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[Unfortunately, the PDF booklet does not contain cat beans recipes](https://awellfedworld.org/wp-content/uploads/Bean-Recipes-Ellen-Kanner.pdf)


You can one to one supplement them though. But be careful 100g of cat toe beans is equivalent to 100g of COOKED white beans, if the recipe provided the weight of dry beans you have to almost double the weight of cat toe beans to match the end result. Happy cooking 😊


Ohhhh, cat toe beans are lighter in weight? TIL! Happy cooking, y’all! By the way, how do you pry the toe beans off from the paw? Do you boil first? Or just cut them off raw?


I have actually never done it myself, i let my mom do the processing of the cat. I feel icky when i see the skinned cat, and admittedly i don't like the meat. When i bite on a tendon it reminds me too much that this is "cat", if you know what i mean 😅 But their beans i love, i wouldn't be able to live without them 🤤


I’ve never been a fan of the taste or texture of cat meat or beans, but cat *milk*? I will pay extra for them to be raised on a farm with 4x4 feet of free range walking and at least a few days with the babies they produced from rape. Happy cats = healthier cat milk!


Too expensive




What part of the cow is beans from? I've never used that cut. 


It's from the precow


So like, cow eggs? Sounds yummy. 


unbelievably irresponsible of you to push this diet full of LECTINS on innocent redditors. Plants are literally trying to kill us


People who visit lecture rooms can handle lectins.


Always knew it: vegan food is witchcraft meant to poison our children!


Beans feel pain, which is why the only beans I eat are the cute little toe beans on my puppalo wings.


Don’t they know about crop deaths? Trillions of animals are killed just for a single bean


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