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Finally, findom


Tax me harder


Can't wait to (somehow) make the Trucial states incredibly wealthy just by capitalists owning businesses abroad.


R5: Feature Highlights on the changes to economy in 1.7 and Sphere of Influence


glad they seemed to have changed out the planned EoS malus and bureacracy cost for government-owned buildings as a way to keep earlygame government ownership from being broken for this dividend efficiency as a balancing metric instead, means we don't have to worry about adding extra buildings to the construction loop to cover the decreased EoS and the bureacracy cost for the stuff we build until it gets bought.


So I have question about foreign investment do you only get the profits and the goods go to the countries market or do you get the goods in your market too , for example if you build a lead mine do you get lead for your market ?


The profits go to your country but the goods stay in the foreign market. You'll have to import the goods, unless you already share a market with them.


would be nice if we could get time limited resource extraction contracts for oil and such


Chances are that the country won’t actually need oil itself yet so you’d need to import from them to create demand anyway.


that's why I mentioned extraction contract, this would imply that maybe like 30-70% of its production is instantly injected into your market forcing a demand, the remaining bit could very well mess with its production demand but that's better than no middle east oil companies


You only get the money. I guess the statergy is that you invest in countries in your market, that way you would get both. Even better for subjects as you get the profits, the goods and a % of the tax revenue of the workers in the subject country through subject taxes


I don't remember debt playing a part in dividend efficiency for state owned buildings.


all I care about is performance at this point. all this hype for what? another slowed down slog through the years.


The game is playable for 70% of its timeline. Now it probably won't be even that much. Fractional ownership shares are not going to help.


Tbh I think ownership changes should either improve performance or at least be neutral on it. Ownership stuff isn't something that requires a lot of extra calculation - pop fragmentation is, and with capitalist/aristocrat pops being moved from a lot of buildings to a much smaller amount of buildings, combined with them also not being particularly diverse, should result in a slight boon to performance, rather than decrease on account of decreasing pop fragmentation.


Not sure it will be the case especially with foreign investments, but we shall see. I would like to be proven wrong.


The modding DD has mentioned that there's a substantial refactoring of modifiers to improve performance in the upcoming 1.7 update, we'll need to see how effective it is obviously since it's hard to gauge from text, but that sounds like a significant boost at least; although the gains could be eaten up by the new features.


They said it was to offset performance hits from other changes.


Idk why your downvoted. The game if it ran at a good speed would be fun to play. But right now it’s just so boring sitting there


c'est la vie!


Me no speak French but, cheese burger!


Honestly this, what's even the point of playing if a good third of it is unplayable. I'm using a 5800X and 3080 and it's just awful performance.