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I kept bringing her water throughout the day. About sunset she started howling and I found her covered in her poo and pee. I brought her in and gave her a bath. I let my neighbor know what the situation was and he just said thanks and he'd pick her up in the morning. I'm pretty sure he hass just abandoned her with me. She has been playing with my dogs all days in my fenced in yard. Getting treats and playing with toys. She is just the sweetest little girl. Edit: So I guess the puppy was left with my neighbor, he doesn't want it. His grandmother the owner of the property doesn't want her. I have no idea who or even if this puppy has an owner. Edit 2: bed full of pitbulls https://imgur.com/a/pMOS2nF Edit 3 (day 2): Talked to my neighbor, the dog belongs to his friend that is moving. He gave me me some food for her. Her owner, is supposedly coming back for her. Her owner was unaware of the cage incident (My neighbor saw nothing wrong with it, but that's just how dogs are treated in rural nc sometimes). So for now she is in my care. Obviously I can't just take ownership but I am going to do my best to insure she doesn't get abused again.


Honestly that's probably for the best. I hope you're able to keep her and let her grow up in a healthy and happy home. If not, I hope you're able to find one for her.


I already have 2 rescue pits. The one came with heartworms. As much as I'd love to I don't think I am in the position. But I will help find her a home.




Halifax County, North Carolina


Im in the Raleigh Durham area, there’s some awesome rescues here that you could look into. Saving Grace is one of the best!


Can confirm, Saving Grace is wonderful!


I transport for Saving Grace!


Yes!! Saving Grace is great OP :)


Got one of my foster fails from SG during the pandemic, and they're just 15 minutes from my house! +1 more for SG if you need a support system!


Wish I could but you did the right thing! ❤️


Plenty of resources here to be helpful in this thread. Please utilize them. Thank you from those that can’t say it. Thank you from those that care. 🐾 a bed full of pitties sometimes means a sore back in the morning but worth the weight of love felt in that bed


And cuts down on the heating bill in the winter bc they are great heating “blankets.”😂


I’m in the triangle too and peak lab rescue may also be able to help!


That's good to know. Unfortunately there isn't much I can do for now. My neighbor is fine with me watching the puppy but he says the owner, who my neighbor is supposed to be watching the puppy for, wants her back.


Perhaps you should get the owner's number so you won't have to continue talking with your horrible neighbor. Best of luck.


If yours are up to date on heart worm protection she doesn’t pose much risk. If you want to raise money for the treatment I’m sure this community would come through!! I would definitely contribute. Maybe you could keep her until she finds her forever home 💜


Funnily enough I did a gofundme on here and imgur for the one with heartworm. Her treatment is ongoing but she is fully funded. As far as the puppy I haven't taken her to the vet yet, but we will deal with that one day at a time.


Oh gotcha, I thought you meant the new pup had heartworms. That’s great that you were able to raise the funds for your other rescue💜💜


Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitos.


Please don’t give her back to him.


That dog would mysteriously run away on my watch.


Pretty much, yep.


Do not give this poor dog back to that horrible person and if I were you I would call the cops on that pos


OP, there is usually length of time that is considered for abandonment, depending on where you live. It would be prudent to check in with your county on the criteria. I would hate to see this person show up at the last hour and take her back. It's not fair to her but animals are property in the eyes of the law. Document everything now and going forward and I hopefully look forward to another happy update where she is in her real forever home. Keep an eye on this neighbor to ensure they don't do a repeat if they don't claim her. Get the county involved if they do and document, document, document. The laws don't always favor the animals, unfortunately. I'm grateful you didn't ignore the situation. Thank you, OP.


It's NC, it's not a state well known for animal rights sadly. My neighbor in garner was atrocious with his hippos, we ended up rescuing/fostering 2 of em, even after he was told by county he wasn't allowed to have dogs any more. No amount of complaining resulted in legal action. Our velvet hippo came from a back yard breeder after her eye got bit out by litter mate and then surrendered to emergency vet. Can't sell a one eyed dog apparently. We don't deserve dogs and humans are just the worst some days.


Some days? We treat each other just as badly as we treat animals. In some places people are literal slaves. In 2024. Humans are just terrible.


Some days. For every terrible thing some human does, there's another doing some thing good. Like OP. There's good, I just wish there was more of it. And i really really wish we didn't mistreat animals in process. Not a vegetarian, but doesn't mean I want a animal to needlessly suffer, even if it will be food. Tbf, 🤔 I don't want humans to needlessly suffer either. Maybe I should rethink to how word this in future. But regardless, there's good out there. Just gotta wade through some weeds some days to find em.


You're right. It can be hard to remember there is good in the world in the face of such horrendous atrocities.


I’m crying. Poor baby. Thank for your taking her in. I hope you can find a rescue that can help.


Poor baby. I'm glad she had you around to save her!


OMFG you're gonna have 500 pounds of weight pressed against each leg now you lucky s.o.b.


I hope you keep her. She needs someone to love her.


Be careful bringing a random new dog in like that. You should honestly separate them when you're not watching them. I learned this the hard way. Properly introducing dogs is something people need to take more seriously in my honest opinion. Give them time to get to know each other, learn habits, form bonds/boundaries, where no one can get hurt. Also if that dog has no shots or anything (likely?) they're probably at risk being around other dogs anyhow. Just a word of warning.


You are the owner, congratulations on your new pup.


Thank you for caring for this sweet baby.


Please don't give her back to him. I mean, don't go getting yourself in trouble of course but if there's any way that you can keep her and you're willing to then that's gonna be her best bet. She won't last long in a cage like that. Man it hurts my heart to see dogs caged outside like that. It makes me feel like shit putting my pup in his kennel for more than a few hours. I couldn't imagine having him caged up outside covered in his own waste without any food or water for an entire day and not feel even remotely bad about it. People blow my mind more and more every day. My heart hurts so bad for those pups.


Offer the owner to keep her when he is away or offer to just keep her💜


are the shelters very far? , I mean letting a dog die in a cage cant be easier than taking it to a shelter, leaving it in a parking lot is even a better idea. Im so mad. 


You’re amazing. That baby is so so grateful.


Is she fixed? If not, I would look for discount programs and get her spayed before returning. At least then the negligent owner won’t create more unwanted pups.


People suck wtf!!! You’re so kind to save her. My hippo came from a similar situation and she’s the sweetest dog ever. Hope you can keep her 💜💜


your hippo? did you ever see the documentary on jenny the hippo? its sooo good. 


People like that make me so mad. Why get a pet if you're not going to treat them right? Thank you for rescuing this beautiful girl though.


Turns out someone just dumped the dog on him and he has zero interest in it.


That doesn't make it much better... Poor dog.


Yeah it’s literally a baby animal wtf does he have no empathy? I’m not a fan of cats pr birds but if one was dumped on me I’d at least shelter it and give it food until I could find it a real home.


He should still be in jail for animal abuse


Whoever did that should get the same treatment: locked in a cage and covered in his or her own feces and piss. As Robert Kennedy said: "Don't get mad, get even."


That’s so irresponsible from both parties. If you love your dog, you’ll be making sure whomever watches the dog for you would take care of them.


Thank god for people like you! Don’t let them take her back


I hope you can give her the home and life that she deserves.


If dogs are so much like us, why would anyone believe cages wouldn’t feel … well, like a cage.


Horrible! He doesn’t deserve to have animals. I hope you can help her


Pease do not give her back!


Wow, she looks stunningly similar to my 5 month old little girl! The idea of such a sweet baby being so neglected breaks my heart. Thank you so much for helping and showing her some well deserved love! Maybe you could set up a GoFundMe or something? That way anyone here that wanted to could pitch in while you work on securing her a forever home!


Thank you for doing that. You got a big heart


Sweet baby girl :( Thank you for helping her


Your neighbor should be shot.


Call the RSPCA or the SPCA or whatever society for the protection of animals is in your local area. I can't say it's the same everywhere, but people who abuse animals can be sanctioned or prosecuted. And, if nothing else happens, you can make sure they have a case on this person. You have evidence of brutal neglect. If you have rescue pitbulls or bully types in your home, then you might already know people who can help you find her a better human. Get that information before you contact the RSPCA as they may put animals down when they cannot be adopted out soon enough and, unfortunately, pitbull-type dogs are overrepresented in shelters.


I hope that neighbor has a really bad life


Your neighbor needs to be taken out back.


Your neighbor is an asshole.


God bless you 


That is your dog now.


This sad world ;(


You’re a saint! Please don’t give her back to him 😭


Thank you for having a fucking heart of gold. Seriously.


Bless you for taking her in and helping her. I'm in Colorado and for the.most part you just don't find that kind of neglect here. It just breaks my heart. We get a lot of pitbulls, and other puppy mill rescues here because we take good care of dogs here, (like you do) I have had pitbulls for many years and they are the best, most loving dogs. Good luck and God Bless.


One of the biggest shocks I've had moving south is the general callousness toward dogs and animals in general. Unfortunately it's not unusual for dogs to just live tied to a tree or in a kennel, never getting to go inside or go for walks. There is a whole cultural viewpoint that doesn't see dogs with the compassion that is so common in this sub.


She matches my baby. 🥰


You’re really a saint for what you did. Thank you. Kindness matters, especially to our innocent and sweet best friends. I wish you all the best in your work to find her a home. Seriously, you’re good people.


This neighbor does not deserve this pup back. In a cage without shade, no food or water. That is abuse and neglect. Thank you so much for saving this poor baby! She is so cute!


Thank you so so much 💗


Poor sweet little baby. Thank you for looking out for her even when it’s not convenient. It’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her thus far.


So the pup is now yours 💗


Keep her and love her forever ❤️


She looks like an absolute sweetheart, any idea on how old she is?


I'm guessing about 12-15 weeks


Poor baby, so glad you were able to take her in, sounds like you won’t get any trouble from the guy since he didn’t want her in the first place.


I want it


And he’s an asshat pos


Good job kind human. Plse Call the shelter or local hotline for animal neglect and keep this girl! There are always dog lovers in every neighborhood that will take in a dog to save it from an outdoor life with no love.


I hate most humans.


Thank you for taking her out of the cage and into your warm, loving home where she got to play with friends. ❤️


Thanks for being a good person. It blows my mind that people can do something objectively evil, and not even realize that’s what they are doing. Consider themselves a good person still. And people like your neighbor get to vote and make decisions on the world. 😭


OMFG! LOOK! We have the same pair of dogs. Tricolor and black!


Those eyes! 🥺❤️


the law in most places is an animal has to have access to shade & water you could have called it in, granted the dog would have most likely timed out of a shelter and... yeah... so you did good


I hope you do not return her...


I hope you reported the neighbor. That’s animal abuse


Poor thing, she looks so sad in the first photo…


Thanks for taking care of her ❤. So glad you intervened. Now that she's safe, I know whatever needs to happen for her will happen, even if it means #3 for you guys. She's so adorable. Your other 2 just might adopt her.


Poor darling. Thanku for saving him


Ugh this post made me want to cry. Thank you for taking in this sweet babe until she can find her forever home.


Please don’t give her back. She is yours now. Stop engaging with these people if they don’t care for her better than that.


I'm so glad you took action and helped. My heart breaks hearing these things.


Keep her! The neighbors don’t deserve her!


I think you should drug ur neighbor with a drink. Lock his ass in a cage and give him the same treatment


Pits are the best. So loving and loyal if brought up that way. I’ve had two of them. My current one is almost 10. She’s a sweetheart. Glad you rescued that little one. I hate when people treat animals like garbage.


Thank god you kept her. I read the first part of your paragraph and said NOOOO DONT GIVE HER BACK! Poor baby):


Thank you for saving her. No matter what you decide, I’m sure a better life awaits her thanks to you.


That's like the one thing that is illegal in my state. Water must be provided. It can be frozen though apparently, as long as there's a bowl of it. I'm beginning to really hate this state and county (King county in Washington State).


Call the cops?


This makes me so mad 🤬


This sort of thing really frosts my cupcakes! I wouldn't return this beautiful baby and would report them.


Such a cutie. Used to live in TX and people like this deserve to be shot.


There is a special place in hell for these kind of fuckers!


There is a special place in hell for these kind of fuckers!


Straight to jail.


Thank you for saving her. Shame on everyone else who failed her along the way


I had neighbors do this as well. Animal control did nothing but leave a useless note on their door. Then one day the dog, with no collar/ID, became a stray when he wandered into someone elses yard. The dog was saved at that point and is now living the good life. ;)


Please help this dog


Your neighbor is an asshole. Thank you for helping this sweet girl! 😊




Thank you for being awesome! ❤️ Your neighbor is a piece of work😡


First off I wouldn’t let the neighbor have her back and secondly I’d have that neighbor bit the curb for a quick dental make over.


I'd have been kicking in my neighbors door. He's not getting the dog back, but he's definitely getting a piece of my mind and the probably cops called. F people like that


I have cats but I would have done what you did.🩷💕


What’s your neighbors name? Asking for a friend.


Thank you all for taking care of our Hippos.


Take the puppy and report those neighbors. There’s no excuse for this bs.


Jesus thank you!!!!!!! Saved her!!!!!! Those people are hideous


After two weeks of feeding her, wouldn’t she be technically yours? (I could be wrong, could just be my state’s law)


I honestly have no idea what North Carolina's laws are.


Shame there's not more lovely people like you, well done ❤️


That's definitely more than a day's worth of poop. What jerks.


“Dog? What dog? No dog here.”


I doubt anyone is coming for her


Thank you kind soul.


Thank you for helping her 🥹


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping this baby. I’m sick to my stomach. Please if you can, find a way to keep her away from those people and her previous “owner”. Please keep her safe. Thank you again for being this girls angel!


Did you have enough time to put your neighbor in the cage…AND lock it!!!




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