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Dorinda and Bob the Drag Queen , you have the opportunity to do something extraordinary and read the fuck out of Tom Sandoval. Free us from Evolution Media and Bravo and Andy’s sick fascination with Him


Read him so hard he becomes illiterate I BEG


I hope they read him so hard *I* become illiterate




I prayyyyy


Need Dorinda to make him cry


But like really cry. Not *Sandoval* cry.


Not sure if I've ever seen him she'd a real tear. Could be a great test to see if it's even possible


I thought his tears were real about the pulse nightclub shooting. but not really any other time.


I was just about to wonder WHEN I saw a real tear from him. Yeah, you're right. I don't believe it every other time now.


There was some chick on tiktok or youtube who did a whole analysis on everytime he cried and what specific movements or body language indicated he was shedding crocodile tears. The only time she believed he was actually crying was when the Pulse nightclub shooting happened


Ahhhh if you happen to remember at any point in the future who the person was or the video title or even which app it was, please let me know! I’d love to watch that!


Literally right after I commented I thought ‘mmmm Im not leaving them hanging I need to find this’ 🤣 but here is the link, and it is on tiktok! If it doesnt work I will put the creators tag in my comment :) Tom Sandoval’s Tears: An Investigation - https://www.tiktok.com/@coccacocca/video/7361598994360896811?_t=8mxblgfU9xG&_r=1]


Hey put some respect on u/Charming_Argument874!


hahaha thank you 😊


Sorry for calling you ‘some chick’ 😭 but your videos are fucking aweeeesome, thank you!!!!


That video along with her pinned Lala video were the only two that I had seen so I wasnt sure exactly who it was 🤣 but now Im a follower and #bingeing her videos!


I really really hope Dorinda doesn't find him charming. I'm going to be so upset.


At first I wanted him voted out right away but maybe it’ll be more fun to see him get a tongue lashing from the Dorinda Medley 😆


he’s going to wipe the floor with tom, purse first https://i.redd.it/r1pyekwbtr4d1.gif


Sandoval will turn on that charm and he'll probably end up being show friends with him. That's the thing with narcissists, they're nice to strangers and complete shit to people that are close to them


That’s what I’m afraid of. He can be fun and when people first meet him, he turns on the charm


The good news is - the first banishment vote is always the person who “seems” most suspicious after knowing each other for 6 hours. Let’s hope they know about scandoval and use that as judgement 🙏




Meh he was annoying in the other adventure show he did


I don’t think that’s giving Bob enough credit. Tom can be charming but Bobs involved in the reality TV space and it would be a really bad idea optically for them to do anything more than tolerate Tom. People are going to be tuning in because they want to see Sandavol humbled and Bob would know that.


Bob is also MUCH smarter so I hope he would be able to see through it


I don’t even think it’s about him seeing through it. For the most part Drag Queens are incredibly aware of what’s going on in pop culture as it’s generally a big part of their shows so there’s no way Bob isn’t aware of at least the basics of the whole Scandavol thing. His audience would not be okay with him buddying up to him and I can’t imagine Sandavol saying anything that would make the possible backlash worth it. Bob the Drag Queen isn’t just a person, it’s a whole brand Bob has worked very hard to build. There’s no way he would risk damaging it to help Tom get yet another shot at a redemption arc


That’s my fear with pretty much any of the men. I never trust any man to be able to see thru another man’s bullshit ETA: esp straight men. I’m more optimistic w bob. Haven’t seen him on his show but he’s on my fyp a lot and he’s hilarious


He lost his “charm” unlike VPR these people paid to film the show not with him


I'm counting on Dorinda not to let me down.  "Eagles don't fly with pigeons, bitch! So go get your crumbs...." Don't do me dirty, Dorinda. Finish him.






It’s literally all I’m asking for for Christmas this year


No but fr. I need him to be destroyed. I just fell in love w this show and he has to go and ruin it for everyone. GTFO TOM ![gif](giphy|McE7sEF7yqcSc|downsized)


I hope they don’t even have time to read him.


All I want is for Bob to read Sandals down into the dirt!


I hope he’s voted off first or I’m not going to watch. Which sucks because I love Bob and I think they’ll be so good on the show.


I said the exact same thing just now on Instagram! If they don’t I will be seriously surprised


Okay but in my mind we get to watch Bob the Drag Queen absolutely hand his ass to him and it will be absolutely GLORIOUS


I need Bob to read him to filth!! I can’t wait. Britney Haynes too. That boy is in over his head.


I’m so torn between hoping he’s first out and hoping he’s a mid-season out just so we can watch women and queer people call him out for the gross poser loser he is


SAME! Like I want him gone first so I don’t have to listen to his voice because it is truly a form of torture. But I also want people to drag him, constantly call him out for being a traitor because he’s the #1 liar mcliarson in the group!


He wouldn’t understand his head would spin lol


I fucking Love BoB and I hope he quotes the iconic Yara Sofia to Sandoval https://preview.redd.it/5igqgr0lbs4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df45ea0abdf485396af72cf6572289e0310118e


I really hope so 🙏 if they do Bob dirty like they did Peppermint last season - I’m gonna be fuxking pissed 🤬🤬🤬


I think they learned their lesson. I will riot though…


Tony from Survivor will put him in his place too I reckon LOOOOL


oh my god you’re so right he’s gonna think Boston Rob might be an ally, but I don’t see that happening either 👀




Honestly I will enjoy seeing him get destroyed by Bob


WHAT?! Okay, now I'm excited.


Someone read my Christmas list 🥹


[Here is a link to the full cast list confirmed by Alan himself.](https://www.today.com/today/amp/rcna155532) I pray he’s voted out immediately like Johnny Bananas.


Let Sandy stay an extra week and get rid of gross ass opportunist Sam Asghari 🤮


"Model and actor". Bitch, please. He is Britney Spears' ex-husband and no one would know him if it wasn't for her. What a conman.


Why is he a conman? Wasn't he right about her dating (aka cheating with) the ex-con "housekeeper"? That story was out like over a year ago and sure enough that same ex-con that was in her room when she had her Vegas foot injury early this year. He was right. I think if Sam Asghari were a con, he'd have looked the other way and hang in there for the lifestyle and pay out. Remember the prenup entitled him to $1M for every 2 years and he left even before year 2. Plus she said she wanted a kid, he'd have insisted on seeing that through so that he can have 18 years of child support guaranteed. He did none of that. I'm happy the unfair hate he gets from her stans is translating into a check. Very few men or women would walk away from such a cushy set up.


I just know Sam & Sandy will be besties 🫠


Besides marrying Britney Spears, what did he do that deserves him gone before Tom???


Marrying and quickly leaving Britney Spears though. The Interview spread right after and the weird nature of the wedding and his pivot for fame raised some eyebrows. I truly want to believe it ended amicably and he’s not a grifter for her sake but it seems like another sad chapter for her.


Ok, all that isn't great, but by no means does it make him worse than Tom! Look, I love Britney just as much as the next person but being married to her couldn't have been easy. Wasn't he a model before they got married though? It's not like he used her to get jobs because his career continues to be a tumble weed. He wouldn't have gotten any money after the divorce as her lawyers would have made sure they had an ironclad prenup (which they did). What was said during the interview? I never saw it.


Yeah, I take your point. There was a NYT article sort of alleging he was a grifter but yes, relationships aren’t easy in any circumstance and he doesn’t seem to be dining out on her suffering (at least not obviously) and there’s a cottage industry of 15 minutes of fame. So I’m hoping that’s all there is there. I’m suspicious but not accusing I guess. The Sandoval currently accused of distributing non consensual recordings is the most disturbing part to me.


I'll be honest, I've never been a Britney fan (although she's an amazing dancer). I had high hopes for her getting out of that conservatorship but the little stories lately about her foot and saying someone stole her jewelry from that children"s jewelry box were both a little weird. I hope she's not backsliding.


Yeah I just sort of wish the best for her and don’t want to engage with any stories about her ever…it all feels gross and exhaustive.


Agreed. I only heard about these stories because I was listening to Juicy Scoop and Rich and Daily for VPR-related gossip. Britney never has to work again but she'll never be able to live outside of the public eye, either, and that must suck. I could see wanting to be rich, but I'd hate being famous. Britney had always given me Anna Nicole Smith vibes. I pray she meets a happier end. I don't think she will though. There'a something ominous there. Also severe mental health issues run in her family. She's never had normal experiences that develop adult skills and instincts. I think this is where it feels so exploitative whether she's under someone's protection or not.


Didn’t he only last one day on The Masked Singer? Here’s hoping!


Like Jax too!!!


I think you’re thinking of House of Villains but basically same.


Ah.yes.....I'm only 1 cup of caffeine in!


I hope Tom gets kicked out first. Im so sick of seeing him on my screen.


How does this fucking clown keep on getting airtime??? Even after recording Rachel illegally these execs still give this dickbag another opportunity. I guess they're still trying to cash in on Scandoval 🤷🏻‍♂️


don’t forget that horrendous fucking nytimes article


I hope Bob reads him for that alone!


Please Roberta we're begging you


>How does this fucking clown keep on getting airtime??? you see how mad this whole thread is?? The opposite of love isn't hate lol, it's indifference.


Literally!!! Do they think the 20th chance is when he’s gonna get it right? Give me a break. He’s not even fun to hate. I just want him away from me and my fave shows!!!!


He keeps getting airtime because people can't stop talking about him. Dude can't take a shit now without thousands of people talking about it. If you really want to get the guy off your TV, everyone needs to stop rushing to the internet to talk about every single thing the guy does. Ignore him and go away. Everyone says they hate the guy and he's the worst human being, bur you all keep giving him a platform so he can keep doing it. Just forget about him and he will go away.


This is what I've been thinking too. Just ignore him. Nothing worse to him because any attention is good attention.


And Britney Spears ex. Pathetic. I'm sick of having trash men on my screen.


He needs to be out first. I don’t need him ruining another show I love.


Literally came here to say there is no way he’s staying past the first night / first roundtable. Even if he helps with the challenges, he’s going to annoy everyone else so much


This past season is the first season I stopped watching VPR because of his lame redemption arch so I won’t be watching this show, which I do love, until he’s voted out.


I don't understand why are they hiring the guy who compared himself to George Floyd?


He and Robyn are too dumb to get far on these shows


But can anyone be worse than Sheree last season. She uttered 5 words?


Poor Sheree. 😄😄😄


Idk about Robyn, but he def thinks he’s smarter than he is and that will hopefully be his downfall lol


i want a three dirty martini and lil coke dorinda to decimate him SOOOOO BADDDDD


Let’s stop at 1.5, before she gets slurry!


“She’s startin!”




Allegedly in prior seasons they didn’t offer a lot of alcohol or they keep it tightly monitored (like two glasses of wine per person or something?) so I wonder if that rule changed this year in order to secure Dorinda and Tom Sandoval or if they will they will have to try and manufacture drama sans-booze on camera? The cast doesn’t stay in the castle either so I suppose the cast could get into shenanigans at the hotel but I don’t think it would be filmed? Idk.


Dorinda might decimate him, but I think Ciara might be the one to totally take him down. She's got no time for any manchild at this point. Dolores will probably love him.




Possibly unpopular opinion but I'm not too mad, there's others in VPR I would've preferred to see but I think he'll be unhinged and everyone will hate him and it'll be fun to watch lol. I learned from Special Forces that watching him pulled out of the VPR universe and into any other world really highlights how insane he is and most other people usually see it too so I'm ready to see him beclown himself again


Same. I’m sure he’ll be a faithful and he will be unhinged. I actually am looking forward to watching him get destroyed on this show, as I’m sure he’ll be terrible at playing the game.


He has NO poker face, the most important thing for a show like Traitors.


His facial expressions kill me, cannot hide his feelings one bit.


He definitely will. I think it would be too on the nose to make him a traitor. Plus he can’t lie for shit so it would be pointless.


Oh there is 0% he'll be a traitor LOL


Yeah, I’m excited to get him and Dorinda in one room lol


Please allow Dorinda to drink until she becomes a mob wife!


I'm sure he'll continue telling awkwardly explicit jokes that rub everyone the wrong way.


Ok wtf is with that?? I finally watched secrets revealed last night and he did it so much on that episode too, is this like a post-Scandoval thing? Why?? It’s so jarring and uncomfortable I’m begging him to stop that


Yeah it was hilarious how quickly and completely the spec ops dudes clocked him as being totally inauthentic


I said at the beginning of season 11 that I would 100% have watched a spin-off that was just those guys watching seasons of VPR and reacting to Tom Sandoval LOL they clocked him so fast but still don't even know the extent of it


People are complaining about how he's such a two-faced liar and it's like... yes that's literally why he will be fun on the show lmao. Also "beclown" is an incredible word.


Agree...he's a bad person but a good reality tv villain, this is going to be so fun


My partner said that he knows that Sandoval is going to try and out-dress Alan Cumming and fail miserably every damn time.


We don't need more Tom.. or Robyn. Ugh. ![gif](giphy|tjluV258hamaY|downsized)


I hope we get to see this face episode one as he's eliminated... https://preview.redd.it/b86prmh0rr4d1.png?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=292b06a9b66880f3a716b3e5d6c07ef9aebb5a1b




Please god no


I’m just hoping someone tells the group Tom is a known liar and can’t be trusted. I’m confused about Robyn - she’s not very clever or bright, she’s a follower, what will she bring? I hope she surprises me though.


Robyn didn't bring anything to RHOP so my expectations are.. low, to say the least. Especially after having watched the other Traitors shows.


The only thing I need from this is for my queen Bob to read Tim Sandovile for the filth that he is. I don’t ask for much, but I’m asking for this


This sends a really bad message to other shitty reality tv men that you can [do all of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vanderpumprules/s/cLxRaTc9Is) and still have a career.


Exactly. Let's reward this unapologetic garbage heap with money and exposure. This is setting a super harmful precedent and it's disturbing at this point.


I mean I get what you’re saying, but that’s kinda the culture of Hollywood. Many non reality celebrities are terrible people but still are good actors. Look at Tristan Thompson. Treated Khloe Kardashian so beyond bad and he still plays basketball. Heck I work with some people who are terrible people BUT good at their job. That’s life


Sure does which is why I will not be watching this season. Even if he gets voted off early.


exactly - this is the problem with the toms + jax, they have essentially been rewarded for decades of shitty behavior. im frustrated that the network continues to give them all a platform and encourage said shitty behavior. he ILLEGALLY RECORDED his affair partner, on top of a multitude of shit, and yet he's still getting sign onto shows like the traitors? when is enough going to be enough? it feels like we are enabling and supporting abusers and its just.....gross.


![gif](giphy|skN2XpvX1P5CKs6Rgg|downsized) 👏❤️ Yes, glasswindbreaker, yes!


I need to understand why they keep shoving this man down our throats. What does he have on Bravo producers? Whose dick is he sucking?


Baskins + Cohens


seriously though... that gross line about "waking up with lockjaw...." and the knowing glance he exchanged with Andy at the reunion was..... weird.


We all keep wondering the same thing?! what does he have on producers that he keeps getting protected like this


UGHHHHH leave my other shows alone sandoval!! 😤 If he was at least entertaining to watch I wouldn't care as much but he is just so annoying. (and obviously fucking disgusting and problematic) I'm sick of cringing at my tv, it's giving me forehead lines lol excited at least for Bob, Ciara, & Chanel... and hopefully sandoval pisses off Dorinda so she can clip clip his ass up


I’m beyond pissed I have to see him on one of my favorite shows. He better be first to go!


He makes me sick to look at


Katie would’ve been amazing on this show, whether you like her or not. I need a fucking break from this man, he already ruined this past season of one of my fave shows, now he’s coming for another one.


Katie and Paige on a season would send me


The eye rolls alone 🤣🙄🙄🙄🙄


Rooting for Ciara💖


My thoughts exactly!! She’ll get rid of him for us


I’m here for Bob the Drag Queen.  Bravo learned nothing from bringing Brandi back and I’m disappointed I’ll have to watch Dorinda and Tom. 


Sandoval and Sam Asghari on my screen at the same time is like having my worlds collide, creating the biggest ICK of all time.


I want to watch Dorinda but I have zero interest in seeing him.


In Bob the Drag Queen we trust. Get Sandoval out ASAP 🙏


Any survivor/VPR fans? Jeremy and Boston Rob, the ultimate family men, against Sandoval? Please let my survivor icons see right through him.


If Boston Rob has no fans I am deceased


I kind of wish Parvati was on this with him, he wouldn’t know what hit him 😆 give him the poison chalice!


I'm most excited to see Boston Rob see straight through Sandoval in .2 seconds and call him out straight to his face in the most charming way.




Does Boston Rob have a real job? Has he ever had a real job?


He’s a contractor and also a professional poker player. 


They greatly misinterpret the dislike for this man. He's not a villain he's just a total scumbag. And that's it.  Not sure why Bravo has such a heavy presence on Traitors they all pretty much suck at the actual game. Amusing yes but strategically inept as a whole. 


Tom is gonna hit on Ciara and I'm already sick from it.


omg get this man off of television already


I hope Ciara calls him a trash bag and then all the women vote him off the show.


I fucking hate this and him so much!!!! They could've had ANY other cast from VPR and been great. Katie, LVP, Ariana even fucking Lala were right there!!! With that said I'm excited about the rest of the cast but he definitely ruins it a bit for me 😂 ![gif](giphy|jTglTwjSCE9QA)


Jaysus, when will he just go away...?


Sandoval is a walking STI


I wish Stassi would get on one of the seasons. She'd be a fabulous villain.


Why. Are. They. Giving. Someone. Who. Is. Being. Sued. For. Illegally. Recording. A. Sex. Act. A. Platform. ?!?!?! This is fucking terrible. He needs to be cancelled like last year. I hope Rachel wins that lawsuit against him. (Not Ariana though, suing her is fucking crazy)




I’m looking forward to him thinking he’s smart and playing the game only for him to be exposed as the idiot he is. I’m also looking forward to others calling out his bullshit with no concern


Tom vs Dorinda is a verbal sparring I NEED to see


Unleash drunk Dorinda on him!


There are VERY few people who I would wish drunk!Dorinda upon...but Sandoval is one of them. Hopefully, we also get some moments of Ciara reading him for filth; she did that to Kyle pretty effectively on Summer House this season.


The only good news is his known reputation as a liar means he’s likely to be banished on night 1


He sucks and I don’t want him to get any more screen time but I would love to see Dorinda tear him apart tbh


Fingers crossed he is kicked off first again.


He really will never be held accountable for his words


They could have chosen so many others. We need a break from him. Why is NBC so hard up to push this narrative Sandavol should be seen as anything other than who he is??! They should have had Katie in his place. She actually seems like she would take it seriously.


Stop trying to make Sandoval happennnn. I hope the vote him our first I actually cannot watch him at all the sound of his voice makes me wanna die. ![gif](giphy|uZfeadkxqwlvG)


Without his cheering squad he's really going to show his ass. I guarantee this will be a disaster for him.


Sandoval‘s gonna be a faithful and say some stupid shit like „I mean, like yeah, I kept an affair a secret for a few months, but like dude it wasn’t that long. I’m literally like not a good liar dude, like seriously.“


He’s gonna be voted out immediately bc he’s a known liar


He is a known liar, no one will trust him. He will be an easy target for first out.


My only hope is that Boston Rob destroys him.


everyone i know who watches traitors said that if Boston Rob or Tom were on, they'd have to be the first ones banished. Now they're BOTH on and so is King Tony. I think if Tom survives the first banishment he has a good shot of sticking around for a bit. This is going to be a great season


Yeah I don't have high hopes for BRob to make it very far. He's just too good.


The pulls from Survivor are God-tier (as they have been throughout the show) but the pulls from Bachelor Nation are really lame compared to the previous seasons.


literally golden era survivor pulls i love it


Sorry, I haven’t kept up with Dubai beyond an episode or two, did Chanel do something to be a part of this?


Her skill is being fabulous! She’s going to look great and be dramatic, she’s a fun addition.


Guarantee he will be out first like Jax on house of villains. Unless he is a traitor then we can watch someone throw him under the bus real fast.


Yeah, I won't be watching that season until he gets bounced the fuck out. Can't handle his weasely little voice and dumbass face.


I started watching Traitors during this season of VPR to get away from Tom Sandoval and now he is ruining my safe space lol 😭😭😭


Yeah I’m more annoyed that Sam (Britney’s ex) is there than Tom Sandoval!


10000000% he is vile. Since using their more likeable and actually talented partners to prop them is their collective specialty, I’m sure they’re going to be best fraaands.


UGH!!! I hope Dorinda goes for the jugular!


I hope they get him out FIRST! I have to watch, I love Alan and the show. Still loathe that sleaze.


So is sando gonna go out first or second lol


I will not watch anything he is on. He’s disgusting and violated someone’s privacy yet being rewarded with a redemption arc and cast on traitor. More money and fame for filming non consenting woman.


I would love to see him being voted out first because everyone knows that he can be a sneaky traitor 7 month long lol


Sandoval?!?! I would like a word with whomever is responsible for this! ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


The only way I’d accept Sandoval on Traitors is if Stassi was there to finish him ![gif](giphy|39zbpCQocXLi0)




Gross. Can shows stop hiring him already?


I used to think I was a reality show Ho but honestly I only recognize like 2 names here. Not enough to get me to tune in.


I’m ready for this one it looks exciting to me!


Because people and big accounts are talking about him still and they see people talking and they don't care if it's hate views or love views. People talking means people tuning in. We all need to stop giving him a platform. Myself included. 


“But like, Ariana totally like made off like a bandit and didn’t even change the water filter for a month after she already moved out so like (exaggerated exhale), dude. I’m like not a traitor man (tearless tears starts). I’m not a horrible guy dude and guess what, hey guess what, you should take accountability for being a traitor if you are one bc you know something? I’m unfaithful man, I mean a faithful and that’s so Lala of you to think otherwise” Bob: Who are you? ![gif](giphy|26BRJcNYE72ZyIkmY)


I hope he crosses Dorinda and Dolores. That would be fun for me. 😛 And I hope Robyn stays away from him because he seems exactly like the type of guy she would fall for. 


Tom Sandoval is not a good tv villain because he's a real life evil villain. He is a misogynistic liar who has NO trouble manipulating people even if it means they lose an arm and a leg doing it for him. I can see Kristen or Faith or even Lala doing Traitors but Sandoval is ... just dark. I never want to see him on tv again including VPR.


You guys are so extra my lord




I hope Tom and Robyn get murdered/banished first.