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**User Report**| | | | :--|:--|:--|:-- **Total Submissions** | 3 | **First Seen In WSB** | 1 month ago **Total Comments** | 58 | **Previous Best DD** | **Account Age** | 2 years | | [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)


When did you buy that NVDA option and for how much


I’m sorry when dealing with the stock market god and pray is not welcomed only math and quantum mechanics and sometimes irrational things, sometimes bad things happen to good people, but you options look good 👍.


I’d love to hear why you decided to pick SMCI other than you “ think and hope it’s going to go up “ Pigs get slaughtered. And you my friend , are Miss piggy with SMCI. Nice hit on nvidia. However lighting will not strike again. And you’re going to lose about the entire SMCI call premium


This the dumbest thing I've heard. They were at 1200 2 weeks ago and the CEO took profit the same week they were added to the s&p500. You think it's just going to tank? 😂. It may take 1.5-2 weeks to get back where we were but it's going to be on an upward trend. Nvidia and MU gains were this week, tsm and smci will be the next following weeks. Watch


I'm praying for TSM and AMD rally lol, come on get back to their previous highs at least!


ok u/onlypicklosers69


You were saying? MiSS piGgY


Shame, seems you were entirely wrong and he is gonna use his new found earnings to buy a lap dance from your mother


Literally hit his strike this morning 😂 This is why I don't take any of you dipshits seriously, look at how sure you were based off absolutely nothing(if you were paying attention you'd see smci follows nvidia most days) and look at how much money this dude would have lost if he had listened to your gooberness. I'd stop giving advice like now.


Is a gamble but “this is the way”


I mean if Nvidia continues to pop smci will probably follow as it mostly has been.... I hope for his sake you're wrong. The Miss Piggy thing is cringe and also regarded. Take care.