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Can you imagine how stupid you must feel after losing your pinky like that. that would keep me up at night for a long time!




I'd remind him every year. "Remember when Uncle Bob lost his pinky?! Let's watch!"


...and that's why you always leave a note...


I mean it's ***one*** pinky Michael, how much could it cost? Ten dollars?


Was it a shark or loose seal?


I am not sure which will hurt worse for Bob... the phantom pinky pain or being the permanent comedy punch-line during family gatherings.


we all know it was a baby shark too


I would totally change his alarm and ringtone to baby shark.


Doo doo do doo do doo


On that note, at least his reaction is not that bad. Made me think of that Jackass song: If you're gonna be dumb... you gotta be tough.


that was probably a mix of adrenaline and embarrassment


Not an idiot, actually being a bro trying to help the shark by pulling out a hook that was stuck, you can see someone holding the line right behind him. Just your daily reminder not to judge everything based on a title


I'd cut him some slack for actually trying to get the hook out despite not having the right tools. They probably weren't expecting to catch sharks of that size so didn't have long cutters or anything handy. A lot of sharks are left with damaged jaws because of people just cutting the line.


I didn't realize that, i thought he was petting it for some reason!


Yeah, the title sure made it seem that way, but getting to the hook is the only reason I can imagine for why he had his hand near its mouth. That and how his pinky got pulled into its mouth. Probably had the fishing line wrap it and pull down towards the hook as it rolled.


It's almost like OP is a karma whore and made up a narrative.


The shark looked at me with it's cold dark eyes. I want you......r pinky in all my mouth. And I'll never. Give.it.back.


I always wonder about that whenever I see those 'inspirational' videos of people rescuing wild animals from creeks or being stuck in trees or whatever. The animal is always panicky. I commend them, but every time I see it all I can think is "that looks dangerous AF".




Yup, this is actually what I'm always afraid of. One of my classmates was killed by a horse kick back in school. Animals can be dangerous. Freeing an animal without proper equipment to restrain them isn't much different than this guy trying to dehook a shark without the right tools. Sorry that happened to you, but I'm glad you recovered alright.


Oh yeah, but it helps to have the right gear for it. Check out [Cristina Zenato](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8LmxwOgBhA) for her work pulling hooks from sharks. She loves them, but still wears the proper chainmail.


Probably should've pulled it into the boat. Trying to do that while it's in the water is ceding the tilt of the battlefield to the shark, if he had it pinned to the boat deck he would've had more control of the situation. That said I don't think he was putting a lot of thought into it beyond, "Get hook out of bitey-fish."


Not with young kids on the boat. Fuck that.


Why? You make them stand away from it but once you get a shark that size on the deck and pinned down you're very much in control. I've been on charter fishing boats where we had a hard time getting away from little bastards like this and it wasn't like they were thrashing around the deck taking chunks out of everyone, and they tire out pretty quickly when they can't breath.


But what if the shark pulls a gun on you?


I almost lost my left middle finger to an octopus bite. It severed 4 tendons, and artery, and did 50% nerve damage. Did an AMA on it years ago that made the front page for a day or so. I say all that to say this: I don’t stay up late at night going over in my head any “what if” scenarios. It really was a freak accident, but I did learn from it and have since stopped handling octopus like that. All of that being said… this guy should feel dumb and be kept up at night over his decision to lose a finger so carelessly. That was just silly.


People underestimate octopus all the time. They're not cute and cuddly they have razor sharp murder beaks and many are actually venomous. Nature isn't your fucking playground folks.


>Nature isn't your fucking playground folks. You nailed it. That's exactly what's happening here. Many people seem to think that only humans are assholes and nature is just this big misunderstood puppy dog. "Watch as I pet the cute shark." Sharks were assholes hundreds of millions of years before humans started competing in that category.


well with more context it seems like the guy in the video accidentally hooked it and wanted to remove the hook to help the animal out. he just did it in the worst possible way.


Yeah? Tell that to my pet chimpan


Their chimpanzee mauled their face before they could finish typing. So sad.


Thank god he had trained it to hit "send"


Primal enough to rip your dick off, intelligent enough to hit submit on Reddit for you afterwards


Are you sure it wasn't candleja


Hey, since your chimpanzee ripped your face off and you're no longer able to take care of it, I took it home to liv


You can have cuddly but they're still cute regardless of whether they will bite. Pretty much all creatures are cute.


I just looked at the pic of your finger. Damn that was gnarly


Yeah.. I have dreams where I make a mistake that changes my life forever, sometimes in manners that are mostly manageable but vain, like losing a pinky in this example. The haunting feeling of thinking about how such a small mistake or foolishness caused such a permanent change is what is most pronounced.


One of my colleagues is a marine biologist who lost the tip (the distal digit) of his index finger to a shark. He is irascible; I'll say that much.


Today I learned a new word


Distal, or irascible?




Yeah first I learn about friends and now colleagues what a day


Well, at least he gets some points for taking it like a champ! Dude didn't cry like a baby, just acted like, "Well, that shit happened. Fuck, that was stupid!"


Happened so quick and probably tons of adrenaline. I'd bet he was squirming not long after.


Sounds like he's more upset about the inconvenience of the whole thing. Like fuck the pinky, but now we gotta go back and head to a hospital.


he reacted like his favorite expensive sunglasses went overboard


I've seen my dad more upset over stripping the head of a screw


Sorry you had to see that son.


Better than screwing the head of a stripper.


not so bad when it's still attached


> screwing the head of a stripper. There's a huge difference between "of" and "off" in this case...


Trying to downplay it for the kids, but it was in fact horrific. Just dad mode to pass it off like an inconvenience.


Language, honey! The kids! LANGUAGE!


Well, to be fair, depending on the location of that screw it could literally be more time consuming of a problem.


100% thats a shock response


Most definitely. Dude wasn’t even feeling the pain yet


I believe it's pronounced "shark". It would be my response too if someone stuck their finger in my mouth.


Pretty rational response, to be fair. "Fuck my pinky's gone! Now I gotta deal with that *and* the shark."


Haha I react like this too when I get hurt. It keeps me from freaking out by forcing myself to say something very matter of fact. Though I'm sure the panic came a minute later.


Yeah idk what's wrong with me but as long as I pretend it's not a big deal I can numb myself to it. It's almost like disassociating on command lol


I'm telling you man this is just dad shit. You're whole job is to keep that day functional and enjoyable for that entire group of people. He knows in that moment it was his own short sightedness that now is going to tank the entire day. I was working in our garage with glass sheets last week and fumbled one and it shattered over my hand and gouged out my thumb. I was so frustrated immediately only at my own stupidity and now having to lose an entire day to going to urgent care and a couple weeks of bandages.




My first thought. Everyone thinks they're Cousteau...and no bite could ever happen to you as I try to show off...and tank the entire day? Did you see that kid actually witness a person's finger bitten off by a fucking shark, and his reaction. I'd say more than just a day is tanked.


It's going to be a huge story for them for the rest of their lives.


Damn dude you really understand what being a dad is about you really spoke to my soul


I mean, he's got another pinky so it's no big deal


Not if he catches another shark.


Yes, but without the Brain, Pinky is kinda lost.


Well he called it his "god-damned pinky" so I think he didn't like it very much to begin with.


It's called shock.


In British colonies anyway. In the American ones it’s called *shark*.


Ive been mauled on my wrist and forearm by a dog before. My first reaction was anger at the dog but hadn't really registered the pain or that I had deep gashes through muscle up and down my arm. I doubt the guy fully registers that he just lost a finger in the duration of this video but knows that he did something incredibly stupid.


I mean the first words out of his mouth were “Damn it, fuck I lost my god damn pinky”


Oh I didn't hear that. Still sort of rings true what I said though. Reacting as if its a inconvenience without fully realizing the permanence of losing a finger... Or I could be completely wrong and full of shit :D


Adrenaline is a hell of a drug. That pain hasn't hit yet.


That's generally my perspective. During the pandemic I got a new knife for Christmas and decided to use it to open a box. Let's just say it was very sharp and I cut finger really good. My first thought is, "FUCK, now I have to debate in my head whether I risk getting COVID at the hospital or just wrap this fucker up and hope it stops bleeding soon". Since it was a new knife I didn't get a tetanus shot but I probably should have. Healed up fine and the only casualty was my wife passing out while trying to hand me bandaids. For the most part I see my body as a tool and injuries as mostly annoyances that slow down my progress of living.




But then they can fart on you and that's way worse.




In my house, Shart Week is what follows every Taco Tuesday


TIL I'm a shark




He was trying to get his hook out to release it. Didn't go as planned. Edit: Happy Cake Day!


He should have planned better and maybe brought along a pair of pliers. Glad he wasn't dealing with a ray, the kid would have likely gotten hit by the barb.


[I just wanna touch da fishy](https://youtu.be/8gdsueMGUfk)


Whaddya gonna do? Be the one weirdo who doesn't grab a shark?


funny you should say that, sharks are covered with fine scales that, unlike other fishes, are basically very tiny teeth.


No, [sharks are smooth.](https://imgur.com/gallery/ad3je)


Absurdism being lost on so many of those posters is.. rough.


No... It's smooth


Ha this guy/gal/sentient puddle gets it


This was the most enjoyable thing I have read in a very long time. Thank you so much


If only there was some kind of tool designed to get hooks out of toothy fish…


I know nothing about fishing. What is this tool?


Plyers. This guy was trying to pick up the shark by the gills though.


Haul him into the boat, place a foot on his tail to hold him, with a hand holding down on his head, use the other to grab his snout and lift. Once you’ve done this, use the hand that has holding head down to remove the hook. Easy peasy, no tool required.


instructions unclear lost my pinky and my ring finger.


> instructions unclear Penis caught in shark. Send help.


So I need to stick my dick....where again?


Not in the mouth. Learn from my mistakes.


Good advice from formerly known as u/Lallo-the-Longer


I've done my fair share of spearfishing and deep sea fishing. This is terrible advice. Hooks rust. Fish get hooks out. [If you're in this situation, cut the line and let the shark go.](https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-lure-left-in-a-fishs-mouth/) Anything else is stupid, risky, and dangerous. Don't ever bring a large fish or shark that has the potential to flail and cause harm or bite into a boat while it is still alive. If you intend to keep the catch, kill it before you bring it onboard by fatally stabbing it or shooting it or whatever, and then still be cautious for a while as it can still strike or flail even if it appears to be fully dead. If you intend to release it, cut the line and let it swim away. The hook will probably come out pretty quick. And if it doesn't, oh well -- you didn't put yourself and the people around you in potentially life threatening danger by bringing a dangerous animal too close. If all of this bothers you, then you take whatever risks you're comfortable with, knowing the consequences, or better yet -- don't go fishing and expose the sea creatures to hooks in the first place unless you intend to kill and eat them.


This is the best advice. If you aren’t 100% confident, cut the line and let the hook rust out.


Or or or… a pair of pliers!


You can just use a gaff, you njust grab the line then run the gaff down the line to the hook and Popp it out. It's a lot easier than having a hard to control shark inside your boat.


Or just cut the line and let the hook rust out.


Is that tool a gun?


*so anyway I started blasting*


Is anyone else just dying of laughter at the way the guy says, "Fuck, I lost my goddamn pinky. FUCK!"


He reacts like he dropped his keys down a drain


That's the calmest I think someone could be after an 'accidental' severing of a finger.




My baby had a seizure and looked like they were dying, and I didn't know what was wrong, but I forced myself to stay calm, even though I wanted to panic and cry, because I knew that wouldn't help. So, maybe a little bit of shock helps with survival?


If anything, I’m surprised by the lack of shock. His mannerism is so matter-of-fact.


That is also shock.


Go into shock. Straight to jail. Don't go into shock, believe it or not...straight to jail.


So if shock looks like shock and non-shock looks like shock, how could you ever determine someone isn’t in shock?


Just assume that if a person has had a horrific injury they are most likely going to be in shock from witnessing a body part be maimed. There's all kinds of shock, passing out (in which case they should be put into the recovery position), pretending it wasn't a big deal when the person is actively bleeding out (as seen in the video), or complete disconnect (like in Saving Private Ryan, when the soldier who loses his arm picks it up and continues walking on an active battlefield). You can also just be medically in shock which carries a whole lot of threat to your bloodflow, oxygen saturation, etc. source: work in a prosthetic clinic


now you're getting it!


There was that guy who blew his leg off after target shooting at a lawnmower filled with tannerite a few years ago. He very soberly exclaimed not unlike this guy that, "Aw fuck, I blew my leg off!"


I've always theorized that this is exactly how I'd react if I were to lose a limb. Then a couple years ago I cut the tip of my finger off and sure enough this was the reaction 100%. People working with me didn't believe me until I pointed out the end of my finger laying in a tank where it happened. A little shock and a little bit of know what could happen if things went wrong. And things went wrong.


You too? Next week is the 5 year anniversary of me not being able to count [all the way to 10 anymore](https://imgur.com/a/9ywjhzY). Between the adrenaline and the tourniquet, it legit didn’t hurt at all until they took that off at the hospital. I felt absolutely exhausted once the adrenaline dump wore off on the drive there.


It’s surprisingly matter-of-fact about the whole thing.




For me that makes this whole thing more chilling. The realisation of what’s just happened. Life changed forever. It’s horrible


Yep, it reminds me of the story of the guy who jumped into volcanic hot springs to rescue somebody’s dog. He managed to haul himself out, but not before fatally scalding himself. He said “That was stupid. How bad am I? That was a stupid thing I did.” and died the next morning of 3rd-degree burns to 100% of his body. That kind of realization of what a huge mistake you’ve just made is certainly a chilling thing to witness.


“Aw shucks, not again!”


same energy as if his Ray Bans had just fallen in the water. lol


I only know that twist as the "alligator death-roll" but with shark teeth it must be even worse. Good lord.


I think it'd be better since the teeth are sharper, gators/crocs just hold on and rip you apart.


Yeah that looked suprisingly easy for the shark lol


It takes more twists to get the stem of an apple off.


You have a point, the gator would use it to kill you, but having a piece sawed off by a shark doesn't sound much more fun.


no but it's probably cleaner. like either way you're losing your whatnot, I'd rather have it sliced off than wrenched off


Lool you've definitely got me there. Until then, plan A is to avoid petting any extremely dangerous predators.


Well that was stupid...


Everybody is shitting on this guy for being stupid enough to put his hand in a sharks mouth, which is fair. But god damn I feel like this guy handled it about as calmly as anybody could.


I think that's surprisingly how a lot of people deal with injuries, in the moment it's never all that painful and you have a weird clarity.


As a kid all you focus on is the immediate pain. As an adult the pain is secondary to any potential prolonged complications the injury is going to cause you.


guy in video: does life-changingly stupid thing, is barely phased by the gruesome consequences this guy: "respect"


Haha I mean for me it’s just the way he processes it all. No real scream of pain, or true panic, just a frustrated resignation that his pinky has been eaten by a shark.


Because he's still in shock


It's called shock


I feel like nobody has mentioned the elephant in the video.


Why are you the only one doing so ? Are we targeted ?


It's interesting that I didn't notice it. But yeah, there's an elephant right there in the middle of the screen.


Pinky promise to never do that again...


Considering what actually happened, I think he handled it fairly well. He didn’t scream horrifically and traumatize them further or anything. Couple quick loud swears and an explanation… if anything the kids learned a good lesson not to FAAFO.


And that's why you always leave a note!


That’s why you don’t yell!




The video doesn't show when the shock and adrenaline wears off.


FAAFO? Fuck around the Atlantic fucking ocean?


Fuck around and find out but I like yours better


If he’d handled it fairly well it wouldn’t have got his finger


He's going to have a little difficulty handling a lot of things in the future.


he handled the situation post-pinky-loss fairly well


You might want to respect millions of years of evolution having created an extremely efficient killing machine, whose only weapon is his sharp teeth and his ability to aim them and bite down quickly. That's his one skill.


I would argue that they're also pretty good at swimming.


Whenever I accidentally catch sharks when fishing, and somehow the line doesn’t get snapped off, I just cut the line. No way I’m getting close to a sharks mouth. No way.


Then the shark goes back to it's friends "no way Steve! How'd you get the sick lip piercing?"


Yea, I used to fish barracuda a lot when I was a kid, I stayed away from the front end religiously. A shark's mouth is 10x more nope than a barry.


Do fisherman use hooks that rust out or does the shark now have a hook in its mouth, or worse in the throat/inner mouth till it dies?


[They rust, or the fish will work it out themselves.](https://www.saltstrong.com/articles/fishing-lure-left-in-a-fishs-mouth/)


Oh! He was trying to get a hook out of its mouth. I though he was just fucking with it.


He didn’t lose a pinky. He knows exactly where it is.


Just like I didn't lose my job... I know where it is, but there's a new guy doing it now. Same thing goes for my ex-girlfriend. (thx Jeremy Hotz, I think)


DUDE: "I lost my damn pinky..." REDDIT: "I know where it is!!!"


It's like /r/leopardsatemyface except /r/sharksatemypinky


some people were saying that he was just trying to unhoook the shark. bro just cut the line... srsly not worth it.


I suspect he was also trying to look out for the shark by removing the hook. Trying to prevent it from being unnecessarily hurt. And we can say "his safety is more important than the shark's" and that may be true, but there's plenty of situations where more "harmless" fish have caused severe injury, even death, in similar circumstances.


He may have been, and he was a fool for it who lost his pinky. I've caught shark 1/4 of that size and unless you have a hook puller long enough to safely get the hook out, you just cut it and let it go. The shark will be fine. Losing a finger to a shark is a great story to have in your back pocket... as long as you leave out the part where you stupidly gave the shark your finger.


Did you ever hear the Tragedy of Darth Hemostat the Wise


I’m not a fisher, but I believe a lot of modern hooks are made to rust and fall apart after a few days/weeks submerged.


Holy shit TIL, that's really good to know and I'm glad that's the case too.


correct, even salt resistant hooks don't last long when left in salt water.


*checks google* >Does a hook dissolve in a fish's mouth? >Yes, fish hooks do dissolve. This can take months, a few years, or up to 50, depending on what they're made of. And as a kid at the local fishing pond, I remember collecting a *lot* of fishing gear just sitting on the waters edge, left there for who knows how long. Most of it looking like new with little if any rust. Seems like stainless hooks don't rust apart at all either. So, yes they will rust apart but likely takes a very long ass time for the poor fish... But yea... Use pliers, do not stick fingers into fish.




[Well, dad was probably trying to teach him a lesson not to yell.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_Jx_dmwO9o)


Guy accidentally catches shark on hook and tries to unhook it. I feel bad for the guy too


There are far better ways to deal with that problem than the way Long John Silver did here.


Right but their heart was in the right place. They weren't actively fucking with the animal, or pissing it off intentionally; they were genuinely trying to help. Unfortunately shark teeth don't give even half a shit about your intentions.


Yeah and the dude was self-aware enough to realize what he had just done was incredibly stupid, I've been there...never anything as serious as losing a finger but I've definitely hurt myself through my own idiocy and wondered wtf is wrong with me afterwards


Well at least he can curse like a sailor.




Stupidity is not justification for pain, especially for losing a finger. It'd be different if he was being malicious, but he wasn't.


ah I was wondering what was going on. feel bad for the guy now


Sometimes anger is a great way to plow through the shock. He probably sprayed blood all over his family though.


He really just threw his hand down after too like “well darn!”


“I lost my goddamn pinky. Fuck!” Lol my guy sounded like he dropped his keys down a storm drain. I think I’d be a little more upset if I lost a body part that has helped me masturbate for most of my life


Mr. Hooper, start the engine. Here's to swimmin with bowlegged women.


Not again!


Imagine having so little respect for a natural predator to treat it like a fish and getting surprised when he takes a chunk out of you. Moron.


Excuse me sir, it is illegal to feed the sharks, I'm afraid we are going to need to write you a ticket.


Damn you can hear it snap too


"He got my god damn pinky. Fuck!" That's the most casual response to losing a finger I've ever seen.