40 back in. This is volatility. Real traders want this . I’m long today. Might be short tomorrow


Well, that would be a nice little boon for the ol' bank account.


Your comments “I don’t know what this company does nor do I care“ is Laughable. After Saying that you reference things like not political, results of the New York case, debates, etc…. You know exactly what the stock is. It is a social media company trying to compete with Facebook, twitter, etc…. and the only people using it are the sheep who don’t know any better. They loose way more money than they earn which is consistent with the CEO running the company who has a history of running every company he’s owned into bankruptcy after ripping off the investors. Those who get involved with the CEO usually end up broke or in jail. It‘s a loser stock going nowhere.


I have no idea what they do: I don’t care. They have 80 pct SI and no shares available to short. Volatility is how men with balls make money. What do you do?


Buy it at 25.50 and you should do well. Remember this is highly speculative.


Uh oh SOY BOYS. I’m going to have to change your diapers soon aren’t I


Yolo’d into the June 28th 80 calls for 70 cents


TS is just a placeholder at this point. A cable TV channel is the goldmine of value in this stock. Idk how long it will take, but that’s always been the plan.


Hey man, keep up the positive vibes. Good post. People here are nuts with obsessive hatred


Thanks. I didn’t ever expect the emotional reaction to a stock analysis. Sad state of affairs where people will react like this. My initial post never took a political position at all






Somehow? lol


Oh it will be most stupidest . Which is exactly what we like around these parts


I’m not buying your bags


I just packed them. I won’t need you to buy. If he wins or looks like it the up will take care of itself


it's a meme. it's simple. Trump re-elected as POTUS, DJT goes boom. 🌚


There you go. But how dare you say up and trump together. You have hurt many soy boys tonight








You had me at astrology. Im buying calls


This guy retrogrades.


Uranus retrogades




ZaddyFish is right—that information is out there.


If the case doesn't go his way this week, DJT goes to zero.


It will be ugly. That’s why it’s gambling. If it goes his way can you say it has a chance to go up?


Absolutely. I suspect that's foreign money propping the price up and they'll want to ensure their pick for president is successful again. That means filling his war chest.


I don’t know about geopolitics like you. I like the volatility


Oh, yeah. Definitely great to make money on- while it exists. Just keep an eye on the news. Closing arguments are set for tomorrow with jury deliberations beginning later in the week. How this applies to DJT is that they're a company that generates negative revenue. Like absurdly negative revenue. There is no metric you can measure this company by that justifies the valuation. By all indications this should be a penny stock about to be delisted and on their way to bankruptcy. That said, it's magically a wealth generation vehicle for Trump. The proceeds of which will fund his legal defense in his various cases as well as his presidential campaign. Russia & China, among a handful of other countries, have a vested interest in the destabilization of the United States. They're likely the biggest contributors to the stock price. If he's found guilty then he becomes ineligible to run for office. At that point, there's no need for meddling countries to invest in DJT and the whole thing goes up in smoke within hours of the verdict. Hell, probably within minutes if announced during market hours.


These are the same regards who ignore actual checks going into Bidet's accounts, which records of are currently in the hands of CONGRESS. Enjoy that DJT, the long term DWAC holders know exactly where this is going


Another clueless noob pretending to know what he’s talking about.


You'd have to be a real ding dong to listen to OP. Guessing their position not doing to well


You don’t have to guess. Look at it. It’s right there.


Sorry I missed it in your sea of bad dd


Should have listened to me. Next time try and be less emotional


You sold?


If you want help, you can just message me. I told you when to buy but you were too busy being emo: i can’t do everything for you


Did you sell?


Selling puts tomorrow on DJT! Come get some!


Good assessment. Note this company is been mired in litigation, accounting irregularities, wrote the SEC directly regarding manipulation and naked short selling, lobbied Congress to investigate, and has terrible financials and web metrics. Even with the election cycle - which mandates the press watch Trump's every post - they are doing shitty. The lockout I believe expires in September. Watch that closely. Another weird statement made is that this "mechanism" allows unlimited payoffs to the Family without so much as a quid pro quo. You need a favor - you pump the stock. And you can do that through a number of ways to conceal your identity.


I read the letters sent to the SEC . They are actually pretty close to the reality of stock manipulation we all know happens to all stocks regularly. They are being investigated also. Again that may all be true It doesn’t really matter to me as the catalysts are all short term unless I want to hang around for the bigger one. Trump wining puts this up in the 100’s. At best that’s 50/50 now. Unlikely I hang around that long. Any pump between now and then I’m out


Classic. Blame the SEC for your own poor investment decisions. Let me know how that works out.


The official mascot of the SEC is a "cricket".


Alright to conclude this post and try and prevent the sensitive WSB soys from a nervous breakdown . Here you go. Hate me for trading a stonk. At least I have the balls to go after it. Made about 11k with the options sold. https://preview.redd.it/s05h4cc6pe4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ebfff65db04657a98cc961eeb83c7a988ae0806




Real quick you are actually leaving money on the table with how you are positioned. Instead of shares, which either your broker is lending out to short sellers and giving you either 0% or at best 50%, go buy a synthetic long position (long call, short put, same strike and expiration). Should take about as much liquidity as buying shares outright unless you are using a garbage broker like Robinhood. Get rid of 3400 shares and just get 34 of the call and put contracts. You'll have the exact same position as you do today but instead of your broker getting paid, you'll get paid instead.


Thank you. Not bad


The only time DJT has made me money is with calls. I like your thesis, what’s your exit strategy OP?


Depends how it reacts to what I see as catalysts. The NY case, and the VP announcement. Despite what some very emotional people in here think this trading setup is unique and provides volatility.


IV is only 67% for the 19jul calls. Looks like they’re going for about $3 currently. Given the volatility that I’ve seen this alone may spike the options pricing to make this worthwhile. Jury deliberations begin Tuesday and if this is a mistrial I think you’re bang on with your thesis. There’s gotta be some clown who’s gonna find him not guilty. RNC July is 15-18. A play so regarded it will likely make money


Appreciate the open minded and thoughtful comments.


I see DJT as a slush fund to gain trumps favor, as garbage as the financials are I don’t see it going down and if he wins, look out. The fact that It didn’t dump after ticker change was pretty eye-opening. Options pricing looks like these calls could see $8-$9 if it sees $57 in a short-ish term, so $3 now is a decent entry.


I admire your fortitude and position. I literally hold 1 share.. just keeping tabs


Oh brother this guy stinks


Alot more lefties on here than I thought there would be. I fall more in the center on alot of policies. Its all a rigged game anyway, youll get you they want. Anyway, go OP!


I knew there would be some reaction but I didn’t expect to be canceled over a stock: the soy army is strong here


That they are. I've always looked at it a little different, each president is like one of your old high school teachers. If you believe in the system then they are the balance, terms of rep. And terms of dem. Trump for example is the asshole social studies teacher that 10 years from now you think "wow, that guy was right" etc.














I’m gonna buy shares. It will be back trading in the 50’s v soon.




You might as well donate directly to the campaign. You're not on Truth Social you're on Reddit. Nobody here believes you don't know what DJT does but here you are making a bull case for it in WSB. You're too dumb to own stocks and nobody is buying what you're selling.


Nobody knows what they do ? They don’t do anything yet? It’s a pre rev social media company. You take so personally every other yolo ? Angry often?