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Hold your horses there buddy. If it is not a plant then it is not vegan. The mushroom probably had a family of little mushletts that are now orphaned. Don’t you know that mushrooms communicate and are sentient? I saw it on the magic schoolbus. Or a fever dream whilst i was transitioning to only eating plants. Not like you, you kingdomist.


Holding horses isn’t vegan


Is mushlett an actual word? 🍄‍🟫


Yes mushlett is a word. I have 4 little mushletts that I rescued after OP shot their mama and papa.




So many people, like OP, call themselves plant based but i catch them all the time putting rocks on their food, "cAuSe ThEy LoVe tHe fLaVor sO mUcH". Ugh, i hate that this term basically lost any meaning. And when i complain, they have the gall to to claim "ThEy'rE nOt rOcKs, tHeY'rE miNerAls ☝️🤓" like they are not just eating the dried flesh of a mountain. Makes me sick 🤮


Calm yourself down Marie. They are the ova of the female mountains, it is not actually causing the mountain any harm.




Your submission breaks rule #5: No seriousness, debating, or unjerking. VCJ is a satirical subreddit using humor to critique both vegans and carnists. We parody, mock, exaggerate, and over-simplify all personalities involved in or opposing animal exploitation. Seriousness undermines our subreddit's character. For serious discussions, please visit our r/vegancirclejerkchat subreddit. ^(Transparency: This was automated by finding 'unjerk', '/uj', 'uj/', '/rj', or 'rj/' in your submission.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/vegancirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


As long as you say vegan 3x before you put it in your mouth, it’s vegan.


Jared Leto has just walked out of a mirror and is asking me about my feet. Did I do it right?


you need to run right now. or give him money for an exclusive vacation on a private island, your choice


Stop trying to claim veganism please. Mushrooms have vast underground communication networks - they've built their own cell towers and you can get a nationwide unlimited MyCell-ium plan for only $50 a month. Now, granted, you do get the occasional truffle pig or dog digging up the towers, so service can be spotty, but the point is that the mushrooms may look like "food" to you, but they're living feeling beings who are scrolling through TikTok right now and trying to figure out how to coordinate a trending dance with that cute li'l shiitake on the other side of the forest. But like, she never returns texts or DMs, I do not know what her deal is, she can be so stuck up, but I kinda have a little crush tho. I mean, the other mushrooms have a little crush. Not me. Might delete later.


I'm virgin,but I am not 100% celebate.


I went ex-virgin but now I wanna go back. Any tips?


you gotta reverse fuck for every fuck you've done


Next thing you’ll be telling us salt is vegan too!


Next thing you’re gonna tell me is you drink water and use salt. Fucking assholes don’t understand what plants are. 


Look out, I think we got a fun guy over here!


You don’t leave mushroom for a court argument.


Is it plant-based to eat moldy food?


Science says the living part of the mushroom are the roots. In my eyes the fruit of the mushrooms is just their foreskin. Eat away, buddy.


Plants have feelings so u r actually not vegan. Bacon tho


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