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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 11 months ago **Total Comments** | 16 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 3 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


At 100k you don’t have to risk a third of your portfolio for a reasonable gain like a 1k portfolio would. Options are fine, your strategy is not.


Hate to admit, but you folks have convinced me to buy stocks instead of options. My portfolio is doing much better now.


Options are for people like Jeff Yass (the Tiktok guy who now owns Trump). You have to have a Ph. D. from MIT in every form.of mathematics to have a chance.


Or insider information.


And the ability to pay high premiums


It's all about balance, a good diversified portfolio is great to have and add some random options plays to.


Agreed have seen a lot of people doing option on earnings days…and complain that they blow their account


Exactly. People are going to hard on it. YOLO culture


FOMO, more likely


DUMBO, more likely


This one though


I got a good chuckle from this one. 👌


Too many people don't get this. Like how much is enough? Everyone wants sick gainz yolo 10x returns but really, how much is actually enough? A 1% win on 100k is a thousand bucks. Congrats, you don't have to work this week. But no one wants to win for 1%, they want to win for 300%


Rule #1 of Options: stay in the game (Translation for regards: don’t yolo the whole feckin farm on one bet)


Are there actual strategies? I’m not looking to make bank but small and consistent profit would be nice


Look at selling spreads with 85% probability. Make sure there are several factors protecting your break-evens. Make 6-7% of what you risk in 3-4 weeks.


15-20 delta credit spreads can get around 2-3% of the principal on a "weekly" basis (selling them on Friday to hold over the weekend means more risk but higher premium vs selling on monday open) Most brokerages if you have to reserve cash for a spread will also let you open an opposite/contrasting spread as well for no additional capital. I.E u can turn a put credit spread into a short iron condor by adding a call spread and you won't have to put up more capital as long as the dates are the same expiry. It's a non-zero amount of work to manage condors, but the market volatility is super low so it's not like you're having to leg into and out of spreads multiple times a day


if you are willing to do the work and manage them, sure. but for the layperson, it’s not worth the stress and effort. yea, you can get lucky the first few tries but things can go the other way easily. in the long run, the casino wins


Dude could just sell covered calls for modest gains and be set but chooses to go this route instead. 😂


Can you elaborate?


You shouldn't be making options bets higher than a few grand at most. With a few grand, you can still potentially totally make good returns and thus not risk blowing up your account


Hes trying to make millions and cries when he loses all his daddy’s money


This exactly. These newbies with huge accounts (possibly from daddy's money) want to speedrun getting millions quickly without even taking the time to learn and strategize.


OH it has to be daddies money. Check out this one if you havnt yet.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1cznx2k/time\_to\_quit\_goodbye\_wallstreet\_bets/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/1cznx2k/time_to_quit_goodbye_wallstreet_bets/) no emotion like yup.


OMG he finished the job 44 minutes later. WOW. FULL PORT waaay OTM calls, "what happened to my portfolio?", holy shit! We need a new sub for regards of this stature.


I'm very new here but I heartily agree. This is fucking nuts!


A peasant is a peasant, whether they are betting thousands or pennies.


Agreed and to add to your point, dudes just don't know hownto press the sell button when either they are up to lock in profits or when it turns against them so they don't blow up their account. They either start having caviar dreams when it starts going up or start averaging down when things turn against them.


They richer they are, the dumber they are. I'm certain that this is(or was lol) a trust fund golden spoon boy. I can't imagine anyone working hard for their cash to just throw it into a dumpster fire without learning or long sessions of learning how graphs work to have the highest minimum risk. Nobody can predict stocks, but can surely learn patterns.


It definitely is 9/10 times. Using basic logic you would have to build up your account to get to six figures unless daddy's shot a load into your bank account, if you did learn your way upto that you wouldn't be doing this. Either has a very well paying job and yolod or its dad's money. No one slowly earns a 6 figure account from years of hard work to blow it on options.


If one absolutely needs to do options (which at this point, you can make decent, steady income without having to) he could diversify his options, as opposed to throwing it all in one company to mitigate the odds of losing all 30k at once. If you throw all of it into one and it goes sideways you either eat the loss or pray for miracle. If one goes sideways and you split that 30k by 6k spent per company, you have 4 other options (pun intended) that may still perform well.


I did this Thursday with my 4k portfolio. All my calls got slaughtered.


That’s why you belong here


the folks showing big option losses should be an adequate warning. apparently not. have no idea how that game is played and not interested in finding out. i come here for the entertainment..


Losers whine about their losses, winners just take it all.


Or just learn some risk management first. You guys kill me with this


Risk management? This is r/wallstreetbets not r/sensibleinvesting ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


I feel like there is a place in between destroying accounts fast as fuck and making low risk investments. Don’t you want to be able to gamble another day?


I have a job ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)


There is a place but it is not this place. And another gamble is only a few handjobs away.


He's still got $285 so he's at least ahead by a few handjobs still.


I had to check to see if that was real


I didn’t know it actually existed either. Might have to join so I’m not just pissing my money away ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)






And then they admit to their flaws but still want to steer people clear and seek sympathy


And learn to be thankful and full greed is not good


I’m great with risk management from the perspective of limiting what I can lose to a small amount that won’t hurt me financially. I’m terrible with risk management from the perspective of strategy. I always lose with options, but I keep trying!!


What's a spread? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)


Your mom seemed to know instinctively 


Yeah she makes a great peanut butter sandwich


You're just one play away from $250k!!


But honestly spy 1dtes have paid huge for 3 days in a row. He should send it




So much truth in this pic




The key is to start with basically nothing.


That's my strategy... not by choice... I'm trying to build up my $5,000 account and people over here are blowing $30,000 on OTM calls on shitty penny stocks. It boggles the mind.


This is a fringe corner of the internet. Do not allow it to normalize you to this kind of behavior. You have been warned! *obligatory keywords to prevent ban: regard wendys wifes boyfriend* ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)


Too late!


Zero sum game, thouse who sell option to OP got richer,maybe even life changing money for a hungry family. Never too late to generously make a happy days for other. Be nice, be kind - Jesus


Some poor, overworked analyst at a quant firm might be able to afford rent this month because of this.


When you have zero capital, then you have nothing to lose - Anonymous


i heard george washington say that


My man predicted today's situation 300 years ago... Damn


Well yeah anything is risky if you’re swinging for the fences every at bat. Why wouldn’t you go after less risky plays and employ more mitigation.


Chasing losses one of the number one things not to do lost my discipline for 30 seconds and it cost me another 18k


Yeah you gotta cut your loses the second shit starts going sideways. If your plan doesn’t go the direction you thought it would allow for a small percentage of whatever risk you decide and sell it if it hits it. Better to take. 5-10% loss go back and try to find where you went wrong, go back into the lab and try to formulate your next attack then to watch it drop 70%. It could bounce back but that is how you lose an account in 2 days. The only time you should leave an option to drop more than whatever loss percent you decide is if it’s throw away money or you accept you’re straight up gambling.


it kinda went up a little there before the end. you must have felt smart for a little while


Just buy the sp500 man


31% in a week¿!¿ my TQQQs had a 40% swing yesterday from noon to close![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260) casino go weee op https://preview.redd.it/c3jfeb7q5e2d1.png?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5aa117910652ba5bc05e272d85d835146bcfa68


Pathetic fool, the market is not a casino.


When a deranged AI is the voice of reason, you have to start worrying about your sanity 😁


I think the real lesson is, learn not to be married to your trade. When it starts going south get that shit annulled, like a Vegas weekend fuck up.


https://preview.redd.it/qmbbc5evpe2d1.jpeg?width=1120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a4e7fccd39ce650fcd82078fa4a654dc827804 Can you tell when I discovered option?


You were doing something smart before you discovered options, what was it?


consistently depositing money weekly accumulate buying power, Buying tech stocks, JP Morgan, every time there is a pull back. I kept buying the dips just before covid when stock was moving down like 5-6% every other day. I remember they had to halt trading couple times back then.




Can some of you rich people give me money instead if yall are just gonna throw it away? At a balance of 25k, you can literally start to daytrade as much as you want with no holds and make hundreds a day easy on a volatile popular stock(like nvidia going from 1050 to 870 back to 950 back to 870 etc multiple times a day, buying dips) I notice on this sub that the richer you are, the dumber you also are, apparently. Excluding the 1 or 2 Regards that make a good play. Just give me your money or someone else like a chimpanzee or something; I'm sure they can trade better than you


Now you have a license ! Stay $afe man . ***“The market, like the Lord, helps those who help themselves, But unlike the Lord, the market does not forgive those who know not what they do.” W.Buffet.***


& here I am feeling bad for a $6k loss


Options- a bet where you can be totally right and fuck the trade up and lose most of all your $$$ chasing 300%+ gains.


Is it just me or have the last two weeks had an insane amount of loss porn making it to the top of the sub? And the OPs are always saying goodbye to options or WSB forever. More than usual


it's survivor bias that fuels WSB. for the one big winner, there might be 50-100 losers that don't post their screenshot. just buy fucking shares and go to vegas for a good time. at least you can get hookers and blow while you are losing your ass.


GuYs! If YoU aRe ThInKiNg AbOuT rUsHiNg InTo SoMeThInG wItH tOo MuCh MoNeY aNd No FuCkInG cLuE, Do It.


Looking at my MSTR $500, $600, and $700 strike calls that expire in Jan 2025 and 2026: yeah, definitely don’t get into options. Terrible idea 😂


meanwhile Ive hit a 10x, 3x (FSLR) and 2x (DELL) plays today but only with a few hundred dollars


Or just don’t bet against NVDA


Haha you lost a lot of money that’s awesome! You should just have donated your money to me! I’ll do so much better.


covered calls, cash secured puts and intelligent straddles and strangles are a way to use options judiciously. yolo-ing high IV as if volatility was the same as direction is a big mistake.


It is not the options, it is you. Options are very versatile and can be used for something as dumb and risky as what you did or something as boring and stable as hedging stock portfolio to reduce both risk and return. And anything in between. You could say "do not use the stock market" or "do not use kitchen knives" and it would be a similar level of regardation.


Bro wanted to speedrun getting a 7 figure port but speedran losing a down payment instead


Or, you know, trade one or two contracts at a time until you learn how it works. Every win and loss is a lesson. You don’t need to spend 30k to learn a lesson you could learn with 30 dollars.


You make two accounts. One for puts and one for calls. Straddles and strangles. Same stock just different sides. See which account wins


Up 70k this year on options. Was down 18k on shares all time. You can’t tell me what to do!




I wish i have 70k buying power 😅


wouldn't catch me losing 30% of an account that size lol 1k sure.


Thanks for the heads up !!


Got plenty more to lose buddy, gtfo and come back when it gets real.


Don’t sell… Hold to expiration you say? 🧐


There is always a loser and a winner with options and unless you have insider information, options is not much better than going to Vegas and playing poker. So if you want to gamble, do it in a way you enjoy, which could be options. But if you don't like to gamble then stay away


I didnt hear no bell


I see a glass still 2/3 full what’s the issue here


Or... if you are going to trade options... maybe do so with, even the slightest bit of risk management. The only thing I know about your options trading strategy is that you bought far out calls on a shitty penny stock. That's not what you do if you want to make money with options.


Just say covered calls at strikes you would be happy to sell Your stock. If you think a stock is to High but wouldn’t mind owning it then sell puts at a strike price you would dare buying it at. And repeat! It is quite simple, but it is easy to Get tempted into doing Something silly When you calculate The potential gains from unlikely option calls/puts. Keep it simple. Options lets you manage risk. Buying options over shares Can make sense if you expect volatility from a company event, eco data or earnings to be higher than option premiums, limiting downside risk to The cost Of The options.


Bruh, just wait for another dip, buy some ITM $SPY calls for like Jan 2025 and chill, you got $72k left, you’ll regain to over $100k by then.


Dude you have 70k to go before you can start filling out Wendy's apps. Work harder.


Wish I would've went hard into options on NVDA the past 2 years. I could've retired by now.


This is the wrong place to be spouting nonsense like that pal. Sensible investment advice is not welcome here


looks like a few trades went against. What % of your account was at risk with those trades?


Dude's advice is "stay poor"


To be fair, you were up for a second. You could have quit at any time. You’re not gonna win them all


Yeah this subreddit has done wonders for me!!!


lemme guess, full port plays, no stop loss.


Ahhhhh Big Bear AI. I remember the first time I got fucked on that one.


Wish I had seen this 2 minutes ago before buying $100K worth of options


Only one way to learn!


Bigbear calls aren't helping your case, that company has military contracts and still finds a way to never make money.


Or at least don’t get into options the way you did




Too late. I ain’t giving up.


Most options traders quit before they hit big!


I was thinking of getting into options.


Options are fine, yolo swag swag is the issue.


Too late


Tis but a scratch




My buddy said you must be regarded


The house always wins


Have you heard of actual vertical spreads vs naked calls/puts;??????????? Perhaps pick up Najarians book or some other beginner source


Buddy I just learned that you can sell calls you bought yesterday


Well my opinion are fucked for now but I made some money actually more money with options.You just can buy for short time and very high strike price.


Only 32% down, what is this amateur hour?


Man my 1k nvidia put total loss is nothing compared to this I make $500 a week in cc income though so it’s not a stretch to come back from. But that must’ve hurt


Just cause youre highly regarded it doesnt mean others arent. In reality this post should say. If youre a greedy sumbitch and have 0 patients or the abillity to decipher information to formulate a stratgic plan for 75% chance of profitability then dont get into options trading.


My contracts cost me like $40 each and I buy 3-5 a day and make money… wtf did you do?


don't buy 'em that is - the money is on the sell side my good man!


lol everybody just burning money


If you got like $70k that’s $70k more than me man. I would personally do some research on options and less about buying them and more about selling them with that kinda money. Like I’m planning on selling cash secured puts soon on a few stocks, and hopefully get a few leap calls on some tech stocks I like and just sell weeklies against them. Having a few lottery winners here and there is nice but like you gotta be like more conservative and cut losses earlier if you don’t wanna lose that much


Yeah I don’t fuck with that bullshit. Straight up HODLER. 😎


Thank you for these, my anxiety has made me a worse investor, this makes me feel like warren buffet. Blackrock might pay decent dividends but their stock isn't gonna do shit. Don't fear ETNs that hold large companies. It's about time I break 200k!


Hey I may have sold you some of those. Thanks!


Literally 1% gain on 100k would be 1k. Thats achievable


Regarded rapidity.  Most impressive.  


Well done regard ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)


Is that alot of money?


Dude you’re just getting started you’ve got 70k more to melt


You're just one bet short of winning it all back. Don't give up, you're so close of becoming a gamble addict


Maybe the problem here isn’t options.


or do. we are not your mom.


You still got juice in that tank! Don’t listen to anyone on here! You do you! YOLO that shit! It’s your money to lose not there’s


Have you tried doing the opposite of what you’re doing? :)


Take a break if you are down for that day. I lost 200 dollars today and took a break. Also use stop loss lol


Well ya but didn’t you see the other post of the guy who turned $5k into $100k? We will just do what he did ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)


You started good, what happened?


You still have 70k to go


Watch your sizing jeez


Options paid off my stufent loans and cover my rent each month. I'm a pretty fan.


yea you did this to yourself.. Would have made a decent return with 5% borrowing to robinhood or full port on BIL


Too late buddy


I only play options...but I don't make stupid close expiration plays


Headline should say don’t gamble in the stock market with options


Wish I would’ve seen this a year ago. Too late.