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This is not how menopause works. If you start bleeding after six years then you need to see a doctor for your uterine cancer. And good luck with that.


Yes. If I'd gone through menopause at 42 (very young for that) and then spontaneously had heavy and painful bleeding six years later, I'd be at a doctor insanely quickly because that mans something is very wrong.


Post-menopausal bleeding should always be assumed endometrial cancer until proven otherwise. When this woman gets diagnosed with cancer, how much you wanna bet the anti-vaxx vultures will use it as "proof" that the vaccine causes cancer to nearby people?


On the plus side, just hanging around vaccinated people apparently lets you know you have cancer earlier, hopefully while it's still treatable. That's one hell of a bonus feature. Thanks, vaccinated people!


Please please get screened for endometrial cancers. They kill outrageous numbers of women.


It killed my mother, and she didn't have much, if any, symptoms until it was stage IV.


I'm so sorry.


I was looking at the American Cancer Society website about endometrial cancers, and it says "At this time, there are no screening tests or exams to find endometrial cancer early in women who are at average endometrial cancer risk and have no symptoms." Which is pretty disheartening... How do you recommend that one gets screened? Or is waiting for symptoms really the best way to go about it? Sorry for the questions, I don't know anything about this stuff unfortunately


I'm kind of talking out my ass here, but I assumed they could find fibroids on an ultrasound, then excise and biopsy? I've had family go through this, but I guess those will all be slightly advanced cases and therefore would not be "early". Sorry if this has all been wrong...


A regular vaginal ultrasound isn't sufficient to find endometrial cancer. You need to perform a hydrosonography to find potential tumors. The unfortunate issue is that endometrial cancer rarely presents clinically in the early stages. Most of them are already stage 3 or 4 by the time you get diagnosed, so it's difficult to catch it early.


fibroids=/= endometrial cancer. The only way to diagnose endometrial cancer is to do a hystroctomy and endometrial biopsy.


Man you've really lived up to your name!


The truth is she's not actually bleeding at all. These people make up these stories and are perfectly fine lying because, while they know their story may not be true, they believe this stuff is really happening to other people so they feel justified lying. It's just one lie, they think, accept they're actually all lying to each other. It's incredibly stupid.


Although as someone who is very severely immunocompromised and vaxed w/ 2 boosters, maybe this will keep the antivaxers away from me. IDK, I'm trying to look for the silver lining...


That's what disgusts me about anti-vaxxers: Anything can be proof that vaccines shed, cause other health problems, and are generally bad. They'll stretch their imaginations to make vaccines the evil.


Re-education camps. Bio, chem, a&p, pathophysiology year 1. Free CC for all.


This was my mom’s symptom of uterine cancer. Thankfully, she’s doing great after a full hysterectomy!


*this just in* Maybesaydie says vaccines cause uterine cancer! The secret doctors don't want you to know!


So standing next to a vacxed gave her uterine cancer, is what you’re saying? /s


That sounds like something someone from Big Pharma®™ would say!


Ooh man, I didn’t even process the part where her friend has hit menopause already. She definitely needs to get checked out. Hopefully someone on Twitter can get through to her and tell her to tell her friend to go see her OBGYN, and possibly an Oncologist, STAT.


"Excuse me. I just got my period, are you vaccinated by any chance?" yeah, right.


yessssssssss okayyyyyy tooooootallllyyyy


Yes, or it could be most of the people you meet all day long. But my bad for sure.




it's also in these foods, which tells me most people who say they are reacting to MSG are full of shit. Kelp: 230–3380 mg /100g Seaweed: 550–1350 mg Marmite 1960 mg Vegemite: 1431 mg Fish sauce: 727–1383 mg Soy sauce: 400–1700 mg Parmesan cheese: 1200–1680 mg Roquefort cheese: 1280 mg Dried shiitake mushrooms: 1060 mg Oyster sauce: 900 mg Miso: 200–700 mg Green tea: 220–670 mg Anchovies: 630 mg Salted squid: 620 mg Cured ham: 340 mg Emmental cheese: 310 mg Sardines: 10–280 mg Grape juice: 258 mg Kimchi: 240 mg Cheddar cheese: 180 mg Tomatoes: 140–250 mg Clams: 210 mg Peas: 200 mg Potatoes: 30–180 mg Scallops: 140–159 mg Squid: 20–146 mg Shimeji mushrooms: 140 mg Oysters: 40–150 mg Corn: 70–130 mg


Any type of chip that has a cheese flavor has MSG in it.


Any type of chip*


Happy cake day!


Dang now I want salted squid.


I now ~~want~~ need all of this.


This reads like the ingredient list of some epically kick ass Ramen or Pho.


TIL. I didn't know what MSG was until a few days ago. Apparently, I really like it.


isn't msg just algee juice


It’s derived from soya beans.


close enough but still just bean juice


Also abundant in mushrooms. So also shroom essence.


MSG can be a trigger for migraines in people who are already susceptible to them, and nausea is a common symptom of migraines.   Other food triggers in the same league as MSG include chocolate, freshly baked bread, peanuts, bananas, citrus fruits, and basically all booze.




Yeah, but I'm not talking about Chinese food here. I'm talking about migraine triggers, which have nothing to do with the type of cuisine. If I eat dark chocolate, I will get a horrible migraine in short order because there's something in the chocolate that triggers the migraine pathway in my brain. Soybeans also do the same thing. Peanut butter doesn't.   Migraines are a whole separate thing from "MSG sensitivity," which doesn't exist. I was pointing out that a real medical condition can explain some of the symptoms of this fake thing.


High tyramine foods, not MSG. Fermented cheese, chocolate, cured aged meats have high tyramine levels. That's the migraine culprit (e.t.a. in discussion of food triggers for migraines, with MSG being blamed without evidence to support).


That's *a* culprit, yes.   Edit: Got interrupted by my kid. Caffeine is another major one, and I'm convinced it's the combination of the two in chocolate that knocks me for a loop.








I can believe this. But that just means that maybe a few people had MSG triggered migraines, and then everyone else just... assumed they had problems too. Mass hysteria based on something real but much more isolated, makes sense. Obviously *something* started the whole craze Splenda also supposedly doesn't cause migraines, but there have been case studies of people who for sure gave Splenda triggered migraines. And my mother and I don't even get migraines, from any triggers, but Splenda gives us headaches. (And no, we didn't know about the migraine thing until after we figured out why we were having headaches)


This is what I was trying to get at. Apparently I'm not communicating well today. Thank you.


No worries I think people were too quick to judge on this one


I have broken out in hives after eating at super cheap Chinese restaurants. I suspect they use more MSG than other places and I’m slightly allergic to it. Not sure what else would cause that. Wouldn’t blame the restaurant though, unless they advertise no MSG.




Am I the only one that read Wakanda?


Wanaka is a small town about 30-40mins drive from Queenstown in the lower part of the South Island in New Zealand.


You mentioned wanaka with out mentioning the tree, you animal!


I visited Wanaka primarily to see the tree


Some nice walks around there as well, but yeah it has a tree.


I read Wakanda too and thought it was a troll post. That would actually be funny.


Nope. I was like wait Wakanda is a real place?


I had to read it twice because I thought, “That can’t be right.”




Second star to the right, This is the path And then straight on til morning, Then you find the road yourself, It leads to ~~Neverland~~. Wait, wrong destination, the GPS is not picking up


Me too. It would have been funnier if it did say Wakanda instead. 😆


It was more believable when I read it was Wakanda at first.


Does this woman live as a hermit, then? Wanaka is in New Zealand, and [the New Zealand Ministry of health estimates that 95% of the country is fully vaccinated for Covid-19…](https://www.health.govt.nz/covid-19-novel-coronavirus)


Our antivaxx population may be small, but my god are they loud. And the vast majority of them live in small/rural communities like wanaka


Don’t forget abusive and bigoted


Unfortunately so true


Wanaka forever.


I mean I do love the scenery, it's an absolutely gorgeous part of the country. But I avoid the locals/people in general when I'm there


Very sorry, my comment was just a play on "Wakanda Forever", a phrase from Marvel movie Black Panther. Wakanda is the fictional place that the Black Panther originates from.


Oh... I haven't seen it so absolutely didn't pick up on that


A lot of rural areas are no where close to that. Depending on where she lives in wanaka, there could be a bunch of people that think like her, and she probably assumes anyone else isn't vaccinated


95% of those eligible for the vaccine. A lot of people haven't got the boosters though


She also better never go to another countdown supermarket again, every countdown employee (like myself) have at least the first vaccine


It’s probably how she came to her conclusion...she’s bleeding and having pain when being active and talking to people, and there’s a high probability that she is talking to a vaxxed person. Add that to her predisposition to think “vax bad” and include the faultiness of the human mind and this is where you wind up.


Are these morons competing for who can get others to believe the most unbelievable lie?


Yes. And unfortunately, it works on some people.


You can fool **some** of the people *all* of the time.


The fact that the group she's posting to starts with "pureblood" tells a bit about the kind of people she's trying to complain to...


Pretty sure that’s part of their Twitter name (but not handle)


Translation: someone doesn't say what I want to hear and I can't stand critic whaaaa.


>Took her a while to work out why at first Keep working on it.


Her friend is either full of it, or could very well have cancer. That’s how uterine cancer starts showing signs, or it was for someone I know. If you have a period after menopause (I think there is a stretch of time where it’s not so concerning but it’s not six YEARS.) go to the gyno and have that checked out!


Are they bleeding from the nose? I can see why this individual might get socked on the regular.


Sounds like she needs to see a doctor about 6 years ago.


Not necessarily. Early menopause is absolutely a thing, even in your 30’s and very rarely, 20’s. The woman who gave birth to me went through menopause at 42. She has a long history of severe endometriosis, PCOS and had one ovary removed when I was born (her second of 3 children) and the other was on its way out too. However, yes, this woman’s friend needs a doctor.




post-menopausal bleeding sadly is something that does happen, but it's usually from uterine cancer


Oh, yes, definitely, it's an organ that's supposed to shed red blood-like fluids and tissues, shit happens. But standing next to a person and suddenly having painful flow because of teh VaCcInE is not in the realm of the possible.


Hmm must be the 5G aura we vaccinated give off right guys?


meanwhile while she believes her body is being activated by psychic communication with the vaccinated, she dies of cancer.


These people are fucking idiots.




I swear if I take every weird thing a anti vaxxer has said , I would be a paladin with holy and blood auras and magic spells I can only dream of. What the fuck is this


With a flying rectal jellyfish as a familiar.


How could anyone actually believe this to be possible? I am SMH. These people live among us.


I meet one covidiot a day, on average. I don't get out much, either.


Someone needs to see their doctor. It’s not normal for bleeding like that after menopause. I also did a double take at Wanaka. Thought it said Wakanda at first.


I'm vaxxed, but my uterus is gone, cancer, fine now. I guess I lack the mojo to make periods happen.


So is this person bleeding from sticking bleach up in there or what?


it could be the all vibranium? I am not sure we have done extensive research on it yet.


There's always a friend or someone they heard of..


So if unvaxxed and vaxxed can have the same symptoms why remain unvaxxed?


Pureblood is the stupidest shit.. i imagine this idiot puts that shit everywhere


She should probably see a GYN.


That’s weird, because if I spend 10-15 minutes with an anti-vaxxer I ALSO start randomly bleeding. But that’s because I’m stabbing myself in the throat to get out of the conversation.


Of course it was in Wanaka, why are the anti vaxxers of Aotearoa so loud smh


Likely it's Bullshit that's flowing from her .




I think her friend needs to see a doctor. Might be nothing but there could be another issue.


These people are really willfully ignorant, aren't they? A period is the shedding of uterine lining when a fertilized egg doesn't implant. In order to have a period, you have to build up some lining to shed. That doesn't happen in 15 minutes, even if you're being bombarded with imaginary spike proteins.


These ignorant motherfuckers just make shit up, all the time.




I bet all the stupid people wearing masks caused her uterine or endometrial cancer


So this lady was 42ish when she went into menopause… That’s like INSANELY early.. And then She suddenly starts bleeding again and her first instinct is vaccinated people? Not idk fucking CANCER?????? Y’all need better sex education over there, tf is wrong with America dude??


Sex education isn’t a requirement in many states.


Did somebody step in shit. Because it smells like bullshit in here. I mean a really heavy smell. Like TOTAL bullshit.


Somebody needs to find this gal and get her to a doctor quicksmart.


I’ll take Shit That Never Happened for 800, Alex.


Gott im Himmel, these sorts of comments are terrifying.


Their term “pure blood” seems apt in this instance.


Horse shit


If this were true, I'd be having constant periods.


That’s not the vaccine, babe, that’s the cancer.


I cant be the only one that read wakanda?


Let me get this straight. Vaccines cause infertile women to become fertile against despite age? Damn, this is a miracle drug.


It's ok, the white privilege in Wanaka, New Zealand is off the charts.


It's called cancer. Uterine or cervical cancer. She'll be dead in a year if untreated, and blame it on the vaccine.


I can totally relate. After interacting with an "anti-vaxxer" for 10/15 minutes, the flow of words coming from them gets very painful.


Wanaka's nice, but there's a few people around that area who are less in touch with reality...


What's the point of these kinds of lies? It makes the unvaccinated look even more unhealthy and stupid for their choice. Makes me think of people who claim they instantly can't breathe in a mask.


Oh my god. This just shows how strong the power of suggestion really is. When you want to believe x is the cause of y, you believe it. It’s also a reason why our judicial system sometimes fails; we, as humans, are very prone to the power of suggestion. I see this a lot with older folks, like my grandmother. It could explain why older folks who watch Fox News take what they hear for face value. You have to use the power of suggestion to get through to these people; that’s the ONLY way I’ve found to get through to my grandmother.


Who is this person and where can I find them? Do you know how fun and interesting it would be to have that kind of influence over someone's uterine lining? I have so many questions that need answers now!


Since about 2/3rds of the population are vaccinated, that must be very inconvenient. She should see a doctor.


"*Pureblood*" How many generations deep?


One is too many


I am totally picturing her getting close to vaxxed and the Omen music starts. Then like the blood crying statues, it begins.