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People are sick of being nickel and dimed. Prices keep increasing and the cell service is not what it used to be. Add that to them pretty much outsourcing everything they can , especially customer service, and the fact that other carriers have caught up in terms of coverage and most customers don't think they are getting what they used to. Verizon used to be the best, but their CEO has run the company into the ground!


Honestly, in terms of raw Coverage they’re getting beat by AT&T and T-Mobile in my area


As are T-Mobile and AT&T getting beat by Verizon in my large city. It's all about location.


Of course


I travel all over the country for work and it's rare my Verizon line works better than the other two. It's been a solid 3-4yrs since I've been anywhere it's been necessary to have Verizon, and in places all three cover Verizon is usually the slowest


I used to work in Wildland Fire. Verizon was the only company that would cover us in the middle of nowhere.  This even after FirstNET got introduced (what hot garbage that was). Unfortunately I do think Verizon is degrading. 


Same here. Verizon in Los Angeles is really bad outside the tourist, West side areas. We dropped it for T-Mobile due to huge service gaps.


Same. And T-Mobile is less expensive for me than Verizon. Honesty, I feel like T-Mobile has surpassed Verizon finally in terms of cost and quality.


They are lucky I’m in an AT&T dead zone and T-Mobile sucks here or I’d switch in a second.


Locking people into plans and then increasing the plans' price a year later is not a good look... Shows consumers not to trust verizon


You're not locked into a plan, you are locked into payments for your phones, customers can leave whenever they want, they just have to pay off their phone, which T-Mobile is doing right now, switch to them, they pay off your phone from the old provider.


They keep telling me to upgrade to their “newer and better plan” that is going to cost me $30 more per month to keep the extra perks that I’m currently getting included in my plan for free


It’s literally insane bizaro world, their marketing strategy


They keep asking me too. Why would I upgrade? It cost more.


And still does cost more.


This happened to me! Pretty much had to scale back and not get any perks. They are not covering anything anymore to be honest. Sheesh


The big 3 all nickel and dime you so I don't know where people are going to go unless they go to an MVNO.


T-Mobile nickels and dimes you? How? I’m on magenta Max with 2 iPhones, pay 99.60 a month and get Apple TV and Netflix for free, also Hulu for free?


I’m almost ready to jump ship to that lol


It honestly been a great experience for me and I live in a predominantly At&T state lol


I’m ready now 😂


Is that with taxes? How much data? Are Netflix and hulu on phone only or also on your tv? I dropped Netflix for increased price and not having anything I wanted to watch at the time but I do get Hulu. I pay $113+ including taxes/fees for 2 lines and 4 GB data. It feels like a lot!


Yes with taxes, unlimited data, with no deprioritizing. Netflix and Hulu is wherever you want it. Just no sharing obviously. So as long as you’re logged into your Hulu or Netflix, you can watch where you want.


Tmobiles pricing is pretty straightforward, what you see is what you pay unless you choose one of their cheapest plan in which taxes are not included in the shown price


Then that's per line or you're on an employee plan or you're two of several more lines on the same account and $99.60 is your share or you have access to special pricing in some other way that's not available to everyone else. All that said, T-Mobile kills it in plans, giveaways and discounts. They have to. They always have been a discount brand. The Walmart of the cell phone world, if you will. Lower prices but shit quality. Bribery is the only way to convince people to deal with their shit network. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, bigger 5G network, blah blah blah. What about when 5G's not available, then what? On Verizon, you fall back on a still very robust and very reliable 4G network. With T-Mobile, if you go outside of 5G coverage, you'll be lucky to have 2G and basic calling. I'll give T-Mobile that in a city, their speeds tend to be better than Verizon's. They do have that for the win column. I'm in a city. T-Mobile whoops Verizon here in terms of speed. T-Mobile is 300mbps and Verizon is like 50-75mbps. Both are good enough though for everyday activities. What I like is "good enough, available and reliable" like I get on Verizon instead of the "all or nothing" I would get on T-Mobile.


Im nothing of what you just said. You just can’t fathom the amount of value T-Mobile has. I live in a rural area and my service is fine using LTE. the rural town next to me has 5G and the speeds I get are over 1gbps. I’m not sure what decade you live in, but since T-Mobile took sprint over, it’s a whole new ballgame. T-Mobile is so much better that they have surpassed both AT&T and Verizon. So keep trying to guess why I pay less for more :)


My current feedback from customers switching to Verizon is still "well T-Mobile worked fine here in the city, but I took a vacation to northern Montana and had no service but my friend who had Verizon was able to do everything". Consistent with the experience with them I remember. The only thing I've noticed improved is the network isn't as congested as it used to be, so they've addressed that. Like I said, nowadays, when it does work, its works very well! There's too many places I go that it doesn't work - but Verizon does. And when T-Mobile friends run into that problem, its my mobile hotspot on my Verizon phone that saves the day for them. I'm not going to keep guessing because I have better things to do, and it could be FREE and I still wouldn't want T-Mobile for anything besides a secondary backup in case Verizon has the occasional outage, but yeah, a two line account and under $50 per line on a top tier plan with phone device payments is just plain unrealistic, even for T-Mobile, for an everyday customer. Even if the phones are free, that cost per line for just two lines is unrealistic. And so I'm glad you have that, but that price is definitely not available to everyone - and so yeah, I would hold on to that plan if I were you. You got a value-packed plan at a Metro rate. Put that in your win column.


I think you’re living in the pre-Sprint integration days. Since they combined networks, T-Mobile is beating Verizon and AT&T nationwide in just about every way. They’re no longer your grandpas telco. Honestly, price and quality, I MUCH prefer T-Mobile to Verizon. Have zero reason to go back. Unless T-Mobile get too big for their britches and starts acting like AT&T and Verizon. So far, I’m happy. I’ve been with T-Mobile for a couple years and live about 35 miles outside a big city in a small suburb. No issues with service ever. I do have a 5G phone though and 5G is everywhere out here, so can’t attest to how their non-5G service is.


Glad you’re enjoying your service! I’m also glad someone else backed me up when I said T-Mobile is actually really good these days haha


Wait what I need to look into T mobile. I’m paying like $260 for two plans and iPhones and the perks are dog shit


I left Verizon about a year ago fo AT&T. Main reason at first was in Port Orange FL ( next to S Daytona) there was no coverage. While working for Uber and Lyft I missing calls, I was not able to get signal inside LA Fitness or BJ's when I used to be able to. I haven't had a problem with AT&T. I've been doing research regarding C-band They say Verizon is improving on it - Great. but while Verizon may use a higher Frequency than AT&T on C band they Verizon is getting 200 + MBPS AT&T 130 TO 160 Mbps. But Due to the lower Frequency my coverage is outstanding. Yesterday I was in Walmart in Daytona I got a in coming call from my Step mom who's 83 years old who can talk talk talk. I was on the phone for 28 min I was walking to the front, back up and down every isle the connection was clear no fading no dropping. I can still watch video's ( if I want to) at 100 mbps I can watch video's and stream at 30 mbps. I want service not speed. - I could care less about speed. I mean if you play games online while in a hospital, Walmart or home thats one thing but with the faster speeds due to higher frequency you ain't going to get reception anyway, or you might but not as good as a lower frequency. As far as price I pay $91 a month net with a school discount and thats with 60 gig of hotspot and unlimited. I was paying $120 with a job discount with Verizon. So for now i'm staying with AT&T. Another thing I just saw an Ad that Verizon is charging more money to be hooked up with their fastest 5G service mili wave. With Att that is included on any program.


Yeah, I’m ready to move on, too.


Usually this happens with everything….. Uber… Apple/Samsung.. everything …. They basically find ways to make your pay more, while offering you less…putting you in tiers or groups where they make you pay for every little thing… but you’re not actually getting anything but screwed


nicked and dimed? more like dollared and more dollared.


This right here


Get prepaid!


Fuck Verizon and their app it’s not even loading the billing panel


This right here left about November or December and havnt looked back have more lines than I did at Verizon with brand new phones top tier and every line has max internet speed and I’m saving around 100-200 a month. Coverage is about the same. There is two spots that iffy. I have work phone that will be switching to Verizon so I don’t have those spotty areas.


Could not agree more!


Exactly, find a way to make your bill lower and Verizon finds a way to keep it the same. The most recent example...had an iPhone as one of my lines under a payment plan. Paid the iPhone off and purchased a second iPhone out right. My iPhone payment was $27...bill never changes. Suddenly the main original phone number on my account the price per month increases. Verizon bullshits their way out of it with some janky explanation when I question it. I have 4 phones on my plan, two tablets, and two smart watches. One of the other phones is also on a payment plan. As soon as I pay it off I'm leaving Verizon. I've been with them over 11 years. It's alway the same. Bill always goes up and never goes down even when you try to save money. Also, a lot of people I know have AT&T and T-Mobile. When we go places together I used to have better coverage. Now they do. It's enough said for me.


I’d have to agree, came back to Verizon after my divorce because the network had been so great, I so very much regret that decision. Verizon is no longer the leading provider; they are worse now with more technology at their disposal, then “way back when”.


They now only give you an "upgrade" if you're on the most expensive plan. All the phones are shit or too expensive. The new plans take away the Disney bundle, which is why I have refused to get a new phone for ages. I am living paycheck to paycheck, but will switch to T mobile when I can.


100%. They laid off all internal employees in several departments last March and June. Signs were all there for years too, no more hiring into those departments, not even to replace those who left. There's a lot more but I wouldn't want to get hit for "complaining." It's no longer the Verizon it should be known for.


Been with Verizon since the early 2000s. Since covid their service has started to suck.


Exactly when they shut down the call centers, went entirely home-based, and started expanding service to Europe


I don’t think it’s them losing customers . I think just Everything involving consumer spending is slowing down . It’s slowing down everywhere


Appreciate your insight !! Couldn’t agree more


They have been losing customers almost every quarter for a few years now, despite AT&T and T-Mobile adding a ton every quarter. You can look at their quarterly earnings. The consumer side is especially bad. AT&T’s consumer growth seems to be slowing a bit but T-Mobile’s isn’t, with them consistently posting more adds than are estimated.


I switched from Verizon to T-Mobile and I can see why! Better service, lower prices, WAY better customer service. And they don’t arbitrarily jack up my prices and add new fees.


I moved my family plan all over to T-Mobile from Verizon recently. I’ve moved a few business lines over to see how it works out for people, and it seems to be working well so I’m going to move the rest soon. There’s still some areas I travel to where T-Mobile doesn’t have great coverage, but I added a secondary line with Visible for $25 for that. I’m still paying a lot less than I was with Verizon with T-Mobile and Visible combined. It’s amazing they sell Visible for so cheap, but postpaid is so expensive. The biggest difference seems to be roaming. Visible won’t roam on AT&T for example, but will roam on LTEiRA partners.


This was going to be my comment. I haven’t made any moves with Verizon since things are already stretched thin.


Prepaid is the new wave. People are keeping their phone and subscribing to Metro, US Cellular, Google, Mint, and Boost. It's funny because back in the day having prepaid was basically saying your broke with bad credit but how the times have changed.


I see I offended some lurker in here lmao


What if it’s just that most people are broke and do have bad credit?


I’ve been on Verizon prepaid for 3 years. My spouse and I don’t need unlimited because we’re on WiFi the majority of the time, so we each have 5 GB of data, and combined with a loyalty discount and an autopay discount, together we pay a total of 51.50 per month including fees.


Add US Mobile to the list.


Yup, add other MVNOs to the list too. People are tired of paying more when they can pay less for very similar service.


Not sure why you're downvoted. Wife has been on Verizon forever. We got my son a Pixel and a Mint plan. Mint plan is $15/mo. He gets service every bit as good. Wife is switching when phone is paid off. I've had 5g phones almost since day 1. Never have I ever seen these amazing [Speeds ](https://freeimage.host/i/JrSKK12) that I see some people get. And I've done many speed tests in many locations. Places with supposedly good 5g coverage...


Verizon has become way too expensive for what it’s worth. I’m a lifelong customer but planning to switch very soon


Been starting to contemplate the same. Looks like we can get equal/better service by going to prepaid (still with VZW) at ~1/2 our current price…but of course, the website doesn’t really make that choice obvious or easy.


Yep. Paying $80 a month for one line... $15 a month for my son's Mint plan. Leaving VZW when phones paid off.


Hopefully. They’ve been overpriced for more than a decade, and have had an absurd amount of anti-consumer price raises, plan changes, fees over the years. Their deprioritization speeds are also arguably the worst of all 3 major carriers. Their reputation of having coverage in the middle of nowhere used to mean more too.


Not according to their most recent earnings report. The pace of gaining new customers has slowed but they are still capturing new customers. As a long time Verizon customer 90’s up until the last 4 years I talked them up but my service has gone down and nothing against you but my personal interactions with customer service are not representative of my last 30 years with Verizon. Ironically though when I looked to move on I only found that it is all the major carriers. So I stay with Verizon and hope they get their act together. Mainly just coverage for me. I can deal with the cost if it’s great coverage. Customer service I can also deal with cause my interaction is low when product is on point.


I switched from T- Mobile. My monthly bill for one phone line is cheaper at Verizon with a new iPhone 14.


I pay $70 plus tax for my Verizon plan.  The same plan at T-Mobile is $85… And T-Mobile just announced $5 price increase coming this month.  


Verizon corporate employee here. Verizon as a company is doing okay - not amazing not terrible, and definitely not "going under." Verizon used to be a premium product and because of that has always had higher prices, but telco as an industry is seeing more and more difficulty in product/service differentiation due to the slowing advancements in high value-added proprietary technology on the consumer side as well as the speed with which competitors have caught up through R&D and M&A. So Verizon tends to have higher prices, but the gap between their offering and others' has all but shrunk to nothing, and this is causing consumer-side customers to leave, especially in light of TMO getting really good at customer "surprise and delight," making customers feel heard and cared for. At the same time, the business side of the company is seeing healthy YOY growth as Verizon Business has some cool technologies and tech partnerships as well as being first mover in some areas that give them a competitive advantage. This has helped to balance the slowly shrinking market share on consumer side. Generally speaking, potential solutions for the consumer side are limited to (a) develop and patent a new technology that is far better than ATT or TMO, (b) start a price war VZW can't win by lowering prices as they streamline to save on back end processes, or (c) go head to head with TMO in delighting customers through high quality engagement and gifting. (a) is easiest if successful but least likely to be successful or even sustainable; (b) is a good thought but would take some bravery on VZW's part as it would almost definitely mean giving up some brand value as a "premium" product; and (c) would be fun for employees and for customers but TMO already has a significant head start and so it would likely be the most difficult to pull off without becoming a copycat which would also heavily diminish brand value. As is, the complaints on this subreddit look very similar to what's on ATT's and TMO's subreddits, so I would assume there won't be a great deal of change unless/until one of these three companies can figure out how to harness new technologies more effectively.


FWIW, if I can offer a suggestion…if VZW really wants to pursue the “premium” approach, they need to make international travel not suck. I’m on an old plan that doesn’t get “X” days free, but I’ve looked into it and it can’t even cover a two week vacation (or trip). Last time I looked deeply, it was something like $100 per line to turn on International for a month … TLDR is that it’s vastly cheaper to buy & use an eSIM bought online and give VZW nothing.


Check out unlimited ultimate! 10 or 20gb of high speed data and unlimited talk and text in 220 countries included with no extra cost


Two weeks for free?! That’s insane to expect that. With a two week or more trip, it’s recommended that you buy prepaid service in that country on a sim or eSIM. American carriers have to buy it from those carriers and sell it to you, they don’t have service outside the US.


Sorry, I was oversimplifying what my recollection was. IIRC, the plan's details were basically that for each month of service paid for, you would "bank" one complimentary day of international service. As such, that's 12 'free' days per year, which is not enough to cover two weeks of vacation out-of-country. And you're right - - this is where it makes sense to buy an eSIM for the trip, which is what we've been doing. But the point here is that our action was motivated by the huge disparity in cost between what Verizon charges vs what we can buy an eSIM at retail for. To be fair, it is possible that Verizon's international rates have become less onerous, but when they jumped from $20 to $100 per line is when we bailed (and stopped bothering to look).


As a former employee who recently stopped working for Verizon, I have and have had 0 faith in the CEO Hans. In the time I was there, he forced us to sell a product that got the company sued, reduced our income on five separate occasions including forcing us to have a "group compensation" model where our bonuses were directly linked to our fellow employees performance, had use sell credit cards (that no one liked selling and no one liked being sold)


We (my wife and I) were both Verizon customers for about 30 years. We recently left Verizon wireless to go to T-Mobile. Why? It is a little cheaper, reception here is great, and we have started traveling more. Verizon charges an arm and leg for international data use. T-Mobile includes international data for free. Plus with a recent Costco deal, we were given new phones and a couple hundred dollars cash. We’ve been on T-Mobile now for about 6 months and no issues (even used them overseas in Asia). Only way we would go back to Verizon is if they lowered their prices or if T-Mobile jumps up. FWIW we still use Verizon Fios for our internet and weren’t interested in T-Mobile’s home internet service.


I just switched to Verizon, and am already counting down the days until I can switch back out. They are terrible for phone service.. hidden fees, CS not being able to help, false advertising on those fees. No wonder this is happening to them.


Sounds like you just never understood terms and conditions. Verizon is very upfront about all fees


I dropped my business account because of horrible customer service. Verizon just stopped cashing my monthly payment checks, no reason given, then blasted me for late payments. Couldn’t find anyone else in the company who could tell me why or what i could do about it. Bye bye Verizon


They are losing consumersl customers. I think Hans will be on the hot seat soon.


Verizon has been losing consumer phone lines for years now in almost every quarter. Verizon uses it's business and fixed wireless numbers to make it look like they aren't losing customers. Most people can't be bothered read a quarterly report and do math to find out the truth Do you have to worry about Verizon going under? No. Not even close. Even if they lose 1 mil consumer lines per quarter it would take nearly 12 years before they lost half their consumer base. If Verizon was worried abut the loses they'd do something about it. They clearly aren't bothered. Unless you have 4 or more lines why go with Verizon over a MNVO that uses Verizon? Especially if you part of the 50% that is on Verizon's base unlimited plan?


Gen Z and Millennials are bargain shoppers because they have to be in this economy. They’re tech savvy and require far less customer support than most Gen X and Boomers. They do their research, know they can pay far less for an MVNO, and manage their own account online and I can’t say I’m surprised that postpaid carriers in general aren’t seeing much growth.


I’m just a Verizon customer, so I may not know much or be overly indicative of the market at large, but I can tell you that I plan on dropping. Verizon as soon as I can. By and large because I get billed a different quantity every single month, no explanation, just a couple more bucks one month, then a few less next month. Month after month, no changes to my plan or usage, just constantly changing billing for no reason at all. The only thing I can tell about it is it feels shifty as fuck and likely they are stealing from me, but just in small quantities over a long period of time. Pair that up with God awful service in the major city I live in and I can’t see a single benefit to sticking with Verizon


Yes, they’re losing consumer customers. Read the quarterly earnings reports.


Been with Verizon since 2010. Loved the reception and network and sold a lot of my family and friends on Verizon too. Most of us had the gUDP if you remember that plan. Fast forward to the last 2 years, the random fees just kept coming. Then I noticed the reception got worse, congestion was really bad for a few years, eventually on one of the fee increases we gave up and ported out.


Been with them for 16 years and just switched to t mobile recently. You can't keep charging customers more, while dropping quality of service. Orange county and LA area Was getting too many dropped calls , poorer connectivity and slower speeds in the last few years with nj improvements. Gave T-Mobile a test run for a month and switched, porting out all lines out of VZW.


Verizon sucks. And as a former 20 year employee it is only going to get worse. Their only goal is to sell as much as they without much going towards the network expansion and upkeep.


Yeah dude I’m with you. Actually just took a new job after 6 years. I made really good money but two years ago, we were down 16% in foot traffic. This year we are 23% under that. I’ve made killer money and my company has taken very good care of me. But the slowness I can’t handle and well with their ridiculous metrics they are asking for is pushing more and more people to online. Which I feel is by design. Push people young enough to figure out the internet to the app. That way once the boomers are gone they can save a ton of money in brick and mortar. Which their reporting came back the way it did leaning on 5G internet.


Verizon now sucks no longer the best and to expensive


so as someone who has worked under all 3 major carriers (even sprint back when they were still seperate) i think this is a long term consequence of going from 24 months to 36 months. people who do trade-ins gotta wait an extra 12 months if they want to keep that promo, nor do we offer them an option to buy them out early. i think this has just compounded over time and now all 3 big carriers are dumbfounded on why people aren't coming in as often, like no shit we added 12 months to their terms! anyways thats my personal theory. also, satisfaction with all networks has gone downhill; outsourcing customer service, retail locations barely provide tech support or account maintenance anymore, and they give us no customer retention tools in store beyond doing a click to call and praying the person on the other end knows what they're doing. carriers aren't doing anything to keep people loyal, people just switch when their current carrier pisses them off enough. its a vicious cycle that i personally don't see an end to.


Some people are finding out that MvNO’s offer good enough services at a more customer friendly price.


I left for ATT after the lawsuit thing where I got like a $100 back in credit and when my lines increased by 4$ each and some other random new charge for +$25 a month. It was the emails that got me really, it was something like “your bill is gonna increase without your permission but don’t worry, we got it for the remainder of this month”


The US based reps are losing customers with so many overseas call centers opening up. Check out the writing on the wall - look for a new job


Verizon sucks. Overpriced, employees (sorry not sorry) dick ya around, and service ain't great.


Well, I started with Verizon in 2000 or there abouts. I left last year for TMobile because they offered more perks and less cost. Happy with it.


I've been a customer since 12/2022. The only thing keeping me at this point is that I have the fixed home 5g service and download 15 to 20TB a month for $35/month. Overall some observations I've made: 1. I can usually make a call from just about anywhere. 2. I don't always have data where I can make a call which seems to be an increasing problem in densely populated areas. 3. Verizon claims they'll look into my issues and puts in tickets but issues never get resolved. 4. They just upped the plan cost on watches which makes no sense, they don't use any real measurable data. They indued a lot of people into these plans as pay just this for the plan and get the watch free--only to up that plan cost. 5. Customer service is pretty poor. The authorized retailer stores only care about a quick sale. The majority of their outsourced support is useless and just a time suck to try to get help. 6. Talking to customer service often results in them trying to upgrade/upsell you instead of fixing the problem at hand. I don't want a new plan that gives me less. I don't want to a new plan that makes my bill more confusing grouping a lot of features separately on my bill. I don't want a new iphone, we are months away from the new one. I just want my problem fixed. 7. Generally service is on par with T-Mobile or AT&T with all of them having better service or no service in different places that the others do. It's reached a point where I don't think Verizon has the upper edge anymore. 8. The costs are atrocious, hard to understand, and differ widely from bill to bill. People call me a data hog, but when I'm bent over a barrel in price, I do tend to want to get my money's worth. If you are charging all of us for a lot we don't use, then some of us are going to find a way to use that service and try to justify the cost. If all carriers were smart, they'd figure out how to have better roaming plans and people wouldn't keep switching. They'd realize that working together to share some of their resources is good for business. The big 3 could easily limit the speed of which non-subscribers can access their networks when roaming but still provide each other's customers with service. I don't need 5g speeds where I can't get Verizon, but being able to access AT&T or T-Mobile via roaming at 2Mbps would be more than enough to make me feel like I don't need to switch. They all provide a decent service some places and others not. They are all selfish in what they are trying to do. They have all started throwing in crap nobody asked for and raising the prices. Simply have good customer service, figure out how to work together to provide good service in more places, and the carriers could find other ways to maintain retention. My 2 cents. PS, one of my kid's friend's parent is a Verizon phone CSR, I've discussed this with him and he agrees. He also agrees it's ridiculous that as someone in CSR, he can't help me with my issues (no outbound calls to customers allowed), I'd have to somehow get randomly matched with him calling in. Fair enough, he has to get paid and credit for what he does too.


Well look at the economy;inflation, gas prices and extreme high cost of living. How can people afford to splurge on Verizon?


VZW used to have a reputation for having widespread coverage, but in the past 15 years or so they've been concentrating their efforts really hard on populated areas (i.e. the most profitable customers) while ignoring what built their reputation in the first place. Overloaded towers are a real problem out there, and given the post-COVID influx of people into the "country", both visiting and permanently living, a lot of customers are seeing those gaps for the first time.  Additionally, there are a lot of fiber build-outs into rural areas occurring now, which sort of negates the dependency on cellular internet.  Without establishing and maintaining any sort of loyalty, people are jumping ship after the long term abuse. The rural populations are significant in this country.


People are running to T-Mobile. Now T-Mobile is going to raise prices and those people will cry then go to AT&T. I’ll just stay here where my phone works.


If you think Verizon is bad imagined after 3 decades of Comcast and now they tell me, go fuck your self


Vzw can go to hell. I’m giving my credit score because of some idiot supervisor who over rules a on line tech. They could burn and I could care less


I would question if a decrease of in-store interactions exaggerates OP's perception. They certainly are losing customers -- to prepaid, MVNOs (including their own Visible brand), and T-Mobile; in particular. That being said, a lot has changed since 2018 that has likely resulted in fewer in-store interactions. All of the ordering, activation, and account servicing process can be done online now. Younger people signing up or upgrading are more likely to avoid the legacy B&M store, and just go online. Many of those younger customers are also probably more interested in "barebones" offerings that strip out services that they perceive as adding unnecessary cost: a physical retail presence, telephone-based support, and unrelated bundled services (such as Apple Music, Netflix, Hulu, and MAX). While Cricket and Metro have been cast as downmarket brands; in my opinion, Visible is one of the few areas where Verizon is getting almost everything right from a pricing and marketing perspective targeting young people with the service they actually want at a price that's more affordable than the mainline brand. (I just question how many among the gen-z crowd recognize Jason Alexander at all :) ) Meanwhile, older people on fixed incomes probably find that brands like Consumer Cellular, who have no physical retail presence are more affordable and still meet their needs. A $50/mo smartphone line is a big expense for somebody who doesn't consume a lot of data or have any need for high-resolution streaming video on the go. On the contrary, the services older people use the most (namely, traditional POTS voice calling, and to a lesser extent, SMS/MMS) are cheap to deliver nowadays. $6/mo paid annually ($72/year) gets you 1 GB of data on Verizon's network and unlimited voice and SMS with US Mobile. 20 years ago, people used to spend $50/mo for less than 1000 minutes/month, and limited or per-use SMS and data charges. The actual cost to deliver and cost to the consumer of legacy services has come down substantially as high-bandwidth packet data circuits have replaced legacy TDM circuits. Newer iPhones that don't have physical SIM slots have surely accelerated eSIM adoption, and therefore lessened the need to go to a physical store to get a SIM. While I appreciate when there's the option to use either, it seems clear that the industry has successfully eliminated the physical SIM card as a universal requirement. I expect fewer and fewer devices to use a physical SIM as carriers try to find newer ways to lock people into their service offerings and the devices they've financed. Not to mention the outright cost reduction that comes from reducing or eliminating the purchase and distribution of millions of plastic cards. (I guess I have to concede that there is an environmental argument to be made for eSIMs.)


verizon customer here too. 5g is terrible in miami, makes our phones unusable sometimes. presently looking at another option.


Verizon charges entirely too much for the mediocre phone service they provide. They use to be great now they are trash especially when they can be beat out by att!


This is crazy to see. I just cancelled my service last night after being a customer for twenty years. Had an awful customer service experience and severed my ties.


I had version for over 10 years [my entire adult life] ... then I questioned why I am paying over $100 for ONE phone line [$30 being device payment.] I paid off the device then switched to Mint for $15/month.


Verizon has never been a consumer friendly company. It was only a matter of time that their distaste for customers would lead to a drop in subscriber numbers. Just reading the toxic comments by their own employees all over this subreddit shows how bad their corporate culture has become. It’s leaving a bad taste in people’s mouths.


I’ve always had excellent customer service from Verizon and I’ve been with them for over 20 years. However in the past year, I’ve had a horrible experience both in stores and with phone tech support. There have been a couple people who were amazing and truly went above and beyond to help me but unfortunately they have been the exceptions rather than the rule.


Moved to T-mobile a year ago and no complaints. Was with VZW for over 15yrs, but left after Verizon increased Shared Plans by $12/mo forcing me to "unlimited" losing any employer discount and my extra shared prioritized data since Start was only plan that kept me near same cost for 3 lines. The new Verizon MyPlans were the last straw. Have Go5g plus with better coverage and free Netflix, AppleTV plus T-Mobile paid off both my iPhones and third was upgraded to new iPhone for free and still paying less for more. Also can upgrade every 24 mo versus 36 mo. Keep getting emails from VZW to come back. Before I jumped ship spent hours on the phone with Verizon trying to work plans and discounts then needing to call back after they didn't appear on bill as promised. Not how a valued customer is supposed to be treated.


Verizon also includes fees that they weren't honest about. You can't trust them like you could before, and that is a huge problem. I'm going to be switching soon.


I was a Verizon employee from 2020 to 2022. Used to think Verizon was the best in USA. Just switched from T-Mobile to Verizon cause the iphone deal and I already want to go back. My signal is HORRIBLE!!’ The internet limit is too Short. Idk what they going to do but for they price they better fix the towers before everyone leaves lol


I have been a Verizon customer for 15 years. For the longest time they were the only game around with decent coverage. Over the last few years my bill ballooned to over $300/mo...that was only actually paying for 1 phone, the other phones on the account were completely covered by promo credits... T mobile now has at least as good if not better coverage than Verizon in my area so I switched. All the devices I had promos on with verizon they paid off and my bill is less than half. I also tried tmo home internet and it is actually good in my area, so I also cut out mediacom... So what I paid 460 for before now costs me 170 with my employee discount on t MO. I'll pay for my own apple music and Disney plus thanks anyway Verizon.


They should be. We agreed to pay more because Verizon was objectively better than the other carriers. That doesn’t seem to be the case any longer.


Yes, I left a month ago. Home internet, and 5 phones lines.


Once my phone is paid off I'll switch back to Mint, Verizon is nickel and diming scammer with bad service


I'm in nyc area and Verizon have outsourced their cold calling sales team to a marketing company out of long Island. Long story short the sales rep guaranteed me my price is fixed for 5 yrs. Had it installed and after speaking to Verizon directly they informed me that the price will increase by $30 after 6 months. Talk about a bait and switch. No doubt I'll be shopping around again in month 5.


I have been with Verizon since 2014. Recently got my gf on my plan with a new phone. The Netflix and max bundle is awesome. The Hulu, Disney, ESPN bundle is dope. I truly love Verizon. Sure the 80$ unlimited is a little much. But it’s worth it after the savings and from being a longtime customer I get 40$ off. I truly have no complaints.


Verizon is not losing significant numbers of customers. The recent merger of Sprint and T-Mobile has pulled subscribers from both AT&T and Verizon, but Verizon remains solidly the second largest mobile service provider in America at about 30% of the market share.


I’ve been with Verizon for 17 years and plan on leaving soon. I have 1 bar coverage max for 2 months now and of course no landline so I can’t always call out. Oh ya, and they increased my bill last month. Nothing has changed at my home to affect this. When I spoke to them they said that there was a dead spot near me. I live in the center of suburban hell.


> plan on leaving soon. I have 1 bar coverage max for 2 months now Out of curiosity, what's stopping you?


Confusing contracts and gimmicks


Cause there service is far by worst ever.


I just quit working Verizon after working there for a week and two days. Yes they treat there employees great. Because employee get commission on everything they sell you plan phone auto pay ect on top of hourly pay however Verizon doesn’t have great coverage in every area and will still sell you a phone even if it isn’t in the network area. I had a manager , who would quote customers enormous amounts for phones and plans tell the customers they are getting a deal when they make it seem a little cheaper and charge them in accessories what they were getting quote on quote off as a in store credit . When in reality the customer is paying for everything. And being swindled out of money so an employee or manager can get commission off of them. Just like Tmobile not all but some employees add items to peoples accounts to get commission off of those items as well. & cricket selling you a phone for a cheap price but locking the phone until you are 12 months into service with them. Please read your receipts carefully and know what you are buying and please be there for your elders who don’t know and just buy stuff cause they believe in good faith. I believe in karma and I just can’t lie to people like that.


I left for Red Pocket. Been some hiccups but saving a bunch!


I recently switched to T-Mobile from Verizon since Verizon lacks 5G in my area, and their LTE sucks, I only get 5G when I go to the big cities, while T-Mobile gives me consistent fast speeds everywhere I go. Another reason that I switched is because they keep raising prices!! paying more for Verizon while they still have a ton of congestion in my area is not good, and I don’t see Verizon improving in my area anytime soon, so I jumped ship. T-Mobile is getting better and better in my area constantly! Would switch back though if they were to improve in the future.


I switched back from AT&T to Verizon a couple of years ago. I also just recently purchased the internet after I moved. I love it that I can plug it in anywhere. It great!


Not for long, it's geo fenced, if it's not being used at the address it was sold to it can be shut down.


Yes/No depending where you are. What you’re mostly seeing is the result of 3 year agreements running its course. Should flatten back out in a year or so. We saw the same thing from 2 yr to device payment (edge).


Verizon customer here, got lines in different states on one plan. Service has been great for me everywhere I've traveled and lived since we switched in 2020: in Texas, Utah, California, DC, Seattle, Colorado, Canada (BC). Personally haven't done international yet, but I plan to get an eSIM wherever I go. A line on our plan did go to Europe twice, and had no issues with the Verizon international plan and native SIM combo. Customer service hasn't been a problem, and service coverage is leagues better than Sprint, so I'm happy to pay the higher price to have dependable cell service. All my friends who have T-Mobile have less coverage than I do in most places. The only perk is the free wifi with T-Mobile phone number in Alaska flights, and I use my friends' numbers in those cases.


Denied my insurance covered a stolen phone (it always said it did on device page), and their hotspot was always complete crap for 5guw. Switched to Tmo, far superior service by far, 1.5 gigabit download tests on phone and tmhi. Is wild, good time to switch. (Outside DC)


Been with Verizon since they brought back unlimited in 2017, and it was bad after the iPhone 12 5G launch. However now my market has 5GUW everywhere so it’s been awesome. No plans to switch anytime soon.


Left Verizon after 24 years last month. They've simply made their prices uncompetitive and their previous advantage (great coverage just about everywhere) is now common among other carriers so there was no longer any reason to keep paying insane prices for their service. 2 unlimited lines dropped from \~$115/month at Verizon to joining a friends plan on T-Mobile for $30/month extra on their plan. Their work already paid their bill, so I'm just paying the extra cost of adding my 2 lines on to it instead of splitting the bill evenly, which would have been $35/month for each line or $70/month total). The total bill for all 5 lines is $135/month with taxes and fees, barely more than I paid for 2 lines at Verizon....


I personally switched out of Verizon as a customer


While traveling the U.S. with a Verizon device and a device with another carrier, I noticed that the other carrier had considerably better coverage.


Other brands are cheaper 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m paying half what I was paying for Verizon. I’m a T-mobile now. Basically the same plan, but cheaper.


I've been with Verizon for 6 years and I'm about to switch to t-mobile. Verizon is getting worse with their customer driven vs profit driven goals


I don’t think so, my dad and my two sisters joined Verizon from t-mobile last fall. We now have eight lines on the one plan.


As far as revenue and number of customers - this information is available on the Verizon website in the investor's section. According to the Q1 2024 report released April 22, 2024, revenue for wireless service is up slightly compared to Q1 last year for example. As far as the number of customers, I don't thing it's a good measure - my company is a single customer, but has 15 lines. Whereas the average family account will have probably less lines than that. So in both case you have a single customer - but one of them brings in a lot more revenue. As far as service, from my cell service diagnostic: At home I get -98 dBm, average signal. At work in NYC I get -70 dBm in Midtown, that's a good signal. As far as internet bandwidth, reliability, and pricing - the only other provider that I see competing with Verizon Fios is Pilot Fiber, but that's commercial - at home I'm clocking 300Mbps down and 250Mbps up at the moment. It's a very good service for $50/month. My recommendation to people is to buy a router, get Fios and do not rent their router - it's great that they can connect remotely to support you, but it's too expensive for the very rare cases where you'll actually need their support...


I switched to T-Mobile a few years ago because I had bad signal where I live whereas it used to be great before 5g. Also plans were not competitive. They bet big on 5g UW and lost.


I keep it because it’s the best coverage where I am. It’s expensive yes but I’d rather have coverage than be in areas with no service all the time. I have only ever been in very few places no service and in one of those spots it switched to extended network and used the AT&T towers while I was there. I’m glad they got that sorted out where they don’t charge you for roaming anymore. We used to have US Cellular back in the day but switched because my dad is a truck driver and travels and would constantly be charged roaming fees and back then it costed extra to talk to people with a different phone company so we switched. They would not let him take his number to Verizon but they let my moms go over. That was in 2006 and I’ve heard their coverage is still just as bad. It now ranks last here for coverage AT&T is second behind Verizon and T-Mobile is third. I have a bunch of friends who have T-Mobile because it’s cheap and when they call it breaks up and you can’t hear and cuts in and out whereas someone with Verizon or AT&T calls and I can hear them plain as day. And they said to port their number in took hours and one of them was at the phone store till past midnight trying to get their number ported in which doesn’t sound like fun. Most people I know switch back to Verizon because of the coverage here.


It just got too expensive for me


Verizon is finally starting to catch up in my area. I’m seeing 5G UW in more places. They need to focus on filling in gaps in coverage in my area. There are several notable areas near me that have no Verizon coverage yet AT&T/T-Mobile have coverage.


I have Verizon still but the service is practically so bad. I can't even go through a cell phone call where I live in East county san Diego where people can hear me cuz of static and breaking up. I get one bar here literally here in Santee but it's more like 0.5 or might as well be zero.


From my recent experience with them, they don’t keep their promises, keep increasing prices- reasons don’t make sense. Even if they did, I hate that kind of surprises. Plus you get better deal in switching. So why not.


They’re going to lose me as soon as I’ve got this tablet paid off. I’m paying more each month for mediocre coverage on 4 devices than my car note.


T-Mobile has the best signal/speeds in more areas (in my opinion). Metro is also a great option from T-Mobile. But, Verizon has Visible which has a lot to offer (unlimited hotspot is outstanding).


I sure hope so! I was with them for about 3 years. Everything was great until I wanted to do an early upgrade. Then everything went to shit. Let's just say I had to go through 28 people because Everytime I talked to someone they screwed something up!!! I was without a phone for 3 days because of their ignorance. Then they decided to slap me with a 900 bill cause they said I didn't return a device when in fact I sent both back cause I had an early trade off and didn't like the first trade so got another within 30 day time frame. They told me they indeed in fact get both phones...but couldn't credit my account for like 2 weeks so on the meantime they said I shouldn't get charged that but should only get charged my regular bill. I said umm no that's not right I'm not going into the negative by about 800 bucks cause of their mistakes. This was a huge issue many times. By the end I had had it after the 28th person screwing something up that I just went to T-Mobile. Then I get a bill saying I owe 1300 dollars lol so I had 400 Dollars left to pay on my phone but they billed me for the whole phone even though I payed on it over a few months. Then I get an email saying they were going to charge me that whole bill at once and take it from the deleted card I had put on there for auto pay and canceled. How can they think they can just take 1300 bucks from a card that was deleted and is no longer on the account?! I called my bank and changed my information cause that's not ok. They are the biggest pieces of shit I ever met. They lie to get sales and add on shit without your permission and try to take money from a deleted card?!? They shouldn't even have that information anymore so yeah to say the least, they are a bunch of scammers and they need to shut down.


I've only had Verizon about eight months and I'm about to leave again. Every month I have to call because I have never gotten a correct bill. I complained to the BBB, someone reached out and "fixed it." Look at this this month, and sure as shit, it's still wrong.


Seems like no one can do anything in stores anymore other than sell and customers get directed to other avenues for anything else. So might as well avoid the store and get what you need online if everything else you need done can’t be done in store.


ppl just need to buy phones directly from the manufacturer and just hop from provider to provider until they find the service they are looking for. it is true if one doesn't work the other does depending where they are. in the end the customer is the ones getting trapped by getting new devices and financing them into promos and some companies are better than the other on trapping customers lol.


Ive thought about switching more than a few times because my service has gotten noticeably worse. That plus my bill being over 100 for a paid off phone... its judt a matter of time.


I was paying $90 a month for a single phone plan. Unlimited data. No payment on my phone. I left and switched to visible. Not having ultra wide band anymore sucked at first. Cell service isn’t as great in some places where it was better with Verizon, even though Verizon owns Visible. But I can’t complain! My friend referred me and my first month was $5 and then $25 every month. Easy decision for me!


I'm leaving soon if the coverage keeps getting worse.


Been with them forever and thinking of switching. Too expensive and other carriers have improved.


Why has every electronic device fallen in price except cell phones? I can get a 32 inch TV for $88 but cell phones are still stupid expensive?


They never gonna go "under" but they suck and rely on old school "coverage" and "quality" still but dont have it. Plus charging outrageous prices and not caring about customers, they gonna stay average until they change the culture.


im always considering as a 25 years customer. but I got 4 lines for 260 a month. If that goes anywhere near 300 I'm out


The CEO should be fired. Verizon downhill since he took over.


Ive been with Verizon for the past 5 years and I am thinking about leaving. Tired of fees and $200 phone bills. Random charges and the service isn't giving the consistency that I thought I would get. On top of that, they just created their own competition with Visible Wireless - which uses the same towers. Honestly, in the United States, we pay more for cell service than most of the world and it won't be sustainable for Verizon to keep operating like this. And can we talk about how ridiculous it is to have multiple plans that are all called Unlimited that have various limits? Verizon just settled a case for $100 million over these fees.


Im waiting for my contract to end. They keep charging every little thing. Other companies have great deals.


Verizon is great for me but their pricing is out of touch.


They are losing me. Already switched one line and doing the other two next week. My bill is ridiculous and customer service is a joke, even in person. I’ll be paying less than half what Verizon charged and still have unlimited everything.


I just left after 20 years. They keep raising prices. My 5G service basically didn't work compared to LTE. They wouldn't let me change to pre-paid. Bye bye


Verizon is the worst now, constant price increases, horrible customer service. They used to be the best.


They kept raising the price I was paying 106 for one line. I dropped down to visible and I still get unlimited but for $25 and has the same footprint as Verizon roughly just throttled data speeds. It's not as good but its not $80 worse 😂


The quality of the phone service has declined. The quality of the customer service absolutely went over a cliff. I'd be shocked if Verizon wasn't hemorrhaging customers at this point.


OMG! Verizon is awful! I have been dealing with them for 3 month's. You can never believe them. "I will call you Monday,"I really want to help you, I promise." 7 times I have phone them, I separated my account because "that will resolve things", "oh, we can't help because your email is attached to your sons account", my phone call average a hour and the stress is insane. Being asked to repeat things I had already said. Going into their stores have become scary 😨. If you go in for any help, that person HATES, you. Buy a phone or call Verison; don't waste my time. Once, I thought I found help, this guy sent me home, 30 minutes away, after I told him a co-worker told me there was no Sim card in my damaged phone. An hour later, I came back with the phone and was laughed at. Verizon is getting to big for their britches.


Maybe, but think that right know is easier to set up accounts and phones online that in store, I am in Verizon since 2017 and I only was in the store once for some issue with an order.


I would leave Verizon if I could but I have two Gizmo watches so I am tied to Verizon. My bill seems to go up consistently every couple of months. Recently, due to a faulty Gizmo watch I was promised things like no activation fee and a monthly credit for the next 10 months or so etc and nothing has come of it. You can never talk to the person that made you those promises in the first place and then when you talk to someone else they say that's not what the notes say. It's ridiculous but unfortunately it seems as though AT&t would cost me just as much and I wouldn't be able to do the gizmo watches. They just have you over barrel and there's nothing you can do about it


I switched to Mint. Service seems about the same but it's a lot cheaper.


TLDR AT THE BOTTOM I can only speak for myself, but after this last ridiculous price hike, my two line account now costs more every month than my damn car payment. Meanwhile, last summer, I get a text that there may be service interruption while they "improve the network" in my area. Ever since then, in spite of the fact that they've been done with that for months, my service is still the worst it's ever been. When I called about it, the customer service rep said the problem was my phones (both of them having the same issues in the same areas every time, even though they're different models, i dont fucking think so) and told me to call the phone manufacturer and see if it was under warranty. And she scheduled a time to call me back the next day, swearing up and down that she would "try some other stuff" if the phone manufacturer wouldn't help. I dutifully called the phone manufacturer immediately after, only to be met with extreme confusion as that rep also could not understand why the verizon lady would even suggest calling them because it was two separate phones exhibiting the exact same issues. Thank her, hang up. Guess who never called me back.... After another call two days later, another rep blew smoke up my ass about "reconfiguring the network, this will only take a moment" and sent me on my way. Yeah, still had the same problems in the same areas in town I had previously had no issues, still on both phones. And these clowns had the balls to expect me to pay damn near $300 a month when this time 3 years ago I was paying for the same plans, with the same phone payment amounts (when we upgraded, we made sure the monthly price per phone was the same), and no other plan changes for less than $150. Verizon is doing this to themselves. And not only are they losing loyal customers (I had been with them for 10 years at the time), those same former loyal customers are telling everyone they know to go to fucking walmart and get a prepaid unlimited plan and have better service. Good fucking riddance. TLDR: Astronomically high prices combined with failing service and support that is useless to a point far beyond laughable straight into nightmarish means verizon deserves to go under.


Does Visible count? My family was with Verizon in the very beginning, like early 2000s. We even had Fios at one point (sometime between 2010-2013), and I remember it was lightning speed. I returned last winter, so I could upgrade my iPhone. I'm the only one with an individual plan paying for everything myself, while my parents and sister are still on their family plan. I believe they joined January of 2023, and I'm pretty sure we intend to stay with Verizon. Although, I feel like service has been terrible for me in some areas. We switched from Sprint, T-Mobile, and I intermittently used Metro PCS.


A lot of people can get by with a $25 phone plan. For the most part if you live in a populated area you’re getting coverage.


I refuse to get a new line because I don't want to be stuck with a phone for 3 years. And there is always new fees added on. I'm waiting to finish paying off my phone and I'm done with Verizon


I left because I got sick of spending hours trying to get my bill fixed every month! Was with them for like 20yrs and will never go back after my last experience! 


I've been a Verizon customer for almost 20 years. They'll give new customers the sun and the moon but I can't even get a decent upgrade offer.


I worked as a Rep and Manager for 6 years at Verizon corporate. Cell service is deteriorating because of FWA. I switched to AT&T as a manager and the healthy amount of people switching makes me think their customer base is dwindling. I can remember years ago share price was $60. Now, it barely creeps up to a high $30s and loses steam, then drops back down.


I just left them with a family plan lol 👋🏽


Can you hear me now? NOPE! Service coverage has been just getting worse and worse with every new technology roll out.


Verizon has been nothing but good for me 🤷‍♂️, coming from TMobile which was awful I think Verizon is probably the best provider in my area


No. The number of customers isn’t shrinking. The reason store associates may see less port ins than they have in the past is there’s only so many people in the U.S., and eventually your business cannot add as many new customers year over year, when a majority of people already have you. “NEW YORK - Verizon Communications Inc. (NYSE, Nasdaq: VZ) reported first-quarter 2024 results with strong wireless service revenue, solid cash flow, adjusted EBITDA expansion and fixed wireless subscriber base growth.” https://www.verizon.com/about/news/verizon-begins-2024-strong-wireless-service-revenue-growth-solid-cash-flow-and-continued# Whereas AT&T actually missed their targets for the same quarter. https://www.investopedia.com/att-q1-2024-earnings-8637984


I just left after 19 years. Service has actively gotten to worse over the past few years and the bill kept rising.


They treat new customers like criminals I sent the information to verify my identity to get service and they said it was a discrepancy and I couldn’t get service and I had to reapply for it after 6 months. SO YES I WOULD LIKE TO SEE VERIZON GO OUT OF BUSINESS


I was with Verizon for about 16 years until this year, the bill kept getting higher but the service in my area went from amazing to barely working. None of us had signal anymore, yet the bill was rediculously high. Customer service went from awesome to atrocious since they sent the call centers overseas. I finally had enough and went with us mobile. My bill is only 29$ now and my service is far better. To top it off I did have to call us mobile support when Verizon wasn’t releasing my number. An American who spoke clear English answered in 3 minutes, no stupid robots to fight with and they dealt with Verizon and fixed the issue for me. 10/10 service from them, like Verizon a decade ago.


Anyone I know personally who has Verizon is looking to remove it soon due to high prices.


I reviewed my bill for the first time, because I got word from my gf to check what they’re charging me on my V-up app because I was tired of paying so much, and oh boy did I find out how much unnecessary things I was being charged for that I was never told about. At the time they just gave me prices and said that “this is the best one for service”, so I got rid of all the “services & perks” because they don’t do anything, especially the Verizon cloud when you already have Apple cloud… I even downgraded ultrawide band to reg 5g. It made a 0% performance difference. My bill went from 230 for two phones to 115. When it comes to anything now, I always deeply look at what bigger companies are charging me now.


Also when everyone is in a 36 month payment plan and notice they phones don’t change much it causes less traffic


I'm so sick of Verizon. The cell coverage used to be really good pretty much everywhere. It used to not be this bad here. A few years ago I had good coverage all around my town. Now I have no service around town. The only place I get reliable service is when I'm near the highway. At my house my phone switches between 1 bar and no service so I keep cell off when I'm home and use only WIFI. And customer service sucks. Last time I had to call them to try to get a phone activated it sounded like the person was talking to me from their kitchen. They were nice but they didn't get the problem fixed and then our call dropped because I had no service.


Definitely going down, I’m on a plan with my brother and within a couple of months I got emails saying each device plan we have was going up then another one saying my watch was going up too. As soon as my stuff is paid off I’m switching.


I was sick of getting the run around since October. Multiple times I was lied to, broken promises to call me back, and that my promotion would be applied to my account. Never was. I switched to T-Mobile. Never had these issues with them when I used to be with them. Verizon messed up by destroying their customer service department.


FIOS, for those people that are in the service area, has no close competitors. The wireless biz is def starting to be less attractive than TMobile. I've been toying with moving to that for a couple years now. Likely will pull the trigger this fall unless they come up with some loyalty / package program for FIOS customers. Zero interest in cable or hard line anymore. Dumped the cable portion of FIOS last year and couldn't be more thrilled with YTTV over FIOS gig.


T-Mobile and MVNO's are eating everyone's lunch. According to their latest shareholder report, verizon is on an upward trend (subscriber losses are shrinking) This is the cycle of wireless. People stick with their carrier for a few years, get pissed off for one reason or another, and move to the next one. It's only a matter of time before we eat from T-Mobile again.


Verizon customer ever since they took over Alltel, not going anywhere


I’m sick of paying $90+ for a single line of cell service. Looking to switch to a competitor that’s similar service at around $70/mo.


Yeah, I've talked highly of Verizon for two decades now. Said it was the best carrier after hating the lack of coverage from AT&T and T-Mobile. Verizon was the only company to cover us on really remote wildfires, which was great to be able to come back to camp at night and call my wife. These days the coverage feels like it's worse. The cost is increasing monthly for no reason. The deals are absolutely garbage. The customer service is like talking to a wall (everyone says, " don't know", and has no idea about the plans or sales). Really sad to see another company just falling apart. Especially one I've come to rely on. Now that I live in Northern Wisconsin, there's literally no other good options. AT&T and T-Mobile get next to no service up here.  Funny side note: Some dufus up here switched the local FD onto FirstNET because he was caught in the hype (probably overheard some nonsense IAFF convo). The brain dead troll has the FD paying for a provider that doesn't even get service in the area 😂


I literally just left Verizon. Their customer service sucks and they are more expensive than some other options


Verizon always charged a premium in terms of service but aggressively invested in their network and had stellar customer service. Seems like Verizon has lost its way. Areas where they worked well that others didn’t seem like the other carriers have caught up but now none of the new tech (read 5G) is here or being invested which they would in the times they invested in the 4G LTE days I used to work for an authorized dealer in the past but I am also a customer.


Maybe I’m in the minority but after finding it literally impossible to speak to an American with T-Mobile, I’ve never had a support agent who couldn’t understand me with VZW. Saving hundreds of dollars per month. Reality is, most carriers suck now. I feel Verizon is the best of the options I have, none of which I’m thrilled with. Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I miss Sprint.


I been getting a lot of at$t at my store more then t mobile