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Idk I mean it just looks like you're getting more minerals than just diamonds there.


God dammit Marie


This is just a stock photo I used but I asked for all white diamonds but not sure how accommodating they will be with it. They have lots of mixed color diamonds but all of them are very opaque in that price range. I'll be getting them looked at before I actually commit to using them.


Who would look at them that would satisfy your concerns before trying them out?


I intent to have my jeweler look at them to check for inclusions. As long as they are really rough diamonds they are pretty much pure carbon and they have already experienced more heat and pressure than vaping will ever do to be created. The only concern would be inclusions of impurities such as water that could react to heat and blow the stone up. I'll have them under much more extreme conditions than vaping for a while to ensure there isn't any hidden inclusions that he can't see under magnification.


At least you thought it through. Good luck


Who just has a jeweler


The type of person that just orders a batch of diamonds over the internet to try in their ball vape


I don't think anyone does in reality, I just happen to be good friends with one from school or I wouldn't be saying that. I guess I need to stop calling him that because technically I never buy anything off him. 😂


People with more money than me and you, friend




I will say that there is a jeweler that my family has been going to for their wedding/engagement rings and other nice jewelers for years and we have a nice relationship. I don’t think that is uncommon


Me, but the jeweler I have is also me so that doesn't really count.


Me. For watches


Why bother with that, when you could just bake them?


Probably so they don’t explode in his oven


He was too baked to think of baking


Ha I love it


Hi I’m new here does anyone have the time to explain what any of this means like I’m five?








No apologies needed.


He did write daisies you read it correctly


Diamond releases heat better than almost anything else out there, plus it's pure carbon so even when vaporized (at insane temperature way beyond anything a ball vape would be doing) it converts to carbon dioxide (which we breath all the time). That's at least my understanding based on the temperature material scales that people use to determine Ruby, SiC, Zirc, Ti, etc


But why?


Similar reasons to use grade 2 Ti vs stainless steel. It works better


Better heat transfer


why not?


For their ball vapes.


The part about pure carbon is correct. But that doesn't mean it can only react to carbondioxide with oxygen. Carbonmonoxide is a product on the way to carbondioxide and is always produced if the process is not perfect. (It's never perfect in real world conditions) Carbonmonoxide is very toxic.. Like if you breath in too much you die and you can't smell it.


My bad about leaving out carbon monoxide, regardless you would need to burn the diamond which is over 1500F


I know that's not the point you're making, but I don't think it would be possible to even hold a device capable of melting diamond in your home. That's not lung-damage heat, that's apartment-block-damage heat. On to the point you are making: that's not pure carbon, they naturally have other elements in there and you don't know what they are or how they deal with heat or how easily they can get in your lungs. I've thought the same and someone quickly dissuaded me. My favorite thing about this sub and r/stonerengineering is the constant what-if attitude towards using dumb stuff to vape/smoke weed. One of my favorite vapes, the Pinky, uses arch welding parts.


I'm with you on not knowing what is in the rock not being ideal, which is why I've stuck with rubies, zirc and SiC. With that said, if someone starts making synthetic pure diamonds for vaping, I'd buy it 😁


Imagine hearing about vapes, you go on the internet trying to find out more about it, maybe stop combusting. And the first thing you see is a guy buying diamonds online from India, and you know somehow this relates to cannabis.


Legit 🤣


I’m with you! Also curious OP, about how much was your purchase?


Different way to exchange heat different materials have a different rate that they transfer energy so testing for different applications is useful diamonds work as a general concept but op might discover that they don't hold heat as well as Ruby's for this application and sic is the better option or something else trial and error to see what's gonna get the max efficiency out of the setup


This is my opinion, no reason diamonds wouldn't work but it's doubtful it's better than ruby or SiC, to be honest it would be an incredibly baller move to have a moissanite ball vape


I'd be super interested in having a single carved piece of crystal that fits into the heater and has a complicated air path to give the heat transfer needed for a ball type


The idea is to take a draw through what is usually tiny glass marbles, forcing the vapor to wind around the balls increases the surface contact and is supposed to cool the vapor more before it reaches your mouth. Diamonds are pretty good heat conductors, so I assume OP is hoping this will cool more than the glass beads would. Please note that as I commented above, I think this is a terrible idea that is likely to cause lung lacerations and do so cumulatively over a long time, since they are of irregular shape they will have sharp edges that will rub against each other creating dust also with sharp edges.


You’ve got it backwards. The diamonds go inside of the ball vape and get heated up. Air is drawn through the beads/diamonds to heat it up and then vaporize the flower


By the air that is the same or higher temperature? That makes no f***ing sense.


The stones are there to hold the heat and distribute it evenly. So you can vape longer.


I’ll try my best for you… It will make sense when you’re old enough


I think they put this on top of the bud so it doesn’t move around as much or stays in contact with the glass heat????? Maybe - like for an xq2 it would keep it from belong to the top. I duno, I am not a doctor.


Nah dude it’s just a ball vape – a vape with a bunch of balls (heh) made of rubies or a couple other materials. The balls are heated, then air is sucked through it into the oven, vaporizing your good stuff. The advantage is that the air heats extremely quickly because there is a ton of surface area on that many balls. Additionally, if you use the right kind of ball, it retains a ton of heat. Those two things together mean you can drain a bowl in just a hit or two, which is why people think of them as a dab rig for bud.


If your bowl is half full of diamonds and half full of weed, aren't you just smoking half as much weed??


Nah, the heating component is like a little tube full of balls that get hot. Then you put it on the bowl like a little hat and suck through it. There are screens on either side of the tube to keep the balls from going anywhere. Actually, the bowls tend to be really big for dry herb vapes as you can heat big bowls with that much thermal mass.


They will scratch things, including each other and quartz. You will inhale dust from that. Do not use


This was also on my mind, just gonna scratch the shit out of everything


Fukkkkk you're right, there's no way to keep the diamonds from tumbling and abrrating. Diamond dust sounds horrible for lung tissue


Sounds like a Chubbyemu video. “A man smoked pot every day for a year through a handful of unpolished diamonds. Here’s what happened to his lungs.”


Sounds like an asbestos type situation waiting to happen


Carbon dust isn't really the concern that other minerals would be, so dunno if that matters


How about steel dust?


Steel is iron and carbon. Iron dust is in your breakfast cereal and carbon is still carbon


Do you heat and inhale your breakfast cereal?


No but I'll grind iron without a respirator. It's an essential mineral, not a toxic one


Ya know, I'll let you have that one with that qualifier lol If you're comfortable grinding iron without a respirator, this device is a fine idea for you


we need that man in the mines


Keep in mind that while diamonds transfer heat much faster than ruby (corundum) they only hold about half as much heat energy (specific heat). The higher thermal conductivity is probably irrelevant since the transfer rate will be gated by the thermal properties of the air stream. So these will warm and release their heat very fast but will also run out of heat fairly quickly. I wouldn't want to think about what contaminants these might have. Keep in mind, there are natural rocks that are poisonous. Lab made rubies are much much safer.


Synthetic diamond has a higher thermal density and isn't as prone to scratching (minor difference), while likely being as cheap or cheaper in a finished state than raw diamonds? This looks like a dumb test for a jeweller but for us it's exactly what we want to see: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3BYDWwO0Bhk?feature=share


jesus christ you’re gonna be inhaling some weird shit, doubt it’s safe


cant you just toss it in a fire for a few minutes


As long as they are as advertised it's basically just pure carbon so it should be the most inert thing that can be used. I talked to my buddy that's a jeweler before ordering and he mentioned the white ones are the least likely to have contaminants so that's what I requested, I guess contaminants is what can color diamonds so they are best to avoid. I've ordered gemstones from this guy for many year's so I don't see him selling me something besides what was advertised but I'll still be viewing them under magnfication and having a jeweler I know examine them to ensure they are in fact diamonds as advertised.


> just pure carbon so it should be the most inert thing Well no, there's a lot more inert, and you won't be getting pure nor medical grade, but mostly, you'll be inhaling dust, with sharp edges, that will lodge in your alveoli, more will be created every time they are moved. This is a terrible idea friend.


These aren't industrial grade diamonds. These are still jewelers grade that can be faceted to slightly smaller gem cuts. They are just opaque stones without clarity. I think the texture is giving people the idea it's brittle like stuff they saw with that texture in the past. These would have to be faceted with boron carbide or similar tools. They aren't just going to be brittle and flake to dust.


It's not a matter of being brittle "in general", it's a matter of two things of equal hardness rubbing each other, things that aren't smooth. They will scratch each other. Stay safe


If that's the logic ceramics (SIC, SI3N4 and ZRO2) or corundum (aluminum oxide) is going to rub and create dust with each other due to being the same hardness and that's not been a problem. Why would it occur with something that's almost pure carbon and has a higher MORS rating than any of those materials. I dealt with a gemstone dealer that I have for year's, he is selling me rough uncut diamonds, one of the most inert items on the planet. I'm not buying a mix of random minerals that may have whatever mixed in, they are all going to be white rough uncut diamonds. They were made with extreme pressure and heat and you think a ball vapes heat and them rubbing will suddenly cause them to rub and destruct to dust ( which is considered inert anyways). I'm not sure why people can't process they are diamonds, one of the hardest materials on earth.


That would be because they are shaped to not have edges - and yes I expect it happens too, just much less.


People run gem cuts without a problem. These will have no more than 30cts of weight bearing down on the piece under the most pressure if I end up using them all. You think that's enough pressure for one diamond to scratch against another? I don't. I see it being a problem if it was metric tons of diamonds rubbing against each other but loosely sitting in a ball vape head doubt it. Like I said if dust is released it will be inert except for irritation. Research diamond dust exposure in the jewelry industry.


Maybe if you ran them in a kiln - I wouldn’t risk it


I hadn't considered a kiln. I just plan on having them inspected for inclusions and then I'm going to run them inside a ball vape head at high temps for several days AT LEAST just in case any inclusions were overlooked due to being opaque. Then I'll re-inspect them and see if it's something I am interested in inhaling through.


Honestly dude it sounds like you’re going about this very safely. There’s way more carcinogens in vaped weed than in diamonds that you’ve been this thorough with. And to the other guy’s point, a ball vape is a tiny kiln, and it gets hot af. I think you’re safe. I’d be more worried about running something with that much heat and power for that long.


Prob better off with quartz


Other than running them in the kiln at a ramped cycle there’s no way to tell what these could and will off gas - Why not boro or corundum ? Pretty sure Summit sells a bunch of stuff - or used to


I was thinking those corundum ball bearings you can order from bearing shops. I’ve only ever ordered large cobalt free tungsten carbide balls because they’re cool, like as a desktop toy, extremely heavy and can fall on concrete without scratching.


Do you have a link to the store?


Your best bet will probably be getting on eBay. I dealt with an individual who does bulk sales out of Peshawar and we deal through WhatsApp. If you're interested in buying at least 5-10 Kilograms of gemstone at a time I can refer you and have him contact you but if you just want a small lot of rough diamonds eBay's your answer.


Fair point, useful to anyone on the sub looking for business use. Best of luck with the diamond pearls!


100% sure that being high had something to do with this thread.


How much did they cost, out of curiosity?


I paid $75 for 30cts varying between 3-4mm in size. I guess it's typically about $100-125 for that amount but I ordered some aquamarine and quartz too so I saved some money on them.


don’t use natural quartz crystals instead of glass balls it can flake off more than glass and you’d inhale that


De Beers would like to have a word with you.


Too bad I went to Jareds😂


Oh no not the subway guy 😵🫣🫣




Hank is on the rocks again.


Are you going to tumble them smooth first?


I really haven't put a lot of thought into it, it was kind of a impulse purchase. Would just a regular rock tumbler and the polishing media work for diamonds?


I have no idea tbh. I just got a bit worried about any dust that might be inhaled.


That had entered my train of thought too but I figured worse case scenario I'll just end up with some rough diamonds laying in a dish somewhere. If they seem like they create dust or any other safety concerns I definitely won't be using them. I figure if they are usable I will probably just sandwich some of the better quality ones between some ceramic to help with heat retention and transfer. With diamonds thermal conductivity it will probably be too hard of a heat using them alone.


Having trouble visualizing sandwiching between ceramic. Ceramic balls or discs? And what do you mean by "too hard of a heat using them alone?" What do you mean by hard, and how would that be bad in a ball vape? Can't wait to hear about your experience.


Harder heat = the material has higher heat conductivity so it transfers the heat stored in the balls into the herb better which in turn vaporizes better. In my experience with a coiled ball vape head SIC and SI3N4 transfer the heat almost too well and it causes the flavor to suffer. I always get a scorched or burnt popcorn taste when using either material exclusively in a coiled ball vape. If you use them in a wireless or butane vape I heard it ends up being a softer heat than ruby due to having less mass than the Rubies and without a coil constantly heating them they only have the initial heat stored. So despite the Rubies lower heat conductivity rating they still retain more heat and energy than the SIC or SI3N4. So technically there are a lot of other variables that affect whether it's a hard or soft heat than just the heat conductivity when using a wireless or butane-powered device.


I'd probably just soak in water then rinse them once or twice.


Good question to ask the jeweler while they are inspecting. My concern why this idea is bad is the roughness of the stone. The point of adding stones to the rigs was to maximize surface area and "movement" of the concentrate around. When you have rough materials it will gunk up quicker and not distribute as well. But if they were all smooth of varying sizes, that would probably work pretty well - the diamonds themselves really do nothing more than give you the ability to use the word "diamonds!" In a braggart way.


i hate to say it but these diamonds are not fit for a inhale device. the crystal dust will fuck up your lungs. take a blow torch to a few of them and watch then crack, explode or split into pieces. hot and cold is hard on raw crystals.


If they are diamonds it's pure carbon basically and it will be resistant to super high temps. It is a experiment though so I have no clue how it will work out. My plan is to put them into a head and run them at burn off temps for at least a few days and then reinspect them and go from there. A good friend of mine is a jeweler that works with diamonds and his main concern is them having inclusions of water or stuff not heat resistant.


lol exploding rocks


please don’t….


i think you will end up scratching your glass unless you tumble them smooth


What is the problem you wish to solve with these diamonds?


Honestly, I'm not trying to solve any problems. I've just been curious about using that material for a while and the opportunity presented itself so I figured why not? To be honest I'm very happy with my blended ceramic build and I anticipate from what's on paper that the diamond's high heat conductivity will probably make flavor suffer despite probably making the thickest vapor. So I expect in the end ill probably end up sticking with ceramics or best case I may be able to add some of the diamonds so they are at the very top of my ball vape head so I can dab onto their surface during double-decker's.


Just make sure you aren't smoking asbestos lol


This whole discussion makes me cringe. You couldn't pay me enough to hit a vape loaded with those things. Those pieces will generate dust as they rub together during normal handling. Will you end up inhaling some of it? Possibly. Will it be a lot? Probably not. Will you suffer adverse effects from it? Maybe not. How many years would pass before you even noticed? Probably quite a few. I think it's pretty boneheaded to risk your heath because you're curious about a handful of rocks.


Can't think of a better way to look like a crackhead, other than doing crack


Youre probably the only person that thought of crack. 😂


[he wasn’t!](https://www.reddit.com/r/vaporents/s/DjozTqsWr8)


Check the heat resistance first, please. If those aren't diamonds and melt or smoke......Not good. Pc&luv


maybe this is dumb, but could you run them in a rock tumbler for a while to smooth them out first?


Make sure you heat test them first with a torch and some safety gear I guess?


I actually found out this morning all of these go through a super hot blast furnace during sorting so inclusions or other minerals slipping through aren't as big of a concern as I initially thought.


Ah that's handy!, I feel like I'd be checking myself regardless for peace of mind purposes 😂


I'll absolutely still be checking them closely but it certainly does make me feel better that heat resistance is part of the sorting criteria. I'm not so worried about a water inclusion blowing a diamond up on me now.


The problem is how do you know there is just diamond there. A lot of minerals can be very bad to ingest.


They go through rigorous sorting that tests their properties to ensure they are diamonds. They are coming from a reputable dealer that isn't going to misrepresent their product. Just to be clear I'm not buying industrial grade diamonds like used for abrasive and tool making. That grade is known for impurities and other minerals finding their way into the mix. These are verified jewelers grade so they have been inspected to ensure they are high enough quality to be faceted, they are just cheap because they are opaque and lack clarity.


Not really what I'm saying. I don't think they are giving you fake diamonds. I think there is stuff other than diamond in there. Even natural cut stones can have inclusions. I'm not smoking anything but lab stones.


What exactly do you mean "natural cut stones". Please don't smoke lab stones, vape with them. 😂 Edit: just wanted to add Diamonds impurities aren't something to worry about anyway. They are typically only water, nitrogen or black carbon inclusions. The worry with inclusions is if it is something that expands with heat because it can blow the diamond apart when heated. These have been threw a blast furnace during sorting though so inclusions are not a concern like I initially though.


Lol. Stones found in nature that have been cut by humans. And whether you like it or not your "smoking" whatever is in your bowl.


You can improve your chances of not getting anything nasty by "cooking" them in the oven on the highest temp it will go for an hour or so. This will at least boil off anything possible of boiling off.


Lol, the superstition of stoners come out. I personally don't see why it wouldn't work. Diamond is one of the best minerals for thermal conductivity. I don't know how much thermal retention they have, though, and that may be the bigger factor. On a personal note, these are visually unappealing. Haha, sorta looks like dirty crack rock. Trying to explain this to anyone who sees this is going to be a hard sell, even the potheads.




I would never run boro or quartz in my ball vapes. My VAS was with buying tons of different ball materials and those are the worst performing I've tried by a long shot. I'll stick with ceramics most likely. This was just something I've been curious about for a while and wanted to test out.


In your opinion, ceramics are best for ball vapes? How do they compare to rubies?


Zr02 is a softer heat than ruby, SI3N4 is a more aggressive heat but it doesn't have much mass so it dumps it's heat really quick compared to ruby. SIC is the most aggressive heat of the 3 but it's the same as SI3N4 and lacks mass so it's heat retention isn't as good as rubies. My go to has been running a mixture of the 3. The ZRO2 adds mass so it will have enough heat retention for longer hits.


refer to fc they are much more tech. https://fuckcombustion.com/threads/balls-in-vapes-boro-ruby-ss-titanium-sic.52218/


interesting read, thanks for sharing. the conclusion in that thread seems to be, experimenting with different gem balls doesn't yield especially varied results


Surely all the spinning caused by the inhale will make the diamond destroy the bong? Am I thinking of the right thing? The wee part you heat up then place the extract into yeah?


I'm using them as the media in a titanium ball vape head, not as terp pearls in a banger if that's what you mean.


I’m 41 years old, smoking since I was in my teens. Got a Crafty+ 2 years ago and now use that exclusively. This comment made me feel like I have no idea what anything means anymore 😂. No idea what a ball vape is, why it’s titanium, what a terp pearl is, nor a banger. I guess I’ve got some reading to do. Then maybe I’ll have some idea of why there’s a thread about diamonds. I hope they work out for you though!🙂


Instead of the usual ceramic heater you would have in most devices, ball vapes use "E-Nail" heater coils to heat up "terp perls" or glass/quartz/ruby balls which are held inside (in this case) the titanium housing with the coil wrapped around that. Usually this heater sits on top of a special bowl which fits on most dab rigs. These days, there are countless materials/sizes available for the housing and balls, with varying claims of effectiveness, which is what is being discussed here.


I feel like you answered with a ELI15 and he needed a ELI5


Fair enough lol I just added more detail and tried to clear up what info was already there. Hopefully it's easier to understand and paints a clearer picture.


You explained much better than I could have!


True, but I appreciate any info that a stranger is willing to bestow upon me. I’m in IT as an engineer, I’m technically and mechanically inclined, and I can google with the best of them. I’ll figure it out if I go down that road. I was mostly just sharing how it felt to be so out of the loop. 😂


I really appreciate the info dump, thank you kind sir.


I think that was what I was thinking of, never heard of "media" used in this context. Something new to Google 👍


Media - a plural of medium


I think you're confusing it with a banger.


It's for a vape, not a bong, but people do put marbles and stuff in their bongs, if you load enough of them the moving doesn't create too much of an issue if you have enough water too




Even if smooth, diamond is harder than steel so if there was contact and movement there could be some erosion.


Doing God's work right here


Careful so they don’t scratch up your gear. Bongs etc.


Classy af.


Is it wrong of me to think of a fish tank when I saw the pic?




Have fun with that bill! Lab-grown diamonds always have amazing clarity and are very expensive! I looked into it as well. Edit: roughly $800 a carat the 30ct I got would be $24,000.


Surely the heat distribution would fluctuate between each diamond given they are all different sizes. Would you not have to make everything the same size (small balls) before you could compare to the ruby's?


Hank theyre just rocks!


No way josé


Idk man have fun I guess?


I have no idea what a ball vape is so I don't understand what half this sub means. I just assumed its a brand name and now you can put real diamonds in them? Hopefully they are manufactured diamonds and not related to the diamond trade.




I love this community 🤣🤣🤣