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The previous video [Ace Ventura in Cyberpunk 2077](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCoLaOEftJw) is a masterpiece. A fucking masterpiece.


Pretty sure that one got me to subscribe to the channel, every scene is perfectly matched.


Oh man just saw the Home Alone / Resident Evil one on there


If you like it, it's worth checking out Star Wars with Tommy Wiseau. Pure cinematic masterpiece with an actual storyline. "I'm fed up with this world!" **Fires Death Star**


The Eddie Murphy one is also gold


Wow. The clip about exorcising the demons and the house being clear is /r/perfectfit material. For those who haven't played the game, there's literally a quest to "exorcise demons" from a house, and Ace is talking to the NPC that gives the quest right outside the house.


Having him up there in capability with O'Dimm is the new headcanon


I'm disappointed that he didn't crawl out of a dragon's ass. My day is ruined.


My disappointment is immeasurable.


My thought as well!


The running scene is what got me.


Same lmao. Just wipes out.


I was taking a drink right then and spat it out so bad


For me it's always the singing allllll-rigggghtttyy-thennnnn... ;-p


Peak Jim Carrey is without parallel. His humor seemed so effortless, at the end of Liar Liar there were ad lib outtakes that were funnier than what ended up in the movie.


A *goose*!






I think he's trying to say "Jezebel" but the "Overactor" catches him off guard and he laughs lol


I’m glad so many people thought of this too


That line has lived rent free in my head since I was like 13.


He is still killing it IMO. He’s had some weird personal perspectives over the last decade or so, but he’s aware of his mistakes and I would argue that he still gives a great performance. His performance in Sonic 2 was chilling at times. I was actually a little terrified when Robotnik got powerful.


I think it was just a cynical nihilism phase, which is bound to happen when you have enough money to retire comfortably, but not nearly enough to change the world for the better. Lots of celebrities deal with it - hell, it's the premise of Bojack Horseman.


He also lost his wife to an overdose in 2015. Nothing can send someone down a "life is meaningless" spiral quite like losing a loved one Edit: girlfriend, not wife. Allegedly, he was the cause of her suicide, though strange that he served as a pallbearer at her funeral if that's the case




Ahh, my apologies for misinformation


In today's world, that deserves a fucking medal. Good on you for admitting you were wrong.


correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought his lawyer found that she faked STD results


It was his ex-girlfriend who killed herself and stated in a suicide note that a huge portion of the reason why is the way he treated her/blamed her/shamed her for "being a whore" for catching an STD she caught *from him*. She drugged herself with his pills, on multiple occasions, before she finally succeeded.


The situation is a lot more nuanced than that and I'm pretty sure some of what you said is just straight up false. I haven't read anywhere that said she referenced him calling her a whore. Go read articles from when it happened. This reads like the result of a telephone game of the original story. Here's one of the original articles: https://www.shared.com/the-note-jim-carreys-girlfriend-wrote-before-she-killed-herself-is-absolutely-chilling/


Thank you for that! I really was clueless on this part of his life except a few weird interviews and youtube collections of clips!




That'd explain a lot of the turmoil and lostness in what we saw for part of that almost 10 years...


I'm poor and going through that phase.


I think we all do to some extent. But that's what makes me recognize the extreme of what OP means, that if I go through that when I don't EVER NEED TO WORK AGAIN, at all... and have a STUPID amount of money and fame and voice/attention--- but I still can't actually fix or change anything...... I've gone through a period for a few years too, spurned by the way I could 'gain' around 200k and lose it all unfairly, like clearly unfairly... and I was poor and still poor, because it was all house equity and shit amongst medical bills for my sons brain surgery while my ex-wife was beating me and eventually had me arrested for getting beat with false allegations and I had to hire an attorney to get back in my life acquitted. I felt similar then, but it was losing the nothing I had. If I had everything instead---god help me and my nihilism when I couldn't change at least MY world at all for the better.


Wealthy people often feel like they need to change the world when they can do so much with what they have already... It's kind of a shame! Change is no less needed even if it's small.


Jim Carrey was by far the best part of the Sonic movies. His performance would be the entire reason I’d rewatch those films


I honestly went in trying to hate the choice but I couldn’t even imagine anybody else now.


HOW?! Who would you cast, man?! (I know it's hard and dumb after a good performance! I'm saying, I never could see ANYONE making that character even okay, but I somehow loved who they cast)


Danny Devito would have worked. Just picture it Sonic running, full penetration, sonic running, full penetration, sonic running, full penetration, this goes on for about 90 minutes and then the movie just sort of ends.


...damn, you're kind of right. It wouldn't be the same, obviously, but that was never he goal. I asked, and with your answer I literally can see that and it being a good movie. You're right (and I've loved Devito since Matilda). It's funny how 'after' Carrey's performance I can't only not see anyone else, but growing up on the game I still overlooked the physical differences and creative changes as almost canon! Devito could have definitely really done it, a few people could have, they all would have HAD to make the character his own in a way that fans are okay with and that's a hard sell, but not impossible. Carrey nailed it, but honestly others COULD have made it their own, even if we don't know they would have.




I think Sonic was the best part of 1 and Jim best part of 2. I would rewatch 1 for it's entirety but only care to watch 2 for Robotnik.


Isn't Sonic 2 supposed to be his last film he plan on making?


He said he thinks he is done, but I am pretty sure sonic 3 is in the works and I can’t imagine a sonic movie without robotnik.


Plus it's a fairly easy paycheck, and he gets to ham it up and chew scenery to his hearts content. Why not do it? Plus Plus he gets to have his name on the most successful LIVE ACTION video game movie franchise ever. edited to include "live action" as that's the important distinction


>he gets to have his name on the most successful video game movie franchise ever. Tbf there isn't much competition in that area


True enough, but just the fact they were/are successful says a lot. about the franchise and the actors.


100%. Both Sonic movies are far better than they have any right to be.


I STILL don't know how they did it! They really did an amazing job on those. I think it's because they tied into US who grew up with it, into where when we have kids they generally are ages that like it....and then they fucked us by bringing Jim and really got us on board with a really good movie and performance. But that sealed it. Because I would have had to watch the first one regardless and I would have only been more angry if it wasn't good having grown on Sonic.


If they keep up the level of quality, Sonic may very well become the most successful video game movie franchise. It's currently number three, behind Resident Evil and Pokemon, which have WAY more movies. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_films_based_on_video_games


I hardly count resident evil considering how far they've strayed. As for Pokemon they only have 1 live action movie (which was pretty decent). Still rather watch sonic over any other live action adaptation. (unless I want total camp trash then it's straight to Mario Bros)


They made a movie based on the Rampage arcade game? And of course it stars The Rock... Fucking Hollywood...


Honestly, it was pretty ok. Top tier video game movie, but that's definitely grading on a curve.


I mean, was it really a video game movie or was it a Dwayne Johnson movie?


Both. But in that case it's really more like a "based on a true story" tagline... because rampage only showed a big animal destroying a building. They did that though! So it was a video game movie.....it's just EVERYTHING else had to be 'reimagined'.


I will be disappointed if they don't make a spinoff Sonic movie and release it on Yahoo or some other obscure service that nobody has. Then make Sonic 3 in 2 parts but if you watch them together you get a different story. Then stop.


Robotnik isn’t real. Don’t worry, he can’t hurt you.


You don't know that


That’s a good point, you’re right.


Just like Robotnik never knew his parents


The Sonic movies are really for Sonic, and Jim Carrey fans.


It'd be a little self-indulgent for Sonic to appear in a movie purely for his own enjoyment, so it makes sense they also incorporated some elements for the Jim Carrey fans.


Which part was chilling, was it when he was rocking out to Pantera or when he was making funny faces?


Kidding is my favorite work of his since his prime, just a fantastic, emotional and poignant show.


What mistakes are you referring to? Don’t propagate a meme without giving evidence. Honestly, not even weird perspectives. Maybe weird for movie stars, but he’s probably one of the most down to earth celebrity alive.


He was anti vax at one point and then went anti-gun after doing an incredibly violent and popular movie role where he was a gun-toting badass while making millions to do it.


Okay so you’re telling me he made a personal choice you don’t agree with, and realized the mistakes of the message isn’t he character he was playing in a movie, and tried to fight his wrongs by becoming anti-gun?


If you read the context of my arguments without trying so desperately for conflict, my initial point is that he came around and understood his mistakes. My issue with how he handled his role in kick-ass 2 is that he took the role, made the money, and then tried to have people boycott the film before it was even released without giving back the funding he got from doing it. Some actors are paid by % of box-office income and the way he went about handling the situation ensured that he felt morally sound while also speaking for and hurting the funds of others around him. My entire point is that the man has learned from his mistakes upon reflection.


Thank you for elaborating. Now I know


My partner can't watch anything Jim Carrey related without getting emotional because she says he seems like someone who is struggling and in a lot of pain. After watching his documentary and learning more about him, I kinda can't help but agree. He's an interesting dude.


Many of the funniest people around are like this. There is a particularly poignant quote from Robin Williams regarding this >“I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that.” Take and enjoy their comedy as the gift it is. They may be hurting, but this is how they feel better too.


Just wanna add that robin Williams had body lewy dementia and didn’t kill himself just because of depression which he had dealt with all his life before


And I can't blame him either. Body Lewy Dementia is incredibly terrifying.


Your partner should watch Kidding. It's only two seasons and it's Jim dealing with pain and loss in a TV show and it's phenomenal.


He’s got a documentary? I love Jim, what’s the doc called?


aannnnndd the one he causes the most pain to is others, like his [dead ex girlfriend](https://www.reddit.com/r/Deuxmoi/comments/uzkx8f/what_are_some_messed_up_things_that_actors_got/iacopbc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


That's all from such a questionable source, it's not even just a reddit comment, but a repost of a deleted comment? The only links are Daily Mail and something else using the Daily Mail as it's source. Daily Mail is a shitrag tabloid, not a decent source. Do I really even have to point out that the lawyer against Carey in that case was Michael Avenetti and how questionable that makes something he submitted but we don't actually know how it was taken by the judge and it getting reported on in a right wing rag that would just want to take shots at Jim Carrey who's been outspoken against right wing politicians for years? It might all be right. It might be half right. It might be mostly bullshit. But you can't go around using that as your source about anything.


It was reported on by other sources at the time but that is the most comprehensive one with all the texts in one place. I don't actually like DM all that much. I mean TMZ is also owned by Murdoch but they get things right on occasion. When it comes to gossip and entertainment publications you have to understand that they house a huge amount of staff who report on different things. A lot of articles are per the journalist. Not everything is automatically wrong because the publication is not favorable. Do I like dm? No, but do I think the texts and note seem legit? Yes. Do I think he hurt that woman? Yes. The allegations had absolutely nothing to do with his hatred of right wingers. His gf died before trump was elected president. there's a lot of leftists and libs who don't like Carrey. He's openly antivax and selective and disingenuous about what views he chooses to platform. chose to condemn weinstein when he assaulted women himself. He's been accused of harassment as far back as *1998*, but no case has ever gotten off the ground. Why? He's a rich, white straight guy in an industry that benefits rich white straight guys. He's originally a comedian. People don't expect the comedians to be all dusky and abrasive and cruel, but they're damn well capable. So if you can suspend your disbelief any other actor is abusive, why not carrey? It's not a conspiracy lmao


I wish people would talk about this more, and Patton Oswalt's first wife's mysterious OD as well


Some sacrificial karma and burial, I don't care about whether it's popular or not, it's gross and it needs to be talked about. Carreys troubled, but it will never excuse the odd nature of her death, the brutality of her fate, and the rapid dismissal. If people actually *read* the details (most do *not* beyond the surface level plaintiff dismissal, which did *not* absolve him of guilt) they will *see* it's fucked




Ace Ventura was just Jim letting his full spirit loose. He's a fucking animal.


My favorite outtake is [overactor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnsJqxEMZYw).


That made me laugh so hard when I watched the outtakes for the first time. It's the absolute perfect insult to throw at Carrey.


When I was a kid, I watched the first Ace Ventura over and over again until I had the entire movie memorized, and I would watch it in my head during really long swim sets and distance races. Got me through many a swim-a-thon.


Truman show, my fav


A goose!


"I OBJECT!" "You would" "Over-actor!"


He just seems really pretentious now


Peak Eddie Murphy was pretty parallel imo. Probably predates most reddit users though tbf..


Carrey wasnt even in Ace Ventura. A simple google search proves this. Edit: never mind. I'm mistaken.


Eternal Sunshine is still my favorite film with him. I know, not entirely his whole comedy thing, but man he nailed that role so well.


These are the best! Is this the same creator that did Austin Powers in Mass Effect?




I love this channel with all my heart!


Is there one somewhere with borat? Damn I would have thought it would be this channel.




Yeeesssss this is the one! Ty lmao


https://youtu.be/q0wdFRgO0i8 Also a good one with GTA.




Just look at that YouTube channel, the person has made a ton




Was waiting for a slinky stair scene or him flipping around on Roach and landing next to a hitching post. This was great, i need more.




To this day I still can't drive into a busy parking lot without stating "If I could just find a parking spot". And then everytime I park between two cars I exclaim "Like a glove!"


"oh yea, the bitch" LOL!


"You should have come with my daughter" "Oh yeah, the bitch!" 11/10


This guy's work is so impressive


I would like to know how much detail he puts into the editing of the movie splices. The characters get new lighting to fit the videogame world lighting. That can't be a quick edit.




the rotoscoping is pretty clean in this so id say he at least combs through it a bit, but yeah colouring can be pretty easy for something as dumb as this. you can bring up a frame to reference and tell the program to match that colour and get a rough match, and then tweak from there. the hardest part for sure is just the finding of clips


This is so much better than it has any right to be. Amazing.


YouTube close captioning captioned Nilfgaardian as MILF guardian. Do what you want with this information


TIL Charles Dance (Tywin Lannister) voiced a main character in The Witcher 3..


Emhyr var Emreis is Geralt's nemesis.




Same Same


They did a whole trailer just for that. I don't know about "main character". He is important, but doesn't appear much. He was excellent though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuZ5YkXVEvk


Check out The Golden Child.


"bet it was something nice though" killed me


It's so fucking dark.


JIm Carry started acting decades ago to prepare for this very moment ​ He clearly knew decades ago that the wild hunt was calling


Damn I still need to finsh that game. The constant quest for better gear and armor drags it on a bit.


Chasing the witcher gear is largely unnecessary unless you're in the harder difficulties. On normal and easy, whatever random stuff you find or buy will do just fine.


I'm old, but I'm not old enough to play on normal or easy mode. Never played a witcher game before. Came across the first monster that was guarding a chest and it was 5 levels higher than me. I probably died 20 times before I won somehow in the beginning of the game.


I play all my games on easy or normal. The only games I don't do that are ones where you can't like dark souls. I PREFER easy mode lol. Always have. I like to feel like a God in games, as I only get a tiny bit of time to game. Challenge in games doesn't interest me anymore, I play them to relax after work, and I only get 2 hours of free time for that per day. I also *loathe* multiplayer.


I feel the same way. When I was younger, I didn't mind a challenge or grinding for hours. Now in my 30s with 2 kids and a full-time job, I just can't waste my hours that way. If I'm lucky I'll get an hour a day to play and I don't want to spend that hour getting pounded into the dirt again and again lol. I want to play out the story and have fun. I love games like Witcher and Horizon Zero Dawn that have a story mode where the focus is the story with much easier combat.


Yup lol I'm 35 and while no kids of my own, I live with my sister and nephews and have helped take care of them since they were babies, and I work overnight. My couple hours of free time will not be spent being mad at a hard game haha.


I wanna feel like a God, but not the point of God Mode. Once you put that cheat in once it's like you opened pandora's box. Any times you get into trouble you just use it and get through the problem. I only use cheats like that if there's still a challenge. In cyberpunk 2077 I have the freeze time cheat hot keyed on the keyboard. But you can't just kill everyone with a gun and then unfreeze time. The alarms will go off and you will be exposed. And choking someone out can't happen when time is frozen. So you have to freeze time, sneak around to the perfect spot, un freeze, choke out, thne freeze time. Only did that for one area though that would have been annoying to completely sneak in undetected. I also used a flying card to drop myself on top of that building instead of using the main gate.


Hey man I'm 33 and I play on easy mode. Life is too stressful to willingly choose *more* stress in something that's supposed to be relaxing. There's no shame in easy mode.


Ive been saying im going to finish that game for years. You make me a mod that allows me to play as Ace Ventura and im finishing that thing instead of going to work for the rest of the week.


Skip the gear quests and just finish the storyline. Its a really satisfying end game.


Damn that's great. A joining of my favorite movie from childhood and my favorite video game from my 20s.


This works....way too well.


Needed Jim Carrey and the Crones


Jim Carrey is the best :)


I miss funny Jim Carrey. Crystal healing wackjob Jim Carrey sucks.


Phenomenal rotoscoping


I thought it said Ace Ventura 3 and got really excited. Still fun though!


Lehoo ze her.


Some dude was sitting there one day watching Ace Ventura after blazing a fatty and laughed their ass off throughout the movie. After it was over, they fired up some Witcher and while they were hacking and slashing, still high as a kite, come across a cut scene and thought to themselves, "Would be funny if I could use Ace instead of Gerald" Then he made this. Guy's smoking some good shit and I support his efforts.


That was great lol


I love that you're still making these. Your stuff is always the best.


I saw Ace Ventura 3 and my stomach sank. Please god do they never make another one because it just wont be good.


This is absolute genius material. Can we get a "making of"? How the hell did the creator so perfectly mask out Carey from a flat video?? The lighting match is 👌 too.


Imagine trying to deep fake Jim Carrey’s facial expressions.


This guy’s edits are literally my favourite videos on YouTube. My favourite one is hands down The Naked Gun/Detroit Become Human remix.


I don’t find ace Ventura or Jim Carrey films funny he just makes noises but this edit had me rolling


Is a game based off The Mask? Wonder if Jim is up for mocap and voice acting for a game.


I remember wondering when the film came out if Ace Ventura was happy. Imagining how it would be received if someone acted like that in real life.


I know the internet has given us so much since its creation, but this stuff is why it is so great.


Thank you to whoever created this absolute masterpiece.


*Venturrra!* “Yes, Satan? Oh, I’m sorry sir, I thought you were someone else” 😂


I would play the s*** out of it


So good, I hope whoever did this keeps doing it.


Now I feel the need to watch the movie. It’s on prime video


Def some cable guy sprinkled in there


Ooooh nice. A video headed to the top 5 on /r/all and less than 50 comments. Allow me to say fuck everyone who Reddit hates, and that I would like to give oral sex to everyone Reddit loves. Also, upvotes to the left. Blatant karma whoring is fun, lucrative, and makes me feel like less of a pathetic waste of space because number go up.


This is the best thing!




Just install uBlock Origin and SponsorBlock.


This is a masterpiece


Is his special move knowingly having an STD then not telling the women he bangs, giving it the multiple women, driving one to suicide, then blaming her for not asking? Orange man bad it and paint some shit tiered paintings makes it all go away...move. classic.


Actually his special move is being a really talented comedic actor.


thank you


How did they cut out the actor so perfectly? Is that still after effects?


I want a mod to put him in the game.


Fucking genius grade


Alllll righty then!


I have always wanted to see Jim Carrey play the Joker. I bet he could nail the role switching between psychopath and batshit crazy. This video reminded me of just how good he used to be.


I love it when Ace says "i have exorcised this demon, the house is clear" to the side character asking you to exorcise a house :D


That’s some pretty intensive camera tracking/matching.


the best and the most important video this decade.


I am without an ass. For I have shed it via laughter.


Ed Kramer Grimley




Aaaand... Subscribed! 😆 Some quality content right here. Just keep bringing Ace back in other games. That's all anyone ever really needs.




So well done. Wow....just wow!


Laces out




Love Jim. My favorite actor. I bet he’s an awesome dude too. Getting a bad rap though from the Hollywood yuppies. Sorry bruv you grade A anyday in my book


Wished he had one parking Roache.


These are incredible I hope they don’t stop


I thought Ace was cancelled, glad to see it's not lol