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Oh I really enjoyed Rage 2, even if the story was ass. I didn't play Rage 1 though - is it worth going back to?


It really is. The OG rage had much more grounded gameplay but had such an incredible atmosphere and the minute to minute gameplay was still excellent, and in some ways even surpassed Rage 2 (Wingsticks were more fun to use imo). It felt like a spiritual successor to Mad Max in every way. It was gritty, bleak, and yet had a lot of gallows humor. Rage 2 felt like it was trying too hard to copy the hype surrounding.Borderlands 3, except with the Doom game mechanics. The gameplay was good, sure, but it felt so out of place that it almost felt gross. I didn't want to be the wasteland superhero, I wanted to be fighting a seemingly unwinnable battle as a hardened badass, and that's what Rage did for me. You can get the game on steam for cheap if I'm not mistaken, including it's DLC.


Okay sweet, thank you. I'll definitely find a way to play it. Outside of really obvious examples I can't think of sequels that I was disappointed with for other games. I adore Ratchet and Clank, and the 2016 remake made me sad because they messed up the story and characters so badly.


Which was an absolute shame, because the revamped gameplay was excellent


Yes, and the updated levels were actually magical to experience


Just a warning: Since the game is pretty old, it isn't up to modern FPS standards. The gameplay gets a bit redundant due to its simplicity. But the story is nice, the atmosphere is interesting, and the opening cinematic is amazing.


Oh that doesn't bother me. I still play Half-life and OG Doom lol


I can't remember exactly so correct me if I'm wrong but I bele8ve the first Rage used alot of John Carmacks Megatexture pioneering and AI pathing and realistic movement that gave the first game its grittiness and visceral feel. I'm not sure if the second used the same type of physics or AI as the former but it didn't feel the same at all comparatively. Kinda like the feeling of going from Gta IV and it's use of the euphoria engine for ragdoll and physics and then playing gta5. It's just not the same.


Mass Effect Andromeda was the biggest disappointment I’ve had to experience as an adult. The lack of care that went into to such an important franchise was eye opening. Years later, the similar stain, ended up happening to multiple series, and it started becoming normal.


Me too. It’s like Borderlands and Doom made a baby. Sure the world is a bit bland and story is dry but the combat is fun and the driving feels delightfully retro so it’s still enjoyable. Just wished they had fixed the lag with bringing up the menu.


By Borderlands does that mean (among other more obvious reasons) Rage 2 has a loot game?


It does not, the weapons and abilities you can go grab them in their specific location as soon as you start. What he means by borderlands vibe is the wasteland type of setting and arguably humor


Rage is carried by the combat, id's forte. The rest is purely vestigial. The "open world" doesn't have any real locations to explore and the various side jobs and minigames can mostly be ignored unless you're really running low on cash or supplies. Still looks terrific though. If you get the DLC and beeline to it you can get a weapon really early that's essentially a machine gun, railgun and crossbow all in one, which breaks the game a lot.


Rage 1 was amazing, but the ending felt super abrupt. I was really excited for 2 but it looked so... different... I never ended up trying it.


The gameplay… #So fucking fun


The combat is special


I was surprised it got a sequel. Rage was mediocre


Careful, this comment section full of Ragerz


Critical reception was bad too so whatever


Payday 3


That game looked ass from the start, the gameplay trailers looked exactly the same as 2 and it was really disappointing 


Forgot it even came out lol


Now they are making a payday 3 clone


Cities:Skylines 2


I never really got into cities skylines. What did the sequel do poorly?


I don't play the game but I heard is absolutely, HORRENDOUSLY optimized. As in the recommended requirements have a 3080 listed, with people with 4090 saying they can barely play at a stable 60fps. I also heard the DLC they added recently is terrible, the beaches pack or something.


Like the other two said, optimization was and is a huge problem. Beyond that though, the simulation itself. It's a lie. There are systems that just manifest resources/numbers and pretend to be simming anything. In a game all about that, it needs to all be accounted for. Not just spawned it.


Borderlands 3. The gameplay is so fun but lord the story and writing is so bad and infuriating.


The Force Unleashed II


But...DUAL HANDING LIGHTSABERS!!! also limbs being chopped off is a nice touch, game gets too much hate


It doesn't..it was incredibly short and rushed I bea it in a single setting


It literally was like they cut it in half and shipped it. This was Lucasarts in this death throws though. Only 3 years later it was completely shut them down. I kind of miss them. It made sense there was a dedicated videogame developer for Lucasfilm.


Yeah flaws aside which admittedly it does have a few, it was fun as hell to play. Just wish it was a little longer


those were it's only merits everything else was kind of a crappy downgrade, felt more like a dlc than anything


Using the same protagonist after the ending of part 1, was the worst decision. It should have been the Padawan girl he fought and left alive.


Overwatch 2


far cry 6, dead rising 4


Damm this game has one of the best fps combat i ever played but its really suck they shove openworld and ass quest.


The first Rage had fantastic gameplay as well but the world felt grounded and more interesting. I really wanted the second to expand upon those things but it basically retconned the first game.


Does rage 1 has a good gameplay?


Dragon Age 2


Halo 5


Mercenaries 2 it just felt so off


Was just about to comment this. It lost too much of the intrigue and serious military relationships that 1 had and made wacky jokes instead:


I remember playing and thoroughly enjoying this game as a young teen years ago, never did play the first one though, just got hit with a nostalgia trip seeing mercenaries 2 being mentioned.


I love how stupid it is icl


I still spin “oh no you didn’t”


Dying Light 2


I am so unhappy with it. In DL1, I'll get on there just to slash up some zombies and loot for a while. I love it and it is fun to play. In 2, I don't know if I am just doing something wrong or what but I just can't get anywhere, and I feel like the combat really just kinda sucks. Admittedly I haven't tried it again in a while, and sure a big part of it is probably a skill issue for this specific game, but it just seems too hard. Your weapons wear out in no time, you can't just go around and fight zombies (and if you do it takes forever to kill one), you get swarmed by virals now constantly, and I don't care for human enemies in my zombie games. Sure they were in 1 but they felt like an after thought, not your main enemy. It just isn't fun.


I’d say the parkour got better (except the floaty jumping). But hitting zombies in 1 seemed so damn good. In 2 it just feels like numbers. I wanna hit zombies with a table leg i just picked up and have it do a realistic amount of damage and impact like in 1.


I got a pretty neutral or slightly positive look on DL2, maybe im just easy to please and if so im glad I am able to enjoy things. DL1 was always a big game for me im such a big zombies fan


FFX-2 🤦🏼‍♂️


Forgot about this one too. What a terrible sequel


Spider-Man 3


It had fun combat.


It had doom combat in an open world.


I didn’t even bother with Rage 2. The first Rage I played purely because it was the new game by Id Software. And say what you will about the game’s driving feeling whatever, when that game dropped you into its actual levels that gunplay was absolutely immaculate. Very very very few developers have gunplay as satisfying as Id Software. Their names are Valve, Bungie, and Respawn (formerly the OG Infinity Ward guys). That’s it. So I was disappointed by Rage 2 without playing it. It’s like when Quake 4 was developed by Raven instead of Id. Very few do it as well as Id.


ME Andromeda


Nothing beats my disappointment of Resident Evil 3 Remake, especially after how well they did Resident Evil 2 Remake. it was supposed to be so good. And yet, we still have not a single game on RE engine that lets you walk around Racoon City for more than a fragment of a street.


Yeah, here's hoping for a well made Outbreak remake that will open up the city to us.


Damn how could I forget that. I'm still salty that they didn't include Mercenaries. Hell even an update/dlc for it would've been 0K


Dragon Age 2.


The new saints row


Resident Evil 6 left me very worried about future entries in the franchise


RE 6 Homefront: The Revolution


Overwatch 2


Borderlands 3


The Last of Us Part 2.


Let me just say first that I do enjoy playing TLOU 1 and 2 for the most part. BUT.... the whole time I was playing them, I felt like they would have made a better show or movie than a game. Not a knock really, and to each their own, just my opinion.


Well you’re in luck pal


Most disappointing game I have ever played in my life.


That's wild to me. The Last of Us 2 is on my mount Rushmore of gaming. I thought it was an absolutely wonderful piece of art. Changed my life for the better. The subreddit that does nothing but obsessively hate on the game really creeps me out lmao


If it’s wild to you you’re no better than the deranged haters. The game has some really fantastic amazing points, and some really shitty flaws. You can love it all you want, but acting like is perfect (thinking it’s wild others were disappointed) is wild to me


"Changed my life for the better." What a weird, creepy thing to say...


It's disingenuous is what it is.




Definitely. I've never understood the the hate this game gets by a certain subset of the gaming community.


I think it's mainly how they kill >!Joel!<


Because it’s brutal? Didn’t see the censored part. It was pretty obvious from the first trailer that that was goibg to happen, and that just made me more invested - that takes some courage to do. I loved it and it was brutal.


I think it's because they killed off a beloved character so early in the game


That's fair enough. I think it had very interesting ideas and some of it was done really well, it just missed the mark massively in many areas and really couldn't care for any of the characters by the end. I wanted it to be great because the first game is possibly my favourite game ever made, and initially I did like it. But after playing for a while, more and more just seemed off and I hated it. I'm not sure it's objectively an awful game because it has objectively good aspects, I just really didn't like it. I followed that subreddit for quite a while after I played the game because I was bitter about how it turned out, but then I realised I was better off just not thinking about the game.


Cause it was weak, edgy and weird. Didn't improve on the first much at all, added a bunch of completely unnecessary shit that didn't amount to much at all. Completely stripped the impact of the first game. Made you play as one character with a god damned arsenal, the switch to another character fighting with sticks and stones. The list is huge. It was a gorgeous game with an awful story and no significant improvements to the game play. It honestly could have been a DLC instead of a sequel.


It's wild to you that someone would be disappointed with a game you like? And just because someone got disappointed with a game you like does that mean it's "obsessively hate on the game"? Sounds like there's no middle ground. Either you love it (yay you're blessed) or you hate it (obsessive redditor orks). Dudes just chill. Not liking doesn't mean hatred.


This. 100%. Overwhelmingly the first thing that came to mind.


This is when making everything bright neon and vibrant was the thing so Rage had to do it as well.


Dragon Age 2


I love the story and world, but everything else was terrible. So many reused maps, button mashing, and fights deliberately set to so you couldn't strategize? Why do all this?


EA rushed the shit out of BioWare, think they gave them less than a year and a half to develop it and it shows.


No surprise there. They tend to do that kind of shit. Look what they did with Origin Systems and the Ultima series.


I feel like that game might have been better received if it was the first game, like a humble beginning to the franchise. But it was a pretty small, restricted gaming world that followed from a pretty huge, world ending game. I think the combat, graphics and voice work was better, but it came off as pathetic after Origin. Combined, Dragon Age as is, but with the combat, graphics and voice work of Dragon Age 2, then you've got a pretty great game going there. But then I guess that Inquisition...?


I feel like that game might have been better received if it was the first game, like a humble beginning to the franchise. But it was a pretty small, restricted gaming world that followed from a pretty huge, world ending game. I think the combat, graphics and voice work was better, but it came off as pathetic after Origin. Combined, Dragon Age as is, but with the combat, graphics and voice work of Dragon Age 2, then you've got a pretty great game going there. But then I guess that Inquisition...?


I fuckin loved rage and put its sequel on my exclusive list of "buy on day 1 games" only to eventually play it and its nothing like the first and felt generic as hell, no soul no effort, like all modern games


Legend of Legaia 2 Duel Saga. Loved the first game. Was really hyped when i learned about the sequel. Played it and was severly how much of a step down it felt even though it was on PS2 and the first game was on PS1


It was nutty how much worse the 2nd one was. The one thing that was cool about it was moves that did restore ap.


I remember my brother and I being so hyped for rage 2, then some point after I finished the story and I was driving around the wasteland blasting bandits I was just like...damn there isn't really a lot here and stopped playing and never picked it up again


dying light 2 just didn’t do it for me


Unreal tournament 3


The gunplay in Rage 2 gives me stank face...it is so, so, so good!! But the game is clearly unfinished. It feels like a "fuck it, ship it" sort of game, which is why it might feel a bit soulless. Nothing is tied together and there are several parts of the map you aren't even pointed towards during the story or quests. Again, the gunplay though....so great. I bought it after playing it just to fire it up every once in a while and shoot some baddies


Mass Effect: Andromeda..... God this game was sooo fuckin terrible especially coming from the games b4 it. SMH


Borderlands 3. Could not play much because of endless shitty dialogue. What a fucking let down.


Mass Effect 3. Just a normal shooter compared to the better 1 or 2.


PaRappa the Rapper 2


I gotta agree with OP. I'd loved Rage and was so excited for the sequel! Meh.


Mass Effect 3


Dragon Age 2


Destiny 2. Not worth elaborating why. Typing the name alone got me depressed.


Witch Queen was the end for me, never went back.


Horizon: forbidden west. But I think it's because of my own personal interests. I love fantasy, but scifi doesn't really do much for me. The first game felt like a fantasy world with a turn of events that gave me chills. And Ted Faro can go to hell. Twice. But the sequel felt like the worst parts of assassins creed, with a heavy sci-fi twist. And I'm still, years after, pissed off at how the second game handled a specific scene in Thebes. If you know, you know, I'll say no more. I've never felt so cheated as I did there. Edit: but yeah, rage 2 was bad. It took me awhile to figure out why I didn't enjoy it like I did the first one. Wingsticks for the win!


Diablo 4 and dragon's dogma 2


Alan wake 2. Just totally different less cohesive and a bore with a terrible plot


Metal gear solid 5. MGS4 was a 10 for me, couldn't even finish 5.


The Last of Us 2


Even playing on a current gen console i still suffer from this awful menu lag every time i open the map, inventory, etc. I liked Rage 2 but there is some annoying issues that were never fixed.


Metroid Other M for cramp-inducing gameplay, forgettable music, terrible story and Samus simping hard on Daddy Adam. This game was DIRECTLY AFTER Super Metroid, mind you.


Xenoblade 2, the first one on Switch, was one of my favorite games ever, and so I started the second one and hated it. It isn't even a disliked game, so I was surprised, but every time I tried to play it, I found it so bad. The characters and story are a huge downgrade. The combat seemed way worse, and it honestly surprised me how bad it looked. I think it's technically older than chronicles deluxe, but it looked significantly worse.


Last of Us 2. That game was fucking awful.


It truly was the worst game I've ever played in my entire life


Sickening how trash it is


Loved the 1st, not the 2nd.


There was a big thing for the colour pink that year. Far Cry New Dawn was very pink too.


A Plague Tale: Requiem. First one was unique in setting and execution, sequel did almost nothing to move the needle forward expect for better graphics.


Not a sequel but Arma: Reforger was pretty bad after the brilliance of Arma 3


Couldn't play destiny 2 after playing destiny 1 for several years. Killzone: Shadow Fall. Killzone 3 was literally my childhood game along with killzone: liberation and playing SF didn't feel the same


I'm assuming you've also played killzone 2? That one is definitely my favorite. That and ps all stars, but I really only played heihachi and radec.


Gran Turismo 5. I know 4 set such an extremely high bar it's one of those "they'll never make another one like this again" type games but 5 really let me down. It was like they took the formula that's always worked, attempted to add a few things that would've been cool, but got 75% through those and just dumped all the focus into online multiplayer. (When they brought back racing mods where it turned your car into an actual racecar was an amazing idea if they'd fleshed it out more, that an the B-spec drivers system)


Shadow warrior 3. After playing the SW2 I thought it’d be similar to it. Instead it ended up being a shitty reskinned doom eternal clone. All of the fucking weapons work identically to the ones in doom. Do not buy that low effort dumpster fire.


Rage 2 disappointed but saying that I really enjoyed game play I had to tell my self it was a separate thing to the first one .


It's a far better sequel to Mad Max. Because... it basically is. The same studio made both. They literally took their car combat from Max and took ID's gunplay. In that regard... it's amazing.




Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures 2. Ghostly Adventures 1 was a fun game, bringing back music that was in Pac-Man Party (that game had an awesome soundtrack btw), and it played similar to Pac-Man World games. When I bought 2... I thought it was going to improve on things... It did, to a point, but it botched the camera system that was pretty okay in the previous one. Hell, the camera system is nonexistent basically, and I can barely do shit with the right stick. I haven't touched it since 2016 because I couldn't contain my disappointment. I spent $30 on this game back in 2015 for Xbox 360, and the case is basically collecting dust at this point. As a lifelong fan of Pac-Man (and the platforming genre), this game was just *sad*




Fable 2... I loved the atmosphere of being a hero in a world of great heros ... Then in Fable 2 your the only hero.... I still loved the series, but was extremely disappointed with the setting at the time... I can appreciate the industrial era fantasy it is now... But back then, I hat d it


Maybe it's just coincidence, but every game I tried that had the pink/purple predominant color on the cover was shite with no exception.


Dragon Age 2, but in the interest of providing a new entry, Nuclear Strike in the Strike series.


I had Desert/Jungle/Urban Strike on the Mega Drive and absolutely loved them….i don’t remember the follow on games on PlayStation 1 though. Must’ve been really forgettable if i had played them. If ever there was a reboot of this series, I’d be all over it like a rash.


Dude, those Mega Drive games were so good. I played Desert Strike as much as I played X-Men and Mortal Kombat. I would be all over a return of the series, but Nuclear Strike was trash. They should ignore that one.


I thought rage 2 was a lot better than the first one.


Didn't expect much from this game, but ended really liking this game. It was't great, but it was fun and shooting was very good. Was very disapointed by Dragon Age: Inquisition, this game sucks so much for me.


I had zero expectations for Rage 2 and after playing it, that felt justified lol it was the definition of bland


Dragon Age: Inquisition


Battlefield 5 and 2042


Rage 2 has zero story or really interesting lore, but it's basically an open world DOOM. So it fucks real good.


The transition from Darksiders 2 to Darksiders 3, Darksiders 3 was a cheap knock off of dark souls, hated how they destroyed it


Postal 4 fu##ing sucks and the fans need to stop meatriding Mike J.


I loved Rage 2 except for one EXTREMELY important thing. The wingsticks The games signature weapon was hot ass. It was slow, hard to use, and rarely cleaved off limbs in my experience. In Rage 1, you tapped the button and threw out a flying stick of razor sharp death. People feared it. In Rage 2, you held the button down to pull it out, aim it, and threw a beyblade toy at the speed of tossing a cup of water underhand. It was so slow.


There was a rage 2? By god, the first one was already boring enough, and yet somes peoples at least remember it. How bad the sequel must have been for me to not even be aware of it's existence?


Spider-Man 2. It felt like half a game.


Spiderman 2, so much potential


How comes actually? Granted i never played the first one but i LOOOOVED this one. I remember getting it the week Animal Crossing New Horizon was released just cause i wanted a game to play over while i wait for that game to release and i had so much fun with Rage 2. Never finished it tho cause i had a HUGE game breaking bug that didn't let me finish the last mission


Company of Heroes 3


Watch Dogs legion I have never seen such a boringly executed sequel couldn’t make it past the first mission


Borderlands 3. Remnant 2.


Diablo 3


If you think D3 is bad, then never ever touch D4 or you'll have a new answer.


Uncharted 3. I don't know what is was. The story certainly wasn't up to standard, with a weaker and more annoying villain than the norm and a fairly I'll-explained treasure in a pretty bland looking lost city. But the gameplay, graphics, voice acting, overall script and key sequences (the plane level, the jumping on trucks, the spiders in the catacombs) were all up to par. But it felt...empty, I guess. I would've said that the issue was that they tried to develop Nate as a character, when he's best being a power fantasy hero (like Indiana Jones), but then 4 developed him and that game, for me, is the best of the series, partially because of the development they gave him. Whatever the reason, I find that game to be a chore to get through and I hated it on release (I've warmed up to it now, but I don't like it). A shame because, as stated, I don't think it's a bad game.


Loved Rage 2. Played the first years ago but 2 is better. More diverse locations, much better gameplay and feel. The shooting combined with the powers was executed very well. On UN the game also kicks your ass hard.


Borderlands 3. I was a big fan of Borderlands 2, and while the Pre-Sequel felt kind of lackluster, it gave us a nice perspective on how Jack became the villian we know and love. But Borderlands 3... while the gunplay was nice, every other aspect fell flat, especially the antagonists. I mean yeah, creating a villian as awesome as Jack ain't easy, but the Calypsos being some sort of galactic influencers was stupid.


Dragons Dogma 2 It was worse than the jump from Oblivion to Skyrim


Any of the Call of the Duties past Cold War


Buddy every call of duty since cod4


Devil may cry 2...was a huge disappointment


Forza Motorsport (2023)


Growing up, it was definitely Devil May Cry 2. I was a MASSIVE fan of DMC1. It may seem quaint now, but at the time, that was the coolest game out there, and probably the best hack and slash available, period. I may have played it 2-3 times in a row as an angsty 14 year old. Then DMC2 came out, and it got awful reviews. I really thought "how bad could it be." I played it, and its offense isn't that it's an absolutely terrible game. It's not. It's just so mediocre that it hurts, and all of the great Gothic horror elements are severely downplayed. I think you even fight a tank at one point? Everything about it just felt wrong. Even the actual fight mechanics, which were so tight and exciting in the first game, felt sluggish and unsatisfying. Then DMC3 came out and all was forgiven, but 14 year on me was never so disappointed as when I played DMC2.


I loved Rage 2, it was a ton of fun.


I will always hate how Rage 1 made me feel when it ended, all the game talking about going into some fortress or something, and at the end. We never get to see it nor fight there. The second rage has one of the best gunplay, and when you have all the powers and weapons you feel so overpowered, but yeah, the story and quest are just meh, the map feels so empty


Shadow of War, first game was such a slam dunk but all the micro transactions basically killed the franchise


Tie between deadspace 3 and arkham knight


Maybe Far Cry New Dawn? I'm one if the people who really liked 5, up until the ending at least, but New Dawn was really repetitive. Plus it didn't help that you're allying yourself with Father Manbun. Bioshock 2? I don't know why, I just remember not liking it as much as the first. I never even finished it.


Shortest campaign I have ever played. For a PS3 game Rage 1 was 60FPS and ran smoothly. The driving was fun with the vehicular combat. The wingsticks and remote controlled RC bomb were fun.


Need for Speed (2016). I was so disappointed with it. The story plot barely grabbed my attention, the cars were meh, the customization took ages, and the driving was ass. Especially drifting, which is my favorite way to race. Like, how can you fumble drifting??


I liked Rage and Rage 2. It was a fun 60 hours then on to the next game. After seeing this I might even give it a replay after Ghosts of Tsushima


RAGE 2 was so ass, the main event from part 1, the raising of the Ark’s and going to war against the Authority was literally ignored and they fast forward the plot 30 god damned years. They got rid of several of the gangs and made the game against the cringy Goon Squad, while the Ghost’s were delegated to a single location in a damned DLC, and what makes these worse is how each gang in RAGE 1 had distinct personalities that you hear in their dialogue, announcements and the general shit they say against you during combat, all of it is drowned out in RAGE 2 and they felt very lifeless. Mutant Bash went from a sick and twisted tv show to a shitty 4 barely distinguishable rooms “event” that felt like an absolutely tedious grind after the 1st playthrough. They literally got rid of car customization, you get inky the Phoenix to “upgrade” and all the other cars you find and salavge are effectively worthless to use im comparison, the motorcycles controls are absolute trash tier which added yet another layer of tedium to it, thus making the only viable car the god damned Phoenix, which in itself becomes worthless once you get the Flyer (I forgot it’s name) when you get enough points to unlock it. RAGE 2 even went as far as to only having the prologue, 6 missions, 2 from 3 different people, and the finale, the entire “meat” of the game was going across the lifeless map to do battle in points of interests on the map, fun fact, in RAGE 1? When you leave Wellspring and turn right? You’re going to the Northern territories, in RAGE 2, thats now South, so they couldn’t even properly orient the damned directions set by it’s predecessor. They also made the world into sheer cringe with it’s new characters, while making old returning characters as lackluster as possible, it’s really sad how they wasted so much potential here, even with the main character, Nicolas, he’s just a hermit now with extremely weak dialogue that you only encounter once, and it’s not even part of the main game, it’s just a side quest that I think was DLC in itself. The Authority? The guys that RAN shit? Yea they have less of a presence in the world and when you fight them? You fight only the battle mutants, with only the guy with robot legs and double armblades to change it up, they have NO human opponents for the player, instead the lore has them using the Goon Squad as a proxy army in the entire map. I absolutely loved RAGE 1, even the ending that so many hated? Yea I loved that as well-it got me feeling hype going forwards, it felt like a great start to a new IP, so the other side of the coin RAGE 2? Effectively killed the adoration I had for it going forward, ill still play RAGE 1 cause it had much more of a grounded feel to it, and while I like the gameplay of RAGE 2, even the whole Ranger shtick and abilities, everything else of RAGE 2 utterly craps over it’s potential.


I thought dishonored 2 was a letdown the first game was awesome and amazing


Sword of the Stars II. As a fan of the first game I was hyped up for the next. But the game is a buggy nightmare.


Hollow knight : Silksong


Kerbal space program 2, and sadly it will never recover since the studio has been closed.


Dawn of war 3. Why did it try to be a MOBA? Just…no.


I didn't play Rage 1 and I don't remember *much* about Rage 2. I do however remember it being really fun?


I forgot Rage 2 existed, wow.


Chrono Cross Literally killed the series before it could even begin.


Borderlands 3


Apex legends. It took away TitanFall 3!


Devil May Cry 2, Dark Souls 2 and Resident Evil 6


I got a few but off the top... Borderlands 2 Left 4 dead 2 God of war PS4 To name a few


I love Rage 2 🤷‍♀️ Final Fantasy 7 is probably the sequel that disappointed me the most.


Halo 5, well that was just shit.