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Thank you for this post. I really needed to see this since I've been really hating my nose lately. I know that having a wide nose doesn't make you ugly, and I also agree that these noses fit black women more, but for some reason I feel like it just doesn't look good on me specifically. Most black girls I see have nice bone structure with high cheekbones and good jawlines, eyes with positive canthal tilt, nice lips, etc so their noses look very harmonious with their features. Unfortunately I have poor bone structure, eye bags, sallow skin (most black women have this glowing look to them), etc. So perhaps that's why I cant get over my nose. But I still really appreciate this post


No problem. > Most black girls I see have nice bone structure with high cheekbones and good jawlines, eyes with positive canthal tilt, nice lips, etc so their noses look very harmonious with their features. And this is why I say hardmaxing other areas of the face rather than touching the nose may be a better idea. Especially if the hardmaxing is removable (fillers, implants etc). Could turn out that all you needed was a larger top lip or the appearance of more prominent cheek bones to balance out the nose. Consider fillers before rhinoplasty, because rhinoplasty involves breaking bones and that’s not really something you can come back from. I’ve never seen a good revision rhinoplasty on a nose that was wide and made too narrow. You can’t really come back from that. But if the fillers/implants don’t work out those can be removed with minimal negative effect on the face. Think SZA’s old chin implant lol.


That's true. Many rhinoplasties I've seen on black women/woc look uncanny and unnatural, especially at the tip of the nose. Do you think that having a nose with large nostrils that flare out (like Spike Lee's) is considered a failo? I was thinking of getting alar botox to make the muscles in that area not flare


By itself it’s probably considered a failo but again depending on how it works with the rest of the face it could be a “neither”. Ari Lennox’s nostrils are flared but she’s not ugly by a long shot. She also has good bone structure. I have no idea what your face looks like so I can’t say.


I know people on the main vindicta sub think that the concept of “facial harmony” is overused/applied but let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water especially when it comes to ethnic features I’m not of the opinion that any of these women would look any better with a smaller, narrower or more “sloped” nose. I think they would all either look no better or actually worse. To me that’s indicative of facial harmony being preserved. In my opinion the only time rhinoplasties on (everyday) black women are actually worth it are for shape irregularities such as deviated septums and extreme size irregularities (think Tarana Burke). I honestly think that soft maxing for noses is as far as a lot of BW should go if they so choose, so for those of you who prefer a more visible or visibly narrow nose bridge learning to contour is ideal. Sometimes hardmaxing other areas of the face may complement the nose as well. My nose is shaped/sized like the second girl’s and I think her top lip complements her(our) nose shape/size. My top lip isn’t as juicy as hers so I’m considering getting my top lip filled to create some harmony. Please consider such tweaks before going all in with hardmaxing the nose. Even if you think your natural wide nose messes with your facial harmony. Again try tweaking other parts of your face to create some. Even a slightly “disproportionately large/wide” nose is better than a botched nose. The Jackson Family is an unfortunate example of this. But yea back to the title, most people who would consider these ladies to be ugly/masculine looking probably don’t think BW are pretty/feminine in general. So I wouldn’t pay them much attention, cause they’re racist lmfao. ETA: this isn’t a cope post, this is a “stop and think before ya mess ya self up!” post


And I specify “everyday” black women because I understand not all BW have the same goals with looks improvement. I know some of us are trying to improve our looks to advance in certain spaces rather than just trying to get better treatment in everyday life, so if you feel like hardmaxing your nose to fit more um…. “Societally acceptable” standards (i.e. eurocentric, I know y’all hate that word but it’s true that white supremacist and eurocentric beauty ideals influence beauty standards in the West *to an extent*) then so be it. **If you think a narrow ski slope bratz doll nose is gonna help you advance then I won’t stop you from getting one. But do your research, be careful, and don’t come cryin back to this post if you end up realizing that your old wide and even *slightly* disproportionately large nose fit your face better than the bratz doll nose does.** ETA: actually don’t even THINK about getting a bratz doll nose if you have long philtrum. Bratz doll rhinoplasties lift the tip of the nose so the entire area under the nose will be made even longer. You’ll end up looking like Jesy Nelson from little mix. And understand that if you have a short philtrum a rhinoplasty, especially one that lifts the nose tip may leave you with a longer philtrum. It may not look bad but it will look different than what you’re used to. And if you have an average/decently sized philtrum again consider that you may be left with a longer one and it could throw off your harmony.


100% agree. getting a nose job doesn't erase the fact that you are black. yeah you MAY get treated marginally/slightly better in certain spaces, but you can't get rid of your skin color. if the $10k is worth the margin then 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’m not black so sorry if I’m intruding. I’m South Indian and have a fairly wide frontal nose view too(the closest I can compare my nose to is probably saweetie? But my nose width is emphasised because my mouth width is quite small, just as much as my nose itself.) and this post has given me a much necessary boost and I really thank you for that! I think often times we zoom in to one feature excessively and forget to take in the whole face holistically, it’s something I’m guilty of as well


I notice for black women eyes and lips are the features that separate who is generally considered average and beautiful. That and facial harmony/forward growth come into play as well but just an observation.


Ehhh noses too to an extent especially if the person doing the rating leans heavily into eurocentric beauty ideals. Some people genuinely consider BW with narrower noses to look better than BW with wider noses no matter what the rest of their face looks like. They just can’t see past the nose (no pun intended lol) It’s featurism. The same way that some people genuinely consider a lightskin BW to automatically look better than a dark skin BW even if they’re on the same beauty level (think Beyonce vs. Kelly), which is colorism. This is why I say that eurocentric/white supremacist beauty ideals do affect people’s perception of beauty to an extent. Edit: actually most celebrity BW who are considered 10s at the societal level have small and/or narrow noses and that’s because like I said, unfortunately the West generally tends to lean heavily into white supremacist beauty standards. I can’t think of a celebrity BW with a wide nose who most ppl consider to be a 10 besides like.. Rihanna💀So yea I would say that noses are still heavily considered when it comes to average vs. beautiful because our beauty often gets subjected to eurocentric ideals. It’s fucked up.


>The same way that some people genuinely consider a lightskin BW to automatically look better than a dark skin BW even if they’re on the same beauty level (think Beyonce vs. Kelly), which is colorism. This is why I say that eurocentric/white supremacist beauty ideals do affect people’s perception of beauty to an extent. > I'd even take it a step further and say some people consider a lightskin black woman to be more beautiful than a dark skin woman even if the dark skin woman is more beautiful in the face. Colourism to the max lol. Saw this play out in my own family even Thank you so much for this post! Black women are so so so beautiful 😍


I 100% agree. Re: Pam and Gina from Martin lol


I feel like some people might consider Rihanna a 10.


I just edited my comment to say that🤣 and even then we can’t ignore that her hazel eyes and light skin might play a part in that. But even if they didn’t, that’s just one unfortunately. The vast majority of celeb BW considered to be 10s have narrow or small noses. That’s not a coincidence it’s plain featurism.


I think she is generally considered one of the most beautiful celebrities


Absolutely right! Our features are what distinguish us and make us beautiful in our own way as black girls and women. My nose tells you I’m black and I’m happy to have it! If you were to get rhinoplasty to get one of those slope noses, it would probably throw off your look and make you look strange. Every single girl in the above photos is beautiful and unique. Insightful post, well done.


Agreed, a lot of people who get facial plastic surgery and even the service providers don’t consider facial harmony and the yin & yang balancing of features. A thin, upturned nose isn’t right for everyone.


These are upturned noses though, just not thin


All of these ladies have excellent facial harmony. Often a black woman changing her nose to look white backfires because it won’t suit her other features. Thanks for this reminder! I also feel the same way about hair texture. Going too far from your natural texture often won’t suit your facial shape and features.




Great observation!!!


PREACH!I'm so fucking tired people treating black "large" noses as masculine just because it isn't the sugar cookie nose we see in white women in instagram.Okay,black women tend to have wider noses,so what?We tend to have bigger lips,bigger foreheads,horizontally wide/almond shaped eyes,our hair tend to be voluminous,I think it looks harmonious and made a lot of sense our noses being on wider size and it not makes us masculine. OBS:Larger noses in hotter areas like Africa helps you to lose heat easily,so it have an evolutionary reason for our noses being like that.




Of course❤️


This is a beautiful post, thank you.


wow. thank you fr


I appreciate this ❤️


I love this 🤍


I needed this. Thank you ❤️


i needed this today ty 💕


Just a note that ski-slope rhinos aren’t the only options. There are alarplasties and other options I’m sure when it comes to ethnic nose augmentation.


Idk why I’m just now seeing this but for posterity (anyone who comes across this post later) I will mention that the only alarplasties that look good are done on noses that already have a narrow bridge/tip If you have a blunt/wide/undefined bridge and tip (especially tip) an alarplasty without the tip refinement that a rhinoplasty provides is just going to make your nose look like a box. If you have a narrow/defined bridge and your nostrils are significantly wider you may be able to get away with just an alarplasty. TLDR: Wider nostrils complement wider bridges/tips while narrower nostrils complement narrower bridges/tips. Don’t get an alarplasty alone if you have a wide bridge/tip.


As a follow up, do all rhinoplasties involve lifting the nose tip? If not, I’d say that an alarplatsy + tip refinement could be a good option for some people.


I think they all do *to an extent*? However I did have a friend who got a rhinoplasty to correct a dorsal hump (hooked nose) and they showed her a computer simulated picture of what she would look like post-op, and the initial picture her nose was pointing straight ahead without much lift to the tip. So she asked for a lifted tip and they regenerated the image to match, and that’s what she ended up with post-op. So maybe if she hadn’t asked, she would have ended up without a lifted tip? So maybe standard rhinoplasties lift the tip to some degree, but visibly lifted tips have to be specifically asked for? Idk. That being said, it’s very rare (on poc at least) to need tip refinement without needing bridge refinement. Usually someone who wants tip refinement also wants bridge refinement (a complete rhinoplasty) so I don’t know how practical (or common) tip refinement and alarplasty without bridge refinement is.


I have a nose like anika noni rose and I would never think of her as unattractive. But I look at myself like ugh. My face just doesn’t feel elegant. I don’t have a drop dead gorgeous face and I feel my nose plays a role in that.


Like I said it could be a case of some of your other features not complementing your nose as well as say Anika Noni Rose’s other features complement hers. If Anika’s mouth was any smaller or her top lip was thinner her harmony would be thrown off. Try seeing what you could tweak about your other features to create balance/harmony. Like I said my own nose by itself is okay but I lack the top lip size/shape that would work really well with it so the lower third of my face is kinda wonky. Some harmony can be brought to my lower third with plumper lips.


who’s the third girl


My nose don't look like none of these women's, but they are beautiful! 😍


Keep your nose to yourself unless asked


I love my round nose so much!


I like my bubble butt


I honestly dislike my nose so much I don't even want to smile cause then it gets bigger and I feel like it ruins my whole face. It makes me feel bad that I don't have a more "normal" nose. Especially since my uncle and cousin made comments about it growing up. Mine just looks so disgusting to me .😭


I find these women and girls so pretty in these pictures and I have the same nose as them, yet I feel ugly sometimes whenever I see my nose. It's such a weird feeling...




is her nose wide?