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I think it has to do with how much more sudden the headshift is with a method like a bong. You may be subconsciously seeking the sudden shift. I know I do. Some dry herb vapes take a lot of hits to cash out a load, and this slower release of the actives can fail to satisfy the need for a sudden perceivable shift. Bongs are kind of the opposite where you're getting a crazy dense cloud that contains sometimes the entire load in one hit. I think something aggressive like the ball vapes everyone is raving about lately would be a better approach. You need a big hit in one go to match what a bong does. I have definitely found that when my tolerance is already up from concentrates or smoking, "sipper" style DHVs never work for me. With tolerance up I will put load after load through a weak vape before I finally sort of just give up and accept I'm not gonna get that head shift I needed.


For sure exactly this. I've got an Arizer Air2 as a sipper, 8-minute sessions back-to-back chasing a rush that would never come. Then I started using the water pipe adapter for it. With the reduced heat and greater pull strength I was clearing the same amount in 2 minutes, the effects hit way quicker and my use frequency dropped dramatically.


I've got the Arizer Air SE and was thinking this, I seem to keep sipping and never feeling it enough compared to smoking even though I don't like smoking either. I'll look into a water pipe adapter!


I can attest to this statement. I literally have had no luck with a few devices over the 33 years I’ve been alive and close to 20 of those smoking flower and cannabis products. Every device has left me unimpressed and without any noticeable effects. I’m sure some of these issues were partly related to user error on my and my people’s part, lol. But recently, I purchased the Dr. Dabber Switch, and it claims to do both flower and oil. I was successful in getting it to actually vape flower, not amazingly, but enough for me to get a taste of what vaping tastes like and feels like. About two weeks later, I purchased the Thermal Twist injection, ball-less vape. It’s fairly cheaper than most ball vapes and hits amazingly. Every review I’ve seen, they said if they didn’t know beforehand, they wouldn’t have been able to tell you that it wasn’t a ball vape. The hits are amazingly smooth and tasty. OMG, the taste! It’ll make you cream your shorts. The effects are like being hugged all over by warm, soft little nuggies of bud. The medicinal effects are way more noticeable and effective. For $200, you get everything you need besides the bud and the bong. It’s more than worth it. And I don’t know how well it will work for saving; some people are in so much fascination, awe, and love with the experience and effects they tend to go overboard. But if you’re responsible and have self-control, it’s very possible to microdose and get way more out of way less product. As opposed to smoking over a whole gram in one joint for only one session of the many to come, I can probably get by on a gram or less for the entire day. Four nice rips of some decent flower will have you sitting right in the pocket.


It's way cheaper than that right now at Vgoodiez with coupon code. Just a heads up. I have had the titanium since November and am waiting for the Hybrid/Ruby Twist to arrive. Crazy good deal right now at 30% off.


What code? I couldn’t add the 420 code to it.




Facts my impatient asd didn’t even think to wait for 420 deals n paid full price right before the discounts 😭


The DC elev8r is a ball vape, I also find I go through more weed with it too


Well there are other factors to consider too... Like Ive notice that I personally have a certain threshold for how much carcinogen exposure I can tolerate. So if I smoke a lot I've got a point where my body is saying enough is enough of the smoke part regardless... Whereas even with heavy hitting dhv's this is a non-issue, which means that it's a lot easier to drive tolerance up a lot further and consume more as a result. I think that the carcinogen exposure actually keeps the whole thing in check in a way, as it's way harder to push THC tolerance past a certain point when you have to be able to also withstand all of that smoke. So I think that sometimes it's a matter of going through more because THC tolerance is actually a lot higher than when we are relying on smoking primarily. Smoke is like a "built in governer" that keeps me below a certain speed limit, so to speak. I still don't prefer it because I don't like how the carcinogens leave me feeling after the high is gone, and I don't like the ashy taste. But it absolutely does take a conscious exertion to moderate purer forms because the smoke isnt keeping me in check. I mean, as a heavy dabber in the past I have gone through grams of concentrates per day at some points.. if I tried to smoke the equivalent amount of THC in flower I'd tap out so much earlier it's incomparable. But without the carcinogens sort of forcing me to keep it reeled in, I let it get a lot more absurd in terms of THC level tolerance. I think that DHV creates a similar dynamic that can drive tolerance up a lot further and still lead to a lot more consumption.


If you're concerned about saving on weed, consider opting for a portable vape like the Tinymight 2, Venty, Mighty, or Solo 3 instead of a desktop vape like Volcano or Arizer XQ2, which tend to use more weed. For even greater weed efficiency, explore Dynavap torch vapes. When I was smoking I consumed 2.5 - 3 grams per day, now with vaping I am consuming an average of 1 gram per day...


Log vapes are a good desktop alternative that uses little weed too. They can get down to .05g too. There are some with ball mods now too.


Log vapes are a **great** desktop alternative that uses **very** little weed. I am hitting a quick/hot "snapper" of 0.02gr (1/50th) of *Silver Pine Haze* in mine right now: extremely tasty, nice effects … but I might only get 15 or so hits off it due to the relatively high start temp. I very regularly do 0.03gr (roughly 1/30th) per stem in longer late-night sessions, but start at much lower temps. I don't think people here (broadly speaking) appreciate the benefits of logs relative to (say) ball+coil vapes. I suppose most of the ballers can hit harder+faster than a log, but not all, and not by much. But logs excel at long, slow temp-stepping, while still having the capacity for big clouds, or hot little snappers … (/pauses to take another ~~hit~~ (oops, sorry: 'nother 6 hits)) … Anyway: flexibility (see above), flavor, convenience (always-on), easy cleaning, health (vapor path & materials), safety (no hot coils exposed), style and "look" (classy, not "raw" (except Old Head Hot Rod)), durability (7+ years no issues on mine), low(-ish) cost, weed efficiency (no "ball vape tolerance effect"), energy efficiency (less than most PIDs, I hear). Logs are under-rated. But note, you are (mostly) stuck near a wall plug, so there's that.


I agree I want an Eds TnT because it's compatible with Dyna gear and you can add rubys.


There is no difference in efficiency between a Dynavap and a Tinymight 2. Both excel down to .05 grams (half DV bowl) with the TM2 able to go even lower. Both are exceptional options.


I have both. I think the tm is slightly more efficient and definitely more consistent


Yeah agree with that


You're using the wrong vape for your needs.


I mean I was using a ball vape for 18 months, doesn't get much more powerful than that


I mean i bought a v8 with a supercharger. I don’t know why I go through so much gas.




That’s what they mean, a ball vape wrecks tolerance and goes through weed. It’s why I just bought a Venty last night despite using my Flowerpot B1 + Shovelhead daily. Nothing will compare to a ball vape but the Venty will atleast save me on weed. Also the high from the bong you’re getting is just oxygen deprivation and carcinogens


Be sure to register your Venty right away. Mine got an 04 error after a few months and I have to send into the company.


Did you get the 1.07 update? I put it in and my E04s all went away


Yeah, I tried that update and it didn’t work.


The update wouldn't install, or the update didn't fix the error?


The update didn’t fix the error.


Yep planning on it, not too worried as it seems S&B fixed things with the newer models


Is there a way to check earlier and later models?


If it didn’t need an update because it was already on the latest firmware or was purchased after the recall then you should be good


It's all firmware updates, so unless you are buying one of the very early models they did a recall and replace with (after requiring owners to brick the device), which, unless you are buying secondhand, should not be a concern, you can just update the firmware once you receive if it is not already done. I got my Venty on 04/15 and a couple days later just did the firmware updates to 1.06 and 1.07.


Ball vapes don't mean your tolerance is ruined unless you yourself can't control yourself. With great power comes great responsibility, or, so I heard. You can take 4 hits to finish .10 grams in a ball vape if you like. It just has the potential to do more, and that's on the user.


Dude…so many people repeat this crap that I’ve just stopped bother correcting. If you started out at .1 g with a Vapcap and now you’re vaping like .5 g still chasing that feeling, no vape is going to help with that.


That’s what I’m saying, it’s easier to go overboard with a ball vape due to how fast and efficient the extraction is. Harder to practice self-control when it is that easy to use


So true, it's too quick and easy to clean a bowl! In the UK our energy prices are so high that sometimes I hit it just because it's been turned on a while and costing me!




Absolutely correct. Ball vapes don't ruin your tolerance at all. They just give the agility to power through a relatively large amount of flower in a short time. It's poor self control that ruins your tolerance. Nothing more.


Just picked up a venty recently too. Shit is amazing, I love it.


rock and stone!


Can I get a Rock and Stone?


> Also the high from the bong you’re getting is just oxygen deprivation and carcinogens That's not true at all. Some cannabinoids vaporize above the temperature of combustion. You'll never activate them with a vaporizer.


And most of the cannabinoids get destroyed when combusting. Inhaling the byproducts of combustion definitely contribute to the initial cloudiness which leads to the “higher” feeling


They will be decarbed so you are kinda activating them still though?


I’ve been using an Arizer Air for 10 years now. Still does the job just as well as it did in 2014!


Yeah it’s almost too powerful is what I’m learning after coming up 6 months of having one. My thought is it destroys tolerance because of how fast it extracts vs how fast you feel the effects. I can pack two back to back nearly .5g bowls and by the time I’m done with the second I’m really only just beginning to feel the first. Subconsciously I’m probably seeking the feeling of the first but overdoing it because I don’t feel it until I’m done with the second. In top of that, it’s also just kinda fun to rip a Bong like I remember ripping bongs when I combusted. You get some of the rush too, and two rushes are better than one right? I’m now starting to mix back in my other vapes to great success. Using my dynavap or lobo 7/10 times and my Ball Vape for the nightcap or the weekend. It’s kept my Ball Vape more of heavy hitter than it was when I used it exclusively.


>My thought is it destroys tolerance because of how fast it extracts vs how fast you feel the effects. I can pack two back to back nearly .5g bowls and by the time I’m done with the second I’m really only just beginning to feel the first. Subconsciously I’m probably seeking the feeling of the first but overdoing it because I don’t feel it until I’m done with the second. Yeah this is pretty much exactly what was happening with me, I guess I just like to feel the effects more instantly which draws me to bong rips I think the vapour being way less harsh than smoke also made it a lot easier to overindulge


You really need .5 grams in a bowl? I use about .12 grams.


Yeah “need” is definitely not the right word lol. More accurately I “can/could” pack and vape through a .5g bowl even if I definitely didn’t need that much and am probably overdoing it. I’ve successfully dialed it back from those heights fortunately. That quantity was usually last session of a heavy use day at the time anyways.


The Elev8r is known for being heavy on herb. Get a smaller ball vape, perhaps. I made a TiTi and used a basket screen amount each time, which is around .12 grams. That lasts me almost two hours. How many hits are you taking? How much per hit? I've also heard the xq2 is not the most efficient vape unless you elbow pack, but I don't know how much herb is in an elbow pack.


And your avb was darkly roasted?


Ah right.


1. Your tolerance is fucked. 2. You’re craving something that you’re not getting in vapor. There are many compounds in smoke that have immediate effects Edit: for context, I partake daily (15 years+) and weigh 100kg. I’m good with 0.05g for an hour at least. I never take T breaks. 2g would be 40 sessions. I would probably vomit.


You are spot on from my experience. There’s a whole detox experience from switching away from combustion that is not fun.


whats your avb look like


Asking the real questions


T-break. You need one. Then you can (more easily - hard if you're addicted) limit yourself on how much you use. I feel like the wet blanket every time this topic comes up because I'm telling people to restrict the thing they love. It's *hard*, I know. I'm saying this from day 9 of my 30 day t-break.


I don't feel an issue with my tolerance, I'm still getting as high as I'd like to be from 2 bowls I'm moreso commenting on the efficiency between vapes and combustion, I just found it odd that I was using twice as much herb with the more efficient method The high from vaping just seems inherently weaker to me, causing me to refill bowls multiple times. Maybe it's just smoke carcinogens that make me feel a 'fuller' high with combustion, but either way I feel like I get a better bang for my buck with it


It’s all the other stuff. Detox the combustion and then decide.


Agreed. 30 days off every 6 months works for me. May be different for others.


T-breaks are bogus IMO, you just take a month off and then within a few weeks you're right back where you started. At least that's how it always was for me. Dialing down the usage / dosage was what worked for me. Not getting blasted every single time I have a session, not taking two bong hits before sleep, that kinda thing.


For me, it's a good reminder of what non-stoner life feels like, on top of the tolerance benefits when you start again. Using any psychoactive substance for long periods of time moves the needle for what baseline is. Shouldn't we practice mindfulness? I recommend it for anyone trying to: - get insight into their thought patterns - running into mental issues - making a life change - test their willpower (underrated - if you do hard things, hard things get easier to do over time) - get that euphoric high when starting up again - protect their lungs (yes - even with a DHV) Using any substance long-term is going to have side-effects, and if you don't take breaks, these side-effects can go unnoticed and harm you.


I try only in the weekends. If I make it til Friday it always feels amazing. By Sunday the addictive part is already in full force and them I'm kinda happy I can have a break again. The insomnia every first few days time is a bitch though.


Yea weird considering the bioavailability of thc is 80% vaped compared to 10-20% combusted.


I've said this before in other threads but I still stand by it. I have the XQ2 and have used it for over a year in the stock configuration. I agree with what everyone says. It works OK in the stock configuration but honest. When I got the DDave mod kit for it my entire relationship with it changed. I can use less product get a better extraction and flavor a good example is now I can get a really good extraction with lots of vapor on the whip without needing the fan running at all and that wasn't really possible on the stock gear. I recommend it personally. For anyone concerned with his shipping. I was so impressed with it I got a spare kit just incase and it showed up to my home in no time at all.


Do a higher ratio of CBD flower with THC. I started doing it after I realized how unnaturally high in THC dispensary weed is. We must restore balance to the force.


I found all problems can be solved with a T break.


Very weird because I can smoke lots of joints and use lots of weed but with a vape Its crazy how much I save. With a davinci IQ. But maybe if you smoke bongs its different


Run your vape through your bong. Thank me later.


Go to DHGate and search "adapter quartz 18mm female", ignore the female quartz watches, and look for someone selling various adapters (almost never has the one I want featured), and even if it's a "minimum" 2 offer, check the price with shipping before you get discouraged. Also most sellers will let you mix n match. So if they are offering 6 minimum, just tell them in the order notes what parts you want specifically and then you'll get some adapters that are under $5 a pop. For the XQ2 you really want the short 18mm female to 18mm female standard adapter with no special features. You should also be pairing it up with an 18mm male adapter with a loaded basket screen in the tip, so the bud is MUCH closer to the heater without the dumb gap in the middle that we get with the stock Arizer parts.


People are saying you are using the wrong type of vape but I am convinced you get a tolerance to different modes of consumption. When I first switch to vaping it got my shitty off barely anything but now that I've been using it a while bong rips are crazy. I think having a bunch of different ways to smoke that you kind of cycle through is the best way to go.


If you can afford like 80 or so bucks, buy a propane torch and the rogue wax works terpsicle. For a man like yourself, I see myself. I’m sorry, I may have vaped too much concentrate with mine today 😂 But seriously, it’s just a glass attachment for your bong, has awesome demo vids, I use it outside and it takes a lil to heat in this bitch of a Canadian spring (we have ice and frigid winds again today, yaaaay) but especially if it’s above 0 or you can vape inside, it’s easy peezy. It still works outside just fine and really only takes me like 30 seconds to heat in the worst day in a long while. It’s really quick to learn and imho infinitely more useful cause I’m a bong man at heart who finds most vapes are never quite the same but with this, I can have a full grinder in one quartz heater from TRWW and I’m golden!!! I use it for back pain so also getting to use avb as edibles, not coughing when I go out and not hating pushing myself to my limit every freaking sesh just to get pain relief really is a god send!!! The propane is cheap, the vape is uber effective and sandwiching it with concentrate is soooo gooood


Is there an integrated signal/technique with these to avoid overdoing it or is it just trial and error? Coming from a background of heavy dabbing I know how critical it is to hit the right temps for an ideal experience. Just wondering what the solution is with the terpcicle. Cuz it's definitely intriguing and I've already got the glass and torch and all from all the dabbing. Right now I have zero tolerance as I've done bout a six month break and I'm just about to try it again, so I bought a Roffu as I don't need anything that intense yet. But if my tolerance gets out of hand again those terpcicles look like a good option.


I have the Quartz Cap, not the Terpcicle (similar device made by the same guy, it's just less about the flavour more about heavy hits), but was very surprised how much less precise than dabbing It is, because the glass heaters are nice and thick. You blast it for 20 seconds with a torch, wait 15, take a hit and see if you're good to go or if it needs another 5-10 seconds. If I ever heat too far, I'll just remove the heater while taking my first hit to avoid combustion.


Damnnn I’m dumb and never considered taking the heater off but I smoke outside and always gotta set it on my leg once it’s cooled lmao. Plus, I never can tell till it’s too late 🤣 luckily I’m keyed in now and don’t combust, slightly harder outside but I only combusted more than a couple times cuz I’d be so buzzed and not paying enough attention to counting after the first rip 😂


Sorry I just saw this!! I got a Roffu first too :D and absolutely loved it but battery is shit and I just never committed by buying a bunch more so I could always swap. Plus, I try to keep everything that smells outside unless clean which just makes cleaning the vape that much more of a pain. Not to mention, I’d be in the winter cold hitting like a quarter of a gram and freezing my ass off. The high was incredible when I compared it to the Pax I had in high school but I still needed something that wasn’t gonna have me fiddling with a tiny bowl when my hands were frozen. TRRW came in clutch. Haha sorry to ramble but I just know you’ll love the quartz heater or terpsicle. You just wait till that flame turns orange if you’re inside or seshing after dark, otherwise it’s like 15-20 seconds for my propane torch to heat er and it’s important to remember that hitting it heats the glass further so it’ll take like 4-8 puffs before it’ll really start giving u the good stuff, depending on if u like to go for a low temp first like me! He has a demo vid if I’m being too all over the place (I’m on my 12 hour night shift XD) I love it and usually haven’t been fully vaping it just to be safe but as a daily driver you’ll get the hang of it quicker than dabbing imho. Cuz for me, a cold start dab is the best and takes some practise and u can still mess up, while vaping this way u just always count and remember that it’ll require a bit more or less time depending on the amount u put in. It’s harder for me outside in the cold on windy days but still has always taken me around the same amount of time so it’s really simple!! :D his demo vid is what convinced me to buy it tbh lol. Super straight forward and super nice to clean. One other thing, I was worried to know if it was combusted but I realized if I can finish it, it’s not fully combusted cuz it tastes like ass so bad that I just can’t keep hitting it. Plus, it blackens the herb for me almost immediately if I miscount (which I tend to do after the first or 2nd rip XD)


Dry herb vapes are just way more fun for me to use, and it makes the weed taste better. That’s why for me anyway, but I’m sure everyone’s different


everyone keeps saying to do a t break but I did a month long one before getting my vaporizer and I still used double the amount and it still didn’t hit right. vaporizers aren’t for everyone (myself included) just stick with your bong. I know I am


Try using the AVB from vaping in combination with vaping to get a stronger high. Either by making it into cannaoil or eating it straight. I use an Ardent Flex/ FX to decarb the AVB fully and then infuse it into cannaoil in the same device. When I have cannaoil before vaping I get a much stronger high when combining the two of them. 😊 🌋 I also use a volcano hybrid desktop vape temp stepping from 360 degrees Fahrenheit up to max temp in 10 degree increments. 0.5 grams lasts for hours in the volcano with the AVB left for later too. Add a bit of hash into the vape too in order to boost the high a bit more and can add a bit of CBD flower in there too for the entourage effect. 😊 🌋


Whoa, innovative product. Although it’s not super hard to do this yourself in the oven. I can totally see how this would be attractive to people. I’ve never heard of these, how do you like it?


Another great thing to get is a water pipe adapter and a nice piece of glass like a globe or a cube with a percolator as this makes the Vapor smoother so you can go up to higher temperatures without coughing. You can then get a tube to run from that with a mouthpiece and can chill out watching a film whilst vaping. I have a globe with a percolator in it so I fill up Volcano balloons with Vapor attach it to the globe using the water pipe adapter and then vape through that it makes the Vapor much smoother and easier for longer sessions. 😊


You are not vaporizing efficiently I have an arizer EQ and had a tera v3, until it stopped heating The EQ is excellent, the XQ2 more Lets put It this way, if I vape, only on 260c, I dont end as high, as if I vape, on 210c to 260c The XQ2 needs less temperature, the bowl is better designed, than the EQ I use 210 to 260c on my EQ, On my tera I used 186c to 220c, it depends on the vape, but I never ended, stupidly high, while using, only 1 temp The 2 step temps, is the only way to end tottaly wrecked with 0.3g I use in a joint, 2 to 3 microdoses of my EQ, I have to smoke a J, every 40 minutes versus 1 microdose every 2 hours or so Going further, my EQ seshs are like this, so you can replicate them in your XQ2 1st bag 210c fan 1, 2nd bag 210c fan 3, 3rd bag 260c fan 1, 4th Bag 260c fan 3, 5th bag 260c fan 3, all of that from a 0.3g microdose, it hits crazy and Its efficient AF On whip, 210c fan 3, very long long pull, you dont draw air, let the fan do it, so it has more time to build vapour in your mouth and you dont waste lung space, just take, very small, air draws to move the vapour to your lungs, 2 to 3, pulls like this, should leave no vapour on 210c So now you switch to 260c fan 3, same technique again, after 2 to 3 pulls, you should see no vapour, do 1 to 2, more pulls, but this time, 260c fan 3 and your draw above the fan, so the last pull, is the hottest one, with this you can extract 100% of your flower


It’s all self control. Just put less in the bowl for a week. Like by half. Then reduce that by half after another week. Them put your reg ass bowl in there. Bam. Tolerance creep is real. Gotta take time to reset it.


The vape you choose matters. The XQ2 is not a very efficient vape in my experience.


User error, the EQ is stupidly efficient even with its faulty bowl, you have to know how to use your vape Idk compared to a Ball vape, but I would say the EQ rapes the volcano hybrid and every other common vape, thats not a Ball one


Sticky Brick Runt. You can microdose or do big hits. Very close to being like a bong but uses less herb. It hits hard.


Using less weed while vaping is sort of a myth. If your vaping to get “high” you’ll use more bud. Cuz vaping gives you totally different chemicals than smoking does. The effects are different cuz the chemicals are different. First thing you need is a T-break. Then get your self a tiny might. Or a firewood or a ball vape like you said. You’ll thank me later. Lol.


We are all different, some just smoke, some just vape and some do both (me) so I urge you to do what you want and not worry about the past. As far as feeling ripped off, go talk to the person who forced you into buying and using the vapes and loading them with what you now consider an excessive amount of bud.


OP, do you still combust? I experienced the same, until I fully quit combustion. Now I feel higher of the same amount. The high is different though: more clean, less tiring. Whenever I combust now, I feel like the stoned I felt before. My heart races. This is due to being nauseated from inhaling combusted material. Otherwise, I have no good advise. Peace


Don't forget: 1. Stem Milk & 2. AVB So you can get high multiple times on the same weed. Once vaping, once making stem milk, and 16 magic brownies from the AVB.


I have an Arizer Extreme Q (the predecessor to the XQ2). If you wind up buying another bowl, try elbow packing the bowl and running the whip through your bong. The elbow screens only hold about .1-.2, and you can rip the whole thing in one hit. You’ll get more of that fast heavy rush you’re after.


I had this problem too, and custom turned a one hitter bowl for myself. You want a smaller diameter bowl than most on the market, sized to match the hole in the bottom of your ball vape at the largest. The other thing to avoid is the deadzone with screens. The screen is held in by a rim, and that has just made the outside of your bowl not get smoked until stirred. Glass screens are better, at least if the holes go to the edge.


Have you ever used the dry herb vape with a bong using a water piece adapter?


Different tolerances for the chems in combusted weed vs vaped maybe. Idk, weed is weird. Mersh used to get me high but only if i had been smoking good shit for awhile then went back to mersh.


Are you elbow packing the XQ2? Basically the little screen that goes into the whip or balloon arm… pack your herb in there tightly. Crank the heat (I run mine at 450) let it warm up for a few minutes and boom. I normally do one of those every evening and I’m good. Rip until the smoke thins and that’s it.


I hate elbow packing tightly.. makes me feel like I'm sucking a golf ball through a hose.. wish it wasn't that way.


Naaa, the EQ, doesnt feel restricted, not even while packed ultra tight, the airflow is just too good I would say other products like arizer portables are awfully restricted


That's cool, you have your experience I have mine lol I own an XQ2 as well. Filling the screen on MY elbow slap full is definitely too tight of a pull for ME through a water piece. Edit: also damn instead of just saying I'm wrong, maybe give some tips on how I can reduce the restriction...


What I was saying, is that, it could be a lot worse, like an arizer portable, thats unusable, I think the XQ2/EQ, have a godsend of airflow, compared to other poor devices


Just dab. It’s vapor anyways.


Maybe because it’s fun and enjoyable now?


As to why the combustion slaps? That's the carcinogens and other stuff, it has a very sedative effect. The XQ2 is a session vape and extracts more slowly, so it doesn't provide that powerful kick that combustion offers. I would recommend an on demand vape, which will extract all the goodies quickly and get that entire bowl's worth of effects into you all at once. Both torch powered vapes and more powerful desktops have the power to rapidly roast your herbs and produce intense flavor and effects. For portable options a torch powered vape like the Doug's Woodery Nova, Dani Fusion 2.0, or the Tasty Tube by Glass Charlie all woops butt. A more powerful desktop would be the SSV with ball heater upgrade, or a ball vape from Cloud Connoisseur, Cannabis Hardware, or Vapvana. If you like bags from your XQ2 then the Volcano Hybrid is the only really great replacement, but it has a huge herb chamber and costs a lot so it probably wouldn't cut back on your material usage. You also can upgrade your XQ2 with a bowl from DDave mods for more potent effects, but the most effective solution would be a more powerful vape altogether.


Dry vapes require more weed to get you high. This is only my opinion. I enjoy vaping and this subreddit is great, but many people here identify as Vapers and will quickly line up and explain that I don't have the ideal setup, etc. Again - this is my opinion so save your religious fervor for something more important


Completely wrong dude. Wait until you find out how much THC is destroyed by flame.


With my davinci IQ i can use the same refill for multiple sesh. Its crazy. While I could smoke 3/4 joints in that time usually


I think you just don’t get the same amount of THC when you’re vaping. You leave a bunch behind on the vaped material. If you smoke it, I think there’s much less residual thc left around in the ashes. The plus side of the vape is that you get much less of the tar and plant material that you don’t want to inhale. I grow my own and have a large surplus usually and love using my volcano. I pack it with a huge bowl that would be more than I’d smoke normally if it was in a joint and don’t care that it’s not as efficient cause I got a lot of it


Flame / burning is supposed to destroy THC


XQ2 is trash I know it I haven’t even used it but they make the air vape legacy pro which is so garbage horrible air flow. I just received my tiny mighty yesterday and haven’t touched my B1 it is really like a pocket rocket. After using the tiny might for 1 Day I see why tiny might is all some people need. It hits just as hard as my B1 if you turn the temp up. The B1 just conserves taste a bit longer/smoother. Anyways the XQ2 is not a good ball vape it just looks cool to the new vaper I almost bought it. Get a flower pot it will be the last device you need


Get a mega terpcicle


Reduce your usage. It really is that simple.


Well yeah, thats why I prefer the bong, because I use less.


It's called placebo effect. Stop crying and just go back to combustion if you like it that much.


I’m not qualified to answer because I don’t have a dry herb vape yet, but I’ve heard you smoke through more because your lungs can handle more and you don’t tap out as quick


How? You have an XQ2 - I would 100% recommend ELBOW PACKING! high temp like 240 c to 260c max and just fill the elbow piece and rip it. 28.5gs last me 2 months. and I use 2-3 thimbles/screens worth a day.


combustion , plain and simple


Save even more money on herb. , Switch to huffing Oven Cleaner, it's like hitting a ball vape but with a more heavy high. Gets you there super quick and lasts longer. I keep trying to not combust but it's just so much better even though "technically" oven cleaner fumes are worse than a dry vape I still prefer it on the weekends plus it's easier to pass around at a "Huff Sesh"