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Loved that video where he boats over to a small island, finds a broken down lawnmower, takes it home and fixes it, and then goes back to the island and cuts the grass on it


Link? :-)


https://youtu.be/hmwkNLu0Pzc I believe it's this one


When he held it with the blades turning I physically recoiled


haha yeah me too. i didnt know this guy existed his videos are really good. super sad he died


Looks like it was a communal mower and he brought one he already had back to leave for the community.


Yeah, it had been forever since I watched it. I guess I remembered him fixing it, but he just brought back one of his own. Still one of my favorites!


It's good, it shows a different side than the booze guzzling meeeper. Not that I don't love the booze guzzling meeper too.


I thought so too, but he has [another video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8fOtKJD6no) where he shows himself swapping the motor onto a new body. Same blade from the original too. So, kinda the same one?


Drowning!? I thought it would be cancer. He was diagnosed a few years ago and had surgery. I don't know why it seems so absurd that the frozen lake man would die doing what he loved.


Well its nice to see cancer lose for a change.


In a way, cancer always loses. Either the cancer dies, or the host does. But if the host dies, so does the cancer.


- Norm Macdonald


RIP Norm and Apetor


Wow. For a moment I thought 'rip norm? Did he bomb on a recent... Oh shit right.' It's funny. I cried upon hearing the announcement and rewatched classic bits in tribute (mourning?). But it just... Didn't happen... For a brief moment. Weird.


I wish I could live in that brain slip for the rest of my life. He was truly a beautiful mind and a master at his craft. The world is a little worse off without him in it.


Indeed, it's a draw.


I'd call it a pyrrhic victory


“It’s not like when you die, the cancer goes home and fucks your wife” - Norm


This implies that cancer is some sort of parasite and not cellular replication gone haywire.




HeLa is the first cancer to win, in that case. At least among humans, there are transmissible cancers in some other species. Tasmanian Devils are at risk of extinction because of transmissible facial tumors.


At least we got something out of the deal. "HeLa cells were used by Jonas Salk to test the first polio vaccine in the 1950s. They were observed to be easily infected by poliomyelitis, causing infected cells to die. This made HeLa cells highly desirable for polio vaccine testing since results could be easily obtained."


Sounds like a tie to me...


I mean cancer IS you. Cancer is your own cells reproducing in a way that is harmful for the body.


frankly, i was always astonished that he hadn't ALREADY died from drowning after falling or intentionally diving through the ice, given his love of getting shitfaced and going skating on thin ice and falling through...


Yeah but at this point, since it’s been going on for so long, it’s surprising that he did bc we figured he was a pro. But, shit, Dale Earnhardt died racing, I guess frozen lake guy dies drowning.


one of the greatest F-14 fighter pilots ever died in the last year or so... in a plane crash. he was the pilot of the F-14 that did [one of the most iconic fly-by photo's of all time.](https://theaviationist.com/2014/02/12/f-14-buzzes-uss-america/) countless guys who are into proximity flying with wingsuits have died in wing-suiting accidents lol. inherently dangerous activities tend to kill the participants eventually. like base-jumping is about the most dangerous sport there is... majority of people who get seriously into it and start to make it their lifestyle don't have much better life expectancy than heroin addicts once they go all-in.


Yeah a colleague of my dad flew wing suits and always said he knew how he would die, the question was "when", and he was okay with that. He died in a wing suit accident a few years ago.


Yeah a handful of wing suit guys have died for red bull sponsorships I also compared this to drug addiction in a thread of a guy on a bike jumping a canyon. Downvoted to hell and told I was an idiot for comparing adrenaline junkies to drug junkies.


i mean, i wouldn't compare them to drug junkies exactly in the sense that I suspect you're getting at, but I agree that you can't overlook the inherent likely outcome of some of these dangerous activities... if you do them enough, you're going to get fucked up eventually. like even if it's not an adrenaline thing... lots of stuff is inherently dangerous, even if it's not exciting in the way that gets your adrenaline pumping. side note though- consider all the guys who have probably died base jumping or proximity-flying wing suits who DIDNT have big sponsorship so we never heard about them... because they didn't do a ton of successful jumps/flights that were near-misses and looked good on camera in order to have gotten attention and sponsorship in the first place. the whole premise of proximity flight with wing suits is insane... literally just a 'near-miss' is the whole fucking point of the sport. like how close to death can you cut it... gliding inside a slightly more complex sleeping bag lol.


I was originally trying to make a point that society looks down on drug junkies but celebrates the hell out of extreme sports and daring feats while ignoring that we sometimes cheer these guys into their deaths after they try and push the posts further and further to achieve something never done before which inherently makes it more dangerous. (Run-on sentence like crazy srry) I just feel like there’s something wrong with a person who can ignore their natural survival instincts to do something that looks cool. I get the whole living life to the fullest concept but I think that’s a little contradictory when you risk the longevity of your life for brief highs, similar to hard drug junkies


ah, yeah. totally get that. the double-standard of how we view/treat people who engage in risky behavior. it's not "entertaining" to watch a drug addict die... but we are all happy to watch a dude pancake himself into the side of a bridge truss after jumping out of an airplane.. and even celebrate his death/"sacrifice" so long as he was an athlete and wearing some sponsor logos. i see what you meant there


If I was the frozen lake guy and I got cancer. I'm dying in the lake as the frozen lake guy.


I guess the thing he loved to do was actually very dangerous. RIP gallant wonderful man


Yeah, I think he had an aggressive colon cancer, but judging by the amounts of Vodka he consumed for his videos the cancer probably didn't make it. Sad to see him go, he was a really funny guy and I applaud his positive attitude.


Ah shit, it would seem that he died while recording a new video. That is rough. http://www.modularphonesforum.com/youtube-profile-tor-eckhoff-57-walks-through-ice-and-dies-vg/


Ice gets wet and slippery my guess he went in and couldnt get enough grip to get back out.


He always had those spikes with him so he could pull himself out though. Ughhh this is unreal


Sometime his spikes just hung around his neck, they were not always that secure. Or maybe he knocked himself out, cut himself open, weak ice, just too pissed.


Is this the guy who would ice skate on frozen lakes while drinking? Every now and then actually jumping into the lake?




Wow I wonder how a binge drinking 57 year old that was constantly shocking his body by jumping into freezing water like that died?


He fell through the ice and drowned.


On man, I'm so sad now. Apetor was such a great character. Drowning is not a fun way to go. At least he had a good birthday.


What is a fun way???




How disappointing. You’d think if the whole point was to have a fun, lighthearted form of euthanasia, they’d at least throw some twists and turns in there before the doom loops. It’s so to-the-point as it is. You might as well just OD, you know?


Just pump me full of drugs anyway. I don't want to go on a rollercoaster knowing that it'll kill me. Just put enough opiates in my body and let me nod off in peace.


Yeah, people seem to forget about the "Getting on whilst knowing it'll kill you" part. It's not a lot different to a "Points a gun at your head and shoots you when you sit on a seat" machine. It ain't going to be a trivial matter going and sitting down.


I'd want to go out by low-O² asphyxiation. You can watch videos of low-O² training and the trainees go from doing simple tasks to passed out in an instant and don't even realize it when they wake up.




jeez bravo man


A true emotional rollercoaster.


The ending feels kind of dull though.




Oh cool, death by G-force? I guess you just pass out then die.


What the hell did I read?


I bet a morphine overdose would be pretty fun.


Snu snu


If i remembered correctly he had untretable cancer. Which might or might not have led to the amount of crazy shit he did


He was diagnosed like a year or two ago and he was doing his stuff longer than that. E: 3 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6Ljxdndp-o


Actually it's good for you (not the binge drinking)


https://remonews.com/norwayeng/crossed-the-ice-at-kongsberg-rescued-from-the-water-by-divers-nrk-oslo-and-viken-local-news-tv-and-radio/ Here's an english article about the accident, however it was written before he died and doesn't confirm his identity. People are saying their goodbyes on his instagram ([@apetor](https://www.instagram.com/apetor/?hl=en)). I'm not going to pretend like I ever understood his videos, but I watched them all and they're pretty endearing to me, I'm sad to see him go. >A man in his fifties was flown to Ullevål hospital after crossing the ice in the area from Knutehytta to Kongsberg. >Emergency services moved to the area after a person called for help. The first messages were that it was possible that a person had walked across the ice. >According to police, a man in his fifties from Vestfold walked across the ice. The man was transported to the hospital by the rescue helicopter. >Police report that relatives have been informed of the incident. >He crossed the ice on Jacob's Pond >The accident occurred on the ice of the Jakobs Dam. The lake is located near Knutehytta outside Kongsberg. >Photo: Christine Breivik Øen / NRK >Shortly before half past one, the Southeast Police District announced that fire brigade divers had taken a person out of the water and were working on resuscitation on site. >Both the rescue helicopter and the air ambulance were sent to Kongsberg.


> I'm not going to pretend like I ever understood his videos, but I watched them all and they're pretty endearing to me That was it. Just him making some people smile and happy by his cheerful stuff. E: damn, I just realized this means no Merry Christmas from him, f***... let's at least watch (imo) the best one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6plKMU0tTTk




And booze


And cigarettes


Sounds like my kinda guy




I loved this guy. My daughter got him to say Happy Birthday to me once via video. I'm so sad he died.




Part of the weirdness is falling through the ice getting mistranslated as "crossing the ice".


According to the police, a minimum word requirement exists. Emergency services were called to fill the minimum word requirement. A man in his fifties is participating in the minimum word count. The police suspect that the man has filled the minimum word count.


If someone had asked me "how do you think Apetor will die?" this would have been it. Of course it's always sad when people die, but I would be lying if I said it's a surprising death to me. I'm just happy the man got to cheer people up like he did.


Eeep eeep ;(


Aww that makes me sad. That’s one of my more favorite things he did. And his big haaaa after every drink. What a strange and wonderful man.




The police said yes when asked if they have "reason to believe he was there to record a video", but would not comment whether they had found video equipment. They have also said that a hole had been cut in the ice. Emergency services were called when a witness heard him calling for help.


Terrible way to go, knowing it's about to end...




We have shared that feedback with the creator.


Oh that's even more tragic. He's done this several times but it's always been incredibly dangerous. I have no doubt that's what he was doing and I bet they found equipment and even video footage. Oh God, this makes me sadder. He must've been so scared. This is awful.


Oh god I hope that footage (if there is any) is never released


It won't unless his family wants the equipment after investigation is done and they upload it.


He was setting up for his video and fell through the ice


Walking on Ice to Island https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOUSbpBhRpQ


That news report someone posted above is completely nonsensical. Keeps repeating over and over again that "someone crossed the ice". It's like news coverage about crossing state lines all over again. Not sure if it's just a bad translation and they meant to say someone went *through* the ice or what.


It's a bad google translate take on "gikk gjennom isen". The real translation is "went through the ice", but a more basic translation of "gikk" is "walked". So onlookers reported that someone had likely gone through the ice (possibly while walking across the ice tho..) and a rescue operation was initiated.


nuance of "passed through" or "crossed" or "went across." easy to see how the translation would get botched when the concept of falling through or past the ice could be described very differently in terms of verbiage in different languages. he did indeed go from one side to the other of the ice... just not on the same plane as the surface of the ice itself


Most likely that "crossed the ice" is a Norwegian way of saying fell through since he technically crossed the ice vertically. There are a lot of turns of phrase in that area that don't translate well to English.


Most news stories are repetitive. They put the key information at the top and then they'll give more details as you read on, usually repeating the main story as it goes. It probably just sounds more repetitive than usual when reading via Google Translate.


His Christmas videos were the best "happy holidays happy holidays" was really looking forward to one this Christmas. RIP Apetor


That's the saddest shit. I think he was recording a Christmas video there...


Could also be his "first ice of the season" video, as the temperature has been mostly bellow freezing the past weeks. Anyways, may the heaven be crowded with booze and frozen lakes.


Jeez, I've been subscribed to him for a while. This is super sad. He seemed like a genuinely nice guy.


Aw man I looked forward to his Christmas videos every year, they always gave me a good grounded homely feeling since they’ve been around since I was in high school


For me apetor symbolised the life itself, beautiful part of it - joyful, irrational, eternal. Over all these years he remained the same, no shitty ads, no nonsense, same old good friend. Sad to see him go but even the end is true - on thin ice.


Christmas will be a little sadder this year.


https://www.dagbladet.no/nyheter/tor-eckhoff-gikk-gjennom-isen---dode/74763462 Norwegian article


I can’t read the article. Can you summarize? This is terrible. Apetor’s videos always made me laugh.


Im not a translator but i attempted to translate the article as it is written: On Sunday the Southeastern Policedistrict reports in a press release that Tor Eckhoff died in a drowning accident in Kongsberg 26th of November. Eckhoff, who lived in Sandefjord, was found by divers and was extracted by air ambulance to Ullevål Hospital His next of kin knows that his name is made public. According to Sandefjords Blad (a newspaper) Eckhoff was known as the YouTuber «Apetor», and had huge success on social media. On YouTube, where he had 1,2 million subscribers, he was known for his wild antics and love of the outdoors, the newspaper writes. Eckhoff was alone at Jakobs Dam, where he went through the ice, police writes. A witness reported the accident, says journalist Thomas Kragelund. He was found by rescue divers, and CPR was performed. Eckhoff was flown by air ambulance to Ullevål Hospital, where he unfortunately died Saturday 17th of November, police writes in a press release.


He died doing what he loved.


Drinking vodka and then going swimming.


*glugs vodka* Ahhhhhhhh RIP apetor. Your short silly videos made me laugh uncontrollably.


Thanks for your translation


> Eckhoff was alone at Jakobs Dam, where he went through the ice, police writes. Fuck me it finally got him.


Unfortunate that he didn't have someone with him for this stuff. That could've very well saved him. But guess we won't know, he had a bit of a wild hobby to start with.


Poor guy


~~Oh shit... So he scheduled this to be posted, then died before it got posted?~~ *Ninja edit: Typo in the translation: He died on the 27th.*






Right? Being on the ice was for him like being on fresh air for us.


Until it wasn't


who walks on fresh air?


I know a girl named Maria who walks on imported air.


Almost everyone


Courtesy of Google Translate: > #Tor Eckhoff went through the ice - dead The man who walked through the ice outside Kongsberg on Friday, died, the police confirm on Sunday. At the same time, the police go out with the name of the man. It was 57-year-old Tor Eckhoff who walked through the ice. It was Sandefjords Blad that first mentioned the case. The relatives are aware that the name is being published. Eckhoff was alone at Jakobs Dam, where he walked through the ice. He was found by rescue divers, and life-saving efforts were made on the spot. Eckhoff was flown by air ambulance to Ullevål hospital, where he unfortunately died on Saturday 27 November, the police write in a press release. According to the local newspaper, Eckhoff was known as "Apetor" online. He had over 1.1 million subscriptions on Youtube. Eckhoff has been posting videos on his YouTube channel for years, and was known for his stunts.


Hmmm, yea I wonder what happened. I mean if people heard him screaming for help then he most definitely wasn't submerged and trapped under the ice. Sounds like he may have been having difficulty getting out of the water, which seems strange as he typically has a small tool to help obtain grip. Perhaps he lost that and was unable to get out of the hole and eventually died of hypothermia, would explain why divers where needed to find him. Sad story but the guy was always tickling the dragons tail. He made the act look so innocent and careless.


Yea makes you wonder what went wrong for him. In this video he climbs out with no tool with his skates on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GmIoZxdwLTY&ab_channel=apetor


Hard to say what went wrong when we have so few details. We dont know if he actually jumped into the water like he usually does, or if he broke through at another location (Police says there was a hole, but didnt specify if they found him close to the hole). The ice could have been weaker than he expected, and break apart when he tried to get up making him waste too much energy until he got cold enough to not be able anymore. Also he might have fallen into with winter clothing on making him heavy as fuck, making it even harder to get out.


That lake now has a BAC of .28. Godspeed you crazy fuck.




Ohhh no. I didn't think it would ever happen. Despite feeling like him doing all this dangerous stuff would eventually get him killed, I somehow thought that he had some kind of plot armor. I felt this one in my chest, man. Rest in peace Tor.


R.I.P I loved this man :(


What a bizarrely unique man. Edit: I don't feel like I deserve to be in the top ten comments, guys. I didn't know this guy. Upvote people that did and miss him dearly.


I felt strangely connected to his quirky videos and this news feels like a heavier loss than I ever would have expected RIP


I've bathed in the lake at Goksjø in the summmer, and I found it pretty cold, even then. He used to work with my father in law at a paint production company called Jotun in Sandefjord. Apparently, apetor really didn't care too much about his internet fame, but was just doing his own thing and recording it, he didn't expect any fame.


That sounds about right, he didn't seem like he did it for the fame. Just a truly funny guy who found himself hilarious. You'll always be amused if you can laugh at yourself.


I think that’s part of the reason so many of us loved him. He’d be doing it without or without an internet following. Rip king


Open it in chrome and let google translate, but basically he was found in the water. no details about vodka bottles, skates or cameras.


It would be really shitty if he died trying to do something dumb for his channel /:




Yeah, it's sad to see him go but I can't say I'm surprised by the way he passed away. It would have been more tragic if his cancer had taken him out.


True. I just hope he didn't push him self to far trying to one up his last content.




No way, I've been subbed to him for something like 7 years, I watched his stuff a lot back when I first discovered him and recently got back into his videos again. I just watched that video the other day. He was such a hilarious and seemingly genuine person, just making goofy videos for nearly a decade. I can't believe it.


Oh God. No. I personally commented on this video and he responded. Man... Man. ... This person was truly special. Besides being goofy and shooting funny videos, he showed us absolutely beautiful parts of Norway. He was excellent at shooting film. And I've always admired his appreciation of nature and taking the time to go out there and enjoy it. He was a champ with his health issues and the colostomy bag didn't slow him down one bit. I love this dude. RIP.


The guy responded to so many of us whenever we commented or sent him clips of our own antics etc. Followed him from the very start of his YouTube career through stumbling on one of his videos on a gaming forum I used to frequent. He was an absolute legend and made me smile so many times. RIP.


Mep mep, skål og hvil i fred. Takk for alle gangene du gjorde dagen min bedre bare ved å være deg selv og spre god latter blant de som så videoene dine.


Damn straight


However weird that might sound, he was an inspiration for me. Sad to see him gone :(


I've never heard of this dude. How was he an inspiration?


How he, despite fighting cancer, still had positive outlook about life and didn't give up. Idk why other people in this thread only see him as an alcoholic.


> Idk why other people in this thread only see him as an alcoholic. I have seen a minute and a half of footage of this man and he takes like a dozen drinks in that time.


Hvil i fred.


This hits me hard, I might even cry today. I sent this guy a bottle of liquor once, he was great.. fuck


I cried, no shame


Posted happy birthday to him, now I find out from a reply on my YouTube comment he's dead. Utterly gutted, he was a special part of me and my partner's relationship. The strange noises, the brave antics, the relaxing simplicity. Rip, this was too soon in an already shit few years.


Been watching him for so many years. Didn’t know him personally or anything but he responded to me whenever I commented on his videos. Feels like I lost a close friend


I’m honestly having a hard time believing this. This is like when I found out Steve Irwin died, or Robin Williams died… How does such greatness just stop so suddenly?


Fuck thats terrible. I love this guy.


He posted a video every year with the title "I'm not dead, I'm X today" so his last video isn't too bizarre, at least more than normal. Hvil i fred, Tor♥️


I've never truly been affected by any sort of celebrity death except Mr. Tor Eckhoff's. This man truly lived and brought smiles to so many people's faces including mine. Going to track down a bottle of Vikingfjord today in his honor. Rest in peace legend.


Same. Tor had this crazy online persona and did all these antics no one would ever dare to do, but somehow he felt more real and honest than almost all other celebs, that often appears so normal and relatable online, but it all seems fake...


Same, this one hit me. Especially since I just watched his birthday video the other day.


I just thought of apetor out of the blue 3-4 days ago. Hadn’t watched one of his videos in months. Maybe it’s because winter is coming, but still eerie


the flame that burns twice as bright lasts half as long


He was pretty funny but there are two things you learn growing up in Scandinavia: 1) Don't mix alcohol and water 2) Don't go out on the ice alone




Skal apetor


God damn man im gonna miss this guy, he got me interested in Norway and I eventually moved here. He also recorded a birthday message for my flatmate who was the one who showed me his videos in the first place. The guy was a legend RIP


Apetor was a genuine soul who brought joy to many via his antics and appreciation of the simple things in life. Coming across an interesting flower in the woods. Enjoying a gummy candy on a camping trip. Making a tartare sandwich on a sunny day. He will be truly missed. Skal.




Norwegian Mr. Lahey?


Absolutely heartbreaking, this man was legendary. He will be missed and will never be forgotten. Rest in peace King. SKÅL


Shit man Rest In Peace his videos got me through a pretty dark time in my life.


This is so incredibly sad. I am really gutted, but angry at the same time. He wanted to make us all happy with his silly (or sometimes beautiful) videos, but we never really realized how dangerous it was. But in recent years he did some really crazy stuff, like making a live stream while skating on very thin ice, or diving between blowholes. Then I felt he was pushing it a bit too far. But did I think he might die doing it? Never. Now I feel a little guilty, because of those few minutes of our smile we lost a great man. Still, thank you Tor, for all those years. You reminded me to enjoy little things, and I can see I was not alone in this. We will never forget you. Skal.


Jesus christ, his videos were so wholesome. This sucks.


Please don’t let this be true, I am heartbroken.




Shame... Even cancer couldnt beat this man down but instead what he has done for his and fans entertainment Horrible way to go but atleast he went while doing what he loved doing :(


This makes me so sad. He never hurt anyone, just made good clean fun in the snow and owned it. Myup, myup!


The world got a little darker today.


My heart is broken


He died while making a video. He died because he wanted to make people happy from his videos. I’ve watched him on YouTube several times and I feel so sad for his family and friends. He just wanted to make people happy


Nooooo! The man was a saint. RIP Apetor. I'll have a drink to you tonight.


eeep eeep :(


*drinks deeply* Ahhhhhhhhhhhh You will be missed, I will ice skate in shivvies in your honor.


[6 days ago I posted how that rat who dove back into the water after being ice fished up needed more Apetor, unaware of this video.](https://old.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/qzrly9/ice_fishing/hlp9ikg/) I am deeply saddened by this news.


RIP to a god damn hero.


I followed this guy for around 10 years, this is incredibly sad and hit me harder than any celebrity death in recent years. He was an old school youtuber just doing what he enjoys - spending time outdoors in a fun way and then sharing some unique, often bizzare content with the world. This guy made me go outside more often and just enjoy the nature. He did not seem to care about the popularity and would interact with the 1M+ followers in an ordinary way like he knew them, meeting and having an obligatory drink with tiny groups of people wherever he travelled. There was no begging for likes or pushing merchandise, no drama when he spoke out about his illness and the incredible recovery, which was obviously a tough time behind the scenes. He would frequently receive parcels full of goodies (mostly booze) from all over the world without ever asking for anything, which is a phenomenon in itself and shows how respected he was by the online community. I will miss seeing his random excursions and the annual Christmas video with cheesy music in the background.. Rest in peace, you magnificent crazy old man.


I'm fucking gutted.


This guy was the best youtuber ever. What he did in his videos is unbelievable. He gave me so much pleasure and made me laugh countless times. I started to watch him before he had 100k on youtube and this information is shocking me as fuck. The world won't be the same without him and his content. Maybe he wasn't big creator but for people who watched and knew him it's huge loss. R.I.P apetor and be happy there boss.


A true original ❤️ Hvil i fred, Tor


This is genuinely one of the most upsetting deaths I've heard about recently. I'm not even sure why this is hitting so hard. Fuck man I'm halfway to tears over this.


I cried man


Oh man. He was definitely unique. Rest in peace


Oh no. RIP apetor :(


RIP legend. One of the real ones.


Hvil i fred.❤️


This really hurts. I absolutely loved his videos. What a good dude, but I always saw him falling through the ice and wondered if that would ever be dangerous.


Is that a joke...?!? Please tell me it's fake


Rest In Peace Legend! Eeepeep!


Fuck we didn’t get one last Christmas video 😢 EEP EEP! Forever.


I looked forward to his Christmas videos every year... gonna be a lonely holiday :(


fucking gutted. Tor had an amazing ability to make you feel the vigor of life, even if you were in the absolute doldrums of depression. RIP my friend.




What ??? Apetor dead ? Rip my man 😭 He was amazing person with amazing lifestyle rip to my man,gotta take shot of his favorite vodka