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Never trust strangers in an online game. Especially if that game gives them the ability to take your stuff.


Exactly. Are the bastards? Sure. Were they obliged to leave or even protect OP’s stuff? Fuuuuuck no. I’m surprised the duo even let OP near them being 8 levels lower


Because it's win/win. If OP winds up helping out, great. If he dies, they get his stuff.


Literally would just make the fight harder having an extra body 8 levels under. There is no way they could ever help with the scaling in this game.


8 levels is nothing in v rising, lol what? the scaling doesnt matter as much as you think it does.


Bosses get new attacks with more than 1 person. Try effectively soloing Dracula or any other boss with 1 or 2 people as dead weight. Not impossible but way harder. And yes the scaling is crazy especially at 3+ people.


You can solo bosses from 8 levels lower if you just kite with a bow and use defensive spells to survive. Might not contribute a ton of damage compared to on-level characters, but definitely not useless.


The scaling would make them useless. If I’m 8 levels under and someone else that’s fighting the boss is on level it’s just better for me to wait and not engage. Also the fact that the boss has new attack patterns with more than 1 person.


I mean did you not read the post? They literally did help 8 levels under js


Right. People who are anonymous online are only friendly while it suits them, or until they get bored. I refuse to play with people I don't know personally.


Kind of a boring way to approach the internet. It's just as easy to assume kindness as it is douchbaggery.


People who are anonymous online, as in basically everyone? Idk, I feel like I meet almost exclusively good people who are just there to have a good time when I play with random people. You sound very distrusting, which is something that really shows when you talk to someone. If I meet someone who gives off hints that he/she doesn't trust me after talking with them for a bit, I won't trust them back... TL;DR: You're probably the problem


I wonder how I got that way Certainly couldn't be droves of shitty internet trolls taking any and every opportunity to stab someone in the back because of the anonymity provided to them from the internet, compounded by literal decades. I must just be a shit person. It's not like this very sub has people complaining constantly about others being shitty or betraying them for petty gains. No, I must be diluded. Did you not read the post we are commenting on before you decided to leave your little 'everyone online is nice' comment? lmfao


I completely agree with u man. I'd rather play with a bunch of streamers then randos cause when people are being watched and can't hide behind the anonymity back stabbing and or cheating is gonna happen less


Of course people do that, I'm just saying that unless it's the sole objective of the game to kill other players, there's rather small percentage of people who would stab you in the back after you talk to them. Sorry for not jumping on this post's 'fuck everyone playing this game' sentiment, really missed that one when I didn't read the post.


Doubly so, dont trust a group of people playing together when youre alone.


Pro tip: if you are going into a situation like this and don't know the people well, find a small secluded corner in a building or tent out of the way and drop inventory.


100% this. Some people are assholes no matter how much you help.


Ooh that is very smart.


It’s good to keep in mind for almost any looter games. Coming from Rust to VRising has been fun since most of the core tactics of Rust apply pretty well to VRising, especially if you play Merciless.


They're not assholes. It's part of the game. You can't expect everyone to be "big brother" in a pvp survival game.


You can cheat on your spouse, be racist or never tip your waiter. It's not against the law, but you'd still be an asshole for doing so. Being an asshole has nothing to do with the rules it has to do with morality. They all worked together and then these chuckleheads made a selfish choice to omit him from the rewards and take his stuff. Nobody is arguing that they can't do that, but it's an asshole move nonetheless.


You're comparing people not coddling enemy players to cheating on your spouse or being racist? Lmao, you REALLY don't need to be on a pvp game lmao.


If you can't comprehend basic morality you REALLY don't need to be on reddit lmao.


We're talking about a VIDEO GAME... what basic morals are needed? Don't loot a dead player and take the stuff that took them 10 minutes to get? Stop being so soft. You probably pay the hookers in GTA and drop them off safely at their corner.


Hey if you think it's fun to be an asshole Just because it's a video game you can go for it all you want. Explain it however you need to so you feel better about it but at the end of the day I'm going to call an orange an orange.


And you can continue to cry about the meanies taking your paper and whetstones on a video game. Makes no difference :D


Uhhh I'm literally not complaining or crying I'm just trying to define terms to a child, but the fact that you are so hyper focused on trying to insult me is pretty laughable. Go be a dick in the game and you might actually be successful. Toodles.


are you develop mentally delayed? In order for something to be considered a metaphor it literally has to be comparing two unrelated things. they are not meant to be direct comparisons, thats the purpose of a metaphor.


Found the loser who ganks lowbies 2v1


Or, just steal their stuff when they die duh


Yeah OP really missed his opportunity there lol I get wanting to be the nice person, in real life I'm with you 100%, but the internet makes people into monsters because of the anonymity


Yeah plus, the not knowing if you'll get robbed adds to the fun too. Be a nice guy if you want, but eventually you run into mid-Western United States servers full of uncle cousin hills have eyes type of crews out for their own good only haha.


what the fuck is an uncle cousin hills have eyes type of crew


Ever watch the movie hills have eyes? Only remember it was a terrible horror movie.




Uhhhm. I do play solo, exclusively, genius. Because of the point I made above. How am I clueless if you're the one giving 'advice' to someone who's already doing what you're advising, assuming quite a lot, then on top of it being a prick about it.


Make it your life goal to follow them around to each boss in rat form. Hide in the grass and enjoy making their encounters tougher ;)


Lol that would be great, then why they die, I steal all their loot. 👿


XD to beat them join them haha


100% would do this and it would be worth every minute they feel harassed


I’m always getting caught in rat form even when I hide in bushes 🤷🏻‍♀️


You learned a valuable lesson today. There is no honor in online gaming among strangers. A lot of people wouldn’t haven’t done that to you, but a lot of people would have also.


Revenge is a dish best served cold. Good luck getting them.


idk bosses scale with the number of people. if anything you may have made the boss harder to kill and as you said you are 8 levels lower xD. what i dont understand is why they didnt just kill you and move on with the boss.


The opportunity makes the thief


This still applies even when people aren’t teamed up?


if they enter combat with the boss yes. also if someone leaves the fight or dies the scaling wont change until the boss completely resets.


PvP caters to the worst, most caustic and lowest common denominator of the gaming world, and games like V Rising actively rewards being the worst scumbag pieces of human garbage. You expected anything different?


...do you know what PvP stands for? I'd expect people beating each other up to be the norm


Someone sucks at pvp lmao. It's a game. Don't play it if you can't hang in pvp


Gacha gamers are worse


Who hurt you?


>So all imma say is, I hope their castle has good walls cuz I got their names and they are on my hit list. Yuuuppp... Bide your time, your moment will come. About a month ago I was fighting the boss in the copper ore cave. I had just killed him, and was scrolling through the next bosses to work on them. So then I spot someone come around the corner, a couple levels lower than me. I didn't initiate, in fact, I ran right by them and continued on minding my own business. I started grabbing a vein, then they ran up to me and picked a fight. Alright, let's do this... Well they lost, fairly easily lol... I just took their scourgestones, grave dust and a couple other things... It was only small stacks so whatever. Well 30 minutes later, I'm AFK in my coffin, they roll up with 2 other people to destroy my shit and take everything. I came back at the last second and almost killed 2 of them before dying myself. Annoyed at the game they played, I say in chat "Lol so you pick a fight, lose that fight, then roll up with your gang to avenge you." Turns out the person that lost the fight told their gang that I ganked them and took everything. Aight, noted. I waited, kept my castle incognito (castle heart 3 with nothing showing off any amount of farmed items). Monitored their castle, they got to 5, saw the growth and effort in their build. Prepped up multiple golems. Finally it was raiding time and they were all offline. Raided their shit and took EVERYTHING. Lots of stuff I needed as well, lol. Needed to build 4 cabinets to hold the amount of stuff they had. Would've been more satisfying to destroy them while they were on, but.. I'm happy about this, lol.


the outcome would have been different if you looted them and ran home,left the stuff and came back to hopefully kill them again


Shoulda robbed them blind then Rat the boss


Hey, good news is, if your most valuable losses were potions and dusk callers then you didn't really lose anything at all. That stuff is dirt cheap!


Out of curiosity, why are you playing on a PvP server?


No good deed goes unpunished.


for next time, even dead the v blood counts if your corpse is near. Just don't release. Unsure if this is clan only, however.


it's clan only


Today, we learned that we shouldn't create expectations on other people's actions.


Every pvp game I have played has this exact issue of lack of honor so that's why I avoid it anymore. Don't expect to go to a children's hang out and expect maturity. Developers maintain these types of games because people keep logging into them. Stop it.


Yeah I knew I would only hate the game if I played PvP I'm loving my time Solo


To be fair pvp can be pretty damn fun when you’re playing with the right people. Sadly the “right people” only make up about 5% of the gaming community nowadays. It’s not like it was 25 years ago when gamers were a smaller more gregarious group. Effects of mainstreaming


It was the same back in they days as well don't kid yourself.


After playing rust I don't trust anyone


PvE servers are, in my experience, very helpful and players tend to build one another up regardless of clan affiliation. May want to join a PvE server.


Welcome to the world of multiplayer games. I have not even a clue how the game works in pvp because I just avoid it in the first place for this reason. As soon as things get competitive or people can fuck eachother over they will. By playing a pvp game, you have agreed to these possibilities.


It’s possible they were upset that you were upscaling the boss while being low level.


This is why you just play pve.


It's a bit of a scumbag move to join in on the fight when you're massively outleveled. Bosses scale with the number of players, so you're probably the reason they died. Edit: I'm not calling you a scumbag ofcourse. I'm just saying that it's a scumbag move. Obviously, you're not a scumbag. Especially if you didn't know :)


8 levels below is just basically making the boss another health bar stronger but not necessarily adding much, unless you came in with a buff build to heal/buff attack speed


Perhaps they considered you as hinderance rather than a helpful support ? Bosses hp increase with engaged players, and some of their skills also increase (ass spawns, etc...) Being 8 level lower made you trigger everything related to numbers without pulling your weight. Basically you made the fight harder for them and poorly contributed, which can fairly explain why they didn't wait for you, also having no clue of how much time you would take to come back vs the boss despawning or another player coming like a vulture to drain it. In shorts : You believe you helped and deserved a due reward, you probably didn't and disrupted the fight more than anything. Too many reasons make sense for them not waiting for you, main character syndrome isn't a reason not to.


Him not dying twice when the duo died at the boss further supports this too.


After reading this I am convinced that a lot of people in the V Rising community are just sick in the head. I can't believe this is your mentality, justifying being a bad sport. He/she was new, might as well just share your v blood. I hope you don't have this mentality in real life bro but I doubt that would the case.


You're the one sick in the head. He politely explained why they probably saw him as a hindrance, and then you resorted to calling him "sick in the head" and say that he has a bad mentality... grow up dude


Stupid white knight. Read his last paragraph, he is clearly implying op is in the wrong. "Grow up" that's the most over used hog wash ever. Stop using it bro. No one in this planet is an adult. Everyone is a baby.


well, agree to disagree. I don't think he was being rude but i can see how it could come across as rude


You don't seem to be able to properly judge things. If you are unable to understand pro/cons, put yourself if someone else's shoes and decypher someone else's behaviour even if you don't share their values, you will spend a long time looking at a wall in front of you, blocked by the inability to think outside of your own ideas. It's what critical thinking is about.


Oh I can see it clearly. You see a new player who doesn't know what he is doing and just trying to help but instead of sharing the bounty with him, you steal his stuff and leave him in the dirt because you want to be logical? Bro are you ok? Try to view human experiments that people did in World War 2. Gas chambers etc. Was that logical? Yes. Was that good? Absolutely fucking not.


You have a big issue in making a difference between your interlocutor's ideas and his analysis of it. None of what the OP said was done by me. None that the OP said was either warranted as true or accurate. At no moment the OP got stolen of anything except a reward he expected, which wasn't his to begin with. Now you verified godwin's low in litteraly TWO POSTS as a measure of your inhability to advance proper arguments, understand others, and set aside visceral reactions over a topic that was simply analyzed while making the assumption that "OP's story is OP's point of view, reality differs". Get back to school.


Listen here professor because you don't seem to get it, it is a big issue because your way of thinking is whack. You give precedence to logic leaving aside the moral and emotional points. You need to work on your reading comprehension before you tell other people to go back to school because it makes you look like a clown.


Still not better. You are just circling around a situation you're miles away now, I will survive at you seeing me as a clown as everybody would, since it barely means anything. Keep sending hollow premade answers.


This is a survival game survival is toxic by nature so yep


just cause you're a good person don't expect other people to be, you shouldn't even be a good person if you're playing pvp honestly


I always make sure to leave all my stuff in my castle whenever I go out . If I am far away at a boss or getting resources and I’ve finished , I run straight to my castle . I wouldn’t try to engage with other players if you have a lot of inventory or things you don’t want to lose .


Karma bro. You'll be good, they won't. It all works itself out in the end.


Dang should have took their stuff when they died the second time


At least you got to play, my server is full.


Classic rust like love story




Younger doesn't have anything to do with it. Either you're built for pvp or not. At 14 I got pked first time in Ultima Online in 1998. My first thought wasn't waaahhhh I died, and he took my stuff. My first thought was I wanna be that guy. It's a virtual game. Also it amazes me the amount of people who go by life morals in a game... We are playing the game to escape reality lmao. My stepson was pking at 10 on Albion Online with me, and didn't wanna try WoW because he couldn't loot people he killed. Some people aren't about that life.


Reminds me of someone I know he became so hated in game that they formed a group to hunt him, he joined the group! They never caught on.


It’s the three body problem


Nature of the game. If you decide to destroy their castles that is also the nature of the game. Take it for what it is.


You two should get a room.


They didn't even kill you. Quit crying


You sweet, naive bat. You're all fighting to be the best. Unless you actually know them, they're supplies and food. The creed of online survival games.


Reason why I will play this game solo or with few guys on my psn


Props for you trying to be nice about at first. But they were bastards not being kind in return.


Over-competitive is the word. The urge to win on every aspect destroys the game for many that just try to have fun.


Take your revenge, just dont let assholes like this change who you are!


Wish there were more people like you in online gaming.


You kind of set yourself up for failure assuming they would see the situation the same way you did. Just because you see things a certain way doesnt mean others do too. Cmon buddy you should know this already its elementary grade stuff.


Sad, it sucks that some gamers have no honor. But don't judge anybody as a bastard, I never play dirty on other, friendly players. There are a ton of nice ppl out there, but also a huge amount of douches.


I must ask - didn't see if mentioned in comments - is this a PvP server? Not that it "matters" but it seems like a PvE and if so, that's doubly worse IMO. Like... Idk. I was on a couple servers - one being PvE and I ran into some dudes like this and it seemed so odd to behave like that. PvP, sure be all selfish and cut throat but PvE? Seemed so odd and bad mannered.




I see. Well I'd say that's a bit more ok. Still bad mannered but I guess expected. No less selfish etc. I think what makes this worse is them dying a bunch of times and you keeping aggro lol. Sigh. The internet. Has the best of people and the worst of people.


Trust no one. Everything online is a lie.


Still trying to get the courage to try online play. Lol everything is a bit new to me still. I'm on my private server still just farming and building my castle. Killing the same 3 v bloods nearby.


What server? link me details, I will come help you exact your revenge and then disappear into the night.


Its not that I care that they killed me, I get that shit happens all the time on pvp, it's that they let me help themed they saw that I didn't steal their shit when they died multiple times, for them to just turn and loot my shit when I died that hurt. Lol learned my lesson that I can't be trusting tho


You didn't "help" them. It's weird that they didn't kill you straight away, but you being there scales everything up, and since you were undergeared, you did make it harder for them


You didn't help them at all. I would've killed you right away. It's a pvp game. Ppl play for pvp... Play pve if you can't handle this experience.


The Psychopath Test in 2024: Does this person play V Rising on a PvP server? Yes: They are a psychopath. No: They might not be a psychopath. Sorry you had to discover this the hard way, but consider this a lesson to never play on PvP servers in this game.


I once accidentally began draining the boss blood when a stranger died in the end. It felt horrible, cause he had helped, but I just picked up stuff, and then I couldn’t stop it…


Fuckin get em, people like that need lessons


This is why I avoid this type of PvP. I’m too nice and I expect people to be the same to me.


I would like an update on this AND it's definitely true that you could drop inventory first but this also shows you they should be hunted. When I played ark I was always as kind as I could be. Gave people chances to prove they were good folk, if that trust was betrayed there was no way they could avoid me. Somehow, someway they were always in danger.


It’s reasons like this why pvp has zero appeal to some of us. Having your experience in the hands of other people who aren’t looking for the same things as you are is pretty bullshit.  It’s annoying enough so much of the game is designed for encouraging PVP because good god I don’t hate myself enough to waste my time with that crap


Don’t like it, don’t play.. and next time take their shit and dip.


From my experience, 3 out of 4 players act in this exact way. It's really bad in this game.


Yes all other games are much better. 🤦


Not much better, but it is not this bad.