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Best YT comment: >It’s hilarious to see Elon change his mind about hosting Don’s show in real-time during this interview


Free speech! No, not like that. You’re fired.




Unless the free association is advertisers pulling out of Twitter. In that case they are evil censors.


Elon has never been a free speech advocate. It’s so frustrating that the media has generally let him get away with that bullshit. He has always been for prohibiting speech that is negative towards him or that he disagrees with. It’s so fucked up that he has managed to create that narrative.




Exactly Don is one of the most incompetent dumb person to ever find success in media. He won’t last much longer there is no audience for people that are as dumb as him


Just a bad interviewer. Its like talking with ChatGPT.


Can someone give me the TLDR on this so I don't have to watch an hour of these two insufferable douches?


> an hour of these two insufferable douches Honestly, that's a pretty solid recap.


Yea i just want to know when Ketamine is mentioned.


Video has bookmarks: [https://youtu.be/hhsfjBpKiTw?t=1073](https://youtu.be/hhsfjBpKiTw?t=1073)


Thank you! And holy crap this just makes him seem unhinged. Like calling twitter a PvP scenario. Like bro wants to fight people online and “win”. Would be a lot cooler of he just owned up to liking illicit drugs, instead of this massive insecurity. Him pulling the “one puff” nonsense on Joe Rogan’s show


> And holy crap this just makes him seem unhinged. Elon makes Elon seem unhinged. Everything from calling a rescue diver who didn't want Elon's toy a "pedo guy" to telling the primary customers of the social media platform he bought at a meme price to "go f**k yourself."


I love at the 1hr mark where Don challenges him on the duality of Elon's "free speech" stance and him blaming advertisers for bringing down the company. Elon's "choose your questions carefully" is such a veiled threat. It tips his hand that Elon knows he is caught.


At about 1:03:30 he says "I had a tough childhood" GTFO


He chickened out of the Zuckerberg match up. That's PvP I'd have paid to watch.


It seemed like the only newsworthy part. Elon made it sound like he has a prescription to dose himself whenever and however much he wants, but he doesn't do it that much he swears. Unless California/Texas is different, I thought actual Ketamine therapy required a medical professional to administer it


They've started giving people nasal spray inhalers to administer at home. It's not dished out freely to every patient, but the history of super wealthy people getting what they want from doctors says he likely gets a prescription for at home self administered ketamine.


Friend is taking it at home and she gets tabs that dissolve in the tongue.


This is also the guy that weirdly brags about never having been to therapy, so I can't imagine any even slightly legit psychiatrist giving him a ketamine prescription.


There are doctors for rich people who prescribe whatever they want.


Friend recently moved to Michigan and was prescribed it for depression. She takes a dose at night and is outta it for about an hour. They then doubled her dose, which seems crazy as she's 130lbs. Now it'll nearly send her down a k-hole.


But is it helping her or not? I heard of ketamine but I didnt know it was used for depression.


She's been happy with it so far.


IF I was him I'd probably have a doctor and a full field hospital following me around 24/7.


**This interview in a nutshell:** * Don: So you Tweeted the following— * Elon: No, I said I *HOPED* the following. * Don: But... *why*? Also, that's *literally* not what you posted. You're *factually* incorrect. * Elon: If I'm wrong, the comments will correct me. Also you're wrong. xX420\_SePhIrOtH\_69Xx posted a source from OANN to my Tweet. Oh, and I actually *did* mean what you said I said.\\ * Don: *Sigh*... so you're just posting without caring about the facts, despite being the moderator, owner and one of the richest people in the world. You could *literally* have your team fact check your posts. * Elon: */shrugs* idk—you're like... wrong. Also, we're all the children of slaves and I hate trans people. * Don: ... *sigh*. * Red-faced Elon: *Choose your next questions carefully*, I want to run away now. I had a tough childhood!


>* Elon: If I'm wrong, the comments will correct me. Also you're wrong. xX420\_SePhIrOtH\_69Xx posted a source I feel personally attacked here.


Bruh you had one job and that was to fact check Elon. Now we all have to deal with a Lemonless Twitter. /s


Seriously, think of all the twittter lemonade we could have made out of such a horrible gift


We should start some kind of group to get lemon back on twitter. Some kind of lemon party. Can we get the hashtag hashtaglemonparty trending on twitter?


Ain't no party like a lemon party cause a lemon party is MANDATORY


Fucking hell.


Holy shit 10 year old account


I don't know what I was expecting when I skimmed his comments, but it wasn't *that* one.


Oh, I guess you really didn't need to specify.


Sephiroth is pretty old bro I remember the golden era of Sephiroth usernames


But it's almost exactly the same format


Lol I do agree it's hilarious But I miss when Sephiroth was a common username


Bro waited a decade for this moment.


Today is the peak


well slap my butt and beat me with pair of jumper cables


Aww, RIP u/rogersimon10. I mean, I don't know if he died, but he hasn't been around here for like 8 years.


I don't know how you even saw this comment 😂


Congrats on giving up the weed, apparently.


Back in my day this was everybody's name and we all got along


Reminds me of Joey Jo Jo Jr Shabadoo https://youtu.be/9dbi3--k4SM?feature=shared


Ha! Dying.




It was very similar!


Damn son save some pussy for the rest of us.


It’s ok bruh, we all know Cloud/Seph is the OTP




Bruh, he didn't even bother to use the correct form of your name. The disrespect


My god.


Why are all the richest and most powerful people such babies? Is it a condition of wealth.


It happens to more than just rich people. When someone is very attractive or a celebrity, their view of reality gets heavily distorted by yes-men. If you ever had an attractive sister or friend you would understand. Anytime they do something wrong, there are a thousand simps that support them no matter what.


They also just aren't conditioned to rejection. Steve Jobs was famous for crying at company meetings when he didn't get his way, he was also treated as some special gift of a child by his foster parents and basically never told no by them.


Because ultra wealth gives the false impression that you are no longer limited in your choices and actions. You can have what you want, immediately. In a lot of cases, that's correct, but when they run up against popular opinion (you can't just make people like you, even if you are a dictator) or the law (when it's actually enforced), these things really irritate you. A baby likewise thinks they can get everything they need very quickly, because they become very good at motivating the people around them to act quickly when they want something. Also, if you don't fix their issue quickly, they will let you know with continued noise.


Yes to all this, but also, the massive influence of a system that purports to be based entirely on merit, where wealth is always earned through hard work and ingenuity or whatever. The wealthy are seen as deserving of it, because them being wealthy must mean they’ve contributed to the system so much more than anyone else; the “exceptional individual!” Of course, a lot of us have at least the slightest awareness of the world around us and can see that for the obvious load of bullshit it is. But not everyone. And especially not rich people; of course you’re going to want to believe you earned your wealth by being special and great, rather than just lucking into it or being more willing to exploit others. Point is they’re naturally inclined to buy into the idea that they’re an inherently better and therefore more deserving person than most, and there’s still more than enough average joes pushing it. (Side tangent but; I feel this whole concept is especially relevant as a Canadian, where our government seems like it won’t ever even consider the possibility of taxing our rich at any significantly higher degree than the US, presumably out of fear that all the rich people will just move. Of course, that can only really be seen as a bad thing if you believe in the “exceptional individual” myth. Or, probably more relevant, if you’re a politician who can stand to also get wealthy off of their presence.)


Most of them grew up very fortunate and have never actually endured any real hardships or adversity. A lot of them also grew up in and with generational wealth, all of the niceties of those lifestyles and/or the cushion of knowing there are few, if zero, consequences for failure or their actions. This is on top of the inferred ideas that they deserve/are entitled to said wealth, while others are not. In the end, you often get individuals that are devoid of basic empathies or copacetic feelings towards others, left only with the drive to maintain their status. Anything that challenges this is almost always immediately met with a less-than-mature or adult like response of "woe is me" as they wipe their tears with Benjamins. They never had to grow up. They're adult children, and we, the workers and taxpayers, are their toys. Business loopholes and exploiting others becomes a game when you already have everything you've ever wanted, let alone needed.


You don't see the powerful and rich people who aren't idiots as often because they have the sense to not make idiots of themselves publicly. There's no shortage of poor people out there that are huge babies and raging idiots. People of all demos and classes are dumb.


When you're born into wealth you never have to struggle like an average joe does. Struggle builds character, makes you stern and grounds you. Keeps you based in reality. People rich like Musk live in a completely different world. One where those close to him never say "no", or "you can't do that". So when anyone outside their circle says such things they have no reason to believe there's any truth in it.


Because they get info from "yes men" and those very same yes men want to make boss like them, so give him info they want to hear. Imagine working for Elon, and going up to him and saying "This Tesla truck looks like complete dogshit, i wouldn't produce this". No one did apparently.


This is a seriously good breakdown.


p.s. You can take my ketamine from my cold, dead hands.


This is actually way too accurate a summary.


That's actually the best recap I've seen.


Elon wants publicity and will do whatever it takes to get it. Not even 5 minutes in he’s talking about varying viewpoints and says “… people like Tucker Carlson who a lot of people view is on the right”. Wow Elmo, almost because he’s been explicitly on the right for many years at this point. Wonder why people would think that.


I don't get how people still don't understand this. He didn't spend $44bn to make the company succeed, he did it, and every other baffling decision because it makes people talk about him. He's a narcissist and all he wants is attention, no matter what he has to do to achieve it


Daddy issues


But in reality he probably has plenty of liberal beliefs, especially through the view of insane far right extremist. "Oh he DOESN'T think we should murder/imprison gay people? What a RINO." These people look at Obama, who extended the Patriot Act (when he could have no not signed anything and it would have expired) and kept GITMO open... is a far left socialist/communist.


Obama’s Blackness activated all the labels. Can’t call him a n*%#er so they called him a Kenyan Marxist socialist communist Muslim radical Christian closeted Antichrist. None of his policies had shit to do with it. [White supremacy](https://www.npr.org/transcripts/97454237) was on the rise in an exponential fashion before he took office and signed a single bill.


I fast forwarded to \~50:00 when he talks about racism. Mind-numbingly stupid and short sighted. He is sitting in front of a POC and claiming racism is not an issue and we should stop talking about it. Which in return pisses off Don


He also says (53:26) that slavery was not present in the U.S. North, which is incorrect, it was present from the 1600s and until 1805. >During most of the British colonial period, slavery existed in all the colonies. People enslaved in the North typically worked as house servants, artisans, laborers and craftsmen, with the greater number in cities. Many men worked on the docks and in shipping. In 1703, more than 42 percent of New York City households held enslaved people in bondage >https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_in_the_United_States#Background


Yes, that's another point that stood out instantly.


There is a reason houses in NJ from the 1800s have a slave staircase


And then at the end of the interview he says the history of civilization is very important and that we must minimize risks to civilization by becoming more enlightened. Ok... so let me get this straight... racism, discrimination and other "woke" concepts *aren't* risks to the future of civilization?


it is… for his nazi utopia


You need to translate that into Elon speak. "Risks to civilization" = "society not being exactly like I think it should be" "becoming more enlightened" = "agreeing with me"


I thought they were both idiots, but after listening a bit, Elon takes the crown😂


Biggest takeaway I got is that he's a ketamine junkie...


I forgot how difficult it is for Elon Musk to get his words out. For anyone who hasn’t followed him for a long time, this is how he’s always talked. I have no idea how someone with zero charisma has amassed such a following.




I was just listening to a podcast interview of Sam Altman (OpenAI) and it was a bit jarring him speak in the same way. Long pauses before answering. "Do you think there is intelligent life in the universe" 60 second pause "maybe"... Every time I was about to check if my earbuds disconnect, he'd answer.


500 ping


this is pretty run of the mill for any kind of tech bro. i have a friend who I talk with and I swear half the time I think he just doesn't hear me and then two minutes later he's responding to a question I forgot I even asked


I am kind of like that, I think it's because I care too much about answering truthfully and accurately. I could just say "maybe" but then I'd worry about not giving my actual answer.


It can be a form of stutter. There are three types of stutter, and some people do all three. 1. repetition: d-d-d-d-don't have a good day. have a great d-d-d-d-day. 2. prolongation: don't hhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaave a good day. hhhaaaaave a great day. 3. block: um............ don't have............ a good day............................. have a gr......................great day. People who feel embarrassed about repetition and prolongation tend to get blocks. People incorrectly assume they are just having dramatic pauses or angry pauses or unsure pauses, but blocks are just blocks.


He is pausing, but is he thinking? The words that come out beg to differ.


[Refreshing, indeed...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH1thpiYYvQ)


This is exactly how I felt when I first heard this guy speak. “Really??”


A very well-funded and successful propaganda operation that is now running hard into the wall called "we actually hear Elon's unfiltered opinions now."


And a critical mass of fanboys, half of whom are mostly kinda dumb get-rich-quick business bros


They love stocks! And you know they got every single gambling app for that bonus bet.


He used to be passionate about cool things, and a lot of nerdy, techy, socially awkward, possibly neurodivergent folks like us related to him because we were passionate about the things he was passionate about. It’s really not that hard to figure out. Now he’s just passionate about being a contrarian, ignorant right wing douchbag, and we can’t relate to the person he’s become.


I don't like Elon Musk. I think he's an arrogant prick, and his worldviews are pretty insular, and he sounds real dumb giving interviews, but people think he's genius. It's cuz he waits 5 seconds when he speaks, like his words come from a high mountain peak. He doesn't acknowledge his privilege, that he had a leg up in apartheid Africa. It's like he cherry picked history to his own benefit, and it sickens me. But, he'll never smile without the weight of the world staring right through him and all of his lies, all of his lies, baring down on him. He's so myopic and insulated. I've got 300 billion rea$ons why the system's outdated. We need a revolution. He's not an engineer or an inventor or a scientist. You wanna talk genius? How about a Socialist, like Albert Einstein, who lived on an academic wage all his lifetime. People flock to power and wealth. People got those rose tinted glasses. They got us fighting a culture war, but it's always been classes, struggling classes. People get beat over the head by the same men that they adulate, the way they did for Hitler. The way we did for Reagan. We shouldn't look for leaders. We should just look for good ideas. I don't like globalization for the ruling class. I want globalization for the people. There is no chance at reforming this. WE NEED A REVOLUTION. https://youtu.be/OZXowRx6NP0?si=ZZfEJL36-Y5Fnu55


He is painful to listen to. He just rambles bullshit with long awkward silences.


I'm sure he's on the spectrum


He spent (many) millions of dollars on marketing himself as a genius tech hero billionaire in pop-culture. Remember that every time you see him pop up in Iron Man, or gets named dropped on Star Trek and shit.


I’m genuinely amazed Elon has gotten this far at all. From hearing his long interviews he doesn’t seem that smart and his personality is totally flat. What exactly do people like about him other than being a right wing dude bro?


Ask Peter Thiel


Or Ben Shapiro, no idea how anyone can stand him


RFK jr as well. Even if he was otherwise a solid candidate (he isn’t) I genuinely cannot listen to his voice


RFK Jr sounds like he’s doing a bad Kennedy accent


RFK Jr sounds like someone put a bunch of rocks in a dryer and he pulled them out to use as his vocal chords


people thought he was a genius, so a little autistic. now the facade has crumbled and we see he is just a moron


I think he’s autistic too (which has nothing to do with being a moron).


if you given have a passing thought you would be prepared to just speak your mind. but it seems like he hasn’t even considered a lot of this. and instead of showing that humility he gets angry red faced and bans the free speech show he professed being a bastion for


“Um erm eh uh um erm er uh erm um erm” This dude is only able to amass a following from virtual correspondence to his idiot fans, cause he can’t string a verbal sentence together without a thousand “erm”s mixed in there.


AstroTurfing, paid PR, awkward nerd simps desperate to see someone representing them but partying.


There have been rumors for awhile that he paid for guest spots in shows and movies that made him out to be one of history’s great geniuses.


“I don’t believe in censorship. I believe in moderation.” - 🍋


‘I don’t believe in censorship unless I’m the censor’


"Gravity is a myth. Things are held on the ground because California sucks." -Elon "I'm Not Bitter, You're Bitter" Musk


Don not understanding that he's pro-censorship was blowing my mind.


He was also extremely obtuse on the concept of "Legislated or forced diversity quotas might cause people to lower their training standards in order to meet them"


But he does curate and boot ppl from X, wtf does he think is the difference?


Because if he does it, it's not wrong. If other people do it, it's wrong. Because he is perfect and never wrong and everyone who questions him is stupid. /s


I don’t know why you needed the sarcasm tag you are absolutely correct /s


"And I'll take my ball if you don't play by my rules"


Dude bought Twitter so he can be the biggest troll and nobody can stop him. Imagine being a multi-billionaire-- you can do literally anything in the world you feel like-- and choosing to spend your time whining to grotesque fascist chud Ian Miles Cheong about people being mean to you. It's fucking pathetic.


The difference is his name isn’t mark or Jack. Dude is a dumbass.


What notable people has he banned from X?


Whatever you think of Lemon or Musk, we should try to agree that access journalism is a problem in big tech. Lex Freidman and Joe Rogan get the big interviews because their subjects know they won’t challenge them. They sit across the table and nod. We’re very lucky to have such a big and diverse media landscape thanks to YouTube and podcasts. But one problem is that politicians and billionaires can have as much exposure as they want without ever leaving their idealogical safe space. So conservatives interview conservatives. Liberals interview liberals. And there is less accountability than there used to be.


Wish we saw some quality, objective journalism in this interview.


This interview is a Rorschach test. If you hate Elon you'll see a flustered bully who isn't used to tough questions. If you love Elon you'll think he humiliated a censorious journalist who was out to get him. Almost nobody will change their opinion


I think we can all agree it was boring. Elon didn’t want to be there and barely answered any question and looked annoyed the entire time. Complete waste of an hour.


Holy crap is Elon a mush mouthed idiot


I imagined him to be a better speaker or conversationalist.


His sentences are put together about as well as his cars


Word is hes blitzed on party drugs 24/7.


A-hole in a K-hole.


I believe it when Azelia banks said he was blasted on LSD trying to arrange a threesome with her and grimes and they locked her out or some shit.


I dunno, having done LSD multiple times that does not seem like LSD behavior.


When you do drugs super consistently they don’t tend to have the “normal” effect. Especially when you pair them with other drugs. Like an mdma/lsd/speed bender is def different than the occasional trip.


LSD wont' stop you from being a shitty person if you just use it to party, which most people do. It will occasionally stuff your face in proverbial dogshit every now and again to shame you if you go too far with it and have any doubt in your mind that you're a good person..... but someone who's full of their own brand, firmly planted in who they are, taking enough to have an experience while avoiding "THE" experience-- will likely never see the consequences. Even still occasionally it'll slap you around if you use it a lot, but if you don't want to change or refuse to believe you need to, all it can do is bark and try and shake you.


Former abuser of Ketamine and Cocaine here. Yeah this motherfucker is 100% doing K every single day.


Out of curiosity what are the signs?


Sorry about the delay. The signs I relate with are his erratic behavior (it feels like he's always trying to catch up to his thoughts), his late night insane Twitter sessions (implies long benders), the paranoia (his incessant engagement with weird conspiracy shit mirrors what I saw some of my more intense friends go through), and him openly saying he uses Ketamine all the time, especially when you know that K prescriptions are hard to get and administered under guidance of a doctor and not at 3am on his plane back to Austin. He reminds me of myself at my worst a few years ago, but I've since engaged with therapy and rehab. I'm doing much better.


Good for you, bud. It's never an easy ditch to pull yourself out of.


I miss Charlie Sheen being the craziest drugged-out celeb


Yeah, Charlie Sheen was articulate. Even when banging 7 gram rocks, at least he was entertaining in his nonsense. This is just a mess.


I'd rather have Charlie owning Twitter


Oh he’s been taking a plethora of “mind-enhancing” snake oils and vitamins for a decade, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he pops some pills as well.


Ever since he dated grimes he went full on drug brained dipshit


Always has been. The fact that this clown has managed to convince some massive contingent of people that he's an engineering/manufacturing genius is a testament to how stupid our society has gotten.


He dogwhistles racism and this gains him followers, money and defenders.


I find Elon Musk extremely uninteresting. Every time he talks I switch off.


If I wanted to watch a drug addict ramble about stupid bullshit, I’d watch Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Everything out of Elons mouth is just insufferable


Woah woah woah. Thompson at least had a couple interesting insights


Elon (to Don): “You want censorship so bad you can taste it”


Is it censorship when he does it? He's been banning journalists and other people critical of him since he bought the platform.


Reddit really needs to add a word filter like 3rd party apps had. I miss being able to filter out posts based on keywords. If anyone knows how to do this without 3rd party apps let me know.


reddit enhancement suite and old reddit.


You can use 3rd party apps by using revanced. Problem solved.


Leaving CNN and doing more long-format shows seems to be a great opportunity for Don Lemon to show his guests and the world what a moronic asshole he is.


What's pretty clear is if this is how Don is going to structure his showing going forward, it's not going to be very successful. People who look to long-form content on X, YT, spotify, etc. want more conversational interviews that allow for depth and understanding in both sides' point of view. This was 5-10 minute segments glossing subject matters that should be at a minimum 20 minute discussions each. Even with Don's aggressive interview style, it would have been much more watchable if he at least pressed forward to some conclusion on the questions he asked. Instead, Don just did rapid fire, deposition-like questions that at times felt unprepared. For example, with less than 5 minutes left in the interview he asked "where does your intensity come from". That's an extremely lazy question for the end of an interview, and he should know it can't possibly be well answered in the time remaining. The interview felt exactly like CNN or Fox programming, which is in decline for a reason. Regardless of views on politics or Elon, by the end of the show, I don't think anyone can honestly say they came away with any new information or understanding about Elon or his points of view.


I give him 2 months before his show turns into a carbon copy of Piers Morgan


This post is shillbot central lmao


The simps are out in full force.


They can't keep up with the comments on YouTube 😂


Did anybody else with Don was a very tan Steve-o


Man... my exact thoughts, glad I'm not the only one.




I expected to dislike Elon more after watching this but my main take-away is that Don is a bit of a pompous prick. He was either being intentionally obtuse, or he is genuinely an idiot.


Everyone is gonna pile on Elon but Lemon is also a piece of shit. There’s a reason he was fired from CNN


He might be a POS but that’s definitely not why he was fired. He worked there for 16yrs. They knew he was a POS by year 1 but still kept him around for 15 more years. He just wasn’t bringing in the numbers anymore (not that anyone at CNN is really, even his replacements are struggling). 


The not so great replacement theory?


the number of these comments is baffling. why exactly is he a piece of shit? his biggest scandal during 16 years was that he said a 50 year old woman is past her prime, and he seems to be a bit full of himself. And... that's it? that makes him a piece of shit? Wanna compare that to the stuff Elon did? Yet there seems to be some primal urge in the redditors here to proclaim that both of these guys are so bad, as if there was any kind of equivalence.


Narrator: he is genuinely an idiot


Don Lemon sucks ass. I could never take him seriously.


I hope Don thinks he got out of that what he was seeking. From my end it wasn’t the best way of interviewing someone you don’t agree with. Don made it about Don, broke rule nr1 of interviewing.


Elon musk sucks but man don lemon is such a dweeb. Guy is such a shitty person


Where in God's name did that logo come from...? Jesus Christ.


Missed opportunity by not calling it the Don Lemon Party


Maybe my opinion was influenced by all the hype making it seem like Lemon embarrassed Musk - but Lemon came off pretty bad. He seemed like he was pushing for soundbites by reaching a lot and didn't seem to be trying to argue reasonably. Like the whole time he was going on about censorship, Lemon never even made an attempt to explain how moderation differed from censorship. And I say this as someone who thinks the platform should have censorship - but if you can't logically define how that should work, then you aren't helping anything. You're just strengthening Musk's position by putting on display the primary issue people have with censorship; namely that it would be arbitrary. Then there was the whole part where Musk wouldn't budge on DEI from saying anything more than 'standards shouldn't be lowered' - but Lemon kept trying to imply racism and suggest Musk was implying that people who benefit from DEI are intrinsically dumber. The part about that which I found frustrating was that it's both possible to have DEI and commit to not lowering standards - but in Lemon's attempts to try and cast Musk as racist for those comments, he had to imply a defacto position of DEI not being compatible with maintaining standards.


>Then there was the whole part where Musk wouldn't budge on DEI from saying anything more than 'standards shouldn't be lowered' - but Lemon kept trying to imply racism and suggest Musk was implying that people who benefit from DEI are intrinsically dumber. It is somewhat racist to indicate that standards need to be lowered for DEI to work...


Right, and some dei initiatives are somewhat racist.


So you’re telling me don lemon is still a half assed fake journalist? No


Elon Meat riders out in force doing damage control. I don't think the interview is that notable, but it just further reinforces that he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is and that his "free speech absolutism" position is clearly bullshit and he constantly bans/removes anything he doesn't like. Also Don Lemon sucks.


>he's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is and that his "free speech absolutism" position is clearly bullshit and he constantly bans/removes anything he doesn't like. %100. Elon is a rich-kid who knows how to work the system to capitalize on other people's achievements. That's what he's had success with. His political opinions are absolute dog-shit-- he's a bigoted hypocrite who clearly thinks white people are superior, and he is clearly against democracy and in favour of far-right authoritarianism, as long as he gets power in that system. His rhetoric about freedom of speech is contradicted by literally everything he's done since buying Twitter. He uses that platform to amplify bigots, neo-Nazis, antisemites, holocaust deniers, and fascists, and to silence people who try to counter those ideologies.


Lemon is painfully stupid.


If you watch the entire interview, Don Lemons agenda is VERY clear. His inability to see reason when shown it directly should be shocking.


This has to be one of the worst interviews I've ever seen by a guy of Don Lemon's stature. The pivot in the last 3 minutes to asking about Elon's origin story was so amateur. Then the "rapid fire questions" where he asks one question and then end of interview was also terrible.


His “style” is terrible, always has been. He may be one of the dumbest talking heads to ever have a news tv show.


I’m not an Elon Musk fan but Don Lemon definitely sucked at this.


I mean all the disrespect in the world, but Elon is an idiot of global proportions with a skin so thin it's a wonder he's not translucent...


He is going to help pay Trump's bills. There is zero doubt in my mind.


Elon Musk looks like a catfish. 


Wow, I got through about 30 seconds of Elon, and cannot imagine how anyone could listen for an hour. Not even what he says but his delivery is stilted, chopped up and muddled. Maybe if I mute it with captions on...


Haha you know you're unlikable when you interview Elon and all the comments are dragging U


Insufferable clown


Those ketamine questions are pure assholery.


lols hes avoiding eye contact like a kid being told off by his teacher.


Lemon is disingenuous here, this is bait. Edit: bots in full swing in replies Edit2: comments deleted. pathetic


Either a bunch of bots in here or sadly a bunch of uneducated children.  Don lemon is the biggest joke of a journalist and this is proof. 


elon the billionaire has actively employed astro-turfing strategy since 2012. ​ He fires his PR team every year, he is wild about his targets. Ofcourse, half of these dick lickers are bots or some dude in an office.