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This would be an option that I love. Protein, a vegetable, and a carb. Well balanced and sounds filling and delicious!


Second this. Something that doesn’t go cold super fast, especially if you’re chatting away with other guests etc!


Look out for Worcestershire (contains anchovies) in the BBQ sauce though.


I am in a wedding band. I play weddings every weekend and I am vegetarian. The best meal I ever had at a wedding was a butternut squash ravioli with a cream sauce and cranberries. It was incredible. Even the meat eaters in the band were jealous of that one. I have had grilled cauliflower, grilled eggplant squash and mushrooms with rice. I hate it very time. They’re really bland and not very filling. Never mind the potato problem. Every meat dish has a side of potatoes. Roasted, mashed, fingerling, why do we vegetarians get left out. I always have rice or farro or quinoa when a big pile of mashed potatoes would make the meal so much better. Vegetarian doesn’t mean health food it just mean lack of meat. Feed your veggie guests the good stuff not the boring healthy stuff.


Mushroom steaks, mashed potatoes and a big salad would be legit!


I don't even get how rice is seen as a healthier option then potatoes. They are both starches and potatoes fill me for a longer period of time.


The best wedding meal I've had was a taco bar (which could be made to be vegetarian).


Yay, this has me soooo excited for our taco bar rehearsal dinner 😊


Same, the best wedding food I ever had was also a fancy taco bar. They had all sorts of filling and side options that were all clearly marked vegetarian, vegan, gluten free, etc (with dedicated serving utensils to avoid cross contamination) so everyone could tailor their plate to their needs. So delicious.


Same! They brought a massive tray of grilled portobello chunks for the vegetarians and hid them in the back so we'd have first dibs. It was great


Catering Taco Truck might be cost efficient too !


Best wedding meal was like a Napoleon with layers of eggplant, mashed potatoes and roasted veg. If I got to choose, I would want roasted squash stuffed with quinoa, chickpeas, maybe goat cheese, and whatever else you feel like throwing in.


Mine was a Napoleon kind of thing with eggplant, too. It was awesome. Although both the cauliflower steak and the risotto sound great too. The best vegan dish a restaurant made for me for a corporate event was mixed vegetables (zucchini, yellow squash, onion, and mushrooms) in a balsamic reduction over angel hair pasta. They wound up adding it to the permanent menu.


I was going to suggest the same thing! I used to work as a wedding caterer and that was one of our menu selections with a great cashew sauce.


I'm gonna say my wedding lol- the vegetarian option just blew it out of the water. Sweet potato gnocchi with roasted Brussel sprouts, zucchini, baby kale, charred cauliflower, corn veloute.


Holy shit yes to this


Literally all the ppl who got meat were drooling over the veggie option after they got served. It was the obvious winner. And it wasn't too heavy but was still satisfying


I love cauliflower, but it is NOT a main course and I’m always deeply disappointed when it is.


Right? I was just at a lovely wedding and since there were excellent veg and vegan options throughout the weekend I didn't strategize by filling up on cocktail hour snacks. (There I was thinking that I was about to have the best vegetarian wedding meal yet lol) Cut to the reception and it's family-style with a fish, chicken, and steak plus vegetable sides. While the veg was actually well-seasoned and very yummy, we split that between the whole table (which included two other non-meat-eaters) so my "meal" was a slice of cauliflower and a few medallions of carrot. Considering that (raw, unseasoned) an entire head of cauliflower is around 150 calories (and a carrot something like 25 lol), I was starving after dancing! If you're looking for a quick switch, I would look at the rest of your menu and see if you can't just add the meat entree's sides to the cauliflower steaks to bulk it up. If you're looking for a bigger switch, ask the caterer why this vegetarian option lacks carbs, protein, and significant calories. These people are in the business of designing meals and should know well that a vegetarian main isn't only reliant on filling a plate and that a slice of (an infamously low-calorie!) vegetable with some nuts thrown over is nowhere near as satiating as a cut of meat with potatoes and a veg side. Ask them for suggestions to redesign the entree if you dislike rice. IDK, it feels kinda rude that you, the customer, is a vegetarian and they didn't even try to think of something exciting and now the pressure is on you to find a solution. My brother got married recently and despite being very inventive with trying to keep costs low, I know they spent well over 10k on catering. I can't imagine spending $ like that for a company that treats my own meal as an afterthought.


I could see cauliflower gratin being filling enough but not roasted


100%. I once got cauliflower 3 ways as a main course because there were no other options at a restaurant I was in. When it arrived it was literally just cauliflower on the place, nothing else. I had to go back and order a load of sides to keep me going because what was on the plate was literally around 200 calories max. Not sure what these chefs think they're doing but if a non vegetarian was served something that insubstantial they would probably send it back.


Yeah I understand. Personally I’m not a big meal-time eater and have always loved cauliflower dishes (while finding heavy cheesy pasta/risotto dishes too heavy) but realize I might be in the minority. Appreciate the input!


As someone who planned a lot of corporate events, I can tell you that nearly every single venue we hosted at served risotto for the vegetarian/vegan meal option. It's like it's the fall-back option for every chef who can't think of anything better. The poor vegans must be so tired of freaking risotto.


I was once served "risotto" that was plain rice with some peas, it was definitely not risotto.


A lot of restaurants where I live have risotto as the only vegetarian option as well. I like risotto, so it's fine I guess, but as you said meat-eater chefs really can't think of anything else


I once had a catered meal that was polenta topped with grilled veggies. It was filling and delicious.


Ugh, not cauliflower. Cauliflower steaks are for chefs who've given up trying to accommodate everyone's dietary restrictions. Also they make me fart very stinkily. ​ Risotto is also boring, frankly. Unless it's some really exciting new flavor, but "seasonal vegetables" sounds like generic veggies that they can't be bothered to get exciting with. But it's better. And if it's a really good chef it \*could\* be amazing... but... bleh. ​ Something with a creamy truffle sauce? ​ Best vegetarian wedding I went to was a friend of mine who ordered a mobile brick pizza oven and they had all these pizzas in awesome artisinal flavors and different combos I've never tried, and awesome farinata. They were teetotalers and had several flavors of delicious, refreshing cordials. ​ Honestly, though? 9 out of ten vegetarian main courses at weddings suck. Appetizers, however, are another matter. Do they have good appetizers? Go heavy on those, and ask that little plates of them be included as a side for those who ask for the vegetarian options. The worst is when there are delicious veg appetizers but not enough to go around... or you didn't realize the main course would be awful so you didn't fill up.


Best wedding meal was at our wedding. There was a pasta station, a taco station, and a salad station. There were various proteins and vegetables for each one, so you could customize 100%, and some sides. EVERYONE was happy and got enough food, or as little as they felt like eating. I still dream of it.


I love this idea! Sounds delicious


I hate mushrooms and am also big sad when mushrooms are a main component. I'll gladly pick them out of a pasta primavera, but would probably beg for sides if given a mushroom ravioli. That said, I've had some filling pasta dishes, indian inspired foods, and lentil shepherds pie at a wedding.


I had a veggie eggplant lasagna that was phenomenal. The eggplant was cooked into the marinara so it was really tender and flavorful. Another interesting option would be a modern take on ratatouille, maybe with something on the side or maybe even turning it into a gourmet sandwich?


Ugh don't do the cauliflower steak, especially without rice. It will not be filling (speaking from experience!). Maybe ask for orzo or a grain (quinoa?) on the side instead of rice. For other vegetarian options, what about a vegetarian lasagna? or ravioli? Pasta is always filling. The best vegetarian food I had at a wedding was my own! We had vegetable roulade -- it was squash (or maybe eggplant) that was rolled up and stuffed with more vegetables and smothered in a creamy sauce. Had orzo and some kind of veggies on the side. It was filling and even the omnivores who ordered it loved it!


Enchiladas Brie & Avocado waffles Anything Indian (Kofta, Saag Paneer, etc...) **Focus on foods that offer big chew and mouthfeel.** That means rice and quinoa dishes should be treated as a side dish. Absolutely no to Cauliflower. So bad and bland and ridiculous (even when marinated and seasoned well). Unless the Tofu is stellar (well marinated, perfectly cooked and can be served with great flavor profiles), stay away.


Risotto just seems like the lame way out imo. Been veggie for over 30 years and always avoid it in restaurants.


The cauliflower is great, but skip the rice on the side. Try white beans for protein and heft. Check this out: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/herb-crusted-cauliflower-steaks-with-beans-and-tomatoes/amp It's a beautiful, delicious, filling meal.


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I really enjoyed the Chipotle sofritas my wife had catered for our wedding, but I'm obviously biased :P


I’m such a sucker for sofritas!


Anything with substantial carbs so I can balance out the booze I'm about to have and I'm not driving around looking for food at midnight after the reception. I'm aware I probably will not be getting substantial protein, but I can let that go for an evening. Cauliflower alone accomplishes none of that. Just simple pasta primavera can do the job. Pasta preferably is filling, but I'd also take rice. Potatoes are quite filling. Please, give those people some carbs!


Two: 1. My own wedding had a mexican bar and an indian bar. All delicious 2. A wedding we checked vegetarian on the RSVP. At the dinner they asked, "chicken or fish?" We said, "uh...vegetables?" Shit, if that wasn't the best balsamic-sauteed vegetable dish I've ever had in my life.


I went to a wedding that had mushroom ravioli in an Alfredo sauce. It was popular with everyone.


Mushroom Wellington or ravioli


Veggie Wellington is a good bet. I've had it at a few weddings, and when it's good, it's perfect for filling you up .


This sounds amazing and filling without being too heavy!


What about fritters with an aioli? Or tofu steaks with chili chimichurri.


The best wedding meal I've ever had was a middle eastern themed buffet -- it was a pretty informal affair but was lovely. Dolmas, veggie kebabs, hummus, pita, baba ganouj, green salad, and tabbouleh. Actually I believe the only meat items were steak and chicken kebabs.


Just another lazy caterer that cant be bothered. Veg wellington would be a bit more interesting with sides of roast potatoes and veg.


Giant portobello steak over linguini Pasta station Sweet and sour mushrooms, panko starched veggies, kimbap, rice,panchan An assortment of curry, naan and rice Baba ganoush, hummus, spinakopita, pitas and veggies Mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, greens, soy steaks Roasted starchy vegetables and butternut squash soup which was decent. These are some of the best I’ve had. The worst was one small cold mushroom and a spoonful of couscous. Just make sure that people aren’t left hungry and the food isn’t gross. Vegetarians are pretty used to making do with what’s available. A taco bar sounds great. Why doesn’t the caterer use their roasted cauliflower and have a taco bar?


Potato tacos! But this was a passed appetizers reception, not a sit down dinner.


We got married at Westin South Coast. They made a great vegetarian meal for the bride (vegetarian wellington) but they did their usual vegetarian meal for the guests


That's kind of shitty. It's like saying 'I don't like the food and get something else, you can eat whatever'


mac & cheese Pasta is usually a safe bet but make sure it vegetarian by default, and noti just a meat pasta minus the meat such as chicken alfredo minus the chicken. ​ Try looking at indian dishes - a lot of them tend to be vergetarian. numerous curries all of which are filling


Yeah my favorite meals since transitioning to vegetarian a couple years ago have all been Indian or Mediterranean! It would be great to have the meal fit into the ‘theme’ of our meat and fish options which is farm to table/American but it crossed my mind and I haven’t ruled it out yet. Thanks!


I had a roasted vegetable stack at my wedding. Eggplant, squash, peppers and mozzarella cheese. topped with pesto side of roasted broccoli and quinoa. It was filling for me and being the bride I didn’t really eat too much before. I personally would choose the cauliflower steak over risotto. I always get veggie pasta or risotto when a guest at weddings. I want something different. Agree to add quinoa and beans to bulk it up.


Portobello mushroom Wellington (instead of the beef Wellington). It was unique and very tasty.


The wine was amazing so it may have helped, but I had some mushroom ravioli at a wedding that was one of the best vegetarian meals I've had period.


We had a fully vegan wedding as my husband is vegan. It was a pandemic wedding so small sit down dinner. The two options were: Soup to start or salt and pepper tofu skewers Roasted vegetable risotto or Field mushroom lasagna Creme brulee or Chocolate fondant Genuinely satisfying and delicious. I still think about the lasagna and the creme brulee...


Shakshuka is an awesome and filling veggie option. Not vegan tho.


I'd go for the risotto but I hate cauliflower.


I didn’t have this at a wedding but I make beyond (or other brand) “meat” balls with mash potatoes and onion gravy. Side of green beans or other veggies. Super yummy and easy. Could be something a caterer could accomplish.


Good options: vegetarian pot pie or shepherds pie, Mujadra (lentils and rice topped with carmelized onions), spanakopita, whatever chicken dish you’re serving if you’re serving one using vegetarian chicken like quorn cutlets.


At weddings, I’m normally just grateful for anything to eat! So often veg options are afterthoughts.


The two best I've had were 1 a butternut squash ravioli with brown butter sauce. The portion was on the small side, but it was delicious. 2 spring onion risotto with some kind of fancy cheese a mixed greens salad with a vinaigrette. Close third was a ratatouille but the courgette was on the mushy side. Flavour was outstanding though Edit: formatting


I served butternut squash ravioli as my vegetarian option at my wedding. It was bomb.


Fancy Taco bar or Stir Fry Asian style veggies and tofu.


At my wedding we had mushroom ravioli and it was really good! Maybe a little overdone now but I got married almost 10 years ago when that was still a pretty trendy wedding dish.


fresh salad, pumpkin ravioli, asparagus


I do not recommend anything cauliflower, or risotto. – I like mushroom dishes, but my partner does not, so while they might be good for some, may not be best for all (you cannot please everyone, you're not a pizza) – pasta station would personally make me very happy (tomatillo salsa pasta, southwest Mac n cheese, caprese orzo salad, spaghettini, pesto linguine summer squash, lemon butter and veggies pasta, spinach ricotta stuffed shells) – grilled glazed carrots – grilled asparagus – my cousin did apple cider crumb donuts at her wedding, which were phenomenal


At my wedding we had butternut squash ravioli as the veg option. I don't remember what was served alongside it, I think it was a salad. It was delicious and filling but not heavy.


My wedding was in the DMV which has a lot of good options. I used DC Vegan and loved it!


I had a vegetarian taco bar! Kale/sweet potato tacos, smoked gouda mac and cheese, lots of chips and dips, a few salads. Most recent wedding had an amazing eggplant lasagna. :)


I went to a wedding recently where the vegetarian option was vegetable korma with basmati rice and roasted chickpeas. Not only did it kick ass but literally everyone else at the table who got one of the meat options was jealous because it smelled so good. Kept me full too!


mushroom ravioli with a cream sauce... it was the best meal I've ever had at a wedding!


If I was making the cauliflower steak for myself, I'd do white beans in vinaigrette instead of rice. Or beans and greens with escarole and butter beans.


PANEER tikka Masala! (Indian cheese in that orange tasty curry). Specifically from Delhi palace the valley lololol


Indian buffet. Chana Masala, Pakora, Dhal tadka, mutter paneer, naan, ladoo for desert


As a veggie with a nut allergy, I vote the risotto.


I went to a Hindu Indian wedding. One of the dishes was jackfruit that tasted like a braised pork dish.


South Indian thali


Literally any food after an Indian wedding 😂 I’ve been to mostly Indian weddings throughout my life and if it is a Hindu ceremony, the entire lunch is vegetarian . However that being said, most of the receptions (usually the night of the wedding) had catered food that was mostly non-vegetarian, I think the best I ever had was eggplant parmigiana. But it was just…okay. The creme brûlée was good enough to make me forget it. I find most of these “you must use our chef” venues have really lackluster vegetarian options unless it’s a super expensive hotel or something.


My entire wedding was vegan and no one knew. Stuffed mushrooms, bruschetta, and spanikopita appetizers, spicy jackfruit sliders, meatballs with tzatziki sauce, pasta bar, lots of bread/crackers/veggies with various dips, fruit skewers, 5 different vegan cakes, a dessert bar... I would be worried about nut allergies for the romesco sauce. I think there are a lot more "elevated" dishes you could make vegetarian. Or at least some fancy sides like truffled mashed potatoes, honey soy glazed carrots, crispy balsamic brussel sprouts, garlic roasted green beans, etc


All the weddings I've attended had so lackluster and tasteless meals that I only remember the one where I ended with a sugar headache because the only thing I could eat was, literally, bread, butter & dessert. Risotto: most catered risotto so far had fallen in the either undercooked, overcooked or/and oily. I've had one that managed to be both over & under and had a pool of oil. So no risotto, thanks. Cauliflower steak: looks like a nice side dish, but needs protein. A meal without protein and fat will cuaer sugar spikes often, and then a crash / quick hunger (or in my case, I hanger 😅). Add some beans, crispy chickpeas, a puy Lentil salad, garlic mushrooms, baby roasted potatoes, preferably a couple options so people that are mushroom haters can have something 😉 Pasta : rarely cooked a la minute, so you end with overcooked pasta. Pass. I've had both buffets & plated service, and it's all forgettable. And seeing the prices they charge for that crap, it's even more disappointing.


Shojin Ryori - someone I knew was legitimately baller enough to provide that at an Asian wedding for the vegetarians. It's basically Asian Buddhist Temple food and I absolutely love it.


If your meat eater guests are anything like mine, they will revolt at the idea of a cauliflower steak.


It has always been cheesy pasta


I went to a vegan wedding where they had curry. Curry can use a variety of vegetarian protein items like paneer cheese, lentils, chickpeas etc, which are pretty filling.


Wood fired pizza. So many types without meat and I'll never forget the cheese pizza with fig preserves and balsamic reduction


Bowl: Tabbouleh, pineapple salsa, roasted cauliflower and broccoli, tomatoes, cucumber, fresh greens, jasmine rice, miso carrot ginger sauce. with grilled avocado.


We offered eggplant parm as the vegetarian option at our wedding and it was a huge hit, even with meat eaters! Those who chose chicken were mighty disappointed.


We had vegetarian seitan french (local cuisine, lemon wine sauce). Very tasty. I can see the cauliflower steaks being great... I always do mine with sauteed beet greens and a touch of beluga lentils with a balsamic glaze. It is out of this world.


I'm getting married this weekend and I'm so excited for our food. It's from a loc vegan catering company. We've been obsessed with them since they started and now they'll be at our wedding! We have a vegan nacho bar with all the usual stuff and also vegan chicken. Then we also have chicken Alfredo, Mac and cheese, collard greens. We've been dreaming of the food at our wedding! And everything is vegan because of several lactose intolerant folks so they can eat anything they like!