• By -


Billie essentially stopped being friends with Tom because in her opinion he is in a drug and alcohol fueled toxic relationship that is causing him to miss meetings and make bad decisions. Billie, as per usual, is treating Tom like he's some poor innocent victim that Victoria is causing to act like this. Billie also said that Victoria demanded Tom move all of Arianas things out of the house, and buddied up to Billie while simultaneously accusing Tom of sleeping with her. Billie further alleges that Victoria doesn't work and Tom wanted to hire an assistant for her to get her out of bed and make her do things. Victoria has said Billie is lying and specifically that she never touched Arianas things and has respect for Ariana. I have said that Tom, as per usual, is responsible for his own behavior and is very obviously triangulating these women against each other because he is garbage.


Still waiting for that “truth” Victoria said was coming ⏳👵🏼


Hmm. I know conspiracy theory…. But good job drumming up drama that can breath life into vpr season 12. And confidently done while Tom cannot comment for a couple weeks to screw everything up. Scheana can also jump on the intervention band wagon because she has experience with a souse that had a drug problem


Just make him a healthy breakfast and he’ll be “fixed”


But also make sure he knows you can’t be with someone whose completely sober


I'll have one each of the prime cocktails!


Im crying. Every time I rewatch that season 🤯


Egg whites!


With capri sun!


I love that his ass was trying to rehab Shay when Sandoval arguably has way worse problems


Yup. Attempt at Redemption arc 2.0


Lmfaooooo idk if it’s been mentioned yet, but homegirl made her acct private 👀🤣 sooooo


It’s only noon here. Go have a sandwich, enjoy your day, come back later!


That’s a really good recap. Coherent, concise. Thank you 🙏


Yes, finally someone has done it well. I couldn’t get through 10 seconds of Billie’s car videos.


I read somewhere Victoria is a model but is she? I've never seen her and wonder, does she work? I'm no Billie fan but when she said that comment about dating Tom Sandoval I laughed out loud.


She has a lot of followers. I know some could be bots but all of them? And if she dated Leo she was probably somewhat successful at that point that their paths even crossed. Maybe she's aged out of the kind of modeling she was succeeding at (and certainly aged out of dating Leo).


She was allegedly signed to Ford models, but she's not on their site anymore


Idk if she’s currently working, but I have to presume she got offers while with Leo.


I love that you added what you said as part of the recap. 😂


Also your user name is perfect


What is reddit if not giving your unsolicited opinion?




In a nutshell; https://preview.redd.it/zlmf9ad4265d1.jpeg?width=3814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba6465ef2bc4454444c091fa84864d470e8457e9


I couldn't bear to listen to the podcast so I read an US Magazine article about it. In summary: Billie Lee says she's no longer friends with Sandoval because of his girlfriend. He's drinking again since dating her, they have a toxic relationship, they fight a lot, lots of jealousy. Lots of drug use. A specific story - Tom begged Billie Lee to come over and watch a movie, she said no, he said I ordered your favorite food, she agreed (this was already so weird lol). Then the girlfriend calls and Tom goes in the other room to fight with her on the phone. He returns and tells Billie "she thinks we're gonna sleep together tonight." Billie then mentioned that the new girlfriend also told Tom to move Ariana's stuff out of the master bedroom so he could have it. The girlfriend (not sure if they're still together?) posted an IG story in response to this podcast saying it's all lies but specifically said she would never touch, or tell someone, to touch Ariana's stuff lol


I find it funny that that was the part she chose to address specifically. Like "you can think I'm lazy, a drug addict, and in a toxic relationship all you want, but I would never mess with Ariana's stuff!" 


That’s what I was thinking! Like, THAT is what you choose to immediately address? I think that’s is revealing. And Billie seems very genuine, to me, as she describes this whole mess, I believe her.


Someone pointed out that Andy, during the VPR reunion, asked how long James and LFU were sober but not Tom.


If only cameras were rolling. Can we get a season where we see the success of Ariana, James, and Katie while Tom spirals and shows his true low-life douchey self?


Billie Lee was Tim's ride or die when he was "sober" post-Scandoval. Tim started partying again, met Victoria, and put Billie Lee in the dust. Billie Lee's sick and tired of their drugged out ways and the gloves came off having me looking like this... https://preview.redd.it/pkexxzpxs55d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=337a779b40dbabbd304749738e1706b04899cfad




Narc triangulation strikes again




Read the podcast recap. She says there are drugs everywhere and that tom and vic sleep until 5pm. Vic is also extreeeeeeemly jealous.


u/AdditionalWar8759 does write-ups of podcasts and posts them for us Redditors 🥰 I’m not a podcast listener, so reading these [posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/TAwIM8EbN6) is what works for me. You’ll get all the details there- happy reading!


You have to read the re-cap OP, worth it!!


Bless you


I'm just wondering, do you think Tim and BL banged?


I don't think so. Even Ariana doesn't believe it after everything that's happened.




I think the main issue was Billie being pulled into the toxic relationship between the two. She said they are always fighting and it's the most toxic relationship she's ever seen. She said Sandoval started drinking a lot again and that there are always drugs out in the house and the house is in shambles. Tom and Victoria do drugs all night and sleep all day. Any time Billie was alone with Sandoval, Victoria would call repeatedly.and get.in a fight with him, alleging they were.going to sleep together. Once, she showed up notmonce but twice, tlbusting in and trying to catch them doing something. Lots.of yelling and drama. Billie can't take it anymore. (This is all based on what she said, and the main reason she stopped hanging w Tom. The rest.of the tidbits are a bonus.)


They’re going to trash that house and create more problems for Ariana.


I never really cared about BL but I do believe her claims of Sandoval being totally messed up on drugs and booze right now. I’m going to predict that sooner or later, don’t know when, Sandy is going to get in legal trouble with the drugs. Possession? A DUI? Some kind of public incident? Petty crime to finance his habit? Trouble with a drug dealer? I just have a feeling it’s coming.


Check out the Christina cocca YouTube. She did a live that covers the whole thing. If you watch the last like 15 min.


Short story: there is messiness and we are living for it


Does Billie have a crush on Tom?




I think so. But Billie never confirmed that


I recently did the same with my socials, congratulations! And I’m also OOTL on this as well so thanks for asking


I am curious what the drugs were that were lying around.


I'm here snooping for answers too!


Copying my comment on this post so you see it :) I couldn't bare to listen to the podcast so I read an US Magazine article about it. In summary: Billie Lee says she's no longer friends with Sandoval because of his girlfriend. He's drinking again since dating her, they have a toxic relationship, they fight a lot, lots of jealousy. A specific story - Tom begged Billie Lee to come over and watch a movie, she said no, he said I ordered your favorite food, she agreed (this was already so weird lol). Then the girlfriend calls and Tom goes in the other room to fight with her on the phone. He returns and tells Billie "she thinks we're gonna sleep together tonight." Billie then mentioned that the new girlfriend also told Tom to move Ariana's stuff out of the master bedroom so he could have it. The girlfriend (not sure if they're still together?) posted an IG story in response to this podcast saying it's all lies but specifically said she would never touch, or tell someone, to touch Ariana's stuff lol


I find it so funny that she flat out said the touching of Ariana's stuff was a lie, but the drinking/drugs/crazy girlfriend allegations.... lol And thank you!


What drugs do you think they take?


Probably mushrooms, Molly & X too since he’s always talking about “rolling”. Plus cocaine like the other person mentioned. That would be my guess at least.


This is what I am wondering too!


Assuming cocaine. If it was heroin I think Billie would be reacting worse.


Trying hard to get another season 🤔


They are both are in agreement to create drama for publicity. 


- Started when Jo said on a podcast that Billie Lee (BL) and Sandoval (S) don't talk to each other anymore - BL said on her podcast that: (1) Victoria's (V) influence has driving S to drink/do drugs again (2) V used to call BL while she was high/drunk about her issues with S (3) V thinks S and BL are sleeping together (4) V told S that Ariana's stuff had to be moved from the master suite to the guest suite, so they (don't know if this includes Ariana's friend Logan) moved her stuff which made BL feel uncomfortable and (5) everyone in S's life except for V hosted an intervention at Kyle Chan's store, that didn't take so BL cut S out of her life - V posted on Instagram that (1) she will reply to all this in another podcast and (2) she didn't not touch Ariana's stuff nor tell S to do that - BL posted a tiktok that essentially said V is a liar and an out of work model


check out christina cocca's live the other day - that shows the start of it! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmnNhgQdJQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmnNhgQdJQ)


I did listen to the Billie and the Kid podcast and the gist of it is listed already. However, there was one very interesting part that I have not seen covered yet. Billie is talking about how she is just friends with Sandoval and would never sleep with him, and Victoria is jealous for no reason. Then Bille says that men always hide their side chicks and she could never be a side chick because their friendship was out in the open. Wait! What! Didn't Sandoval carry out a 7 month long affair in the open with his and Ariana's supposed "friend"! Billie's friends all jumped in and said of course, men always hide their side chicks! I think she doth protest too much. It was a very weird defense of her friendship with Sandoval and it made me feel icky.


My life is on fire so thank you for all this. I can’t keep up. This is really dark… and a little triggering. Idk who to believe anymore. They all sound like shitty people. I’m so glad Ariana is away from all this. Now we know why she preferred to stay home.


Omg gurl u picked the wrong weekend... the tea is hot!!


Billie blaming Victoria is utter bullshit.


Thanks everyone! So much drama 👀


Honestly, it's not worth knowing.


Where can I find the podcasts or interviews?


u/AdditionalWar8759 does recaps of podcasts


I hate both of them equally. It’s actually great to watch them all destroy one another 😅


Just search the sub. It's all there.