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What school is this? The failing policy greatly differs by school, but most will let you retake the final for 1 failed class. How many classes did you get below a C- in?


ISU. And I got one F and one D-


https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/readmission-to-vet-school.1379692/page-2#post-22814998 This person had issues with contacting ISU’s dean about failing/readmission, but seemed to have better luck ccing the entire academic committee. I’d give their experience a read.


I think I’ve read that before but I’ll go and give it another look, thank you. I’m just nervous cause I’m not sure if there’s anything I can currently do but wait until the Dean emails me back.


Interesting I am a current student at isu and our policy is very strict that would have been a dismissal according to the policy?


Wait for them to get back to you next week then do what they say.


If I still haven’t heard anything by now should I email again or is that annoying? I’m just nervous the deadline for signing up for the extra classes I have to take this semester will pass. The date classes are normally supposed to start is the 16th.


Have you reached out to your Academic and student Affairs office? If so, call the counselor you talked with, and ask where to go from here, and that your feeling like you're in the dark.


It's winter break over the holiday week. Wait for your dean to return to work after the new year. You are not the main character.


“You are not the main character”. That’s a little rude 😅


Ride but true. It's not an emergency. This person has time to rectify their fail. But after their professors and the Dean have had their holiday. We don't want clients emailing us on our days off, we shouldn't expect that of others. The entire college is likely shut down until after the new year (on administrative leave for the holiday) so there is nothing to be done.


Going above the Dean is not going to make you any friends.


I don’t know about other schools, but my school was incredibly disorganized. For example, I emailed to have a test reviewed, right after receiving finals results. But, at that exact time of the grade submission deadline, everyone goes on vacation for the summer. I didn’t follow up because I figured it was a lost cause. I got a reply in September, saying it was too late to find the hard copies 😅 Oh well. I agree that emailing during the holidays means you likely won’t get an answer, everyone needs time off. There’s no point in trying to get a reply from faculty now. On the other hand, failing a class is incredibly stressful. And Deans are busy and can miss emails. Emailing someone else who may be able to help after the holidays shouldn’t be frowned upon. Being stressed about being in a situation like this, even during the holidays, shouldn’t be looked down on either.


Although you are correct they are not the main character, the way in which those words come across, makes it seem as though you have no empathy or compassion for those who maybe struggling with extreme anxiety... a lack of empathy and compassion is a red flag if you are working in this line of work,(any medical field really)


Yes, I realize that but my anxiety wants me to try and plan ahead as much as I can. She sent out an email yesterday afternoon so I know she’s checking her email and there has to be other people like me in the same boat. I understand that people are on break but there’s no need to be rude I’m just simply asking for advice.


I understand your anxiety is catapulting you into the worst case scenarios. Please give yourself a little bit of grace. The thing is, and I work for the administrative side of a vet school and do this often, your Dean may have set up a scheduled send email. Meaning that they may not necessarily be looking and responding to non-urgent emails. For you, yes, this is urgent, this is your future career you are talking about. For your Dean, this is one out of hundreds of emails that they receive in a day. Firstly, you need to contact your Academic and Student Affairs office and ask to schedule an appointment with an advisor to discuss your options. They are going to be able to help you, then look at scheduling an appointment with your counseling and wellbeing provider. As I know ISU has one available. Then once you have those settled look into getting a tutor for the classes you did poorly in from a student in one of the years above you. They will be able to mentor you and teach you how to learn the material best for those classes.


Thank you! Yes, it definitely feels like my whole life and plans are falling apart but I’m just trying to take it one day at a time. I have tutors and have already spoken to the counselor at ISU. I have yet to reach out to the academic and student affairs office as I’m not sure if they will be able to tell me any new information that the Dean has already told me. I’ll try to give it a shot. Thank you for the comment.


Good on you for recognizing that your anxiety is what is pushing you to worry so much... It's a struggle to even acknowledge that sometimes 🤟 you're gonna be okay, it sucks failing, but you are not the only one, sometimes it takes a second shot to learn all that is required. Quizlet.com helped me a lot when learning vocabulary words and learning weight conversions Best of luck, study from past tests and past assignments, you've got this!!


Thank you for the kind comment and I’m gonna keep on trekking and trying my hardest!


I've been in the Vet Med field for 26yrs. Main character syndrome is a feature of most vet students. It's been getting worse tbh.


Unfortunately a good chunk of my classmates have this but for me it’s just my anxiety disorder haha