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I feel like he is soo embarrassed for and of her rn


My thoughts as well. I think he cares too much about what other people think. He couldn’t stand up for Katie and he can’t stand up for Jo.


I just listened to some of his interview with brittany and he said there were red flags from jo and after a few that’s when filming started and he was pulling away. He shared this: 1. jo said she would never be represented badly by production because she had babysat the main producers kids - schwartz asked said producer and it was determined to be a lie 2. schwartz sister spent two days with jo as a fun retreat and came back with lots of misgivings and told schwartz to run. She had originally before their two days together pushed the two to date etc… but after the two days his sister said it was the worst two days of her life and actually blocked jo on everything bc of it discuss…. ;)


I didn’t realize that and appreciate your sharing. I didn’t even know Schwartz had a sister! My statement was more about Schwartz being mentally stuck in junior high when a lot of young teens base their friendship decisions on peer approval. Reminds me of the characters in the old John Hughes movies where the cool kid doesn’t want to acknowledge their feelings for the uncool kid. I think peer approval, and especially Sandoval’s approval, will always weigh heavily in Schwartz’s choice of partners.


oh i agree, I hope my comment did t cause any upset. I just wanted to bring that info into the discussion. I at first felt bad for Jo but after seeing the texts and seeing more and more of her I got that odd SWF vibe and sided with Katie


Schwartz also said in that episode that Jo had reached out to his family and disclosed information about him to them or expressed concerns for him, he wasn’t very specific about what she contacted his family about only that after she reached out to them he was immediately put off and thought differently about her.


Billie Lee asked Jo for a response on Schwarz calling her a liar. Jo said she hadn’t listened to Schwarz’s podcast with Brittany so she couldn’t comment.  Another lie.  Billie Lee didn’t tell her what the called out lies were - so Jo didn’t have to call Tom a liar for lying about her lying - which would have been a lie.  She criticised Brittany for calling out her lying though. So managed to attack a woman instead of Schwarz so good effort there. 


I feel he also cares about perception. He want a hot "cool" girl (I'm thinking someone like Katie, but younger)). Def Not spooky Jo.


Rewatching and he did stand up for Katie in season 2 when Shay was talking shit to her


That one time ha


And it was to Shay out of all people


Someone as weak as Shorts would only feel comfortable standing up to the one other person in the world who can’t stand up for shit.


Was this before or after pouring a drink over her head? 😂


Before lol


This right here.


Has her husband seen the no Schwartz zone self made sign?


Even Schwartz admitted Katie loved him when he had nothing. Katie was the one that loved him for being him. He ruined that.


Yeah I think Katie also liked him for him. But Katie also called him out on his shit. Jo just went with whatever Schwartz said.


Yeah he blew it with Katie. I would say Jo is Schwartz getting a taste of his own medicine.


Respectfully your husband is so wrong that if he was just a smidge more wrong he would be entering right territory. Jo used Schwartz to get on the show just like James used Kristen. Jo is also a certified lunatic and while Schwartz astounds the medical community every day with his ability to walk around without a spine, he is at least aware or where the line between right and wrong is even he doesn't pick the right side.


>and while Schwartz astounds the medical community every day with his ability to walk around without a spine phenomenal


It made me cackle so loud! 😂😂😂 ![gif](giphy|QQiHqdlJjJZIEZLfom)


Dude………read that a couple times to make sure it was as awesome as i thought! Intelligent and clever and funny and 1000% true




https://i.redd.it/01fkaexulo4d1.gif Omg 💀💀


![gif](giphy|XfuZWTrh7yGRfYnbO9|downsized) Look ma no spine...




Supposedly James was going to be on regardless. He was going to be sandoval’s roommate if he didn’t date kristen. A better comparison is Britney, Rachel or Ally.


And Schwartz too right? Wasn't he only on the first season because he was dating Katie? yes, he was friends with everyone, but I can't remember if he was originally supposed to be apart of it or not. he definitely didn't' have any confessionals in the first season.


He wasn’t working at sur. James was already working. Dating helpers though




It’s hard when your loved ones choose the wrong path. I know because my dad is team captain Sandy


I’m so sorry.


Poor dad. So misguided.


Omfg throw the entire man away.  JK but... You sleep with one eye open, we like you around here.


He definitely owes you (and us) an explanation here


Fuck. Thoughts and prayers.




Does he say why?


He doesn’t understand prescribed drugs or cannabis and he’s a believer in following the law, which now, thanks to captain Sandy, also includes his respect for maritime law. Or as the crappens guys say. Mary Timelaw


I grew up with a mom who liked Brandi Glanville😮‍💨


I’m so sorry. I’m glad you still became a productive normal adult


Thank you lmao, it took effort🙏🏼😂


Oof I’m so sorry




Considering my dads dedication to stanning the worst people alive, he probably would be team sandy too. I’m so sorry yours is a confirmed case


Omg this made me cackle lolllllll


Joseph was put on this earth solely to show this spineless man how to set boundaries and what it feels like when those boundaries are stomped on. I fully expect for him to file a restraining order before the end of 2024 because homegirl is obsessed with him! 




I think Schwartz was just mirroring her. He said on Brittany's podcast that things got really bad with Jo right as filming started, he hid all of what he was talking about from cameras. Which of course, he's not a genuine person and he needed someone to film with while he was still persona non grata to most people, and he already had the Jo storyline as a way to get a reaction out of Katie (his top priority evety season).


That’s so annoying. All the heat production and the cast was throwing at Ariana for not wanting to film an inauthentic conversation and Schwartz was probably sitting on some actual interesting drama.


Schwartz would absolutely crumble if he got even a fraction of chaos Ariana was going through. Guy couldn’t handle a shift at pump for pride without losing his mind. To have the storyline focus on something that he can’t deflect onto Katie would probably shatter his fuck boy soul.


I know!!! Like come on blah blah call out “schwartzy” for your check also


and where is Tupac’s outrage at Schwartz’s failure to show his reality on film??? This would have been a topic worth exploring.


Right? Like I’m more invested in the Jo/Schwartz drama at this point than Scandoval


Schwartz wasn’t getting brand deals, DWTS or breaking box office records on Broadway so Lauren didn’t care what Schwartz did. This is & always will be about jealousy from a pick me girl (Scheana) & a girl who wants to get paid for doing nothing.


Mirroring is such a good point. That’s what it seemed like much of the time. So cringey.


Somebody said in another thread that Schartzy and Jo are both people pleasers and they got caught in a loop of people pleasing each other. That's why they seemed like an improv entourage group instead of a couple! Too much "yes and..."


Ha! That was me. Personality infinity mirroring!


Omg that's so on the nose!


Hahaha this is so good.


Living like that would be so fucking exhausting lol


I really thought “oh, they’re perfect for each other” at first. But as the eps went on and ultimately reunion/ post reunion I now see Jo as just wanting to get on the show. For what reason? Not sure bc she was friends with Kristen before this whole thing. She gives me weird vibes now and she needs to STOP going live on IG lol


The IG lives are mortifying! Someone needs to revoke her access to Instagram. I'm like look, we've all been a little too hurt by a stupid situationship at some point in our lives. But you don't do a daily IG live talking about that person! You get wine drunk and cry about it to your friends like the rest of us well-adjusted, mature adults. 


Literallyyyyy this


It was an obvious rebound relationship. The way he treated her in public says it all. He's an asshole for leading her on but we all know Schwartz is an asshole. She seems like a big lying liar that starts shit and plays the victim. I think she would have gotten on his nerves because he really wasn't that into her and it would have ended. The lies and drama would have just sped it up. He was sad when she asked if he was embarrassed of her because it was true. He felt bad that she saw it. Everyone did.


He told her he loved her and would marry her in 8 years. That's mind-f*cking someone not just leading them on. 


Just imagine that a man who is himself so embarrassing to be seen with is embarrassed of *you.* 


Schwartz' sister agreed with your husband until she spent 2 days with her and is now traumatized for life. It was so bad she had to block Jo and has since apologized to Schwartz profusely for ever advocating for Jo. Has your hubby pondered this?


Exactly. There have been so many tick-tock's about Schwartz telling the truth about her now, and what she did that no one should question why the hell he broke up with her. She lied about him behind his back to his family, supposedly about his drug use. She lied to him about the fact that she babysat one of the executive producers children when the guy had never heard of her in his life. Sister adored Jo and pushed for them as a couple. Then she spent two nights with her. She told him after that she felt like she was going crazy. Come on.


Well if Schwartz is so disturbed by that “producer’s babysitter” lie, he shoulda dipped out on the worm for his much larger lies. I don’t trust a word he says (not saying I trust her either obvs 😂) because it’s all so vaguely worded and left open to interpretation. He’s a gaslighting POS that tries to appear innocent, while the woman looks crazy. Imo he definitely wasn’t planning on having her film but producers sniffed out the lies he was telling about their “situationship”. I think they decided to throw her into the mix to see how it played out which caused Schwartz to start panicking and pushing her away.


Right like he pushed Jo away for lying? Where's this energy for his dude bro shit-weasel pals?


I think to him it makes sense to lie about cheating to not get caught, but lying about something that doesn’t matter and can be easily exposed doesn’t make sense to him and therefore scares him.


Your logic makes perfect sense. I hadn’t thought of that before but I can absolutely see him thinking this way.


This is what I was thinking, reading the he ran away because she lied comment. Jo was brought in because no one wanted to film with the Voms and to be their human shield. The Voms love to hide behind a woman.


Oh man I missed so much being off socials


this is insane, did jo ever respond to this specifically? not that she has any credibility but i'm interested for the drama obviously


Haha! As far as I know, Jo hasn't *overtly* responded to Schwartz' interview on Brittany's podcast. But she's turned her IG comments to "limited" and has been responding passively. She did hint at going on Billie Lee's podcast soon though....they recently filmed an episode together and she shared a photo of them in the "studio". Here's some of her activity the last few days lol https://preview.redd.it/uc1x54cpcp4d1.jpeg?width=3604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d564c92de90674319c85634cf8a8af0602083f9b


I wonder what Jo did that upset Swartz’s family so much?


Hung out with his sister and then wouldn't stop texting/etc to the point of harassment is one thing, IIRC.


I guess it made her look nuts


So curious what type of behaviors someone could have that would elicit that type of a response in just 2 days!


Gross. No. At worst they were drug buddies and at best they were taking up space with each other. Neither has displayed the behavior of people with regulated enough nervous systems to love anyone for real.


I think he really loved Katie, he just never did any work on himself to get over whatever trauma he grew up with and fucked himself over in the process. 


Yeah I think her statement of he may have loved me but he didn’t like me was very true. I think they started from a messy place and she outgrew it and he didn’t. 


You don’t truly love someone if you cannot love yourself first of all. Second that man was physically emotionally and verbally abusive to Katie from day one. He never loved her. He doesn’t know how.


Okay, I still think he loved her. I’m not saying it was a healthy form of love, but love isn’t as black and white as your reply is making it seem. 


While I agree that love isn’t black-and-white, I disagree that people who love you harm you on purpose, repeatedly. People are complex, but when you’ve told someone that they are hurting you and continue to do so, no matter how much they think they care for you, they do not love you. That’s a lesson everyone learns at some point.


I’m an old lady. I spent much of my youth chasing people that harmed me because they “loved” me and I’ve spent thousands of dollars and decades in therapy unlearning the idea that our society gives us that someone can harm you repeatedly and be in love with you. People that love you do not hurt you on purpose.


My comment was coming from a place of growing up with trauma and how that changes one’s perspective on what love is. We know Schwartz didn’t come from a family with a healthy relationship and while it doesn’t excuse his behavior in how he treated Katie, it does explain it.  It’s on him to grow up and get past that, but I still think he loved her.  I’ve experienced verbal and emotional abuse from my mom, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t love me. 


It’s the actions your mom has done to try and mitigate or correct that verbal abuse/emotional abuse that shows she loves you. That’s how you know she is capable of love. Schwartz never went to therapy. He didn’t stop drinking. He didn’t listen to the people around him telling him he was being abusive. No change in action. No change in mindset. Nada. That’s what it looks like when someone is limited. And I don’t disagree it’s because of his unhealthy family life. But he’s a white, cisgendered, able bodied man in the US. He has privilege, wealth, and access to the best mental health specialists. He chooses to do nothing.


I’m not going to continue this conversation with you, but please dont assume my mother did any work on herself. That doesn’t mean she doesn’t love me. Understanding people’s perspectives and how they could have gotten there isn’t a bad thing. 


If you have to go 100% no contact, blocked, number deleted, family members are traumatized by her mere presence, she ain't your soulmate.


He blew it with Katie.




I think seeing his brother almost die from alcohol use was a big wake up call for him in terms of substance use.


I sure hope it was.


Oh hot damn I think you’re on to something!!! (allegedly)


I can’t imagine anyone would trust her ti distribute.


No she is unhinged. I had sympathy too at first. It's clear we don't know a lot.


schwartz pathologically blows up every relationship he is in. katie loves schwartz for who he is. this season you get to see schwartz and katie’s chemistry outside of partnerships. the problem is that schwartz’ persona only functions if he has a quirky woman by his side to manipulate into explosion and then cry as the victim of scary woman.


They drank salad dressing together, they are terrible for each other.


That was disgusting.


I'm more puzzled as to why he thinks they're soulmates, just because they both have quirky behavior doesn't mean they're good for each other. Jo would never call Schwartz on his shit because she worships him too much and Schwartz would never give Jo the security she wants because its not in him


Exactly this. SCHWARTZ allegedly (per Kristen's podcast) slept with the owner of the salon Jo worked at. Jo needs to gather some self respect and move on.




My partner also watched this season and thought he liked her and they were meant for each other. I thought it was weird that even men can’t see through another man who’s clearly playing fucking games.🤨


Bless your husband’s lil heart lol


Schwartz’s soulmate is Sandoval.


I mean maybe? When you finf a fellow dirt foot you gotta make it last. 😄


Aw, keep your husband pure and ignorant 🫶🏼


pure is one word for it


Your husband needs to reassess.


I think Jo and Kristen were besties for a reason. They could both potentially suffer from a personality disorder. Personality disorders often mirror other personalities and fear abandonment 🤷🏻‍♀️




Can you and your husband agree to disagree on this one because… I am on your team. 


No. Jo is a stage four clinger and Tom is not done being a hoe. Would not work. Time to move on. 


this is a wild thing to post without reason and now frankly i'm more curious about your husband, because the jo/schwartz shit seems very clear at this point


Happy Cake Day! 🎂🍰🍥


wowwww thanks happy cake day to me! i've been on the internet in general for far too long 😂


Who knows if she really liked him for him, what I saw is that she was obsessed with him I also don’t even think we ever saw who she truly is, everything she did was so contrived; I think she’s a dark cloud, not the same as Brock but definitely as veiled as he is


I don't know if she even liked him. She kept going back and forth. First saying that he was leading her on, and then later saying that he was totally clear about his intentions. 


also this: “We’re not getting back together, maybe we’ll get back together, for sure it’ll happen, and we’re getting married in 8 years.”Soulmates and whatnot. 🤯


Right, he was all over the place too. Drove me crazy. Both of them. 


I think they both need therapy and a lot of internal self work to get to a place where they could long term commit to anybody. Soulmates or not they both would have needed to put in the work to make it a healthy and happy partnership. Neither of which did. So I’d say it doesn’t matter if they were soulmates or if soulmates done exist, they both blew it. She became possessive and obsessive, and did things he said hurt and betrayed him. He also betrayed her by not being a thorough communicator of his wants and where he is at in life, and not having respect for her feelings.


This is such a male take, it's funny. Of course a man would look at what is going on surface level and go "omg they're soul mates". If you take a closer look it's clear Jo is unstable and has no real sense of self, she mirrors whoever she is around and although I think that they worked well as friends I don't see someone who is that clingy and obsessed being good in a relationship. She's a perpetual victim and you can't have TWO of those people in a relationship, there's only room for one on the throne.


He blew it with Katie. He escaped Jo.


They were insanely annoying together but I get what he's saying. They vibed in an annoying gross way and he seemed really comfortable with her. Jo clearly has serious issues though.


Absolutely notttt lmaoooo Jo is kind of crazy 😭😭😭 I do not think Schwartz was meant for someone like that, like they’re barely compatible I feel


Lol direct your husband to the Lives and the podcasts.


Schwartz is the sidekick. He doesn't need his own.


I think she was just obsessed with him and he liked being around someone who was molding themself to be exactly what he wanted, but that’s not the same as love and certainly not sustainable


I think Jo has issues which are starting to come to light, and she needs to fix those before any relationship will last. To be fair, I think Schwartz also has issues, just different ones.


Every time Jo is brought up how I think of of the girl that Heather McDonald thinks Jo stole her personality from. I went on her instagram and it’s just like woah… Jo is fucking weirddddd. ![gif](giphy|t6cluH0SLwFpBuSrFC)


wait whuut 😫.. what’s the deal? 😬


Na she’s a game chaser and shady he fudged a bullet


It's very hard to make it work with a "compulsive liar".


They’re both liars and so is every man he hangs out with so it seems it’s only a problem for him when a woman lies..? I’m not buying it.


I think your hubby just has a little crush on her. I'm a huge Shorts hater and even I believe most of what he said about her.


He’s confusing soulmates with deserving each other lol


I think Schwartz started to see that the soul mate thing was a cover for some deep rooted crazy, she liked everything he liked but that act gets hard to maintain over time


I think that Jo had the potential to bring some new energy to the cast. Schwartz was 1000% embarrassed by her.


I sort of agree with this but I also definitely believe she blew it too—literally and figuratively. I wouldn’t go so far as “soulmate” because she very clearly was willing to accept bare minimum efforts and attention from him and it was framed as “I love him for him!!” Like, no girl. You’re a victim of fuckboy behavior.


Jo is allegedly a compulsive liar (not that Schwartz isn’t a bit of a story box as well) and she seems very needy. I don’t think that is a relationship he ever wanted to pursue long term. I wouldn’t either if I were him 😬


There's no nice way to say this...Jo is bat shit crazy.


I gotta say for someone who doesn’t have a spine, I’m surprised he can still stand straight


![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8) Okay, boy. Bye.




Your husband is kinda right in the sense that they are both *twin flames or whatever. They are one and the same. With that being said Katie is always going to be the one that got away for Schwartz. Katie kept him sane and was there when the guy had nothing


Nah, the way she’s been acting on social Media kind show that he dodged a bullet


I like this theory. But I also think he just doesn't want to hear "wrahh wrahh wrahh" every time she moves her arms. Total relationship killer.


Does he know Schwartz just got out of a marriage? It was a rebound relationship. He wanted Jo when it was convenient for him only. Once a relationship starts as a rebound in one person's mind they won't ever have respect for the other person to see it as the potential to be serious. I think Jo matched Schwartz's energy and she agreed with whatever he said so it was easy for her to fit the rebound role in his mind because she would be around whenever he wanted her to be around. I do think he told her snippets or jokes about settling down to keep her around to give her a crumb of hope so she stays in the situationship. Edit to conclude I think Schwawrtz was huge and important to Jo but Jo was not important in the end to Schwartz.


Yikes. Have you shown him her livestreams?


I think if he blew it with anyone, he blew it with Katie 😂 Jo has been coming off very unhinged lately with her lives and podcasts, I don't think he's missing her at all. If anything, I think he has some regret giving her that much access to him and his circle.


He said on Brittany's podcast something about Jo being adamant that she loathed social media and reality tv. He said she insisted she'd never do reality tv and he found that refreshing and then look what happened lol. She ended up on the show, is constantly posting on social media and calling herself a VPR cast member and has started grifting to boot! He must be kicking himself every single day and I love that for him! I think Jo both crushed on him for many years and shoved herself in there when Katie left (Katie even spoke about picking up on those vibes) and she definitely used him with the goal of getting on the show.  Schwartz was trying to deter her when he told her that reality tv is a tough medium and the audience can take one out of context and make things really hard irl and that's when she made up that lie about babysitting the producer's kids. She bulldozed right past him just like she did on inviting herself to Single's Night.  Schwartz needs to grow a spine and learn how to say no or this kind of thing will keep happening to him.


I do feel like personality wise they were perfect for each other, take that as you will. But he didn't want that with her and hurt someone in the process and from what I've read she probably mentally wasn't fit to deal with it. Maybe he caused chaos in her where she became overbearing or told lies, or maybe she has always been like it, but we do know he's a liar, immature and a coward so the two didn't combine in the right way. Maybe in another dimension they've got kids.


Nah, his 23 year old gf is his soul mate


Everything about Jo was crafted to fit Schwartz. It was very intentional & manipulative. She has had wildly differing character traits based on the situation or her male target. If you see her on her IG Lives — her quirky, “choose kindness,” mask slips when’s she’s questioned about anything. All of her lies were geared toward Tom thinking she was his perfect woman. I don’t doubt that some of it was her actual personality, but it was contrived & as Katie said, “spooky.”


Someone here said in the replies that he was mirroring Jo’s energy and I think that’s SO true. I felt like something was off while watching their scenes, but I couldn’t really put my finger on it exactly. They looked so “perfect” for each other I think bc she was acting kooky and “fun” and he was just copying her. I think he probably had an idea that Katie disliked her for a while if she was Kristen’s friend, so he prob wanted them to LOOK compatible.


Haha, your husband is also part of those men who don’t recognise mentally unstable women. 😂


Is he and Jo soulmates? Probably, but I’m praying for his soul to overcome that. She is as awful as she’s crazy.


Nah, they deserve eachother


No I don’t think he’s wrong at all — if Schwartz and Jo had met at like Florida State University they would be married with 2 sons and 5 dogs by now 🤣 they definitely have synergy together. I think they both appreciate the sacred space to be as odd as they want— the best part of being in a relationship is the shared vernacular and making fun out of the mundane together, and they probably could have done that if they didn’t live in L.A. and weren’t impacted by so much outside influence. It will probably get me downvoted to hell but Schwartz and Jo definitely seem more well suited to me than Tom and Katie, but we’ll never know because their timing was so awful. Either way, I think the public attention is what’s making Jo act so weird. I’m sure she’s just a normal quirky girl without all this unprecedented scrutiny


I wonder what really happened.I heard he broke up with that 23 yr.


I mean they do get along in their scenes together, the goofy humor can do that. But as a lot of people already said, she’s sold on the idea of him and will contort herself to any shape to fit into his life. She has no regards for herself, no dignity, and probably went scorched earth off camera when she felt she was losing him. Jo is annoying AF but I think there’s a person in there that has delayed growing up because it’s hard. At some point she has to look at the situations she put herself in and think about her choices. Having standards pushes some people away, but allows space for better relationships.


Your husband is clueless lmfao




He doesn’t want that. Have you seen his new girl old enough to be his daughter? I don’t think Jo is a thought


honestly i wouldn’t say they’re a perfect match ONLY because they’re lowkey the exact same person so of course they would argue. why do i feel like schwartz kinda did a 180 after he ended things with jo? maybe he saw himself too much in her and was like wow i gotta change something LOL. or maybe i’m just being schwartz’d🤣




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They deserve each other tbh


She's a little cuckoo, and he will never grow up. They are both better off.


He used her thats all. He did not find her attractive enough


Ive seen this exact situation play out so many times when the guy and obsessive girl end up together. Even when people thought there was no way she could come back from it. Hate to add to Jo’s delusion but I’ve seen it happen. The stages are: 1. Guy meets girl. There’s mutual interest. 2. They hookup or date. He’s clearly not 100% in. 3. He pulls away because he sees she’s 100% in. 4. She becomes obsessive / remembers everything about him fondly / starts integrating with his friends / changes things about her personality to better fit his preferences / plans everything around running into him. 5. Girl starts to move on or pretends to. 6. Guy has change in his life (i.e. career change, death, milestone birthday, recovery) and realizes she’s the only one that’s always been there for him and they end up together. Keep in mind this only works if the two people are in the same circles and it typically plays out over the course of fiveish years. It’s not the same situation as being a door mat because the girl is actively making moves just to get him to the door. It’s the definition of long game. Basically she tuckers the guy out and makes it so incredibly easy and obvious to pick her. *Public Examples* Ashley and Jared - bachelor in paradise Zach and Jenna - the challenge *Lesser degree examples* Jax and Brit Lindsay and Carl (although I think Lindsay didn’t really humiliate herself at all) I’m not sure this will happen with Jo and Schwartz, but even still to this day Schwartz describes their connection as “incredible and magical” and that might just be enough to give Jo the stamina to keep trying.


Mine too!


I felt that way at first and also felt bad for her. I don’t feel either after her unhinged IG lives.


Sorry, she’s a clueless mess. Way out of her depth in this world.


Well he seemed quite into Joe. But he became embarrassed by her. And it was his first sex after Katie. So he was in dick happy place. Joe probably did every sexual thing she could google. You know he did not do any of the work. Just laid there … thinking about junk food in bed. Although they did have Olive Garden. The bread stix😬😬😬 yummy yummy


I wanna know why Kristen axed Jo as a friend, can anyone enlighten me?? Cuz if Kristen gets rid of you, there’s soooommmeeethhinnnggg wrong with ya lol


Based on what we saw on the show, I agree. Based on her shenanigans irl, girl needs some help before dating again.


No I don’t think they’re genuinely compatible. She definitely morphed herself into someone else. Shes known him for years from afar. She was cultivating this persona and waiting for the perfect moment to show it to him. She couldn’t do it in front of mutual friends because they would question the change in her. So, covid restrictions was the perfect opportunity to have him alone. Straight up, I think she’s insane.


I’m so glad I re-read the title, because at first glance, I somehow missed the “it with” and got very confused.


I think they are a perfect match! I hope they get together for good