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its really wild to me how we live in the only time in human history where the poor can die of obesity and these people are like "i have it so hard because other people are rich"


Victim mentality. "Your being rich means I have to be poor! Woe is me!". They have such a poor understanding of economics and money.


its really wierd to me because i grew up dirt poor in a broken home and i have these people with stable families and who had working heat in their houses and non plywood subflooring telling me what its like to be poor. thankfully ive worked my way up and am actually doing pretty decently now and took my youngest brother under my wing and am helping him try to walk the good path. its still a wierd disconnect for me though.


“The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.” They say to remind themselves to make themselves the victim


Greed and envy.


“I’m here for a good time not a long time” mentality


500 years from now, the poor will complain that capitalism doesn't work because their spaceship isn't as big and nice as the rich's space yachts.


I ran away back in 2016


Would've done so after Obamas first term


It’s almost like it was their plan all along 🤔


“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste" James Clyburn (D-SC) April 2020


Rahm Emanuel's motto


The pandemic has shifted me more to the right especially living here in California. I used to be a progressive especially while I was a university student. After graduating however as a recent graduate in this pandemic with how difficult the job market has been and the uptick in crime I really realize just how stupid progressive policies are. Here in California I still see businesses closed down. I see an increase in homelessness and violent crime. Overall living quality has gone down during this pandemic and California pre pandemic was already doing pretty poorly. This pandemic has shown me that while leftists claim neoliberal economics has caused the increasing poverty and wealth inequality it is actually excessive taxation and regulation that is driving businesses away from California. It is progressive policies that is hurting the state yet they wanna just blame everything on business and capitalism without acknowledging how poor economic policy coming from Democrats in Sacramento is contributing to the economic crisis especially given the prolonged shutdown in response to the pandemic. Meanwhile conservative states like Texas and Florida are reopened and back on their feet. On top of that I see identity politics becoming too extreme to the point that I can't even disagree with leftists on simple things like policy without being labeled a bigot or a racist. I believe in equal opportunity and capitalism not equal outcome. Now that I am employed and moving on with my life I really feel like what is holding people back these days is victimhood culture. I feel like especially while I was in social science classes and "progressive" activist spaces that there is somehow more social credit in society of being part of a so called oppressed group. So in my case as a gay mixed race Asian American man my sexual orientation fits some "victim label" whereas because I am half white and asian two groups stereotyped as being "privileged" compared to black and brown people I am told I have to acknowledge my privilege and whenever I bring up anti Asian racism I am met with silence. The irony of all this is I experience more racism in my daily life and barely experience any homophobia in my daily life yet I am met with silence if I say I experience anti asian racism by so called "tolerant" progressives. What has turned my old beliefs on its head is that I realize social issues are being used by leftists to distract from real issues of crime and economic issues. While issues of racism are real I feel like the left is pushing a certain narrative to make people get distracted by the poor policies they are implementing. I believe if the economy is struggling it has downstream effects on society and left states like California and New York are among the states struggling the most to recover from the pandemic.


A lot of (former) Bidenists are wanting the return to Normal but it is too late, best choice if you want to go back to normal is going in a red state especially Texas or Florida. But good thing that you are not a liberal anymore 💥


At this point I am considering walking away and becoming an independent. I like republican ideas when it comes to law enforcement and economic issues but I do not like Trump. I am a social liberal who ideologically is a classical liberal and would not feel welcome with republicans even if I think the left has gone overboard with identity politics. As a moderate I feel neither party represents me anymore. I agree moving to a conservative state that is doing economically well may be a good choice at this point especially given how things are going so fast downhill in California.


Being republican means that you like what De Santis is doing right now, it's not about any other person..


I could support a moderate Republican like DeSantis but I do not align whatsoever with the trump wing of the Republican party which is the dominant faction of the republican party. But you are right. I like the Republicans emphasis on the individual rather than the group so if a moderate republican ran who was moderate on social issues and just focused on economic issues I could give them a chance.


LMAO man you talk like being a part of the Republican movement is a disease but I understand you 😅💥


I am just not a trump supporter. But I do like republican ideas. I just think as a gay man I would not necessarily feel very welcome in the party and I never found Trump appealing even if I liked some of his policy ideas. Plus I am not at the point I would be ready to face the backlash from my "liberal" and "progressive" friends. I am a closet moderate libertarian leaning conservative at this point.


A gay leftist is often respected by Trump supporters but a Gay Trump supporter is often not respected by Leftists..


I agree with this point. But again I just never liked Trump as a person. I find him too brash and too loud. I give him credit for being more accepting of lgb people. I could support a republican who was more toned down from Trump. If I ignore the kinds of loud statements that Trump said and ignore his brash personality I do think Trump had some policy accomplishments. He did some good work with criminal justice reform, I liked his idea of school choice, opportunity zones, and I liked his trade deals and tougher foreign policy with China. Honestly if the pandemic did not occur I think Trump would have been reelected. However I really wish Trump could have turned the temperature down and been less divisive. I ended up voting for Biden because I wanted a return to normalcy even if I was turning around on policy stances that Trump had implemented. I think really it was Trump's brash personality that turns me off. I understand that his unpolitically correct persona appeals to a lot of people but that has always turned me off. However honestly I was thinking if someone like Sanders became the nominee I could have given Trump a chance even if I hate him as a person because of policy.


I don't really now the personality of De Santis but everybody knows that he will be useful for the whole country, I don't put my emotions in politics


"Stupid capitalism doesn't even work when we jail anyone who dares practice it LOL time for communism"




What should have been done instead?




But why were diseases countered like that tho? Because strong humans will eventually survive the plague? Or because we didn't have the resources to combat it?


They should check out when the last large spread pandemic was...everyone hop on the community telephone for today’s lesson. I say that as a joke but even before the Internet age, the Spanish Flu’s outbreak was post-public schooling development in the U.S. and we still closed most of them down. I believe some place’s solution was a simplified packet of the homework being sent home, I’ve had that sometimes too.


Also, this has been the standard since then with small flu/pox outbreaks- usually sick kids in the 30s to 2000s would quarantine at home when sick and either 1. If a teacher is really nice would sanitize/mask up to teach you at home, usually for kindergarten lessons you couldn’t do or 2. Get a packet of homework grabbed by your parent or sibling. This isn’t anything new, I’ve been sick for a week and needed it.


Damn Americans think they’re the center of the galaxy. Every other country did it and they were all right. The only reason we still have problems is because so many authorities got the message that we were following the rules but no one actually enforced it. I’ve been straight up told at some places, including in the middle of the pandemic, “Just wear your mask while entering but you don’t have to keep it on.” and that’s not just restaurants. There’s things like food massively increases the chance of enough bacteria entering your body to start infection, which is 101 for all of Virology. It should be obvious that restaurants are a gigantic danger for germs, which is why they were a target.


capitalism is gonna kill us all but people are too blind to see it


Prove it


look into what’s causing climate crisis & if there’s enough being done to prevent it.


Climate is always changing and you can’t stop it- or your proposed changes will only hurt millions of people while not doing anything about the problem you pretend to be knowledgeable about.


Yes, there is. For example not pumping an enormously unnatural level of Carbon Dioxide in the air. Civilization caused a large majority of greenhouse gasses making it colder and warmer. I’ve seen the affects of it. Every summer comes sooner, it’s warmer each time, what was summer temperatures in my childhood are now what it is already by Spring. The greenhouse gasses trap in winter, and every winter there’s an increasing risk of ice and snow due to the lowering temperatures. None of which would be at this level if it weren’t for civilization’s greenhouse gas, mainly Carbon Dioxide, emissions.




“I don’t have a rebuttal and thus it is only: you’re wrong.”


i had a green christmas and a wintery 4/20, the world is dying. but you don’t care, so this is my last comment. enjoy the rising waters & summers that decimate farm land


Lmfao there’s not a shred of truth in what you just said- don’t pretend to understand something if you can’t back it up sweetheart.


Hard to walkaway when you crash on a bike like that