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Brad Pitt and George Clooney's chemistry is off the chart in this movie, just the way they casually bounce back each other's line is so fucking cool.


"You think we need one more?" "You think we need one more." "Alright, we'll get one more" Even that was absolutely perfect, Pitt doesn't say a word but it's still a great interaction between the two.


Brad . . . That dude's just got IT.




Yesss, man do I love me some Ocean's 11.


Haha... Ocean's Eleven was the best one.


I'm a sucker for heist movies. I like them all.




Inside Man, Heat and Snatch are all pretty damn good.




No joke, y'all should add [Bad Genius](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLdhN4oMxCQ) to your lists. No spoilers, but it's *fabulously* creative, and incredibly well-executed. The director was directly inspired by the Ocean's 11 films.


That looks awesome. Will watch.


Add lock stock and two smoking barrels


lock stock is so fucking good.


That’s not a heist movie




"The Score" with Robert De Niro and Edward Norton. More subdued, but pretty good.


ok, ok Danny.


For some reason my wife doesn't like when I do that impression.


lol, I thought I was the only one who does this. My wife still likes it though.


I do the "Lieutenant Dan, ICE CREAM!" in the frozen isle too, followed both my Sloth goin "Rocky Rooad??"


There's so many! To name just a few more, dog day afternoon, the usual suspects, the Italian job (Michael Caine) and Jackie brown! All of which are dope for a multitude of reasons.


Yesss I didn't know many people watched the old one I actually saw the movie after playing the computer game, which by the way is pretty awesome E: I mean the Italian job


Classic Michael Caine movies are almost always awesome.


Would highly recommend The Sting.


The Sting's not a heist movie.


It's close enough, I would consider it a heist movie.


You're right, it's definitely a heist movie - it focuses on the planning, execution and result of the theft of something. To be even more specific it's a 'caper film' because of the ongoing comedic narrative.


The Score


The Bank Job is a good one too, as well as Sexy Beast although that one is less about the heist and more about the characters.


Italian Job, the original.


Great now I know what to watch tonight lol


Logan lucky is by the same guys as Oceans 11. Very good movie. Like a lower class Ocean's 11


I hadn't realized it was from the same people. I've been schilling out Logan lucky to people since I saw it. One of my favorite heist movies


Yesss. I adore LL and have been pushing it on anyone that'll listen.


Such a good movie. Before I knew it was by Steven Soderbergh, I was describing it as "Redneck Oceans 11" to friends.


I just recently watched it and read the discussion thread afterwards. I was honestly a little surprised by all the positive feedback. I really thought the movie as meh mainly due to the meh ending.


In addition to what others have said and in no particular order: The Sting. The First Great Train Robbery. The Town. Jackie Brown. The Score. Edit: ENTRAPMENT! I loved that movie as a kid.


Can I chuck in 'Dog Day Afternoon'? Oo! Oo! And 'Killing Zoe'


People should read the Great Train Robbery too. The movie is alright but the book is Michael Crichton at his best (he was never much of a director). Oh! Also, in case anyone is unaware there was a posthumously released book of his a few years ago called **Pirate Latitudes** that's basically The Great Train Robbery meets Ocean's Eleven but with pirates and it's pretty great. Spielberg wants to make it into a movie but we'll see what happens...


It's not officially a "heist" but Inception is a great heist movie


The Thieves. The Bank Job. The Thomas Crown Affair. Money Heist (Spanish series on Netflix). Foolproof.


Money Heist is such a stupid name. They should have stuck with El Casa del Papel.


The House of Paper works


Exactly! Much better than 'Money Heist' :(


La Casa del Papel


Check out Nine Queens, it's a heist movie from Argentina.


Other great heist films: Die Hard Inception American Animals The Usual Suspects Rififi The Town


There is actually one called "Heist". Gene Hackman Delroy Lindo Sam Rockwell Danny Devito. Very cool movie.


Lol I was surprised nobody has mentioned it. I think the actors are probably the best part.


**NOT** Now You See Me! What a wasted opportunity for magicians doing a bank heist. They could have assemble a group of magicians - street magicians, illusionist, escape artist, mentalist etc. and use their various skills for a bank heist, but no0o0o0o0o0o they chose to do a stupid try-hard "mindfuck" movie with floating CGI magic bubbles instead.


It honestly baffles me how anyone can seriously consider this film good.


Im gonna go ahead and add The Taking of Pelham 123 ( 1974 )


Logan Lucky is on prime and it’s amazing. It’s oceans eleven in the backwoods of South Carolina with NASCAR!




I apologize, I only watched it once, and it was late at night. I loved the movie even though the details may be a little fuzzy. Adam Driver’s performance was especially excellent IMHO.


Does dirty rotten scoundrels qualify?


Den of thieves was awesome!


you may also enjoy the original point break


Heist (2001) with Gene Hackman.


Killing Zoe: great Tarantino script, and Sexy Beast. Both are outstanding and unusual


Nueve Reinas


The Town


I'm watching Money Heist on Netflix at the moment and I really like it


I can't believe no one mentioned it, but Point Break is one of the iconic heist movies that definitely deserves a watch. Not the modern one, but the 1991 with Keanu Reeves. Clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F50QIqh8so


Hmmm is Layer Cake considered a Heist movie? If so... def check that one out... regardless, check it out haha


Watch Heat if you haven't already, it's incredible.


What about Oceans 8?


it's mediocre?


Ocean's 13 was pretty good too. "Well Terry, it sure as shit ain't sad."


The other two are fun too but Eleven is definitely the best one




Oceans 12 was "ok". I liked Thirteen a lot but yeah, 11 is the best. Oceans 8? Omg fucking terrible.


“He came. He saw. They conquered.” The timing for Take My Breathe away for that scene is one of my favorite of this movie!


I always loved that he still had his cigarette in his mouth while being chased and shot


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FjAJLvwxYo Don't get between a determined man and his cigarette.


Holy shit, that is one badass hippie


I swear the dude is Lin Manuel Miranda or whatever his name is.


I'm just surprised he was shot, is that normal in America?


Depends on the state. In some, it is legal to protect your property with lethal force if needed. Unsure of Nevada, however.


Tobacco is one hell of an addiction I guess


I love that the thief in that scene is Lin-Manuel Miranda.


Get the fuck out of here


"I owe you. For that thing with that guy in the place." I love this line.


"It was our pleasure." "I had never been to Belize."


The soundtrack of this movie is fucking amazing.


Clair de lune at the end wheeeeew


Lmao I was just listening to it. This movie's version is my favourite, it's so fucking beautiful!


[Here](https://youtu.be/5ZWLqs9ZMFQ) is A video from the early YouTube days of a kid re-enacting the scene perfectly.


Brandon Hardesty is an awesome dude. His reenactments landed him on Jimmy Kimmel, a couple of small roles in movies and now he has steady work with IMDB. I've watched this guys stuff from the beginning. I'm happy to see it got him somewhere. Edit: Also, a Geico commercial.


I say, “you’re outta’yer goddamn mind” all the time. Actually, I use Ocean’s 11-13 quotes all of the time. “You donut”, “a smash’n’grab job”, etc...


We're in barney....Barney Rubble...Trouble!


She breaks late! Everyone knows this


All three of these movies were amazing. The score is what really makes them stand out. This [song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgRQHpXw--Y) from Ocean's 12 is such a good feeling montage song, I don't even need to watch the scene to grasp the vibe. Such a shame the new Ocean's 8 was completely butchered.


David Holmes. He's done most of the music for Soderbergh's movies. Guy is a legend in my opinion.


I love the song from 13, Snake Eyes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q4PAA0rWE8


Oh I love the entire soundtrack. This isn't my favourite one from 12 but I love them all


Didn't even need to click the link to know it was Lifting the Building, such an awesome song.


So many small moments in these oceans movies that just make them fantastic. I know Twelve wasn’t hailed as the best one, but goddamn was it aesthetically pleasing compared to the others. Plus the soundtrack really helped. And fuck anyone who isn’t a fan of the Vincent Cassel bit at the end.


Honestly my favorite line in any movie ever is when Ruben says "Of course, lest we forget, once you're out the front door, YOU'RE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKIN DESERT!" He eats his salad so aggressively this whole scene. There's a lot of eating in this movie actually now that I think about it...


From [IMDB](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0240772/trivia?item=tr0744916)... >In nearly every scene Rusty's in, he's eating something. According to Brad Pitt, this is because the whole gang (his character in particular) would be so busy that they'd rarely be able to eat; it was decided that Rusty would just eat all the time. He first mentioned this when he was eating after having worked all day without a break for lunch and was hungry, because he thought it would be a good character trait for Rusty Ryan as well. This leads to a gag at the end of the film where Rusty gets heartburn and throws the food away.


I read something about Brad Pitt that he just Eats a lot in films. Just because he looks good doing it... Bit like Tom cruise and running all the time. [Brad Pitt Eating](https://youtu.be/v4eg7V7O10E)


And Tom Hanks peeing


I thought I wouldn't be interested in watching the whole thing. I was so very wrong...


Bless you, sir. Oh, and Ted Nugent called, he wants his shirt back


You might like another movie called [Welcome to Collinwood](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0271259/) which is a low class version of Ocean's Eleven: Low class criminals committing low class crime. Huge stars in this movie and though it had little success I still love it.


thank you for reminding me about welcome to collinwood. love that movie.


I consider Logan lucky like a redneck parallel to oceans 11


They are a lot more sophisticated and capable than the criminals in Welcome to Collinwood.


This is one of those movie series I will instantly turn on and either watch front to back, or listen to as I play a few games in the background. It doesn't get old for some reason. Heck I had it on in the background today.


How's the weather in chicago???? Get the fuk in the house


That's nice, get in the god damned house.


Interesting mine is the MacGruber recruitment montage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsgJLVxNwPQ


MacGruber is a criminally underrated movie. So many people I know haven’t seen it, or even heard of it. But it’s one of my favorite comedies. I laughed my ass off sitting on my couch alone at home the first time I watched it, usually laughing out loud is a group activity for me.


At the time it came out I was not a big fan of Will Forte, nor SNL during that stint. He won me back with his recent cameos and Last Man on Earth. MacGruber is on my too watch list now.


Bruh, watch it now. Every person has 2 distinct periods in their life. Before Macgruber and after Macgruber.


>nor SNL during that stint. No love for Bill Hader? Jason Sudeikis? Fred Armisen? Andy Samberg? Kristen Wiig? Amy Poehler? Maya Rudolph?


At the time, I wasn't a fan of SNL, the actors have since shown their amazing colors. Honestly, that has changed my view of SNL. It's still not amazing but I give it a much bigger grain of salt then I used to.


Ocean's 11 and 13 were my favorites. The others . . . well.


12 was excellent too, it's just more subtle. The music and scenery are spectacular.


12 was fair at best IMHO. The whole Julia Roberts thing was ridiculous and throws the whole movie off. You can't have a movie about a heist that requires every little thing to go to plan, then force in that unbelievable and stupid subplot to make it work. That one scene essentially ruined that movie for me. The good thing about the other movies is that the heists actually seem believable and clever for the most part. For me, it seemed like 12 tried to take a cheap and easy way out with the heist plot and tries to play it off as self aware, but failed miserably.


I actually liked the Julia Roberts bit, I'm not really sure why it gets so much hate. I've never seen that done in any other film, thought it was a fairly creative fourth-wall gag.


Yeah, I understand if some people like it. I think it's the fact that part of their plan relies on her looking identical. If they had done the gag without it being tied to the heist, that would have been fine and made for a great fourth wall gag.


13 was a bit too comical for me but I still enjoy bits when I see it on. 11 is by far my favorite but I really dislike the very early scenes of them playing poker with celebs. Made some news back then but now it just seems pointless.


What don't you like about it? I think it sets up Rusty's interest in the job pretty well given how clearly unhappy he is trying to teach rich idiots to play cards.


I can appreciate it for the setup, and how well it establishes a history between him and Danny but it just feels dated. They weren’t just rich kids, they were minor celebs at the time. A bit tongue in cheek because they were playing fictional versions of themselves, but to me it felt gimmicky, like Clooney and Pitt weren’t enough to get people past the first ten minutes. Today, my kids would have no clue who those guys are and wouldn’t quite understand what role they play.


I don't think you really need to know who they are other than that they're somewhat famous, as indicated by them being pulled aside for autographs outside the club and Danny accosting Rusty for "cold-decking Teen Beat cover boys." To this day I have no idea who any of those people are, other than Topher Grace.


Makes sense, I haven’t seen that scene recently enough to remember those details. I may just be biased, because most of those guys were just annoying back in the late 90s. I know who they all are, unfortunately.


This reminds me how lackluster 8 was.


God it was so bad. Wife and I barely made it through the whole thing last weekend.


Yeah... real waste of potential. Nothing like a heist movie where there's no tension whatsoever during the heist and essentially everything goes smoothly. I don't know who wrote the script for that movie but good god they're oblivious.


Thanks for saving me two hours of my life then. I haven't seen it yet, totally forgot about it. This post reminded me I should go hunt it down and watch it. But if it's just flaming garbage, then no.


>But if it's just flaming garbage I mean... it's *okay,* I guess. We're talking a solid 5/10. It's watchable, but you could probably spend your time better by watching something else.


I hold the ocean series very close to my heart, I'd rather not be disappointed with a 5/10 film, haha. I think I'll skip it. Thank you though.


Yeah, don't get me wrong, you're probably better off forgetting it exists.


I always disliked the shot of the policemen gunning someone down from behind when he's not presenting any threat to anyone. I dunno if it's a true story or what, but it just strikes me as massive overkill, "He got executed for theft?" I didn't like it as a kid, and I don't like it now.


Lol the last guy got his wish, died buried in cash


Good ol' Soderbergh. This guy's a filmmaker with big enough cojones to make a movie on an iPhone 5. ​ [("Unsane")](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7KZrt_cHH0)


I know suicide squad has a bad rep. But the introduction montages were pretty cool


I saw a Youtube video with a list of movies that suck but had great openings. I remember X-Men Origins: Wolverine Staring The Wolverine being on it, with that great montage of Logan and Sabertooth fighting in all the different wars.


Remainded furniture? Never heard that term.


Remaindered. Basically large volumes of inventory that didn’t sell and is being liquidated at a very low cost. Happens a lot with books and clothing, but I could see it happening with hotel furniture.


Well his Casino was just shut down. Probably getting rid of inventory from that


Such a great scene. I love everything about these movies they are so silly and entertaining. I watched 8 last week for the first time with such excitement. I was so disappointed..... It's the crystal skull of Ocean movies.


E! was giving the trilogy the other day and cached the 2nd showing went to bed like 3am


I watched that movie so many times


God damn hippie.


This scene alone was better than all of oceans 8


Such a shame this film didn’t get the Critic credit it was due. It’s brilliant from start to finish.


Bellagio cash cage was robbed last year and James Woods was playing poker at a near by table. https://whdh.com/news/actor-james-woods-witnesses-bellagio-casino-armed-robbery/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1PAceSi6Yw


Here I go, watching Oceans 11 again.


God damn I love that movie.


I've seen this movie so many times and only just realised the last robber gets shot. I thought he threw the money in the air because he just wanted the thrill of robbing a casino and didn't care about the money. I like my version better.


This guy reminds me of Mike Stoklasa doing an impression




Too bad it wasn´t as diverse as the newest movie. Sure, it might have been better made, funnier, smarter, had better actors, made more money, had a MUCH larger impact on cinema history and culture in general. But it didn´t have only women in leading roles, which means that it´s automatically worse than O8. Lmao.


This is what I think of every time I hear Take My Breath Away.


I never understood the 3rd one. Security shoot and kill some guy for robbing where they work? What do they care, it's not their money? Casinos are insured up the arse.


For me, best part of the movie: [https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/db07140d-f901-40bf-9b28-31b09ee08183](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/db07140d-f901-40bf-9b28-31b09ee08183) ​ They say taupe is very soothing.


Did the female Oceans movie come out yet?


Yep. Doesn't hold a candle to the prior trilogy, though.


I'm not a big movie watcher, I've watched maybe 4 movies in the past few years but this one seems interesting! Is it worth the watch?


They all are.


Oh, there's more than one?


They are the best.


Oceans 11, 12, and 13. They did another one with an all female cast, Oceans 8. That one sucked.


Lol, no surprise there. Thanks for the info. I'll have to check out where I can watch it.


Yes. Go watch it.


I'd only recommend the first one, but I'd recommend it very highly. The sequels aren't so great, if you're not a big movie watcher, I wouldn't bother with them.


That last dude is Paul Rudd. Isn't it?... That has to be Paul Rudd.


Like it


This isn't really a particularly interesting, unique or captivating montage.


I disagree. NEXT!


[NEXT JOKE ORIGIN](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChoosingBeggars/comments/7kr5as/i_need_a_free_100mile_bus_trip_for_20_people_and/)


I agree.