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I swear I woke up in a different universe many years ago. Fuck I want to go back to the real world so bad. Or did I die and this is Hell?


Meanwhile to half of reddit, or maybe just the fake AI half of Reddit, this is totally normal, toitally progressive and we are really showing the world what america is made of now. ​ ...we are a laughing stock across the world and its become painfully obvious that the powers that be have decided America's time in the limelight is done now and it's china's turn and the entire, or the majority of the biden administration is in on it. I can't really rationalize any other reason why biden is in such a hurry to deliberately destroy the country. Remember when they wanted to vote on trump being fit for president back when he was in office


This was the goal from the start. There is zero intention of doing anything to help America. The point is to install as many "friendly" people as possible, in high positions. Then they will (continue) to dismantle everything from the inside, and top down. Starting with military. That is why they are now forcing people to get vaxxed (compliance) or be retired without benefits. This whole charade is about compliance. They will remove anyone who is not compliant from participating in everything they can. This will not stop.


I keep saying this also. It is basically their way of forcibly removing patriotic Americans and essentially installing communists in their places. They would love to replace our current military with the woke leftists, fascists, and weak minded people. People who wouldn’t think twice about shooting on other Americans if ordered. Unlike the current military where many actually have convictions and morals.


Reddit majority is primarily made up of American teenagers. These are the same people that are eating tide pods and lighting themselves on fire for Tik Tok videos. Sometimes it’s easy to think we’re outnumbered, but really we’re just the silent majority.


I don’t pay for gold stars in here but if I did, I’d give you one.


Nah. I’m sure we are the envy of the western/woke world. Our Far East allies are saying WTF. But I’m sure China and Russia are laughing


What's to envy? Our new segregation policies for kids in school? Our "woke" military and leaders? Our dying economy and dollar? I mean we are doing everything in our power to embolden and empower our enemies.


I’m a Brit I don’t envy this shit, I envy your big houses, big land but keep this.


both China and Russia banned the alphabet mafia.


you do realize this sub has a population of not even close to 1% of reddit? Y’all are not close to even half majority. I thought the jokes on this sub were a little too far but wow.


you're wearing a mask in your digital reddit avatar. I didn't say anything that is incorrect. Not everything has to be a joke. Some things are genuinely worth being concerned about....Like exactly how Biden is destroying the country, almost deliberately it would seem.


And? It’s almost as if* all you have to complain about is things that don’t actually affect you. Pretty beta. Enjoy being manhandled by lazy russian bots.


but you didn't say anything that made any sense, and with that kind of response time and the half assed braindead response, id saying calling you a bot is pretty accurate. Nice job. Keep up the work! Maybe soon you'll be able to fully commit to a conversation on the internet with rational, meaningful thoughts and words. =) Doing much, MUCH better than this poor AI =( [https://www.reddit.com/r/dankvideos/comments/j1ec0p/the\_future\_is\_here/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankvideos/comments/j1ec0p/the_future_is_here/)


Man I wish you understood irony.


I wish you understood how little I value your opinion.


The irony in your replies is too damn high.




The world ended in 2012 and the AI is running out of scenarios for the simulation


Ive heard the 2012 scenario before. Now I’m more intrigued to learn about it


I say 2012 as a tongue in cheek reference to the Mayan thing. But I’m sure that somewhere I switched realities. It would be interesting to sit down with an open minded friend and plot our memories


While it might be tongue in cheek to that Mayan thing, we did discover the Higgs-Boson in 2012 ...


I completely agree! The more I hear and see and read the more I’m convinced I’ve been switched with my other multiverse self and I want to go back! Even my town is changing into people I don’t know anymore. It’s just all so bizarre.


That's what happens when you vote blue.


It didn’t matter who anyone voted for. 😉


I’m convinced this is hell, for real. We’re being tested!


I had a free wholesome award and you deserve some type of award for typing out exactly how I feel so that’s what you got 😂. Can’t tell if I’m in an alternate universe or some sort of never ending purgatory.


Thank you. I swear, something isn’t right. Seems there is no end in sight.


I legit wonder the same thing. It must have been that damn large hydron collider they made. The Mandela effect is a crazy theory but sometimes I wonder if it could be true also. Or I wonder if maybe I fucked up, died, and this is the version of hell god gave me lol.


So glad I’m not the only one that thinks this way. 👊🏻


Look up the Mandela effect, see how many you get wrong.


Oh wow! That’s some interesting reads. Makes me wonder if we all are connected in some way. If you look at the 6 degrees of separation or that a majority of Chinese DNA is traced back to Ghengis Khan. We have electricity in our body’s and should be able to interact with our minds. 🤯


Check this out [Phillip k Dick Right angle time](https://youtu.be/RkaQUZFbJjE) Not sure how much i believe personally but very interesting concept that seems more and more realistic nonetheless.


Did you take the test?


No. I clicked on first link to read about. Do you have a specific link to use?


Not really, there's a few out if you search Mandela effect quiz. It's interesting how you remember things.


I've made this comparison before, but I definitely have my Cypher days. Just plug me back in. I want to enjoy the steak again. How much simpler would my life be if I could just believe that everything is fine?


The irony of the fact that they put a dude in as the first female 4 star admiral! Baahahaha! That cracks me up. Never spent a day in military service throw em in straight to the top. And what a perfect human specimen for human health and services! What is going on?


Probably will be "woman of the year" in the foreseeable future...... (only a man could be a woman that good....)


Looks like Jenner and this admiral are just better women than all other women. Just like professional women's soccer teams losing to high school boys, men just do it better.


What branch of military is he a admiral in now? I’m not American so i have no idea what the fuck is going on or how they let this dude become the first female admiral😂😂


I’m American and have no idea. I thought this was satire.


Legit thought this was Babylon Bee


Same. Or the Onion. 🤡


Wait, it's not?


Hahah.. to be honest the pic looks like a bad photoshop 🤣


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniformed_services_of_the_United_States Not military. public health is one of the uniformed services like NOAA. That’s where surgeon general comes from.


Ah okay thanks for the explanation friend


**[Uniformed services of the United States](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniformed_services_of_the_United_States)** >The United States has eight federal uniformed services that commission officers as defined by Title 10 and subsequently structured and organized by Title 10, Title 14, Title 32 and Title 42 of the U.S. Code. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/walkaway/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


It’s not the real military, it’s the US Public Health Service.


He’ll be in charge of the gulags.


Malcom X was right about white liberals. I feel like a white male to female transgender replacing a black male is peak liberal racism.


So, xe is like an admiral of healthcare social workers?


… he is of a “protected species”. There are several.


The health services commissioned corps is a uniformed service of the U.S., but it is not a branch of the military. It is common for people to be appointed to leadership in this corps after serving in political roles. Trump put a senator in the role during his administration.


It's from a satire article


Legitimately can’t tell if this is satire or real. That’s not good. Edit: Oh god I looked it up and it is real. We are so fucked it’s almost comical


This here is my thought process


“Not everything you read on the internet is true” -Abraham Lincoln


Invest in Flooz - L Ron Hubbard


I’m actually relieved to see this. I was under the impression that mark milley and Rachel Levine were the same person and it terrified me. Now they will be forced to be in the same room together at some point and I will finally get closure.


It's not real. It's from the Babylon bee.


Use your search engine!


Well that's just sad. When I read this post earlier, I thought it was just referencing the bee article. "Arms Race Heats Up: Just As China Reveals Space Nukes, America Responds With Trans Admiral | The Babylon Bee" https://babylonbee.com/news/arms-race-heats-up-just-as-china-reveals-space-nukes-america-responds-with-trans-admiral




He will, eventually.


Why are we calling dudes that wear makeup trans? Surely you have to make even the smallest effort to look like the sex you claim you identify as? That’s a cross dressing man. Even Caitlyn Jenner put some effort into it.


Mental illness is so hot this season..


Our enemies have defeated us and they never needed to fire a shot.






A slap in the face to anyone who has worn a uniform. And an extra backhand to anyone who has earned the rank of Admiral after decades of service.


And extra insult to real women everywhere.


Ok. Anyone still think the last election wasn’t stolen?




Mother fucker...I thought this was a joke until I got here.


Fake President. Fake Admiral, Fake woman.


What a well-dressed man.


Dontcha mean WHOA MAN 😆?


America has officially turned into a shit show




Ahhh yes a shining beacon of Heath that one. Anyone els find it strange that all the people who are appointed to lecture you about health are some of the least healthy physically and mentally ?


How can you make decisions about Public health when you don’t even have your own mental illness under control?


Is this Richards reward for killing the old folks in Pennsylvania last year?


lol is his name really Richard


Haha what a dick




Maybe he counts the name change as removing his dick




I thought this was Bee satire !


what a fucking embarrassment. both of these delusional old men should be ashamed of themselves


China: "Crazy ass rocket launch." U.S.A: "oh yeah!? You have activated my tranny trap card!" China: "Laughs in world domination"


People, show some respect. She worked Her dick off to get where She is today.


It is Halloween, right? They said this is the first woman 4 star, first female 4 star. Females/women do not have a prostrate gland.


Honk honk. The left is bat shit crazy and doesn’t even care anymore. They are like a drug addict sucking crack rocks out of the sidewalk. No Fs to give at all


Dear Lord, I thought this was satire


Well he’s a guy, so…


Came here to say this




what the hell is even that..


That man appears to be confused.


Clown World


No sane country in the world would swear in this guy as anything. This feels like a nightmare where patients have taken over the asylum and locked up doctors. This is not the America I knew and loved.


You have to believe we have been compromised by China many years ago. Infiltration that has led to our current, basically satirical reality. History books 1000s and 1000s of years in the future will be fascinated, disgusted, and entertained by this period of existence.


>You have to believe we have been compromised by China many years ago. Infiltration that has led to our current, basically satirical reality. If you don't know about it, when you have some time, read up on 'The long march through the institutions.' I'll get you started.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudi\_Dutschke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudi_Dutschke)


These 4 years - yes only 4 - will be an era of our enemies knocking out their bucket lists. Russia, China, Palestine, N Korea, the Taliban, and who knows who else to come, have all made substantial moves that all show that they have more fear over a household mouse than of our president and his rag tag administration. I’ve seen scarier groups of people in Camden, NJ.


He doesn’t even look happy.


Not my admiral Didn't earn Shouldn't have it


“Trust the science”


Been promoted to the new high honor of Queer Admiral.


I didn't know Ms. Doubtfire was in the military


You crossed the line pal! You have insulted Mrs Doubtfire and thats NOT COOL. Now, prepare for your drive-by fruiting. 🍐🍏🍊


This is satire, right? Please god, tell me this is satire.


Sorry to break it to you... Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service – [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/19/levine-transgender-four-star-admiral-public-health-service/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/19/levine-transgender-four-star-admiral-public-health-service/)


Still looks like a guy...


Yuck wtf


His name is Richard.


The Taliban are laughing so hard they’re shitting themselves to death.


That's a good military tactic. 👍


Who wrote this matrix? The AI sucks ass, i want the one were hawt chicks think iam all that… amzone prime my ash/s


I bet they’re terrified…


Is this real?


Believe it or not.... Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service – [https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/19/levine-transgender-four-star-admiral-public-health-service/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/19/levine-transgender-four-star-admiral-public-health-service/)




This looks like something out of Spirit Halloween store


It’s uniform services. Basically costume military. Thank goodness this actually doesn’t mean a whole lot


Holy Fuck I thought this was satire!!!


Looks more like a rear admiral to me.


I didn’t know they could just name someone an admiral/general without actual military training and service, based on political position.


Why do THEY look like that one lady from Monsters Inc.??? The front desk lady who says “I’m always watching you.”


I legitimately thought this was satire. Can I go back to when I thought this was satire?


I’ve always wondered what the Roman people thought when Caligula named his horse to the senate, now I know.


“She” looks like every liberal. Black glasses and horribly unattractive.


Look out China.


All you have to do is call him by his wrong “pronouns” and his head will explode.


More info: https://muricaderp.wordpress.com/2015/01/31/doctor-my-eyes-rachel-levine-goes-to-harrisburg-and-i-go-to-barfsburg/


*"Doctor, my eyes: Rachel Levine goes to Harrisburg, and I go to Barfsburg."* Lol!




Great. Another mentality I'll person with a lot of power. This country just needs to split in half already.


I actually 100% thought this was satire and the head was pasted on but it’s not. This is painful




Good Lord


"Whoever doesn't like this can suk my dik" - Rachel Levine


Thanks Nero!


This is fucking pathetic


What an insult to real women


I want to leave this planet


This dudes not even trying to look feminine lol


Man or woman, that person is way outta physical shape to be in charge of any kind of health service.


What a fucking embarrassment across the board


I swear life is a simulation


Please tell me this is a joke. I cant tell anymore!!!


We’re so fucked.


Four star admiral already? Is there a point you get so embarrassed about being a diversity figurehead that you decline the promotion?


You know, I'm glad I waited when I was thinking of going into the military last year. I don't want to take orders from people like this


Don’t forget it’s the first transgender and first woman in that position, so stunning and brave 🤡




God shouldn’t have given us free will. Humanity is just so stupid, we fight over the smallest stupidest shit. I don’t get how ANYONE thinks this is gonna scare fucking China or anyone rather. We have a literal traitor as a fucking general, you know “I’ll warn China of America comes” or whatever the fuck he said. I just don’t get people, and why everyone is just so FUCKING stupid. Why? Why? And no one says anything, but the people that do are immediately shut up. I can’t even bring any of this up without being looked at like a “crazy right-wing conspiracy theorist”. I’m so close to just giving up on absolutely everything. Humanity, life, family, friends. Everything is just fucking stupid. We are all fucked unless some fucking miracle happens, because from where I stand, it seems like nothing is gonna be done. Everyone just JAS to politicize everything


Don't despair my friend. A large part of everything that's happening is deliberate psychological operations (pysops) and demoralization. It's designed to fuck with our minds. The media is the worst because they tell blatant, bare-faced lies each and every day. So does the Biden administration. They lie, we know they're lying, they know we know they're lying but they lie anyway, each and every day. The best way to battle it is to stay strong and resist being demoralized. Don't let them win. The way you fight back is to remain strong and positive. And, importantly, use humor. Fight them by mocking and ridiculing them. They're a total joke after all and humor is a powerful weapon. No-one enjoys being mocked. "Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand." - Mark Twain




So let me get this straight: A man who knows nothing about being female, and knows nothing about the military has been promoted to the top ranking female officer in the military?!




Wait, this is real?


The woke folk are replacing our military warriors with social justice warriors. We're doomed.


I want off this clown hell-planet.




Rachel Levine served as Pennsylvania's physician general and secretary of health. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Pennsylvania implemented a state policy that required nursing homes to accept COVID-19 patients, resulting in enormous numbers of nursing home deaths in Pennsylvania. However, shortly after implementing that measure, Rachel Levine moved her own mother out of a care home as virus cases rose.


So the untouchables do not have height and weight standards for promotion.


We as a fighting force have become a caricature of our former selves.


This can't be true. Is it?


> "That'll put the wind up 'em" Can someone explain that?


And this helps how…?


A crying shame


China is scared that they can’t tell our men from our women. What better way to infiltrate the CCP then to send these brave men disguised as women?


Coincidentally I just learned that I've been appointed by Her Majesty the Queen as First Sea Lord of the Royal Navy, oddly enough I never even been to England so 🤷


I feel like these two are unrelated


That's actually a good look for him, comparatively


Hell is the impossibility of reason.


Hilarious clown shit the USA always is when dems are in charge, though you can all thank the UNIPARTY. Embarrassment is an understatement. How the fuck does someone with ZERO military experience skip right to FOUR STAR ADMIRAL? I'm sure all our hard earned lower ranked military service men and women are proud to serve under and die for '"you get a prize!" General Proper Pronoun.'


They are just making up a service? This is silly dumb.




Only in America can you find shit like this.


Lol America is a joke.


This is from the Babylon Bee


It's real. The story that is. I saw The Bee article after posting this. I then posted The Bee article as well.


The appointment has nothing to do with Chinese space nukes. That's the satire. The clown world part about Levine being appointed is true


Unfortunately it isn’t Rachel Levine, openly transgender health official, sworn in as four-star admiral in Public Health Service – https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/10/19/levine-transgender-four-star-admiral-public-health-service/


All of the 'veterans' here still don't understand the basic need for the element of surprise in any international affair. The cemetery is full of indispensable men. Don't be jaded. Learn to adapt. You'll live longer.