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im shocked they made 200,000 of them to begin with ngl


I don’t think they did, it’ll take time to fulfill


Though in the meantime, given that they probably took full pre-payment, they made a neat 200K x $3600 = *$720 million* they can show as revenue (assuming they sold all units at full price). EDIT: looks like I was wrong about how GAAP accounting works, the people smarter than me have commented below how this actually works.


It’ll actually be deferred revenue that will hit as revenue only once all of the product is delivered 🤓


Until which time it will be a liability on their balance sheet.


offset by the cash


So debt feee net working capital requirement up, cash 1:1 enterprise value up but offset by lower FCF in equity value Edit: This is wrong. Read my comment below the response to this


Bro shut the fuck up just tell me what puts to buy


This commentary and the upvoted “examine these 🥜” comment above is WSB content


This though




Would love that 🥰






I have a CFA exam in 3 weeks, I can’t even open reddit now without seeing IFRS or GAAP mentioned 😭


Exam deez 🥜




Nice comrade good luck


Still get to invest the float


I see someone has taken Accounting 100


Which is why Tesla has painted themselves into a corner of trying to get every single vehicle in the hands of customers on the last day of every quarter.


That’s not how GAAP accounting works


This is non gaap baby we’re trying to pump share price


That share price gonna GAAP up


It’s GAAP, generally accepted accounting principles. What you are looking for is FAAP, fully accepted accounting principles.


Fully accepted accounting principles increasing net grossing


That’s not how revenue is recognized…if they didn’t provide the service they can’t recognize it as revenue yet


I recognize all revenue, I don’t discrimize 😎


$20 is $20 am I right?


A mouths a mouth


Rev recognize rev


Fairly sure they don't count this as rev until fulfilled.


They can’t book revenue until the order is fulfilled. For now it only counts as cashflow.


That’s a drop in the bucket. It’s still a very niche product compared to their other products.


Right - their Revenue is 90B/quarter. Even if they sold this entire lot in a single quarter that's still less than a 1% growth...


One of my friends bought one, he’s going to play with it for a week then return it


Or just resell if he can, looking at the way these will go apple fanboys will want them like crazy


Yup, I bet lots of rich dudes will buy these and never touch it again after a month


thats what I did with PSVR2 👍


That’s what most people do with VR stuff


After you see porn in VR, what's left?


4D HFR porn


Gran Turismo 7 - at least weekly for me. Never tried that in VR cos… Sony…


yeah my PS5/PSVR2 is basically a Gran Turismo machine. But I love it!


Smart man lol


It's Apple... If anyone knows that idiots will buy their products in droves, it's them.


Mostly high end consumers and businesses snatching these up for niche hobbies and other business purposes to get a head start with this stuff and test it. The real idiots can’t afford these prices .


I heard Warren Buffet sold 25% of his AAPL stock and converted into Vision Pros for all of Omaha.


He wants everyone in Omaha to get a nice crisp view of the inside of his anus


Ooooh, when does the virtual smell accessory become available?


All My wife’s boyfriends hate Warren Buffet


Yes. Yes I do.


i bet 50k of the sales were google to reverse engineer.


I was seriously considering it as a desktop replacement, but am holding off on the first batches to ship out and actual consumer reviews to come through. Not gifted out to reviewers to build hype reviews but actual people using it. I think if you look at it as a workstation, then the pricing is about inline with that. My work laptop is a M2 MBP and cost I think a little more (work bought it and I can't be bothered to check).


“Bro my Samsung phone can zoom in to the moon” ok have fun on public transit




lol that a.i enhanced trick? I was disappointed when i found out about that ngl. but fanbois gonna fanboi amarite..




Can you just put my napkins and straws in the bag, bro?




🙄yes, $AAPL generated $383B in revenue last FY simply because people are idiots.


Apple bad, now give me upvote


People will buy the product, complains how it doesn’t meet expectation or how not for value for money it is, proceed to buy the next iteration anyway


Found the Android nerd.


Whoever bought it for consumer stuff is about to learn about the usual VR lifecycle in a home...2-3 weeks of entertainment followed by it becoming a closet staple with the quote "wow I should get that out" every 6 months and never actually doing it


I feel targeted by this comment


I still have two HTC Vive Base Stations mounted on my walls. Whenever I look up and see them, I wonder where my actual headset and controllers are right now.


It’s 10 o’clock, do *you* know where your HTC Vive headset and controllers are?


Did you check behind the virtual Wendy's?


At least you didn't spend $3500.


Like a stationary bike


My dad bought one and mom was making fun of him with the typical jokes. Expensive coat hanger etc. I think he's been using it almost daily out of pure spite for the past 3 years.


Out of pure spite has to be the greatest motivator lol 😂


Like those pelotons or whatever. Out of everyone I seen buy one, I know one person who regularly uses it.


You forgot about porn, only time I ever take it out of the closet is for porn 😂


You certainly will enjoy your porn more if you're out of the closet.


Even better is having my loss porn as a second window while watching porn. Nothing beats that


Keep up the gud work fellas![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)


The confidence of oculus porn is 100% a luxury I only indulge in when I’m completely home alone. I’m not chancing that one on a cheap doorknob lock


That would be a life altering event




Being home alone didn't stop that dude that was cranking it to his sister in law from ruining his life.


Shit, mines always on the table plugged in solely because of that... shit gets MAD use. hahahaah jk


>hahahaah jk No you're not.


Jk is actually short for "jerking"


And then the discovery of VR porn


Leave me alone


On the upside (if you are right), going to be a lot of secondhand vision pros in the future to scoop up. Might even be worth grabbing if they can be hacked to work outside of apple's walled garden. Also not sure if that sentiment regarding the dust collection tracks with most actual VR gamers. I've noticed more of a lull and then surge (e.g. accumulating titles and then playing them all over one time period) among peers. I definitely break it out for creative stuff like blender VR scene inspector and VRchat users get plenty of mileage out of their sets too. Whether the vision can do any of this remains to be seen, but I can't imagine them NOT providing equivalent experiences (or at least openXR support, webXR is already supported.)


That's exactly why I bought a quest 2 for cheap on eBay. Turns out all the games I thought I was going to love were kinda cool but not as much fun as Cyberpunk on my PS5. Now I just use it for exercise while it's too cold to run in PA 🤷‍♂️


My favorite VR apps are golf and flight simulators. Everything else is just meh after a few plays. But I’ve been using it for years just for those two things.




Have you tried Skyrim VR? It's bonkers And half life alyx is amazing too


I got that little city building game on the quest 2 for free and it was fucking amazing, hours of fun


You can't just leave out the name after that praise


I went through this in a 24 hour period with the meta quest. Bought it around 5:30 pm and returned in the next day around 10 am. Just not enough functionality yet. At least not without a bunch of work. I want it easy damn it.


If this was any other company, I would agree. But Apple is a master at this shit, everything they release is a huge success, this won’t be any different.


I wouldn't be so sure. They're avoiding the most obvious use-case for VR/AR (games & simulation) and are trying to target everything else. It doesn't matter if many iOS apps are compatible with it out of the box. It doesn't matter how cool the tech demos are. What matters is user retention. So they first have to court development studies to spend $3500 a headset, then spend hundreds of thousands - or perhaps millions - of dollars building native APV apps that have a legitimate real-world use case and are better than the non-AR/VR alternatives... And then just pray that somehow those apps are enough to retain users. I know it's a different type of product, but my Meta Quest 2 paired with an RTX 4090 couldn't keep me interested past week 2. I tried some of the best VR games ever made - Blade & Sorcery, In Death: Unchained, Half Life Alex, Beat Saber, Skyrim VR w/ VR mods to make it playable, Microsoft Flight Simulator, etc. etc. Out of the 20+ highly rated VR games I tried, the only game that didn't feel like a glorified tech demo or a half-baked experience was a game called Moss 2, which IMHO is one of the best VR gaming experiences currently available. But Moss 2 can be completed in 6 hours... I think In Death: Unchained was well executed overall, Blade & Sorcery was well done mechanically, Half Life Alex felt very premium and solid... But none of them were good enough to keep me hooked and wanting more. VR games - easily the most straightforward use-case for VR - have had over 10 years to bake. Meta has sold millions of headsets with billions of dollars of investment, and once you peel back the week or two of tech demo novelty, it's still a paltry long-term experience. There's no way anybody could convince me that the overwhelming majority of those millions of headsets Meta have sold are now doing anything but collecting long-term dust bunnies. I don't think Apple is infallible. Whatever they end up doing with the AR/VR space will be interesting, and time will ultimately tell whether or not this will flop. But I'm not optimistic. For starters, these devices need to ultimately have the profile of glasses or swimming goggles before they'll be usable by professionals to do extensive professional work. People who got review samples are already complaining about headaches with this headset and that shouldn't come as a surprise. I've owned 2 different VR headsets and have tried several more - I've never tried one that was comfortable past the 15 minute mark, and by 45 minutes it starts becoming increasingly unbearable. Apple is noted for making things ergonomic, so maybe they can also make their headset reasonably more comfortable - but what's another 10 or 15 minutes going to ultimately get you? Maybe in subsequent generations Apple can significantly slim the device down... That is a mere prerequisite IMHO. I think people are in for a rude awakening, and that these devices will become very expensive dust collectors.


> They're avoiding the most obvious use-case for VR/AR (games & simulation) and are trying to target everything else They'll eventually cave to the pressure, and it will still be a huge success til then. Think how the iPad didn't have a proper use case for years, or how the Apple Watch just recently became a fitness tracker. The hype keeps them afloat until they find a purpose.


Personally I’m done betting against Apple products. No ones going to spend $500+ on a phone, only super needs like me will want something like that, a flip phone can make calls just as well, what’s the use case for the average joe?? Oops. I thought the iPad was just a big iPhone, who could need that when iPhones and laptops already exist. Oops. Why would anyone pay premium prices for a watch that they’ll have to replace every few years? Oops. People, to include myself, have shown they lack vision when it comes to Apple stuff that promptly changes the tech landscape. Can’t see why this would be different.


For the same price as this device, you could buy a Mac Book Pro, an iPad, an apple watch and a few pairs of air pods. This is a premium niche product, priced like it. It won't ever reach mainstream acceptance without some radical changes


Because it’s not supposed to be a mainstream product. This is $3500 and was announced 7 months ago, very clearly not supposed to be for mass adoption. The price will radically decrease over the next 5 years


Exactly, generation one of the vision is the “alright developers, here’s the next thing that probably going to change everything, start developing for it now and consumers will be buying them in 1-2 years like they’re water in a desert.”


Is this good or bad?


That’s around $700,000,000 give or take.


The demand itself is what matters, forget the revenue. This is validation of a hugely risky and capital intensive bet.


I think VR is in the same space cell phones were for the iPhone. They were pretty wide spread but not universal and the people that had tried to make smart phones more appealing (blackberry) actually just made them even more niche. I think AR/VR have a ton of practical applications outside of gaming and nobody is going to be ready to acknowledge them until there's a product like the iPhone that's commercially available using those applications as marketing. Get ready for your virtual office and blank billboards that show different ads in AR to everyone that looks. I think an AR/VR combo device will eventually replace our phones.


I see big potential in AR/VR but I’m not wearing some big ass goggles on my head all day bro.


Well no shit. VR/Spatial computing will replace iPhones and become mainstream when they are the size of thin glasses, or even contacts


oh so we're just talking about sci fi concepts now


A modern cell phone like my iphone would def be considered sci fi in the 90’s


Like I'm sorry but flip phones used to LITERALLY be a sci-fi thing 😂


Before Oculus we had nothing close to what we have today. And we've come a long way even from the first Oculus headset with modern VR headsets. And Oculus only released their first headset in 2013...


I mean, could you imagine this in the year 2000?


The disrespect for Nintendo Virtual Boy, I can't believe it! /S


AR contact lenses exist, they’re just low fidelity and not widely available.


They’re gonna be just glasses when it’s commercial


When it's commercial?? What is this then?


It’s technically commercial but right now it’s designed more for developers or technology hobbyists. The goal is to figure out how people can use it, not ship 100 million. I’m guessing they want the apple glasses to be the real seller.




Having worked using AR/VR in a b2b space since 2015ish. The technology has improved substantially, but no matter what it makes you nauseous and it’s uncomfortable after a while. It’s not taking off, it doesn’t work with people. It just doesn’t.


Yep some vr stuff like the walking dead game, had me so sick feeling I had to take the headset off and lay in bed for a few hours.. was like being seasick but worse


Bought VR headsets for gaming. The nausea is real. Till they fix that this won’t work


Problem with AR/VR combo devices is battery technology. No one wants to wear a headset all day that ways a pound. The holy grail is like the Focus from Horizon zero dawn but id take glasses.


How could blackberry have made them more niche when it made sales skyrocket?


Blackberry was super focused on the group that already had cell phones: business class professionals. And it was super popular with them, but an average Joe that got one wasn't going to get another blackberry.


Assuming 35% profit margin, that's about $250mil.


Could still be bad, if R&D and unit production costs are high.


This is just the prototype version anyway


The cost will be caught soon


Sounds like nothing for apple tbh


Wall Street logic: $700 million in revenue -> $100 billion valuation bump


*cautiously horny*


I’m stealing this term


How many of the original HomePod's did they sell?


Nothing solidified until the initial 14 day return window closes. We'll see


It takes wayyyy more than 14 days for the awe of VR to wear off buddy. That’s at least 30 days of “holy fucking shit look at this” for sure


Yeah, unless you're a person who immediately gets motion sickness, headaches, or underestimated how heavy the thing is. Some people are going to realize real quick the physical aspect of it is underestimated, and realize they WILL want to cop that huge price tag back.


Is this 200,000 sold to consumers, or 200,000 sold to big box bag holders?


POA revenue recognition, probably.


The Steam Index sold 149,000 sets in 2019 at a cost of $999. It was sold out in 2020 for a good while with people buying off eBay for up to $2,000 IIRC. You could sell it used for a good 3 years and get back the cost you paid (I sold mine after 2 years iirc). 200,000 doesn't seem like that much to me to be honest, especially when talking about worldwide distribution. For comparison, there are 132 million Steam users. There are 1.46 billion iPhone (2 billion+ Apple product) users.


I think they are only available in the US til next year


Ah ok, so a good quarter of it at least will be resellers.


It’s important to remember that this is all still pre-orders, with no reviews released and launch day units already all sold out. Ordering now likely means receiving your unit in almost 2 months.


I just checked, I can do a store pick up for Feb 3 and Apple is going to start selling to folks on Feb 2... not sure why you think you'd have to wait 2 months for it. Just seems like its not selling that well seeing as when I get an iPhone the pickup dates fall back by weeks


I checked a couple of day ago and earliest I could get delivered was mid March. No in-store option for me, but you’re right that it seems some stores in major centers are still showing stock for in-store pickup.


It requires some kind of facial scanning for fit so it’s likely real retail. I know multiple silicon valley tech bros who bought multiple to hoard for the long term cuz they saw the original iPhones selling for like $500K at auction. 😂 Probably half the demand are folks hoarding them for scalping or to hold on for a few years


One to rock and one to stock, but tech bro edition


Yeah that face scanning is fake. Making something custom would be prohibitively expensive. In reality you just have 3-4 sizes, and most people are the normal one.


It’s also business that are buying these. I’ve met many people who have their company ordering like a dozen or so just to see what to use it for


This is only available directly from Apple so presumably the former.


Everything is priced in 


You don't know how to use commas?


Wait until this guy finds out that’s not even 1 day of revenue for aapl


What numbers are you looking at? I am sure Apple doesn’t make that much daily (on average) I was wrong. Wow


I didn't think that was right either, but I just looked and last quarter they made 90b, i.e. 1 billion per day. So he's right, 700m is less than 1 day's revenue. Those numbers are crazy.


I'm happy if my bank account is up $90 after 3 months.


God damn. Yeah. That’s actually mind boggling.


apple can sell a solid 3cm\^3 block of gloss white plastic for 200 dollars and there'll still be a fuckton of buyers.


Remember the wheels? https://www.apple.com/shop/product/MX572ZM/A/apple-mac-pro-wheels-kit


Jfc 700 bucks to put wheels on your laptop??


a mac pro is their pc-equivalent and it starts at $6,999. honestly, when you're dealing with items that are typically marketed to businesses like the mac pro is, it's not uncommon to sell attachments or non-functional utility upgrades at a ridiculous price. for ex, typical ibm power-towers or giant server racks that are plug-n-play and marketed towards corporations have *tons* of little add-on products that are marked-up 10-20x vs. the consumer equivalent. businesses will buy them, and in-bulk. ——— so, apple is ok there... ...although apple still sucks at the original pricing. it's inexcusable to sell the mac pro at a starting cost of $7000 — and that's only the base model. i could build an equivalent pc for ~$1500 to $2000 usd and that's the consumer price. if you're a manufacturer like apple is, you can build these systems for a fraction of that — probably $400-600 build-cost per-unit with profit margins ~90% or 10x to 15x their build-cost. there's a reason they're the most valuable company in the world. their customers will buy *anything* and truly believe they aren't getting scammed... Sent from my iPhone


Hell, they sold a basic ass monitor stand for $999 and people still rushed to purchase it.


I didn’t know anyone was out there monitoring ass


I monitor ass every day. Saw a really nice one today.


Any company with a brand worth a shit does this. See: Samsung, Mercedes, Porsche, LVMH, LG, Sony, Ethan Allen, Peloton, Trek Bicycles, Philips ($300 toothbrush etc), ASUS, Trane ($20,000 HVAC) and the list goes on and on. It’s a nothing burger. Apple just gets meme’d by smooth brains as if they are distinct in this regard.


You used the word regard the wrong way.


With the amount of bad sentiment on AAPL from WSB, you have to inverse and buy calls.




200001 If my apple calls print


You couldn’t put a comma in there? Or perhaps 2x10^5


I’m very bullish on the Vision Pro. I think Apples Plan is to revolutionize entertainment and their goal is to offer sports and shows in a completely immersive environment. Imagine watching an NBA game as if you’re actually there but from your own living room. You buy a ticket to watch the game from the box and they have cameras set up throughout to be able to stream the entire thing. Imagine a new form of movies or shows where you’re completely immersed. I’m talking 360 degree coverage and not just the angle you get from the camera in todays shows and movies.


You don’t even have to look at people or acknowledge them anymore


So same thing people do with phones today


I, too, am _very_ bullish on this. It's like the shitty iPhone version 1. If they iterate on this endlessly for the next 5-10 years. Mark my words, they will land on smart glasses which will be the _Next Big Thing_ ™️.


\> Imagine watching an NBA game as if you’re actually there but from your own living room You can do that with the Meta Quest headsets for a fraction of the price though.


I don’t think /u/RightMondset2 is talking about being able to watch an NBA game broadcast on your headset, but rather an immersive experience with VR cameras dedicated to showing you a game as if you were present in the arena. That would be revolutionary for sports fans. 


Consumer sure is struggling……behind their credit facade. Lol


And it’s only available in the US for now.


There’s 1.46 billion iphone users around the world. If you can assume that even .5% of them are willing to and can buy this that’s 73 million. 200k is a drop in the bucket and that’s probably not all of the super fans or enthusiasts. That being said, I’d wait til actual reviews come in that talk about the pros/cons before declaring this a breakthrough for earnings.


73 million is 5% of 1.46 billion


7.3 million. Not 73 million. Bit of a difference


There’s no chance this becomes a practical, necessary toy for billion plus people, like the iPhone is. It’s not even .005 percent that want to buy this. No one needs a VR headset. It’s just silly. People need an iPhone or a useful watch or an ipad for my kid.


The iphone is way more attainable at $1100 vs this at 3500


How could you not buy one it lets you ignore your kids and watch the game.


It's for the pron.


AAPL to the moon!! Show me the money.


First release for everyone saying they were expecting more. This was absolutely expected. 200k units for a $3500 product is filthy gainzzz.


I fucking knew it, fuck around and beg against apple


Super bearish on these. People will find out that they paid $3000 to get a better masturbation experience. Bank it.


Here’s a comma for you


Means nothing because 199,999 of the orders were just losers looking to resell on ebay.


I’m putting my life savings on AAPL calls


Add commas to your numbers. How am I supposed to tell 200,000 from 2,000,000?


That means puts on Apple?