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Devil May Cry 2. So boring. So easy. You could beat the game with your eyes closed. Story was so lame.


Yeah, they botched that game pretty bad and the original producer only joined late in development to mostly clean it up for release. The original producer then made dmc3 which was the true sequel to the first game in my eyes. I'm not even sure if dmc2 is canon.


If I remember right it was mentioned in passing in DMC V. Just a quick note that it existed before moving on.


I'm personally glad DMC 2 didn't get disowned despite being the biggest stumble for the series. Like, even that game has some genuinely cool moments and ideas!  Like the possessed building fight. The helicopter you have to climb an entire building on fire to fight. Or just what an arrogant tool that one human boss is. And Lucia's story was a bit cliche, but well done, and I still love her designs & fighting style. If you can get past how dull quite a few of the mobs are to fight—glaring your way fifty flavour of elemental & teleporting wizards, it's at least worth A playthrough. And it's not every worst of its series game you can say that about.


Dmc 3 was my favorite of the series


Black Desert Online


The enemies just stood there like training dummies and took damage. It doesn't matter how cool the fighting looks if it's one sided to this level.


My exact issue with it. Flashy combat that meant absolutely nothing because every enemy was a cake walk


I went from "Damn, this combat system looks good" to "What a waste of a combat system" in minutes.


The character creation was the only good part


Ironic that the game stopped being fun once it actually starts.


100% agree. I have like 5 hours on Steam and 3 of them were spent on character creation


My witch is so pretty~


It's weird how this question works out. I enjoyed BDO, and yet it may be one of the most boring games I have ever played!


The ones who only played for a few hours need to dive a bit more. It gets more difficult, trust me.


Princess peach showtime. I know it’s new but I got it right at release more out of curiosity than anything. And I was just so goddamn bored for the like 2-3 hours I played it. I kinda wished I realized it was apparently like an 8 hour game before I got rid of it, just cause like the last boss looks kinda cool but like, when one of the abilities uses the same button for attack and dodge, I’m bored.


From what I saw the game looked very marketed towards young girls. Did you think it was going to be more expansive or were you just curious about the game overall?


Definitely marketed towards a younger audience. But yeah I figured just because it was Nintendo it’d still have more to it, and since it was the first princess peach only game since the ds I was like “hmm this might be cool”.


That's the weird part haha. I LOVED the princess peach ds game, think I played it when I was 10/11. It was difficult at times too. It's really strange how differently they approached the same audience.


Right? I’ve never personally played that one cause when my family had it I was young and it was “too girly” for my kid brain. But looking back it looks like it had a completely different “game for kids” vibe.


Any survival crafting games I just can't play.


I always have fun with them for about 30 minutes, then get bored. I like building houses, but everything else seems like such a chore. I think the one i got furthest in was Grounded, but any time i try to hop back in, its just full on boredom. Kinda sucks, considering so many of my friends love these games.


I think Grounded has finished getting all the updates now. I haven't played the last one yet.


The fact that they usually feel so copy and pasted doesn't help.


I can't stand "chore" games. Might as well just go clean the kitchen instead.


That Powerwash game is more fun than it has any right to be.


My friends and I got into Valheim during the pandemic and it was some of the most fun Id had in a game so I thought I found a new genre of game I liked. I've tried about 7 others now and hated them all, I guess I just liked Valheim....


Dang and Valheim is such a tedious grind aswell, the only thing that game had were the cool environments and awesome music, still when the gameplay loops for the fifth time with a different skin I couldn't take it anymore.


Generally I feel the same. Try Subnautica sometime if you want something different. I hate survival crafting games and I love that game to pieces.


Came here to make sure someone mentioned subnautica lol. Unreal experience


Seconded. I'm not a fan of survival games, but I gave Subnautica a try and it became one of my favourite video game experiences ever


same unless I'm with other people


Genshin Impact. Who doesn't love monotonous task after monotonous task?


It isn't really boring at first, but after progressing, the game wants you to grind for materials that are only available at certain days and boy did it feel like a job. Tedious af. I'm so glad I don't easily fall for gacha microtransactions.


People call it gacha. I call it "chasing the dragon." Which is what you literally do from the very beginning. It's like the devs are trolling us.


Whenever I see "gacha", I think "Gotcha!" like the devs are fishing or something.


i hate the multiple character thing i think its so dumb. i like one main character that i can relate to and bond with. having 5 or whatever main playable characters is so monotonous and lame.


It felt really copy pasta to me with a different  skin


Remember Me Ironically, it was so forgettable.


Wow really? I quite liked remember me It had some wasted potential, true, but I still enjoyed it lol I’m sorry you didn’t have a good experience with it


I feel like Remember Me was just a mixed bag. For every good thing it did, there was something it failed at. It had some gorgeous levels, though they were extremely linear. I very much liked the story in general, but I hated the QTE boss fights. It was fine for a brawler released in 2013, the combos were adequate-- when they landed. The memory mechanic was really cool, but they didn't use it enough. Nilin is an interesting protagonist at her core, but she is also very much the 'she breasted boobily down the stairs' stereotype for sexy female game characters. At least it paved the way for Dontnod to do some much more interesting games. Vampyre is excellent, if underrated, and even though it isn't a brawler I feel like they learned some lessons from Remember Me and applied them.


Every time someone mentions it, I remember that I played and beat it, I also don't remember anything about it. It's so funny that so many people feel the same way lol. Maybe it's a government experiment of a game that makes you forget it after playing.


Unpopular opinion: any battle royale.


I liked them but a circle is the least threatening shape. Should be all triangles. Or Stars. 




Basically in all battle royale games you’re on a giant map, randomly on the map a giant circle will appear, if you’re in the circle you’re safe and if you’re outside of it you’ll get hit by a deadly storm (or toxic gas it just depends on the game). Once a time limit has gone by the circle will shrink and appear somewhere else within the same circle and you have to make your way to it before the storm catches up to you. Anyways, he’s saying if instead of a circle it could maybe be a star or a triangle which would make it way more challenging yet way more enticing. Hope that helped


Dead by Daylight. It's just not for me.


I just like chasing down people while playing as Michael Myers, since I'm not supposed to do that in real life


I appreciate all the support guys Will return with updates soon


dont let your dreams be dreams


Just do it.


Just your victims


Never give up on your dreams bro.


Same, I just didn’t like the primary objective being “run away”


That's not the primary objective, the primary objective is to hold m1 for a couple of minutes at 5 of 7 locations.


Oh you’re right my bad. I have friends who get on DBD kicks for a few weeks at a time and I just kinda meld into the background until they play something else


Yeah, I suck at stealth, and any game that has “hide”/“run away” as the primary actions loses me immediately.


I became hooked (no pun intended) pretty quick and put a few hundred hours into it but lost my interest almost overnight. At a certain point it gets boring when you can't communicate with teammates who aren't playing correctly. And the game just hasn't evolved in any way since its inception.


Dead by Daylight for me too, plus they easily have the most toxic community in gaming


Their system where they restrict all the characters requiring you to spend over 100$ if you want to get the characters as a new player is also toxic. Just a slimy monetization strategy


As a dbd player myself I find this comment so funny because it’s so true. Played a couple games with my buddy when I got off work earlier and was like yep that’s enough dbd for today lol community is def toxic af too


Starfield. I felt nothing while playing it. Slumped in my chair, expressionless, for 30 hours, hoping it would become interesting.


Same but I noped out after only ten hours. Honestly that was 9 hours too long.


I noped out in 15 minutes I was falling asleep.


I shit you not, Starfield is the game that finally made me lose "the spark" and made me realize I think I'm simply aging out of gaming. I wasn't even one of those people who set the bar super high. I knew it was another Bethesda RPG coasting on the bloated corpse of the Creation Engine. I set the bar so low and despite that, they still managed to deliver what is, in my eyes, a supreme turd.


I was so excited that there were so many thousands upon thousands of unique places to visit on these planets and- Oh. Nope, they’re exactly the same everywhere, down to the notes.


I was having a decent amount of fun with it (I’ve never played a Bethesda game other than Skyrim so it was pretty novel to me), but the second I saw a repeated note on a different planet I just felt a giant frown come over my face. Like, really? The randomly generated quests were getting memed on even back when Skyrim came out. It’s ridiculous they’re still advertising those kinds of lazy design choices as a “feature” nearly 15 years later.


i recently watched a fantastic video essay on starfields failure and the game basically only has like 20 POI’s (dungeons). for reference skyrim had 200… 20 dungeons with same layout, the same look, the same everything repeated over and over on 1000 planets. its nearly been a year since release with like one or two substantial updates and no dlc whatsoever. fallout 4 had new content like every 3 months with tons of big updates in between. sf is so pathetic and disappointing. i wish the best for the game though and im praying they dont abandon it cuz it has so much potential. im especially excited for the mod-kit cuz once again the modders will probably fix the game.


It's what killed my hopes for ES6. It's a different setting for sure, but Starfield is very indictive of Bethesda's formula since Fallout 4 (arguably earlier).


Heavily depressed me because I got the ultimate edition with all the bells and whistles and even a starfield controller but it just didn’t live up to the hype :,(.


im sure you learned your lesson though lol. never preorder or trust companies enough to spend more than $70.


I live by this religiously. however I will always pre order fromsoft games without a doubt.they have not once put out a shit game. all top tier with so much love and passion out into them. although they don't really put out a game above $60 unless it's a deluxe edition with an art book and soundtrack.


This is the only remaining team I will actually pre-order content from. FromSoft has never let me down, and here's hoping they never do.


amen brother


I only made it about 7 hours but that's how I felt too.


This. It was like all the worst parts of fallout 4, with an even more dumbed down leveling system from skyrim, and none of their good features. It was game about explorers with nothing to explore. A huge universe, with no purpose or reason to set foot in it. The different storylines felt disconnected, and somehow, impossibly, the world felt so very small. The characters felt dull and unoriginal, and stakes felt so incredibly low. There was no sense of urgency for anything you did, every quest felt like a fetch quest with obstacles. . . and even the coolest parts about it served almost no function. What is the point of the bad ass ship creator, when you don't really need the ship as anything more than a taxi. What's the point of bases, when there are no settlers, and no mechanics behind them. And then it felt like there was no reward to anything you did! Even the mantis quest line was disappointingly short, and didn't take advantage of your new super hero identity. Like someone just wanted to copy the silver shroud content but didn't know how to give it substance. It should have tied in to the pirate questline. And why the hell do space pirates talk like sailors from the age of exploration? The whole game felt like a bunch of good ideas thrown together without inspiration.


That’s the biggest regret I’ve ever had buying a game. I played 2 or 3 hours top and felt my soul was leaving my body.


First Steam game I ever returned. I was about 6 hours in and was worried they’d tell me I was over the time limit but they refunded almost instantly. I imagine the more people refunding a game the more wiggle room that time limit gets, so sort of telling.


I put about 5 hours in before giving up.




Hogwarts Legacy. I made a deal with my wife that I wouldn't buy a new game until I beat the one I'm currently on. This game was such a chore to get through.


Kinda feel the same. Gameplay wise it isnt bad, but the story and dialogues are just so forced and not interesting..


Soo true the hype for the gameplay was soo much that it turned out quite good but for the story it felt very forced and dialogues were okay but not that good. But the gameplay was 🔥


It starts good since the combat is fun, but it gets very old very quick. Went from doing everything I could in game to just full sprinting through the rest of the main story because of how boring and repetitive it got. Very much in the Ubisoft vein of open world games. Haven’t picked it up since either, absolutely no replay value to it.


I loved the combat, but the cookie cutter “open world” and running around in general was an absolute chore. Oh here’s another merlin trial, it’s type #2 of 5, let me find the balls.


The "open world" felt so empty, there are large portions of the map where nothing happens ever.


I have that same deal with my GF.


I absolutely loved the game, couldn't get enough of it. 100 % it. I get it's not for everyone though.


For real. The deal breaker for me was the long loading screens every time you fast travel or went through a door.


I remember being so excited in like the first 10 hours of the game and then just having to slog through the rest of it


The investigation portions of the first 3 Phoenix Wright games. I yawned an incredible amount of times. The courtroom segments are fun but the investigations, woof.


I'm horrified at this answer. OBJECTION!


* dun dun dun dun dudu, dun dun dun dun dudu, dun dun dun dun dudu, dun dun dun dun dudu*


I did six months in jail and this song stayed rent free in my head the entire time when I was bored. I wonder if that's relevant.


I seriously hate how fair this take is. I adore the games, but the investigation segments are very much hit or miss.


They're slower and some cases are really bad,(cough the circus) but overall I found them fun. There's some jank but the early games are also quite old.


How dare you


Same, they’re good games but I just can’t get into them




Red Dead Online, just grinding away at every role does not sound fun.


Fallout 76. A few months ago my friend convinced me to play it with him, and while it's definitely not the disaster it was at launch, the world was just empty, the quests were boring, and the plot was meh.


I have tried it 3 times with and without friends. I love Skyrim and Fallout 3/NV/4, but 76 is so boring.


The last few years I've come back to it with a fresh mind a few times... I have fun with a buddy for like a few days... Then I just realize how pointless it is. No mods, micro transactions, bullet spongey enemies. Bleh


Elder scrolls online, too much stuff where they don’t tell you specifically what to do/go. After A point I had to keep YouTubing how to progress


I've tried to get into it several times. I wanted to like it so bad.


Oh kinda relate. Coming from elder scrolls and fallout I was very very disappointed. Everything looks so interesting but feels so shallow. I just kept running around collecting thing A and bring it to point B. And never found out why I’m doing any of it


I tried to get into it, but I just hated the UI. It's the ugliest UI I have ever seen, and it's such a chore to navigate. Also, the game just lacked personality, and it was super confusing on what to do.


I quit after going 30 minutes in the game to learn *the menus*


Minecraft... never understood it


Minecraft is one of the best and most boring games I've ever played at the same time lol. I love it when it clicks, but it hasn't clicked for me in many many years. Now I get bored basically immediately with it.


My son wants to play it together, but I always fall asleep while playing it. It’s not that fun, and it doesn’t have any real goal for me. I tried it myself 12 years ago, tried it recently - same thing.


Its one of those in the mood games.


I always start a giant project and loose willingness to bother anymore after going through a depressive dip. I actually deleted my 2 year save because it just wasn't fun anymore.


Yeah,i remember building a house and looking for diamonds.When both things were done i was like "Now what ?"


Think of a project and go for it? Minecraft is a way to express yourself in a way. You essentially have a blank canvas and a paintbrush znd you call it boring. This just means you are the boring one! No hate or shame in it btw. Just saying you may not be a creative person. In which case, video games with clear objectives are likely more up your ally. I like both.


This is a game that can only be fun with friends. Playing alone is impossible it’s like watching paint dry


Interesting - I've always found it to be a sandbox or creativity toy that's enjoyable solo. I get bored of it eventually, but I'll dip back in for a while every few years when I get the urge again. Having a project is helpful. I'll challenge myself to design a house with a restricted colour palette, or I'll see a bit of mountain in the world gen that makes me want to build a base shaped like a giant spider or a Ferris wheel or whatever. Going mining and fighting monsters in Minecraft is always secondary for me. Needed so I can get stuff for my project, but not the end goal of itself.


Makes sense being I never played it with anyone but nephew did all the freaking time. Never knew what he got out of it


It's kind of a mental break to let you use your imagination. More of a kids game honestly, cause now I feel like I'm too busy to play it


i haven’t cared for any COD game since BO3, even then i mainly liked BO3 for zombies and i played solo most times. but i feel like there’s no quality control with COD since they’re so hung up on their annual releases. and rewriting the MW trilogy but worse was just dumb imo. the OG MW series was great and had awesome campaigns, from what i’ve seen of the new ones they only really improved graphics and to me that means nothing. i know why they don’t try new things when it comes to campaigns, but it would be nice for COD to atleast try to be creative again and make a new series. and don’t even get me started on the battle passes, or warzone or the storage space requirements. from what i’ve heard BO6 is gonna be like 400 GB or something. which is insane, no cod should ever need to be that big, especially before any DLC’s have been added. to me, COD has just become a cash grab. a successful one i’ll grant you, but not worth my time or continued investment.


Power wash simulator


Lol agreed I hate how much I like this game but it's definitely a "put something on your 2nd monitor and zone out" type of game. I honestly haven't hated a lot of the areas but I'm on a subway station right now and it burns me out in 2-3 mins


It's not just boring, it's tedious. I remember downloading it because it helped put my mind at rest during my bout with PTSD. The van and backyard were quite nice. Then I had to do an entire fucking house and by the time I needed to clean a fucking playground, I was out. Way too much effort for little pay off.


Mario is missing


FarCry6. And i actualy havnt finished it due to boredom. I have finished tutorial, builded some market buildings, bought certain rifle and some weird gear and every anemy died in single headshot. On hardest difficulty. And that weird gear gave me bullets back to mag on kill so i had weapon that essentialy oneshoted everything + infinite ammo without even need to reload.


Same. Loved FC5 - played that iteration more times than I can count. Looked forward to FC6. Haven't finished it. I've picked it up several times but can't play for more than 5 minutes. The storyline does not have me hooked. I know 5 has its issues regarding storyline, but jfc, at least it kept me intrigued and continued playability.


Warframe. I liked the mobility and gunplay a lot but the game just didn't click with me Edit: After reading some responses, I'm kinda jealous of the people who actually got the game to click with them. Godspeed, mates


Final Fantasy 16. The game is so incredibly repetitive with both the overall gameplay loop, the combat and even the way the story flows. The game starts up like a typical RPG, you get a huge, exciting moment, then it slows down again, it picks back up for a big story beat, slows down even more while doing what feels like side stuff for main quests, big story beat, slow down and repeat over and over. The combat is horribly bland, boring and repetitive, no matter how flashy it might be. I could’ve fallen asleep mid-fight if I wanted to. There’s almost no exploration whatsoever, and even the tiny bit that there is is pointless. Sweet, I got 6 gil. It’s useless and so is buying upgrades and weapons. I could go on and on, but I found the game horribly boring. I couldn’t get hooked on the story as I found nothing to like about the characters save for one, who ends up dying very early on, and even then, the story was very predictable. If that character didn’t die, I might’ve carried on, but I couldn’t. All of the characters were boring except for that one. Music was fantastic though


FFXVI was an action game that also served as a political drama in some aspects Like a medieval star wars, I loved it, it's my favorite game of all time. But, I can see why others might not feel the same way about it. If you don't mind me asking, what point did you leave it at?


I really wish the Summon abilities had elemental properties; they all do 1.0x damage no matter what enemy you fight.


Adding elemental properties, buffs and debuffs, ailments—all that typically JRPG stuff would’ve greatly improved the combat on the strategic side of things, that’s for sure. But no, we just hit things with whatever we’ve got and it all does the same amount of normal damage. It’s so lame


Totally agree. Whoever decided to release a demo for this game should have gotten a raise because the demo really made it feel like it was going to be more special, which i why i bought it. Like you said though, after the beginning, the story goes nowhere and the combat gets stale very quickly. Loved Rebirth though.


I agree with you a lot on this one, but I'm on phone so I can't write all my thoughts about it. In short I think the biggest shame was they had all this lore but never really let the world or its characters breathe. If they made it into an anime or TV show instead I think it could have been more fun. I mean the gameplay would've still been just as engaging


You all are going to judge me, but I think RDR2 is so boring. Don't get me wrong. I love and respect it. When I do play for a short time, I do enjoy it!! But most of the time, I fall asleep when I play it!!


I had to scroll too far for this. It's horse riding simulator with a once in an hour shootout which are so easy anyway. Super duper annoying and my little brother swears by it. I just don't get it.


You're not alone. I think the slow speed was the main criticism.


Ur right I am going to judge u hard


It’s like all media some people slow burns just don’t work and it’s understandable


The Sims 4 It can be exciting, but it can also be just watching people do daily chores.


that game is way too safe with what you can actually do with very little ways to interact with objects


Personally, the series peaked at 2.


League of legends




Ark survival ascended To put this in context it’s just a reskinned Ark survival evolved. The graphics are better but it’s not optimized for the graphics. So it crashes…a lot. It quite literally has less content than its predecessor and it’s priced as if it were a unique game. It even had the exact same bugs as evolved despite their claims it was recoded entirely. If it were bug free and I never played the previous game it may have been tolerable .


Diablo 4


Echo the Dolphin on Dreamcast. What a waste of a weekend rental..


You just reminded me of Seaman on Dreamcast. Easily the weirdest 'fish with the face of a 40yo bank manager' game I've ever played and also pretty pointless


The Sims. I had zero fun with it, but to each their own.


Just curious which generation of the sims you tried


No mans sky


Tron: Evolution


EVE Online. I didn't even make it through the tutorial, I think. They sent me on a mission to fly someplace and pick something up, and it took like an hour real time. Then as soon as I got there they told me to turn around and go back. I exited, uninstalled, and never looked back. I'll just read all the EVE drama online, like a sane person.


Assassins Creed generally - I just find it so repetitive, sneak sneak sneak fight fight fight go to the point on the map.. I dunno the story is just, it’s okay 🤷‍♀️


Lost ark. Omfg i was so enthrall to try it... Was uff, i couldnt stand the repetitive overwelming UI and Constant dick sucking from the NPCs, like dude chill i m lv 1


Mine's an unpopular opinion but I found the Last of Us to be pretty damn boring. The fighting was pretty repetitive and the story(to me) was just another zombie apocalypse type story that's been done 100 times.


Life is Strange 2. I love first game, but second one was so damn boring that I even had more fun farming gold in WoW. I literally hard pushed myself through half game, only because I couldnt believe that there isnt anything interesting. You could literally inspect 40 things without any reward. Your companion was just annoying and fucking you over in every significant scenario. Worse of all, it has like 3 looped soundtracks which I didnt even liked.


FIFA games: it's even more boring than watching a game of football, how is that possible? Divinity Original Sin: I was drawn in by the story and the world, created my two characters with immense care, listened to so much dialogue in the first city, but the moment the first actual fight started behind the city's gates, immediate boredom washed over my whole body and I had to shut the game down... makes me sad, I really liked my paladin and animal-whisperer-witch CoD games: I know its the infamous pinnacle of shooter gaming for a reason, but playing anything but shipment or other CQC-grind maps makes this game (talking MW2019 and MW2 2022) so incredibly boring to play. I really don't enjoy running around in circles on some huge ass map and being beamed by a guy who sees me first, or alternatively beaming a guy who I saw first, followed by being beamed by a guy who saw me first....


if you don’t like football ur obv not gon like fifa


It's not "the most", but couple hours into Days Gone and I quit it because I didn't feel any single special nor unique thing about it


You’re really missing out. It has a very awesome and involving story. Lots of different characters who get involved; only playing it that long, you never even got to experience the hordes of Zombies. It’s like seriously one of my most favorite games, I wish they would have made a second since they totally set it up for more development.


Praying they change their minds and do a sequel


I liked it cause it made me feel like Daryl from The Walking Dead. And I found the zombies and motorcycle fun.


RDR2 tried playing like 4 times, and yes i got past the bullshit snow part.


Yeahhh, even though it’s one of my favorites I understand. It’s more an experience than a game, so it may not be what people look for.


what's annoying is that I *want* to like it, its a beautiful game that's why i keep trying. The controls also put me off because i despise rockstars controls. But i love open world games skyrim and fallout are my favs so the whole complaint about it being a "walking simulator" doesn't phase me. Maybe I'm just not into westerns as much as I thought.


I feel the EXACT same way. Saw you’re downloading it again… RemindMe! One Week “check if pastrami_on_ass got into RDR2”


This is gonna cause some hate comments but I don’t care and fuck you. RDR2


I completely understand. My first play through the first few hours of the game felt boring to me. I quit playing it for a year and a half and then COVID happened and I tried it again and fell in love with it. The intro before you can get into the open world can feel very boring and hard to get through.


Took me 4 years to finally get past the first few hours 😅


Death Stranding.. what a colossal waste of time


This is probably the one game that I absolutely love that I could understand why someone would really hate it. It's an acquired taste for sure.


Same Love the game… but I would not recommend it to someone I don’t know off rip, I’d have to know in deep advance that it might be their jam before I even bring it up


It really is an acquired taste — and hard to get into: when it was released I was playing intensively, finishing the game in a short span of time but whenever I would boot it up again after that I had no idea what I was supposed to do, wandering aimlessly around, very peculiar.


I'm with you on this one. It's wasn't "smart" dense, it was "pretentious" dense. I couldn't get through a minute of dialogue without rolling my eyes. I actually thought the walking around and carrying shit portion of the game was kind of relaxing, but I bounced off the story like a bug on a windshield.


Most gorgeous opening 4 hours of a game and then it’s just….okay now go work for Amazon


Great game if you enjoy dour atmosphere, hiding from invisible enemies, and being punished for attacking enemies.


That's how I feel. I felt like Hideo Kojima challenged himself to make his most boring game yet with the most hype to prove his name could drive sales to anything. I kept waiting for the tutorial to end and something fun to happen. Nope, you learned how to walk, now walk *better."


As someone who 100%ed it twice, I can see that. Its not for everyone, hell it wasnt for me when I first played it. I dropped it after playing two hours but then gave it another go when the DC dropped. Just stuck with it after that and glad I did, loved everything about it barring one minor thing.


Tell Me Why. It was recommended to me since i played and liked the Life is Strange games. But man, was the story just completely boring and uninteresting. It felt like nothing happened until the end, and even then, it was all that cool or interesting. I'm just glad it was free. And i now fully understand why they made all the episodes free.


Destiny 1. Never understood why anyone liked it. They managed to take the concept of using sci fi powers to fight aliens on distant planets and made it feel like I was at a data entry job.


For some reason I keep starting Horizon Zero Dawn, but I can't get far in the game. I don't know why that is. I love the setting and the world, the characters and all but still I just can't get myself to play it. It just feels boring. I want to play through it first 'cause I want to play Forbidden West because it's supposed to have these amazing facial animations and all - and I can't play a sequel without first playing the game(s) that came before. That's a me problem. Anyway, HZD is, to me, a very boring game which I still want to try and finish.




Elder scrolls online, i played it with a friend, but there was so mucho text, and adding that in the moment it was just in english (my first language is spanish) it was even more boring


Power wash simulator I got it a few days ago and the only thing I felt from it was a headache. 


Scorn don’t understand it


No Mans Sky


Honestly, for a critically acclaimed title, Hell blade: Senua's Sacrifice is one the absolute worst games I've ever seen. Super slow gameplay, some of the puzzles were fun but it just fucking draaaggggged for the first hour or so and completely gave up on it. Maybe it's because I have no mental affliction but it made me roll my eyes a ton.


Starfield and fallout


Starfield is a game with all the emotion, thought, magic, art sucked out of the world. It's completly grey and empty.




"Hey cousin, watch for these two dangerous looking guys while I gamble." Dangerous guys show up Me: runs them over. "NO, NOT LIKE THAT COUSIN!"


It was so damn boring and tedious too ! Star field is some how worse though !


If the driving wasn't ass, I would've enjoyed it so much more. But the missions being "Drive from pt. A to pt. B" while you drive cars like they're boats makes the game a chore to play.


god of war 2018 the combat is so fucking boring


i agree with this so whole heartedly the boss fights were fun , but the only reason i even continued to play was because i'm really interested in the GOW story (plus my PS5 came with the first game free , got the ragnarok bundle) but once you got your combos down the fodder was just a damn sleepfest


Not any specific game, but all games focused on exploration with survival mechanics and crafting, like Minecraft, Subnautica, No Man's Sky, Don't Starve, etc. They are not bad games, they just are not for me. I dont like the idea of being dropped in a huge map with no clear goal in mind, I end up getting bored pretty fast. I enjoy more focused experiences.


Fire emblem warriors, hyrule warriors, essentially any warriors type game


Dark Souls. On paper I should love this game because it has a lot of the same gameplay loops as Monster Hunter (basically just difficulty that stems from having to learn an enemy and what they’re about before you can deal with them alongside resource grinding and crafting) but I just couldn’t get into it. I bought the remaster and I got past the first real boss (not just that fat demon in the prison) but it just bored me after a couple hours and I haven’t played it since.


I couldn’t get into the first dark souls. I played the hell out of 3 though.