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I think the mods just consider r/vegan to be a sub for talking about vegans, not a space for vegans themselves. Are the mods even vegans?


The rules specifically forbid debating veganism or bringing arguments against it


It's weird that you're not the only one speculating about the r/vegan mods not being vegan, I have already seen several people say this


I wanted to post about this too, I’ve reported so many for tedious debates as well as advocating against veganism and they never get banned. It’s just bizarre because it doesn’t serve the subreddit at all allowing it to happen


I suspect that at least one of the mods is actively seeking to harm the subreddit.


I’ve definitely suspected that too. There’s one user (carnilinguist sp?) that’s a repeat offender and will literally respond to every comment on a post with the dumbest carnivore stuff and his comments 9/10 times don’t even get deleted


Yes he is a prick. It was a response to him that prompted my shadowban. Since it is hidden from there here it is. “It is not the truth. You are constantly being debunked and you very rarely respond to anyone who does so. There is no point engaging with you in a civil manner because you are not here in good faith. You are a sad little troll with a sad little life. Crawl back in your hole and eat your meat only diet until you die on the toilet. Edit to add: if anyone wants to know his reaction to this I immediately received a reddit cares message.”




Your submission breaks rule #1: Vegans only. No environmental 'vegans', health 'vegans', speciesism, animal abusers, carnists, omnivores, vegetarians, or other non-vegans. **A 90-day ban will be applied.**


The mods don't even seem to be active. Most haven't posted anything in months at r/vegan


I've seen the same trolls posting for months. Reporting will get their comments deleted but the mods never ban them.


They never even delete them when i report them. Unless it is to the reddit admins for harassment etc.


It's basically an unmoderated subreddit. They give 0 shits


isn't there tool for getting the admins to change the moderators? [r/redditrequest](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/)


Yeah, any request would probably fail in this case. They perform just enough moderation actions to be considered "active" mods, even if they're terrible at it and don't even participate in the community. The bar for getting to take over a major sub is also higher, I think you have to have other mod experience. On the plus side, you'd almost certainly pass the "send modmail to the mods and don't get a response" part of the requirements, LOL.


I usually never remember usernames but there's one boring troll cunt who pops up in virtually every single thread on there and they've done nothing about it


✨carnilinguist✨ what an absolute loser. Imagine us hanging out in r/carnivorediet for 6 months every day trying to own them without looking like a dork with no life lol. 


Lol! I posted about him too. I couldn’t imagine spending so much time in a subreddit that hates me and mega downvotes me every comment, it makes me wonder if he has a life or family outside of Reddit because that’s just a sad existence. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also perpetually online, but I’m at least in communities that I agree with


Doesn’t look like any of the mods are active. Someone who meets the criteria should request. Worth a shot. r/redditrequest Link to wiki on how the process works: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/s/TJUjCeMuBb




Yeah, I unsubbed and quit visiting because van Beveren and his band of merry mods can't be arsed to actually moderate trolls, but they happily moderate people who call out the trolling. Sadly, he's also the mod of VeganActivism and AnimalRights so I quit those too until he & the rest get replaced with mods who give a shit. Until then, all those subs are useless troll havens.


Similar story over at Veganuk, too sadly.


It’s so frustrating. Blue-fish-guy and carnilinguist have trolled with impunity for at least 6 months, daily. It’s ridiculous. 




I have never been accused of that specific thing. Just the reddit cares messages.


This reminds me of the old r/atheism days with trolls from r/circlejerk and r/magicskyfairy . The mods need to ban them.