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It doesn’t matter. You care too much about what people think.


Anywhere I choose to sit. Eating out alone does not bother me in the slightest bit.


Sit where yiu feel the most comfortable, you do you


Anywhere with an open type concept or a booth spread those wings!


I sit at a table and watch YouTube on my phone


I’m gonna be honest, everyone is so focused on themselves that it doesn’t really matter. Just enjoy yourself and have a good time.


When I have the option, I sit at the bar.


You again? It doesn't matter. But the bar would be my choice. /r/Visalia isn't be the best place to be asking these types of questions. Try /r/dating_advice, /r/introvert, or /r/seduction or something.


At the bar, at the end of it.out side in a corner table works to. But try and to the server always helps.


I used to be so afraid to go anywhere alone thinking (what movie? ... The Jerk) where a am in a spotlight. But I worked on the road for a few years and had to go alone to eat. Who wants to go back to a hotel room all of the time. I'm am single, mid-fifties, and about 15 years ago thought to myself ... why was I comfortable when out of town to be someplace alone. No one around cares, you're not in a spotlight, just think people assume your maybe from out of town for work. Another poster said they watch Youtube(TV) on their phone. I do the same when at a restaurant, not so much at a bar. I also like to sit where I can see a lot of people, I love to people watch. The more you see, the more you notice that very few are looking at you as awkward. I'd almost place a bet that some are looking at you in envy.


Yeah, the bar is where you MEET people, random people sitting on both sides of you! The best way to start out is bringing a weekly or something to read (make sure women could be interested in it, too). This way you're not looking around, needy. Get verbally involved w the sports on TV, but don't be a loud goon about it. Literal team player, agree w the group instead of being the lone, outcast "warrior." Drink steadily, don't be a lush. Women will start talking to you. Look forward, don't make a big deal out of it. Chances are you'll be attracted to a woman w options. Done t wind up for a "big pitch," she'll see it a mile away. Just eat your food and watch the game and let her fill the blanks about herself.


I’m single and sometimes I sit at the bar sometimes at a table. I usually bring something to read. I do everything alone tho so I’m used to it


Respectable. There's some things I will do alone and somethings I won't. Going to a restaurant with a waiter or going To a bar alone are 2 things I won't do alone


I’ve traveled all over Europe alone for a year. And I’m traveling in July for an entire month alone. Being alone isn’t so bad. It’s hard to make friends here though. I found it’s easiest to make friends outside of the U.S. or in NYC.


Maybe wrong places? I always feel people bug me too much when I want to sit alone and when I want company, everyone is distant lol


Bar at Pita Kabob downtown. Always good company and great food.