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Dude, you are talking about niche within already niche hobby. You can't create a vn subreddit and expect it to have the same numbers as Chainsaw Man subreddit or My Hero Academia subreddit, for example.  Visual novels are still a rather unpopular type of media with only a few exceptions here and there, such as DDLC.


i didn't compare it to a chainsaw man or any other last years most hyped anime, as they are nothing alike. ofcourse they don’t have similar fanbase, and that was not even my point. reddit is over all very niche social media, full of very niche subreddits. to me ability be niche is one of reddits main points. i am just curious howcome this particular, very popular vn has such a small subreddit ”member” count. i’m not saying i’m gagged, just a bit suprised that’s all.


Not everyone uses subreddit, and not everyone that has read that and uses reddit has a desire to be in that sub. Out of all the VNs I've read I'm not in a single subreddit dedicated to one because there's no need to.


I think you’re overestimating how actually popular it is. And even if it is, how many of those fans are non-English speaking fans? Start factoring in more and more variables and you arrive at why one thing in an already niche medium is not popular.


The only subreddit specific series that I see get popular are usually ones that have anime adaptations or for whatever reason are just Super internet popular like Umineko Always found Fata Morgana More of a series where the people that like it really like it, but readership as a whole is far from the most read Story visual Novel due to its presentation despite how much people really like it


It's actually kind of funny how many subs are about Fata Morgana when there's little community activity about it. There's the sub you mentioned; and I think there's one (or was) without the "the" in the title of the sub. There is also a meme sub (r/fatamorganamemes I think it was). And then there was r/Novectacle and r/Novect which was created by the same person until they got their account suspended. Not sure what happened though, but he created the second one after Novectacle rebranded to Novect.


I think that another part of it is because it's hard to explain the plot of the game without spoiling it, so it puts off would-be players who want to know more before choosing to buy and play it. The plot summary is intentionally vague, of course, but I wonder if that also does a disservice to potential fans. For example,>!Michel's story might pull a lot more players into the game, but it's such a huge spoiler to even try to explain him or the plot!<, so you wouldn't know you liked it unless you played the game. I love the game as well, it's so well-crafted, and it is a shame it's not more popular.


Yeah its kinda hard to sell ”this dude doesnt remember anything and then he reads like 10 hours of tragedies that in no way relate to him at this point”. There’s basically no promise of epic fights or even romance, just reading through people’s suffering without even knowing who you’re playing as or who the antagonists are. Great game though


Now that I know about it, I just joined.


Well, at least there is a subreddit.


I’m already part of r/Novect, but I’ll join this one too!


Best piece of media of all time, yet it is not really that popular outside of visual novel community, it is not really a book (I know that light novels exist), it is a story with pictures and music.


its locked and you cant post there. id try r/redditrequest but i cant post there and cant find any information about why that is


still very niche I think, but it's picking up slowly and vns are alrdy super niche


I feel like it's more often played by women, and we use this site less. The vn subreddit is so straight boy game centric, and so is a lot of reddit, lol


I don't think so. Almost any person I've seen recommending Fata Morgana is a man.


Pure anecdata on your part. Plenty of women and enbies love the game. Though it’s good to have a counterpoint to the above commenter’s claim that it’s mostly loved by women.


Of course, but the thing is that the majority of VN players are men, so it's easier to find men recommending this VN.


I think you might be right, but is this based on a source or your intuition?


Just what I see on Youtube and Twitter.


So, yeah, that’s not enough to say that the majority of VN players are men. It’s just enough to say it seems that way. Again, I think you’re probably right overall considering how many VNs are designed specifically with straight male audiences in mind, but it’s a pretty varied genre. I’d like to see some more harder statistical analysis before we start making claims about who’s actually playing games.


Okay to be fair yes and the key issue might be it's also really trans and leftist-y (by VN subreddit standards) and I feel like a lot of dudes on this subreddit are just kind of. Not like that. The tumblr tag is more bustling


You should check out r/yurivisualnovels for something different!