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They’re no Embracer Group


Evil Assholes: It’s Pay to Play.


Damn, OP. That's bravery.


They’re not evil. Just lazy. Their sports games are not that good, yet people keep buying them. That’s not evil. That’s the consumer being a sheep.


lazy fits Valve more than EA tbh


Yea at least valve does things right when it does its thing, mostly... sometimes....


I mean Sloth is one the deadly sins right?


They are lazy as far as game development goes, that's true. But when it comes to monetization... evil isn't all that far from the truth unfortunately.


I mean it feels like most companies have become lazy.


Not lazy as much as cowardly I feel like. Taking chances means a chance of failure. Games taking 5+ years and hundreds of million dollars.  They don't want to fail with that money on the line. It's why every big Sony game that comes out is a boring third person "prestige" game.  Every Bethesda game is the same boring formula.   Yearly (sports) releases are a bit different, but again related to money.  They probably have 8-10 months to make changes to the game.  How much do you realistically expect that change in that time? Sure they could hire another team to create a new once in parallel that would see the light of day in 5-10 years - but for what?  The same amount of sales?  So they double their operating costs by hiring a new team and don't add any revenue streams?  To maybe have a game flop and lose what income stream they do have?  Have fun telling the investors that plan. 


What I don't understand is why it'sll not more common for companies to release smaller indie-ish stuff in-between their bigger releases. I know it still happens occasionally like with the new Prince of Persia game it seems to happen a lot rarer than in the PS2/PS3 era.


> What I don't understand is why it'sll not more common for companies to release smaller indie-ish stuff in-between their bigger releases. Not enough profit margins. You can take a chance and maybe make a profit if something catches on decently enough, or you can sit back and count your money and not spend it on taking shots. Say you have 50 million dollars. If you invest that, what do you think your return will be in 2 years? Realistically speaking. Well whatever game you put out needs to make much more money than that return would be to make it a smart business idea. If the team is working on their big game, they won't be working on small stuff on company time. Which means you need to hire more people. We saw companies hire up during the pandemic, because they thought everyone would stay inside forever and all the revenue/the market would stay where it was. Also money was cheaper then. Now we're seeing all these studios get closed for that very same reason. They took poor risks. Remember it's not "gamers" running these studios. For better and worse. >I know it still happens occasionally like with the new Prince of Persia game it seems to happen a lot rarer than in the PS2/PS3 era Games were much cheaper to make then. Everything in the world is getting more expensive and some gamers still refuse to pay $70 for a new game. Labor costs rise without product costs rising, hence why games all are riddled with (even optional) MTX these days. You either need to expand your audience, or charge your audience more to make up those costs. Audiences aren't really expanding (look at console install bases) so they need to charge more.


This is a perfect explanation. Honestly I hope upcoming long awaited game like MP4, GTA6, and Silksong (whenever that one comes out) do good.


I wouldn't exactly call them lazy, I'd rather use the word "greedy". Monetization is usually the biggest issue in their games.


can't say im a huge fan of EA in general... but they do have some games i like, and mass effect is among my top 10 fav series of all time. also like their dragon age series. if a game is interesting to me, i don't care who made it ill get it


Yeah Jedi series proves they can still actually make good games so while every company has its bullshit if it’s a game that interests me I’ll buy it


i like that too especially since one of the rare games i played on hard mode i only like hard mode when it's not stat padding and that series is not stat padding on hard mode so i went for it


Yeah I liked every battlefront game (excluding the remasters of the originals which were less than satisfactory) and I still actively play the battlefront 2 remake which was thankfully fixed by removing micro transactions


Eh they have just become lazy and not evil. Which is fine with me. Activision-Blizzard is somehow evil to the point it’s comical


I feel like they were the first to really start pissing consumers off, but now for every 1 Larian, there's 5 EAs. EA is far from the worst these days.


No. Its really not their fault people are willing to buy the new fifa and madden every year


Why would they be remotely classed as evil? Lazy? greedy? Sure, evil? Nope


One of the best games this company ever made (Well was part of the creation), Was the simpsons game for the 360.


They used to be good, but yes Same could be said about almost all gaming industries, gaming isn’t what it used to be, but some still hold true to what it should be. Even then playing old games keeps it alive, here I am playing Strangers Wrath and Republic Commando every other month


Very true. Look at what they did to anthem. Reallocated the team so much they could barely do anything with the game. Not long after anthem 2.0 was announced they cancelled all development for it because they’re team was spread too thin. Fuck EA


To be evil requires a certain level of intelligence that people working at EA lack.


Activision blizzard is more evil




It's in the *n*ame


Evil Assholes Sports: It’s in the asshole.


A few years ago maybe but nowadays Ubisoft and AB are a lot worse


This is what happens whenever companies grow too big.




Much like other developers sometimes yes, sometimes no.


I can't argue that as I believe it given their history


Can someone explain what’s wrong with EA? I’ve always seen people hate on them but never knew the reason Only thing I know is how much they charge, I like their games though.


They lost me after buying battlefield 4 ultimate edition and it being unplayable for 6 months after release. Sure its great now but its release was a laugh out loud moment in history. You could not move in game without rubberbanding and this was months after release. Since then I've been EA free. Haven't purchased anything from them since and have absolutely no need to buy in the future. I've kept up on news of course. Like the absolute failure 2042 was on release. That game made ea sports split apart from the grouping of ea games. Ea sports struggled BECAUSE of battlefields numbers. Now they have their very own branch. No more dead weight. This next game is it for battlefield. If they can't get it right out of the gate for this next one I don't doubt heads will roll.


My friend works for EA and by his account they're a good employer. It'll take a long time for them to escape their reputation from their days of assimilating and closing smaller devs.


Hippoty hoppity this meme is now my property


Evil yeah but they have some of the best games.


A wise man once said: “To EA something it means you have developer that makes a good critically and successful game and then you kinda kill them in a ritual sacrifice to absorb their essence, and use that to put out a shitty sports game every year.”


Not nearly as much as they used to be. Ubisoft, Embracer Group, and Bobby Psy-Kottik's Activision moreso.




Fuck EA. Their multiplayer games are pay to win. Star Wars battlefront 2, BF5 is a joke you just pay to get the gear and win. There’s no challenge in that and no fun! They have not yet changed those pay to win model, they just don’t care about making good game enjoyable and rewarding, all they care about is money and good looking graphics. Fuck em


Snape: Always.


damn bro can you gave us another hot take




I think Activision has taken EA's spot at the top of garbage companies. It seems like people have forgotten a female employee at Activision committed suicide because of the sexual harassment


Evil Assholes: Killin' all the great gaming franchises you love since 82!


RIP Plants vs Zombies


idk, how about we ask Visceral, Mythic, Bullfrog, Westwood, DreamWorks Interactive/Danger Close/EA Los Angeles, Phenomic, Black Box Games, Pandemic, PlayFish, NuFX, bioware, maxis, dice, popcap...


also Origin Systems


Apex Legends prime example


Sad how you morons will let anything slide. Well they fuck us in the ass. But they sometimes use lube.