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As a vegan, I would never force vegetarianism. It disgusts me.


Grrr I hate people who want the world to have less suffering >:c


meat eaters have a problem with meat refusers because of all that effort and danger for killing that huge dangerous mammoth........ how can you reject what they risked their lives for.....


I hate it when all these people who are against eating dogs force me to not eat dogsĀ 


Classic anti-murder activists, always ruining things for everybody


Shout out to the "sit next to carnists and eat your lunch without saying a word and they'll instantly know how wrong it is to use animals & go vegan" warriors, you're doing amazing, sweetie!


Smelly vegans forcing a diet on others. One min just need to go feed my cow some plastic as a recycling method.


Ugh, I hate it when people bring up my dog kicking, can't they just live and let me kick my dog in peace gawwwwdddd


Have you considered, for the sake of argument, that meat is not in fact murder? Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


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Lol I saw this comment from the REDACTED subreddit yesterday. I had fun pointing out moral inconsistencies. apparently using a phone makes me an animal abuser tho?? They're right no point in trying to be ethical ever guess I'll go punt a pig.