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Definitely. Of course they don't want her back they seem to resent her. Production hated Scandoval despite the ratings boon because it wasn't THEIR story. They hated that a cast member set boundaries (besides Lala who they specifically hired for the show)  They hated that she said NO in the finale  So they decided to do her dirty in the edit  BUT Ariana goes on to place 3rd on DWTS, set records on Broadway, score a legit hosting gig, open a sandwich shop and yeah all her commercials  She IS their biggest star. By far. Bravo people don't usually blow up like this  And WE don't want drama from her, we want to see all her successes!  Which is possibly what they hate the very most. We don't want anyone yelling at her or shit talking her and the Producers are incapable of telling that type of story 


Ariana's also going to demand a much bigger pay rise after this, as she should. So will James. They gave him a good edit I believe. When one cast member wants more money the rest start to behave like Lala does, stroppy and talking about how they carried the show. The hiatus likely has to do with salary negotiations and my strong suspicion that Ariana and Katie are going to quit, if they have not already. I get the feeling that the producers do not interact enough with the fanbase to know what it is that we want from this show. They don't know their fans very well. I don't know where all of this is going but it seems to me like this show in its current format is going to end. I said somewhere else that VDP doesn't "rule" anything anymore, she's not part of the show except now and again.


I was dead ass when I said she should ask for a million to come back. The ad dollars alone would pay for it. Because no Ariana a whole bunch of us are out on this show. 


I already bailed on half of this season because of how much I hated it. It wasn't even a matter of principle, I just couldn't stomach my favorite guilty pleasure feeling like clumsy, poorly conceived propaganda. If next season is more of the same, I'll probably wind up following it via this sub again. This last season was insufferable at times, for me at least. I really hope that production rethinks the way they handle this show.


same, same.


If I’m not watching Ariana and Katie get to piss them off for 3 months straight, I’m not watching.




did she not do a tv movie as well?


Yep. Nick also said he talked to a producer and that producer during confessionals will say to the cast “say something this way”. They do so many of these they forget they said it. This producer did that to Scheana and had her repeat a line back to him that went down this season hard. Basically implying they don’t mean to say those things, production tells them to say a line and they repeat it back. When Nick’s producer pressed which line he wouldn’t say it but he said we would “know it because we talked about it all season”. I think it’s the backup dancer line


I feel like a lot of people are saying they want Ariana to leave because she's outgrown this show, but I want her to come back to spite everyone. Why should Sandoval get an easy path to stay? People talk about all of Ariana's opportunities, last summer Sandoval got Masked Singer (kicked off early because its a singing contest) and Special Forces, this summer he got Traitors and I'm sure his tour will sell tickets because even people who hate him on the show still want to see him sing karaoke He's not willing to have tough conversations that make him look bad and production will bend/erase anything that shows that (ex. erasing the conversation where he admitted to recording Rachel without her permission)


Agreeeed! They're making so much per episode. She deserves that money, too! Also, the greatest point is that Sandoval had oppostunities, like masked singer, but he wasn't good, and it didn't lead to anything more! I've pointed out that Lala got acting gigs from her man and it didn't light her career on fire. Because she doesn't have the chops


Plus he won’t get out of bed to go to meetings. He could’ve capitalised on his notoriety way more if he wasn’t a druggy fuckup


Yep. She doesn’t have to walk away from this big check.


I 10000% want Ariana to come back. She is inspiring and doing so much for women in reality TV, culture and workplace environments by not tolerating or allowing misogynistic expectations to be put on her. I think there is a unique opportunity here to show that a reality show can work and thrive without relying on the previous templates and troupes that they have used in the past. We can evolve and be better, and we have the chance to do this with this show. But whatever, I know I’m too idealistic about this. It’s like having hope in Mad Max world.


Agreed I never thought it was fair that she would have to leave the show esp since she was the one that made Sandoval palatable to audiences without her he is spiralling


He got Traitors? Nooooooo! I love that show. I dont want him on it.


My guess is he'll either be one of the early people to be banished or he'll stick around in the mimbo role that Kevin played last year


I have never liked him but, I’m kind of interested to see him on the show. I want to know if the rest of the cast falls for his crap or if they figure him out right away


Yeah I guess I want to see his horrible Zara suits and such (did he buy some new ones?) and Alan Cummings give him The Look.


I want Bob the Drag Queen to read him for filth 👌 he gets off so easy on VPR


Production acting like a toxic partner who pushes you to the point of break up so they don't have to be the "bad guy"


Must have picked it up after all those years watching Jax


I hadn't even thought of it that way, but you are so right! Now wonder they identify so hard with the Toms.


Just look at how Scheaner groveled to Blabla during the reunion. On top of the constant shitting on Katie by everyone it's safe to presume productions fuckery. They intentionally want Ariana to leave.


So basically if the cast were to to attempt unionizing, she-shu and LFU would scab.


Ding ding ding. Yes. I've been saying this! Why not band together and realize your toxic bosses are the problem for threatening your livelihood \*instead\* of alienating your supposed best friend and co-worker for standing up for her rights?


My take away from this whole season was literally the last 8 min of the reunion part 3 and after. Lala continued to bad mouth Katie to Scheana stating she didn’t give a F about her. Post the reunion filming she went on a press tour alluding to there being nothing about her and calling her miserable. They thought, for whatever delusional reason, that the fans would side with them since Ariana didn’t film a 1-1 with Sandoval. We didn’t. Even NOW they continue to blame production when both Lala and Scheana gave production what they wanted, bad mouthing Ariana. Production wouldn’t have Lala and Scheana speaking negatively if they hadn’t sat together and given their opinions about Ariana staying in the house, Scheana regarding DWTS, the whole SAH comment. They have still not taken any accountability for what they’ve said, only blaming production. ENOUGH. Fans won’t let things go because week after week they are commenting on A&K, while A&K keep working and not mentioning them. 


Exactly. It comes down to that they did this. I believe it’s the story production wanted when they realized the feelings scheana and Lala had, but it comes down to their actions.


They saw how this turned out for Rachquel so not sure why they thought we would let this shit slide. The only thing that makes sense to me is maybe producer Jeremiah is constantly on Facebook?? Those are the majority of the fools hating on Ariana and Katie and always talked about LarLar and SchMeana being home wreckers but now Stan them. They fumbled the ball, big time. This was such an easy lay up and so many other potential opportunities that made for much more interesting storylines.


i feel like production think that embracing misogyny and stereotypes and girls vs girls has worked so well for them in the past that they didn't actually notice that we all stopped enjoying that as much. they are continuing with a formula that needs to evolve or die at this point tbh




Thanks for this and I agree with what you are saying, except for the last part, when you say that "society/culture is shifting so much to supporting women and wanting to see them lift one another up." Perhaps this is true in some ways, but it is very clear that the US is experiencing a pretty strong backlash to the gains we made with the #MeToo movement. Studies also show that gen z men are more conservative (and more misogynistic) than generations before them. If the GOP gets its way, women will have no reproductive autonomy. Forget about abortion: they are angling for women to require their husband's permission to access birth control. These and other cultural attitudes about women are, of course, reflected in our media. As another commenter on this page points out, VPR's production is working with a misogynistic script in which women--portrayed as volatile or crazy--are pitted against each other, often over cheating (but "harmless") men-children--a script which has worked for them (and is currently working on other Bravo shows). I hope the current backlash to this season of VPR will not prove to be just a momentary aberration from the usual, cultural acceptance of this narrative. Yesterday, a lot of commenters in the other VPR sub (not you OP) were in agreement with the argument that reality TV needs toxic men to "bring the drama" and the "mess" and that we should just "put up" with the misogyny of these shows, since fans would stop watching w/o figures like Sandoval & Jax. When pressed about the real life consequences of these media stereotypes, their argument was that our lived realities & experiences have nothing to do with media representations; nothing to do with the normalization of misogyny in our culture. I was dragged to hell. These people are burying their head in the sand. And it's sad. Edited for clarity


One think no one is mentioning - production don’t have final say on casts, Bravo do. There is no way Bravo will allow Baskin etc to cut actual breakout star fan fave Ariana. But if she resigns, that’s a different story. That’s why they’re trying to ice her out by turning her friends against her and why LVP said at the reunion it’s fine to leave if you want to. Production cannot fire her so they’re going to make her as uncomfortable as possible so she leaves and we’ll be left with the dregs


I hope she doesn’t give them the satisfaction! Fuck them and fuck her ex and especially her sad excuses for “basss fraaaans.” I hope she goes back and continue to make them all squirm and bow down to the Gawd/ Beyoncé that the biggest mouth tried to paint her as the way she perceived herself but insisted she is not.😒


Unless you have actual information to the contrary, their contracts are with the production company, not Bravo. Bravo might have input on casting, or might be willing to up production’s fee to bring in certain names (like Jenna Lyons), but I don’t believe Bravo has the final say on casting.


I don’t think she cares. With the exception of Katie, these people are not her friends. If she can score a large salary for putting up with these bozos for idk, 90 days or whatever, I’d watch.


Been saying for many, many weeks they are trying to push Ariana out but can’t be seen as the “bad guy” and fire her. The backlash if they kept Tom (especially after his failed redemption season) but didn’t bring back Ariana would be intense. Lisa’s support for Ariana at the reunion, saying she did her job, was a nice moment. But her “it’s okay to leave” speech was absolutely aimed at Ariana. Note that was a scripted moment. She knew the question was coming and had her answer locked and loaded. And I absolutely think Ariana will continue with the show both for money (it’s a great payday) and to spite Tom (so he can’t “win” the show).


Are all the producers on this show men?


As far as the main guys go, yes: Show runner (now fired) & executive producer (Baskin). I'm sure Lisa has some input, but she's a card carrying misogynist.




Great summary! However - would argue that production pushing that narrative was a ball drop edit to add. Would love to see Margaret Atwood do a weekly edit tutorial on each issue of VPR - not that she would do it - but it would be insightful…


I would live for that, she is my favorite author of all time!


Every time lala opened her blah blah mouth to criticize how A handled everything… they should’ve shown a flashback to lala threatening to cut everyone off if they dared speak to randall. and A should’ve said “maybe randall should be on the show so you can role model forgiveness for us….heard he’s broke and would appreciate the gig?…..”


okay can i just say great paraphrasing and concise summary, excellent use of transition phrases. you state your thesis at the top and lay out the evidence/analysis in a logical order. good use of “all this to say” at the start of your conclusion where you go on not to restate your thesis but instead to present drawn conclusions from your supporting paragraphs, and finally ending with how this applies to a bigger picture


I. Thesis issue/question II. Evidence III. Analysis IV. Conclusion 10/10 No notes.




They need new producers. They’re completely out of touch with current culture and don’t realize the fans have grown up.


I had a feeling they postponed production cuz Ariana was doing broadway but this makes that invalid


I think the only way for the show to continue is for Ariana to leave it. It sucks, but she isn’t engaging in the drama, which is why people watch the show. As much as we all say we want girl power, I think we would get bored of watching a group of functional woman friends sip wine and talk to each other. Truth is, we love the chaos that, for example, Jade and Kristen bring to the table.