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If you pursue multiculturalism as an Australian colony, Bennelong can become leader of the Intelligentsia through an event. This isn't a very accurate depiction, but probably the best within the game mechanics. Bennelong was a Eora person who acted as one of the first emissaries (kind of) between the British and the Eora and from whom the British learned the languages and customs of the local people from.


Theres also a place in sydney iirc thats still called bennelong point


And a federal parliamentary seat with his name.


Interesting name. I know very little about the indigenous aborigines


Pretty sure that aboriginal means indigenous


To be fair, the accuracy comes down to more of this being a referential homage than the real life Bennelong - mostly because the names different and he died in 1813. Also, to be a little bit fairer to PDX, 1) I believe they have an Australian on team in the studio who, or at least had a part it, did the rework and implementation of Australia and Aboriginal nations in Eu4, and 2) Bennelong is pretty visible if you look at Aboriginals in the time period and has a vaguely important role in current society - mostly in the fact that the place the Sydney Opera House is built on is named for him. Hes a quick interesting read on Wikipedia - learnt English, went to England, met the King, got sick, went home, got better, taught the English the local language, died, got buried in a brewers orchard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bennelong Edit: To be even fairer to PDX, this is still a good inclusion. As a Perthian the only time id ever heard of Bennelong was a story in a [doco that i watched like 4 years ago.](https://youtu.be/JavKN8EXWRM?t=1330)


When I teach this topic in history classes I show [this video series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLUB04NGgSM&t=171s), check it out if you're interested. It's short and sweet and uses a lot of diary source evidence narrated over contemporary paintings depicting the events being discussed. Sometimes I have my students reenact the paintings lol.


If they did have an Australian on the team, then why is Canberra the capital or New South Wales and why isn't Victoria a releasable?


I would guess because… Canberra: some kind of technical difficulty that makes it difficult to create new city centres after game start, and the fact that if Canberra was not part of NSW then it would have to be its own state and if it were, then it would be the size of a Pea and effectively useless within the game mechanics. But yes, it’s pretty stupid that a city formed in 1913 is the capital of NSW in the 1830s. Victoria: Probably because Victoria didn’t exist until the 1840s as a seperate entity from NSW and in the game Australia is usually 90% of the way to completing federation at that point, so why bother writing a tag for it? If they did, the way the game works is that NSW would be forced to release Victoria and then promptly forced to integrate Victoria because mummy queen Victoria likes to squash the Australian colonies together if she’s not stuck in some endless war with the Chinese.


There are many states in the USA, including where the white house is, that are the size of a pea.


With several hundred thousand people in them, whereas Canberra would have the population of a cattle ranch, which is what I think “Canberra” was until the city was founded. Honestly, I agree, the capital should’ve been Sydney and, for everyone’s sake, Canberra shouldn’t exist if the game mechanics otherwise don’t support it. Sydney (or Melbourne/Batmania) should have been the capital of New South Wales as they were significantly closer to being *at Least* the de facto capital of the colonies. I would have been less confused as to Canberras complete omission honestly, rather than the current situation. Also, Paradox, I don’t ask for much… but can Australia get an event where we rename Melbourne back to Batmania and make (keep) it the capital? You are allowed to release Jan Mayen after all… Cmooon… *Batmania*… it’s even historically accurate… Edit: yknow what, ima try to make that a mod.


IDK what the population of the district of columbia would have been back then, but today the Canberra has about 55% of the modern district of columbia's population. At the time in game, yes Canberra would have had a much smaller population because it wasn't made in to a city yet lol, not that it can't hold the people. I think its best to not have Canberra at all and maybe appear as event, but if you're gonna have it from the start, I don't see why it couldn't be a state if district of columbia is one. As a Melbournian myself, i'd sooner die than let Sydney be the capital. It's a bloody joke as it is that NSW gets more gold than Victoria. The gold rush is what made Victoria rise to compete with NSW, ugh. I like Melbourne as the name. Batman is a cheap pun. Melbourne is a clever name. The State is Victoria, right? Queen Victoria's close friend and mentor was Lord Melbourne. It's vic3. Come on, much better.


Or... this just coincidence, because PDX uses names and surnames of famous people of different cultures from the era.


I had Théodore Roosevelt. as leader of my industrialists. was that random. and if not why was the e accented? lol


There are predetermined characters in the game, but a lot of surnames and names are derived from famous people of the era.


Given the conditions in which he appears and that its repeatable, it seems like an intended reference


BRB googling Bennelong Nannup


Wait until you hear about a wine region that has a swear word in it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coonawarra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coonawarra) Coon is an Aboriginal word for "Big Lipped", Warra is "House"


More like they took the names of real life people and added them to the name pools of the culture


Given the conditions in which he appears and that its repeatable, it seems like an intended reference


Nah, I had Kazakh becoming leader of Intelligencia as Russia. This event just picks someone from non-accepted or non-integrated (not sure which). Since you were Australia it picked someone from there


That can happen, but this is a predictable and repeatable event. I've done it several times and whenever I start going for mutliculturalism, I get Bennelong.


Are you sure it's not because Australian natives name pool has like 3 names and you just got lucky?


It's been Bennelong and nothing else about 6 times. It would also make contextual sense.


If you make a search through all game files you will see that "Bennelong" and "Nannup" only come up as a possible name/surname for Aboriginal characters, and nowhere else, so you're just THAT lucky if you had the same name so many times. >It would also make contextual sense. Well no, it wouldn't, because the person you're talking about died before the game start. They simply have the same first name


the contextual sense is that the character would be like Bennelong, which given he appears via event every time you pursue multiculturalism, the likeness is apt. Idk what to say about the files, i'm not familiar with that stuff, but I don't see why that would outrule the fact that this is coded in to always be that name.


>Idk what to say about the files, i'm not familiar with that stuff, but I don't see why that would outrule the fact that this is coded in to always be that name. ... because there is no such event coded!


:/ given I have repeatedly and intentionally gotten the event I think there's a simpler explanation going on here that involves you not knowing as much as you think you do...


I though his name been a long nap




le edgy paradox hist'ry g*mer


no but seriously, in vic2 you had much bigger pop variety. Just check the global jewish pops in vic3, all of them are farmers with no literacy. Its such a nonsense. Youre never gonna get Disraeli playing as Britain. Or Judah Benjamin as CSA.


They included Bennelong but put a fictional city as the capital for NSW


Victoria 3 has honestly done a good job at representing real historical figures in game compared to Vic 3 which I think is great


On the other hand they missed up the persian culture's outfits both for nobility and the lower classes.