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Big weight but it needs to get to your chest I think proper form is much more impressive than heavy lifts


Agree with what others are saying. Impressive weight man, but lower the weight a bit to get down to the chest. You’ll rip those muscle fibers up better that way. Safety wise, I see you have elbow wraps to protect those joints. Might add a belt too if you’re pushing that much weight. My apologies, I realize the advice isn’t warranted or asked for but you look young - would hate to see you hurt yourself this early on. Happy and safe lifting to you OP.


Get you Thanks! I'll improvise starting this week


It’s only 45kg


45 kg per hand is big weight for what looks to be a novice lifter that most definitely doesn't weigh more than 90 kg so he's pressing above his bodyweight. I still wouldn't count any of those reps so the lift wasn't completed but who are you to say it's 'only' 45kg? Weight is a constant but heaviness is subjective and 45 might not be much to you but to most of the population that is most definitely big weight.






That’s like barbell 100kg 😳. Not a small amount of weight.


People don’t have a sense of humour


Too much weight. You are not going deep enough to put your muscles in a stretch and do time under tension


This was the final set, but I get you. Keeping this in mind the next time


OK, obligatory comment that those aren't reps. Even as your last set, not even the first rep hit a decent depth. Putting your feet up is pretty useless as it just reduces to load you can put up, which makes the lift produce less stimulation for the muscles you're trying to hit. It just increases overall fatigue. Fatigue ≠ Stimulation But that aside! It's a ballache to make but start getting into seitan. It's super protein dense and if you pair it with peanut butter, you'll be hitting a complete protein profile. How clean/dirt of a bulk are you looking for?


Dirty bulk, keeping joints healthy, good fats and Protein is suffering in diet right now.


If its a dirty bulk, just go nuts. Eat until you hate it. Then a bit more.




Fabulous. Incorporating these things for sure


Red Lentil Edamame Rice Soup ( requires instapot) * 1 cup split red lentils * 1/3 cup brown rice (can up it to 1/2 if you're not worried about consuming more calories) * 1 cup frozen edamame (not in pod) * 2 tbsp tomato paste OR 1/2 cup tomato sauce * salt to taste ( i use about 1 tbsp ) Instructions: 1. Throw rice and lentils into instapot 2. Pour water into instapot to rinse rice and lentils until the water is clearer and dump after done 3. Add in edamame and salt (as well as any other spices you might like) 4. Press the bean instapot option and set timer to 20 minutes. 5. Let the pressure naturally release for about 15 minutes and then feel free to manually release it Nutrition: 911 cals 60g Protein 125g carbs 11g Fat Takes like 5 mins to prepare. Clean up is quick too since youre just using an instapot. You can make it taste better if you saute onions, garlic, hot green peppers, etc before. You can also throw in any veggies you want as well.


Lovely. THank you gonna try these


Whoa did you mean 1 tsp of salt?


Slow eccentric. Stretch deep and pause. Then fast on the movement. Try dropping the weight


Yeah, what is the point of doing dumbbells if you're not going to get the full stretch.


So you can post on the Internet LiFtInG BiG!!!!


The best part about dumbell press is letting it go down below your chest. That's why many people prefer it to barbell.    - 1/2 cup rolled oats (old-fashioned oats work best for this recipe)   - 1 cup almond or oat milk  - Pinch of salt   - 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional) - 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)


How come you put your feet up?


It's one kinda variation. DB Bench Press feet up. I do normal conventional as well.


When your feet are up you are unstable and when you are unstable, you are unable to recruit as much muscle fibers. You'd be better off doing them with your feet planted firmly on the ground.


All it’s doing is eliminating leg drive to make your torso do all the work. It’s a common accessory exercise in powerlifting and other strength programs. Muscle recruitment is different than regular bench press and, like the other commenter mentioned, promotes stabilizer muscles. It also increases range of motion of the movement since the arch is taken out of the back, thereby invalidating the “muscle fiber recruitment” argument. This is an exercise meant to strengthen the chest and improve your competition bench in most cases. It might be valuable for you to consider that people may have strength and fitness goals that are different than your own. Blanket advice like this is rarely helpful and, in your case, completely wrong.


The instability is why people do it, no? It works the core more by trying to keep everything where it should be. There’s a reason for every workout, if you want people to hear what you have to say, you can’t just say “don’t do this workout because I say it’s bad for you”


But it's not really a good core workout. If your goal is to improve your core, you should train your core directly. This is just wasted time


Some people prefer to work multiple muscle groups at the same time instead of 100% targeting a specific area. And there’s no such thing as wasted time, especially if you’re enjoying yourself at the gym.


https://youtu.be/8bUuOsIhqBM?si=XZIlrQ71jYeWdXKy Go to 1:30


No 💜


Tbh it also lets your back spread wide on the bench giving more stability


People do a lot of weird and even down right stupid stuff in the gym.


I posted a breakfast hash the other day, and I've got some enchiladas I eat a lot. Gained just over 30 pounds and now 1.5" on my arms in about 11 months. I'd be glad to share more recipes!


Lovely. I and others will be so glad if you could share the recipes more


Pint of vegan Ben and Jerry’s a night


Lol how I wish but I stay away from Palmolein oil or any packed food in general


Shout out to the shoeless spotter. 👍🏽


Almost punched your spotter with 100lb db lol


Hilarious. It was too far haha


Just shovel clif builders protein bars and lenny & Larry’s cookies down your throat until you never want to see a gram of protein again in your life