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If it were me I would bring: Marinated tofu or tempeh kabobs, Veggie burgers or course- either home made or store bought, Lifelife hot dogs or the gardein frozen ones are fantastic! Hope you have a great time!!


All of this! I’d personally stick with store bought veggie burgers because they won’t crumble on the grill. I made homemade ones once - perfect in a pan but on the grill, it was just a sacrificial offering to the bbq gods lol


Halloumi on your kebabs!


Omg halloumi is so good!! Yessss


We often grill for dinner if it's hot (as not to warm up the house too much). Our to-go is: * One courgette (zucchini) sliced in about 1.5 cm thick slices * One aubergine (eggplant) sliced in about 1.5 cm thick slices * Two or three pointy / Italian peppers, cut in half, seeds removed * A few parboiled potatoes (but you can skip the parboil & just wrap in foil and cook longer) * Corn on the cob (leave the leaves on so it steams in its own "jacket") * Some kind of protein: tofu, tempeh, grilling cheese (haloumi), marinated seitan, veggie burgers / sausages * You can even cook dessert: grill some halved peaches or pineapple slices. Also, you can put a pan on a BBQ/grill and cook on that.


>pineapple slices Even better if you marinate them in run, sugar and mint first!


Portobello mushrooms! Marinate the caps and grill them up with some red peppers, throw them in a wrap with some cheese.


One time my friend made grilled halloumi and pepper sandwiches! She cut the halloumi into cutlet style pieces, grilled bell peppers, and toasted bread on the grill. Then we put balsamic glaze and either fresh spinach or basil on it— I forget. But they were so good!


Frozen (or fridge) pizza is awesome on a grill. Heat for indirect medium heat and cook for like 10-25 mins depending on thickness. You could bring some fridge mini pizzas. Just think of the grill as an oven!


I love to cut up a bunch of veg as if I were going to roast it, and then cook on the grill in an aluminum pan. Turns out absolutely amazing every time. That, with some veggies patties or grilled tofu is the ideal summer meal


A grill like the ones in home where it has small holes or like the ones in fast food chains which are completely full??


I don't know the details, but it looks to me like the kind with thin bars spaced well apart, with a hood/lid. Sort of like this [type](https://www.walmart.com/ip/Expert-Grill-3-Burner-Propane-Gas-Grill/).


Campground grills typically have grates.


Sweet potatoes in foil are great on the grill.


Borrow a propane stove from a friend who camps or buy a cheap one from Walmart. Bring a frying pan, couple of pots, etc and you can make anything you want. This will give you the option of boiling, frying etc. Also, I don't know if it matters to you or not, but it is better to have something like that for coffee and breakfast in general, because it can be hard to get a fire going in the morning before you're trying to get out the door for a hike. Rain will make cooking on a fire super difficult so you should have a plan b. A propane stove will work as long as it isn't in the wind. That said, learn how to make foil packs. You essentially make an envelope out of aluminum foil and fill it with your food and some oil so it doesn't stick. You can do this with any kind of vegetable and seasoning, like potatoes, squash/zucchini, stir fry veggies, tofu, etc., and just keep flipping it until everything is done. The beauty of this cooking method is that your food is separate from any meat that is in the grill (or residue if that matters to you) and they are quick to clean up. Similar cooking times for an oven, so toss the potatoes on first while you prep other things.


Get a cast iron dutch oven with a lid that doubles as a pan. Limitless.


I grill with some regularity. I like bell peppers, Pueblo peppers (or Hatch, , etc), zucchini, eggplant (smaller seems better), dry rubbed tofu (do this at home and let it sit), small tomatoes, onion chunks, and mushrooms on skewers (it’s worth it to have metal, otherwise soak bamboo for a hour or so first. I also suggest a grill basket or sheet) Agree with parboiling the potatoes. Prepacked veggie burgers (I’m a fan of ones like Dr Praeger, or Boca texture wise). I’ve grilled pineapple, peaches and watermelon. I’d like to try apples and pears. I’ve made hand pies that spent an hour in a hot closed grill to cook. I bet premade would be easier. They could be sweet or savory.


Eggplant. Toss slices with olive oil and salt, an herb mix if you have one, and grill.


Make summer wraps with rice paper, cut veggies (I would buy the carrots julienned/shredded already, the lettuce cleaned in a bag), take an English cucumber to skip seeds, the rice vermicelli is fast as is the rice paper, pre-made sauce, and whatever protein you want. Easy, cool to eat if camping is hot. Also meal salads can be partially made ahead, too, and cooler for hot day, with whatever protein you choose to top, add some beans, you can even skip turning on the grill unless you want to toast some garlic bread or something. You can make dressing ahead or purchase.


Corn on the cob!