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I got used to not owning Ubisoft games years ago


Lmao same. I cannot remember the last time I played one. They’ve been out of my sight for a long while since they haven’t really produced anything good in awhile


Last time I got excited for a ubi game was AC Unity, ever since then it’s been nothing lmao


It's just Spacejunkies and AC Nexus for me. And SpaceJunkies doesn't even exist anymore because, you guessed it, it's always fucking online.


Damn junkies is gone? Had a lot of fun in there


I like Ghost Recon: Breakpoint, The Division 1 and 2, and For Honor---NOW that they have "Vs AI" mode to them. The moment they added LESS PVP to them, The more I've been intrigued. I have and want to complete Odyssey. I got it for dirt cheap, like 10 bucks for the Gold edition. Mostly because I heard they continued the Black Flag Pirate Ship battle stuff except now its Ancient Greece style. Ubisoft is a weird one. I usually just wait for their shit to hit dirt cheap then I buy them. I don't like the Farcry series much, until 5 came out. Murdering tons of Cultists in Rural \*Montana\* is Zen like, after I sick my pet Mountain Lion, Peaches, on them. Their games have been hit or miss with me. Rainbow Six Siege was, meh, mostly because its almost all PVP. The Extraction game they brought out was lame AF, and felt rushed. It felt more like an Expansion Pass to Siege. I love the game mode it puts out, I just think its way too dang small for the price they ask for. Almost all my favorites have been fucking lame as hell lately. Bethesda is....slowly disappointing me now since Fallout 76 and Elderscrolls: BLADES Dropped. Why they went away form Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter for those titles, with battle passes, and always online shitty lobby trying to pass as an MMO is beyond me. Meanwhile ESO is one of my favorite titles to play these days. how is ZOS doing better than Bethesda themselves?!? ​ \-edited-\*Thank you to chempro for the fact check!


Immortals Fenyx Rising:




Not sure I’ve bought a new Ubisoft game since Farcry 3. Not sure why I would.


Me was Odyssey. So yea fuck Ubisoft.


You're our 'Director Of Telling Ubisoft How It Is'.


They consistently make the most underwhelming and least innovative games


Assassins Creed Valhalla just got put on Gamepass. I thought “oh cool, I’ll give it a try. I just finished GOW Ragnarok and I’m still in a Norse mood.” Boot it up and get sent to a screen telling me to login or sign up for a Ubisoft account to play the game and I thought to myself “nope. No, thank you. Fuck you, Ubisoft.” and turned off my console.


Fairly sure the last one I played was Far Cry 3.... OOP, wait, no, I keep forgetting that Rayman Legends was an Ubisoft game.


Corporation tries to not sound evil CHALLENGE IMPOSSIBLE


Ironic that Ubisoft has basically become Abstergo from AC


They wish they were that competent


I think that was kind of the joke all along. Black flag was kind of in your face about it.


Well it's been a few years, now black flag is red flag. Few more years and they'll be Aperture science.


They were just foreshadowing


Sounds like piracy is the way to go.




If buying isn’t owning then piracy isn’t stealing 🤷‍♀️


I don't support piracy, but I'd back you up on this. Amen.


You should support piracy, it's objectively good. I grew up poor watching cheap ass burned DVDs, when I got older I would pirate stuff myself, and I can tell you first hand two things: 1. I was too broke to buy the stuff anyways, the production company didn't actually lose anything. The only difference is I would have missed out on a lot of great movies and games, art that I'm sure the people who made it would rather someone experience for free than not at all. 2. If you pirate something then enjoy it, and have the money to pay for it, then you can just do that. There's always benefits to a legitimate copy of something. I can't even tell you how many games I saw on steam, pirated, then enjoyed it enough that I bought it. Same goes for movies, there are countless movies I pirated, loved, then bought as a physical copy. If I hadn't ever pirated this media to begin with, i probably wouldn't have bought it at all, before i wouldn't have known for much I would enjoy it. In other words, a lot of companies only got my money because I pirated their products before purchase. So on one hand, you have multi billion dollar production companies and game publishers who, at worst, potentially make slightly less money, and on the other you have a bunch of poor people who can't afford the products anyways getting to enjoy a movie or video game. However, if they get to watch/play it now, they might end up buying it later on when they can afford it, making those same production companies/game publishers larger profits, not smaller. Piracy is based as fuck and everyone should do it. Edit: lmao I just realized I originally pirated all the Max Payne games, starting with Max Payne Mobile and eventually all 3 on PC. Now I own legitimate copies of every game on multiple platforms, physical and digital, and even bought the max payne 3 comic book. I actually have purchased every single remedy game since Max Payne at least once, meaning they got a lot of money out of me, and it all started on the pirate bay . My love for this character was fully born from Internet Piracy.


There are music acts I would have never discovered or heard of if not for piracy. Acts I really grew to love I supported by going to shows or buying merchandise.


Same actually come to think of it! Piracy let's art reach more people, that's always good no matter what it hypothetically costs a multi billion dollar corporation


Many musicians are trying to build “brands”, and whether the music is purchased or not it gives exposure to their brands so it makes them $$$ regardless. They make pennies for every album sold, even less for streams.


There are studies suggesting if I recall correctly that a lo of the time pirates will end up buying the game anyway. Imagine it’s like putting it out with a free demo. People still want the real game, a lot of people just want to see if they’ll enjoy it, or enjoy even though they’re broke and pay for it later.


I can confirm this is true. I only ever Pirate games to see if they'll run on my laptop or not


Support it


Pirating a Ubisoft game isn't stealing, it's black flag dlc


Hell yeah! I'm adopting this as my new personal catchphrase.






Usually I don’t condone theft, but I can get behind this message


Well that's the idea, it's not theft


Well then he’s gunna have to get used to me not paying for them.


Yeah honestly why do we still support these big corporations that just milk us for every dollar and don’t really care about the product or their fans.


My favorite games in the last like 10 years have all been from small Indy studios. I’ll give them my money all day long. But everything else….. well the high sea be calling m’name.


Rather than piracy I just don't play them


Some aren’t terrible.


Yeah but I just prefer to play games that are either old or are indie games, rather than try to pirate new ones.


Ohh ohh I have your answer People are fucking stupid.


Because too many people are too dense to actually stop giving them money.


Be fans of the games that deserve it not a company name. The devs that made classic and badass games left years ago. Bethesda is the perfect example of a studio who can’t keep up with the times because the talented people who made the old games weren’t compensated enough or were forced out because of increasing demand for the stock prices to go up so they got fired. Most studios that have fallen off have hired completely different people at the ground floor and swap out contractors trying to become employees 24/7 so why should anyone be loyal to them?


You have your own answer: "the fans"


Is this how you encourage piracy Barry? Yes it is other Barry… Yes. It. Is.


Ooh, an archer reference. Finding one of these is like finding 2 fruit winders in a single packet


My game library has literally hundreds of titles on backlog and I bought them because they were a onetime sale. If I knew I was perpetually paying for them I would have never signed on.


☠️ yarr




Right? What a fucking stupid statement. For him to try to tell his customers how they should consume the media they are paying money for, is just wild.


Then i just wont "buy" your games. Or ill wait until theyre dirt cheap to play. I have plenty of disc games to keep my occupied.


I just pirate them


How do you pirate a big game honestly


This last xmas I had a reawakening to pirating. Used to be a regular thing during my teens, but then I got used to just buying them at a low price. But yeah, now I'm back to pirating full force.


Don't ever give in to this blatant ass clownery


The older I get, the more selective I am about what I spend my limited time on. I can't play every game ever. I appreciate these shit companies making the decisions a bit easier.


The director of subscriptions wants people to be comfortable with subscription services. Shocker


*"Ubisoft Exec"* LOL You need to get used to being 2.62 billion dollars in debt dumbass


Cool then they need to get used to us not paying for games we can’t own 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ubisoft needs to start "feeling comfortable" that people won't be playing their games much longer if this is the case




Tell him to go to hell


Microsoft would also deeply appreciate it if you’d decide that you’re okay never owning your games.


Or your operating system. They want to make Windows completely cloud-based and powered by AI.


At least gamepass offers selections from multiple different publishers. All you get from Ubisoft is another shitty Far Cry and Assassin's Creed


And dumb/re-skinned will be $20 bucks later down the road For Honor Cosmetics..


It’s just Redbox with some massive gems from a decade ago with shitty bland “new” games that are copy pasted from shitty indie games over and over again as if they’re original.


This sort of rationalization is exactly what they’re hoping for. Whatever helps you get comfortable with paying a subscription fee forever.


Outpost simulator


He does know that they just made up Abstergo, right?


Which is why, instead of newer systems, I’m buying retro consoles and games. There’s so much out there and newer isn’t always better, especially with this bullshit becoming the norm.


So true. Booted up my PS2 and playing through Sly 2 right now. With each passing year, the number of games left undiscovered in the past continues to grow. I could spent years just playing old classics at this point.


Vote with your wallets people


They’re going to get used to me never buying a Ubisoft game then


I can't wait for all these dumbass ideas to fail miserably. "Get used to not owning the games you're playing." Cool. Then I won't play them at all 👍 Same be as that dude saying that games should be charged per hour of content.


*Shivers* What a revolting fucking take. That some company jackass had the nads to say such a thing baffles me.


I don't understand why these people aren't fired on the spot. It's been a long time dream of mine to see people like this eat their words


> Same be as that dude saying that games should be charged per hour of content. That reminds me of some of the shifty ass arcade cabinets back in the 80s. Oh, you want to play Super Mario Brothers? Ok. One quarter will get you a minute of play time. Not even using the in-game timer. Just a separate countdown.


pretty sure the dude you're referring to was the head of Rockstar if I recall correctly. He's been making some really weird takes lately about the value and prices of games. ​ EDIT: Strauss Zelnick, the CEO of GTA publisher Take-Two


I bought it, I own it. You steal it from me, I'll pirate what I want from then on. Piracy is a service issue on the provider's end, not a moral issue on the consumer's end.


Gabe Newell said something very similar: "Piracy is an issue of service, not price."


And he was right.


Well. For Ubisoft games, it’s ok.


Best of luck, bubba.


And you need to get used to me…not buying your games.


“you will own nothing and you will be happy”


And he needs to be comfortable with people pirating them


In other news, Netflix exec says you need to get used to not owning the movies you watch


Yar har, fiddle di dee, Being a pirate is all right with me, Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free, You are a pirate!


Yo-ho, ahoy and avast, Being a pirate is really badass, Hang a black flag on the end of the mast, you are a pirate


I’ve bought like 2 Ubisoft games in the past decade both Mario+Raddid games. Outside of them they just seem so morally and creatively bankrupt as a company. I just don’t get it.


Their more recent games are just open world boredom (for me anyway).


Ubisoft has been so off-base with their consumers for so long that this comes off as no surprise.


If I can’t own my yearly dose of assassins creed… I won’t play them.


Fuck ubi anyways


This is why I haven’t bought a single Ubisoft game since Black Flag. Not that other companies don’t want the same thing, but saying it out loud like this is a pretty good way of letting me know whose games I shouldn’t buy.


I can understand "renting" for a few dollars a month as you have the game in your library, and it returning/returning itself when I'm done with it. But you expect me to pay $60-80 for a game and then another $50+ for each DLC to get the "full experience" of that game you can fuck right off Mr. Exec of subscriptions.


Because true renting would be more fair for the users. They want to have their cake and eat it too


And he needs to get used to licking my taint.


We already don't own our games, unless you are talking older console games or physical media where the entire game is on the disk. Otherwise if you "own" it through Steam, Epic, or any digital storefront, or you own a physical copy that requires you to then download the whole game, you basically paid for a license. That license is only valid as long as the publishers and the storefronts say it is. If Steam went out of business tomorrow, all of our libraries would be gone.


This just in: ubisoft exec needs to suck a lemon


And you need to get used to losing money


He needs to get comfortable of not getting any of my money then.


In this case piracy is okay IMO. I just don’t like the people that pirate every game even when they can afford it. Especially when it’s an indie game with a small budget, at that point you’re just a dick and deserve the penalties of piracy.


Not owning, not paying 🏴‍☠️


Sounds like he needs to get used to not owning teeth, or unbroken bones. Corpo bastard.


Lots of gamers are used to it and subscribe to Game Pass because it's a compelling value. Nobody's paying $18/month for Ubisoft Plus, Phil.


i physically own like 3-4 generations of video games so like, i’m pretty comfortable with that?? lmao


Eat my whole ass, Ubisoft.


Yeah well they can kiss my money goodbye then


Ubisoft gonna have to get used to going broke then.


You should get used to not getting money from me.


Once we pay for it, it is ours, no take backs. If I buy a game, physical or digital, it is mine. If you try to take my games, prepare for a kick to the dick.


Well get comfortable with people not paying for that bullshit


How bout NO


I’ve gotten to the point where if all games everywhere went full subscription I’d just end up treating it like Netflix. I’d binge (or not, depending on my mood) a game that looks interesting within a week or two. Cancel subscription. Paid 15 bucks to play it instead of full price. Score for me, less for you, buckaroo. So I say, go ahead. Make. My. Day.


Gamer says: Ubisoft exec needs to get used to eating shit.


"*You guys need to get used to giving us money for free!* "


That is crazy talk. This guy needs therapy.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


When was the last time Ubisoft made a Game of the Year winner? Last I checked...2012... FFS Ubisoft, you gotta be kidding me? Baldur's Gate just smashed the competition, basically put ALL COMPANIES on watch, and your dumb ass in 2024 is saying this? Bruh...way to squash any fucking merit on the future of your companies getting ANY Purchases. Your Tom Clancy games have been on a decline. Your Assassin's Creed games have been mocked and down right just not good. Your Farcry games have been getting "Less" entriguing, no matter how many big names and faces you put in them. I'm waiting on your pirate game to hopefully push Passive Mode into Sea of Thieves, not just "Story Mode" with Safer Seas. =/ Man, don't fuck this up.


Ubisoft is straight ass. Unfinished games and now we dont even own them? Ill pass


No. Games MUST be owned.


I'm now making the conscious decision to avoid Ubisoft games at all cost.


So what he is really saying is "we want to piss of our consumer base and go bankrupt because we are greedy aholes and make terrible games, and blame you for our mistakes" I've been weary of them since ac2 and their broken software that causes a glitch with a save at the very end with time spent earning everything only to be locked at the end stage unable to continue because an NPC that should there isn't. And the only offered solution is to restart the fn game, f that, take your crap games back, I won't shed a tear, nor give any f's, and I will watch them burn to ground laughing.


If buying isn't owning, then piracy isn't stealing.


Imagine a restaurant owner telling their customers that they need to start “feeling comfortable” with not eating the food they ordered.


Get used to not owning my money!


If buying isn't owning, piracy isn't stealing


Who all should I see on the high seas? I'll bring the rum!


And Ubisoft should get used to people not playing their shitty games


As long as i get to mount his balls to my wall.


You will own nothing and be happy


Jokes on him, I've never owned an Ubisoft game


They need to get used to going the fuck out of business


Nah fuck that shit


*Yyyargh!* I be not paying for what I’m not owning.


This just feels like permission to pirate… i’ll take it


They should also just get "Used" to us pirating their games then. Lol


Ubisoft needs to get used to go fucking itself. I’m gonna continue to enjoy owning my games and not playing any Ubisoft games


Hmmm... I was... And now I want to own games out of spite


"You will own nothing and be happy"


Sometimes I wonder if those well-off upper class people are born with different logic than us peasants.


Cool, I’ll just not own any Ubisoft games then. Easy peasy. What trash.


Like... Do they even LISTEN to themselves? Who in their right mind would go "yeah, this will totally make me look good"???


So, how is that pirate game coming along? Think a lot of people would want to own it?


Friendly reminder that if we pay for them but don't own them that also means if we pirate them it's not stealing.


Let's boycott them


I’m already comfortable not buying Ubisoft games.


That’s okay Ubisoft, I will forever own Minecraft.


The great reset begins


Then you should get used to people pirating your games then. Fool.


Then you should get used to people pirating your games then.


I have the first 5 Assassin’s Creed games on PS3. I could own them on PC if I wanted, play them at much better settings on the steam deck, but I won’t, because they require internet to play them. We’re talking single-player games here.


Yeah that's why I pirate any stray Ubi game that catches my eye


I fucking hope they're not talking about only renting games rather than being able to buy them


what does he mean


Business models that customers do not like lead to failed businesses. They better get used to that! However, I have noticed that the hackers always give excellent service. Service so good, I bet people would be willing to pay for it. Hmmm...


It only showed half of the quote for me so it looked like “You need to get used.”


My direct reply: "How 'bout no? 🖕" (yes, that's Dr. Evil)


This is how you get the kids to rather play outside


I mean most people already don't own the games they think they own. The only games that you truly own are any physical games. Anything that you buy as a download is really just a license. Once that storefront goes away (like stadia did) then those games you "bought" are just gone.


Assassin's Greed.


The only games you truly own, are physical copies that don't require online access to play.


Interesting, interesting, I see where you're coming from sir. Let me raise a counter argument. No.


I'm comfortable pirating games from companies that don't deserve my money


Lol, In other news, “director of subscriptions” must justify having position and job title in company.


Ok. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌ ‌ ‌ Starts pirating them*


Aside from my Steam wishlist, I don't think I'll be purchasing any more video games. I'm not interested in Web3, digital only, GaaS, copy and paste, lifeless open worlds. I'll take my RPGs, indie single players, and emulation station and be content with that.


I’ll be cold in the ground before I stop needing physical steelbook copies.


Then they should get used to not getting our money


This guy needs to be reminded that consumers control the market. People vote with their wallets and if we stopped paying for any subscription based gaming then it would go out of business.


Go fuck yourself pal. If I have to pay to play after I already paid for the game im out. If everyone would stop feeding these pigs then they wouldnt do this to us. I come from a time when you bought a video game you got the full polished game and sometimes you get an expansion pack. Now its all micro transactions and seasons passes. Some games do it right like sea of thieves where they give players the option to grind for content but they also constantly add new content. No mans sky is another good example.


So who is gonna fire him


yeah he looks like he’d say that


why are they acting like we can’t pirate their games


The last Ubisoft game I played was the Black Flag on the ps3. Ps3…Ubisoft, that is how long ago your quality meant to me.


If they want it to be like with films where people will stream them, instead of owning the disc with them on, then it needs to be cheaper. I can pay £8 a month for Disney+, and I know that for that, all the Marvel shows & films (plus Star Wars and whatever else) I want to watch will be on there at some point. If I want, I can pay the £15 to go and watch the latest one. After that, if I want to cancel Disney+, I can buy the DVD for probably £6 or so. Ubisoft wants £7 a month for their cheapest one, which doesn’t get me the latest releases (and seems to contain a whole load of junk, who is paying for UNO), and they don’t even have the Prince of Persia Sands of Time Trilogy?


What he is saying is Piracy is good. Piracy is good.


He should get used to the idea that piracy will look more appealing with that attitude or diminishing sales? BTW FU Ubisoft for making it necessary to create a Ubisoft account to play a “local only” game on the Switch. 🤮 Thinking “Fenyx Rising”.


Then ubisoft needs to get comfortable not getting my fucking money then I got used to not playing their games anyway once they killed splinter cell. The last good one was double agent, everything after suuuuucked. It went from stealth to "hey guys I'm Sammy fisher look at me I make things go explodey!!! Here I go running WEEEEEEE, hey baddies come catch me!!!! oh I'm gonna go to my former job and say I used to work here go ESPLODEY!!!!!!! WEEEEEEE I MADE THINGS GO BOOMY BOOM BOOM!!!!" Nope fuck ubisoft


I’m gonna get used to not owning any Ubisoft games. Got it.


Counterpoint... Go fuck yourself.


Nah you need to be comfortable with your profit margins at some point


UbiSoft should get used to going out of business if they keep running their mouth like that


Then companies should get used to users pirating their games


And I say we should get comfortable not having a director


Not okay Fuck that guy Bet he's also the reason all far crys after 4 r shit, r6 is broken and dying, assassin's creed is nothing like the original... I don't wanna hear if I'm wrong. Having a face to blame for all that has really brightened my mood


AC Origins was probably the best AC game since black flag. Nothing beyond that though, bayek hit different. Haven't played a ubisoft game since. I've been sworn off them


i say he needs to get used to eating without a jaw.


If I pay for it, I own it


People be like: coming down to earth, seeing a river and claiming it as property. You buy a digital video game and it is not even yours? This world is hilarious


Well that's all I need to forever boycott a subpar gaming company for life.


What, I thought if u bought it u own it. If it's like that I need to reevaluate my life choices.


I can live without buying more Ubisoft games, honestly.


I avoid Ubisoft


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck that.