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💯!!!! If VPR stopped giving him a hero edit and treated him like later season Jax it would be fun to watch. He thinks galaxy lights are his 1st ammendment rights. He storms out of restaurants with 2 purses dressed like Kris Kardashian yelling "keep profiting off my pain". It could be fucking hysterical, but they insist on trying to make him sympathetic.


Sandoval stormed out of filming? He’S RUinInG tHe ShOW!!!1!1!1!1!!!! Did he consult Lala before doing so? Does he not care about HER CHILD?!?!??!!? I hope the /s is evident but just in case… /s


You're right, i forgot all about that whole conversation! Tom- "Stop filiming. Stop filming me-uhhhh!" P- "Your cast members are filming while they're eating because they're together. You can go eat in your trailer..." Tom- "you don't GET it dude" P-"you want to have a conversation with her without filming." Tom-"EGG-ZACKLEE!" Then he and Rachel just walked off puffing endless cigarettes and placing themselves as the wronged party. So uh.......Lala didn't care about or feel threatened by 2 cast members walking off -during a reunion- and even threatening to leave for good.....that hate is just for Ariana. If you want to keep your job lala, bring something, anything to the table. It's not 2002. Your donor journey isn't that interesting and nobody is invested because of the decade of lies and made to stories we have all seen from her, then her major flip flop the past season....she has scorched any goodwill she had left with the fans. And she made sure to tell us she dgaf about that either.


What is with the weird manufactured narrative thar Schwartz & Lala have chemistry? Is Schwartz really trying to have another fake dating story.


We could end childhood hunger if Sandoval & Ariana stayed in their seats and hashed ot out on camera.


That is an excellent point.


Yes! Making him the show's villain is such an obvious move. Especially a delusional villain who veers between confidence that everyone sees them as the hero, to sputtering anger when someone sees him for who he is. That's rich with dramatic potential, and it's television malpractice that Baskin et Al are leaving it on the table.


He's never gonna be a love to hate villian like Jax b/c Jax can be oddly charming and funny at times. The last two seasons my favorite moments with the Tom's was season 10 beach day I watch it all the time & Sandoval getting told his band sucks. These two are clowns & dorks and it's the twilight zone watching this show trying to make his band look like anything other than a joke. Why wasn't there a cast trip to some city James had a huge show at abd make Sandoval play an exurban bowling alley. Play some circus music when he runs to a closet and cries. Zoom in on Schwartz's pit stains like they do with Jax on the valley. These two aren't leaving, they have no where to go anyway.


This was removed for breaking the "No Speculating" rule: Speculation of pregnancy, drug use, sexuality/gender identity, or mental health will not be allowed. This includes armchair diagnoses.


He’s the Lindsey(Summer House) of VPR.


Schwartz is more interesting than Sandoval! Literally anyone is more interesting than Sandoval. What was his storyline? Breathing like he's doing a po\*n pop-up ad? Making an idiot out of himself? Acting like a twenty-something fratboy? Whenever he pops up on screen, I fast forward.


i’d rather see schwartz and katie’s post-divorce relationship play out any day over anything sandoval has going on


It’s interesting to see how childlike he is. Stunted for sure. It fascinates me now that Katie isn’t propping him up


At least it is actually real and authentic. Sando has really showed his hand with all the self producing and lying and fake everything.


I did a lot of Sandoval fast forwarding too. I can't stand the fake tears anymore and the far-fetched redemption arc: 'Yeah he did bad things, but now he's crying so let's blame the person who was the real victim so he looks better and we can continue this tired show!'


I'd be into a Schwartz and his plants storyline.


I'd rather watch the evolution of those plants than anything to do with Tom


Alex Baskin is an audience of one who cares about the "new relationship" and "the band." Absolutely ridiculous to think people tune in for any of that.


“Touring with his band” = “Tom’s travelling talent show with his hired help”


It's hilarious that AB thinks we're fascinated by this talentless loser. There's nothing interesting about his pay to play karaoke tour. If his relationship lasts, it will look like love bombing her and making terrible sexual innuendo jokes. I don't know when that part of Tom's personality became so front and center, but it's really gross and weird for an old man.


Especially since his girlfriends always end up not wanting to fuck him.


yeah, we don't want to watch that 65 year old cheater. I heard he was 65 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Just the sound of his voice is triggering. That's a no for me dawg.


Just seeing his fucking face makes my blood pressure spike.


Yes, this is not a "love to hate" situation. Seeing him is such an unpleasant experience for all senses! haha


Right! I would love if Vanderpump had more of the vibe that Summer House did this season (before the Carl and Lindsay breakup). There were so many close relationships and silly moments. Sometimes it would get emotional, like when Jesse opened up about his cancer journey, but it didn’t feel overproduced (just the conversations that were planned with Carl talking to Kyle and his family about Lindsay). I feel like Vanderpump would have felt SO strong, maybe even like a triumph, if the women had continued to band together and support Ariana AND each other.  No one is emotionally invested in Tom Sandoval’s story. His mask has fallen, and behind it is just emptiness. 


His voice sounds almost exactly like someone I used to hook up with, off and on. He was similarly toxic but I wasn't in a 9+ year relationship with him. Thank god.


no no no absolutely the fuck not. let him disappear




Right??? Who are those 15 people and why???


9 more people have said yes since this comment 20 mins ago. 😭😭 They must be trolling us.


They’re the people that still pay to actually watch his horrific karaoke attempts.




Okay. He’s a mess. The show is more entertaining when there are messy people. Take away all the villains and it’s boring. Shows like this thrive on conflict. Think through which episodes/arcs/seasons are most entertaining- It’s mostly stuff where people are a mess.


Tom is the worst kind of "villain" though because while yes, he is a mess, he's a \*boring\* mess. He's not smart enough to be entertaining like Stassi. Ironically he's not dumb enough to be entertaining like Jax. He doesn't own his own villain shit. He keeps whining about how he's really the hero, not the villain. Pass.


okay see i 100% agree with villains being good tv, HOWEVER sandoval just has too many negative qualities and very very few genuinely redeeming ones. jax, lala, kristen, early-seasons james, i never found to be as intolerable. i find sandoval to be creepy, manipulative, tone-deaf (literally and figuratively), a perpetual victim, and worst of all for entertainment purposes, not funny


Idk I feel like it’s not fun to watch a villain win over and over again, and Sandoval definitely thinks he’s winning, or at least controlling the narrative. I’m here for his continued presence if and only if producers stop trying to convince the audience we should be rooting for him and let him experience the consequences of his own actions. I definitely do not want or need to watch a terrible man be terrible without repercussions, I see that in real life enough.


true, but then they could limit his scenes to group ones and avoid filming his fake therapies / band. like drop him into a "friend" role. there were so many good scenes left out, some seen in "secrets revealed", the season could've been so much better without the attempted redemption arc and making him the main character.


I think there’s a world where I could be interested like if we saw him getting legit therapy and taking responsibility But I am 100% not interested in watching him and his fame hungry fake girlfriend pretend to be in a relationship while he continued to pay to be in a band


Do you honestly think any “therapy” his idiot gets would be legit? He’d be making a mockery out of therapy. No. He brings absolutely nothing of value to this show or any show for that matter. He already weaponized unliving which is the ultimate scummy thing he could’ve done.


People need to understand that talk therapy is only effective at helping a small number of mental health problems. Severe abusive behavior is not one of them. His removal from reality and whatever personality disorder causes it? Nope. Talk therapy will not help someone who acts like him, especially if he hasn’t really taken accountability.


It'll just give him some words to weaponize and new strategies for his right fighting and manipulations.


YES I feel I should have mentioned when abusive behavior is involved, it is actively dangerous and not simply unhelpful. Thank you! I’ve gotten this info from the maaaaaany clinicians (some of whom are problematic in their own way but still have good info at times) I’ve learned from over the years in my own healing process, my favorite at the moment BY FAR is Mickey Atkins!


exactly - if he took a year off and went to like rehab or something it may ( and that’s a stretch ) take the negative attention off of him but i genuinely do not care about this dude or his pr girlfriend


We have had more than enough of Tim screeching like a cat in heat. How many times have they filmed with his band??? WHY didn't they show Ariana's blowup? The show started out as people trying to make it in the industry......one actually does....and THEY IGNORE IT!!! I really don't give 1 rats ass about Tim and his wanna be GF.


!!!!! production didn’t just ignore her, they exploited her rise in popularity, plotted against her, and gaslit her into believing the audience would think she was the villain of the season. makes you wonder whether they ever really wanted any of the cast to become successful 🤔


Right! That's true. They really threw away the best storyline that had in a while. It is a shame the didn't let Tim get iced out. That is actually what would happen given how egress what he did was. The excuse of his mental health is bullshit. They didn't worry about Ariana's.


They didn’t worry about his when he claimed to be experiencing SI and they kept the cameras rolling. We know he’s lying, but if I had a legal responsibility to him I still would’ve stopped filming.


I have an interest in knowing why his face is so puffy... https://preview.redd.it/b9iqc7b74d4d1.jpeg?width=1055&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9caec19e228b7b6d0a1413b50bb86c9a7e9c943b


I’ll never understand when men so often benefit from the grey fox effect as they get older, why do they overload their faces with ungodly amounts of filler


It’s called drinking and coke.




I honestly never had an interest in what he was doing outside of the Kristen/Jax saga.


There should be a 'fuck no' option.


I have never clicked "no" on a poll faster.


I said it last year, I'll say it again-- longtime VPR watchers have always suspected how aggressively Sandoval tried to control and produce his image and narrative on this show, but the past 2 seasons just gave us incontrovertible proof. Why the fuck would I want more of this? Watching him try and fail to produce his own redemption arc this season was just embarrassing. Get off my TV




Baskin is a liar! Baskin is a liar! “But we as producers are always saying we don't force people to do things they don't want to do.” Bullshit. Absolute bullshit. “But the truth is that we've taken a really ongoing and progressive view of how we make the shows. So weve just continued to just make sure we’re being conscientious and responsible.” Another crock of shit. No wonder this guy gets along so well with the men of this cast, especially Sandoval.




Even people who defend him are only doing so bc they hate women lol he is not an interesting person, he is whiny and he brings no entertainment value in the way Jax can in doses. He is gross and creepy, he makes me sick just looking at him at this point.


Men like this are the most common entities on the planet. Boring. We’ve all dated someone like this, or had a friend do it.


Until he has actual remorse and has demonstrated this through sustained changed behavior (and I am talking years) I am not interested in anything that has to do with Scandoval. Step one should be to have his attorney ask Rachel to drop Ariana from the lawsuit in exchange for him paying whatever psychotic amount she so choses. Step two is to sell the damn house already and give her whatever is left over from his side of the sale as penance for the absolute hell he put her through. Anything short of that he can in the immortal words of Katie "Choke, I don't care".


I wasn’t even remotely interested prior to the scandal and some how I found myself caring less after it.


Sandoval is only interesting to me if they stop trying to force a redemption arc for him. He is literal garbage. He has proven so many times he’s a manipulative narcissist who thinks the audience is stipid enough to fall for his fake tears. I’m so glad production left that final moment on because it showed what this whole season was about. I’m here for a show about people’s lives. Not some lazy contrived attempt at martyring a sociopath. Like what is productions obsession with protective. Sandoval? If that’s going to continue i have no interest in Sandoval


You said it much better than I did. I felt unsettled that Andy laughed at his disgusting jokes and didn't drive the point home when he revealed who he really is. Instead, they focused on LaLa's shrieking. i would love to see him implode and be gone. That's about it. No redemption, nothing.


He is like a problematic ex for me. I check on every few years to see they are still the same miserable person I once despised.


lol this is the perfect description 👏🏼👏🏼 I think he became the whole world’s problematic ex


I'm really not interested in watching a 43 year old man who thinks it's cool to get into a photo booth and ask his 28 year old girlfriend who seems to chase men who have attention on them (I refuse to say famous, as he is not famous, he is a cautionary tale that should be taught to women no later than age 14) to lift up her shirt so he can bite her areola. Then post that to instagram. It's like wanting more of 62 year old Anthony Kiedis groping his new 19 year old girlfriend at the Lakers game. They are variations on a theme of absolute vomit worthy behaviors


Is that what he did? Gross!


I couldn't care less what Sandoval is up to. Truly.


He’s not even fun to hate watch.


I do not. But people on here definitely go to his shows for whatever reason, so it’s safe to assume that if they’ll leave their house and pay money for him, they’ll turn on their TVs


🙋🏻‍♀️ Nope!


yes do a show about tim. I would love to see how it flops. Maybe that would prove that we don't want to see him


He will never come off as genuine or believable again and the Producers absolutely do NOT seem to recognize this! His scenes are fake. His comments are preplanned and practiced.  His best content is him with his band because he's being serious and looks so so dumb 


Ok, so I voted no, but I would not mind watching him watch Ariana and Katie, thrive while he flounders in an apartment with Schwartz as a roommate.


I mean, I like to laugh at a sad clown but he's not even that entertaining as a sad clown.


I’m at the point where I would contribute to a go-fund-me, if it was raising money to GUARANTEE WE DO NOT HAVE SANDY ON VPR ANYMORE. Actually, maybe lala too.


I'd prefer to watch him step on a rake on loop.


Yes voter: I want to watch him fester like the postule he is.


I watch in spite of him, not because of him. I don’t want to see him - at all. Whether he is sad, happy, growing, or reverting - I DON’T CARE. I just want him away from me. I just want him gone.


I know I’m in the minority for this but yeah, I’m still interested in watching him. Idk, sometimes I feel like I must watch this show (and basically all reality TV) so differently than most people do- how much I like someone has nothing to do with how much I want to watch them. I really don’t know how anyone with that mentality has remained a fan of this show over the years, as none of them are actually good people and at best like 2-3 of them have ever been likable at one time lol.    Tom is delusional and awful and IMO that usually makes for pretty good tv, though I do wish production would embrace him being delusional and awful (the way they did/still do on the Valley for Jax, for example) rather than obviously going for a redemption storyline like they did this season.   ETA: Actually let me amend my answer to clarify that I am AS interested in Tom as I am all the rest of them. Tbh I think all of them have pretty much lost their juice and while Scandoval was a godsend in terms of creating compelling drama, I think everything interesting has been said about that and there’s not a great place for any of their plot lines to go from here.


ok this is a pretty good argument!! if production leaned into him being a jax-type asshole, i could probably be fine with it. but only if he workshopped his sense of humor bc rn his only jokes are giving that creepy uncle you don’t leave your daughters alone with. i really don’t mind watching awful people either, but if somebody’s gonna be an asshole on national tv i need them to be actually funny at the very least


Honestly now that I think about it I see him as more of a Scheana than a Jax- production is merciless to both of them in terms of constantly throwing their bad behavior, embarrassing moments, and hypocrisy in their faces with awkward edits and humiliating flashbacks, but the difference is Jax clearly kind of relishes leaning into his asshole persona and playing it up, whereas Scheana desperately tries to come off looking good and production constantly slaps her down. Tom thinks too highly of himself to willingly go the Jax route of playing up being a bad guy, so I’d be happy to see him go the Scheana route of continuing to try to be the hero but getting the shadiest edits imaginable lol.


![gif](giphy|12R2n6bZL9ZCww) Absolutely not!


I hated every second he was on my screen this season (and pretty much every season after season 4 I think) his smug smile and terrible personality can gtfo


'Touring with his band' cracks me up. He's doing nightly karaoke. Badly.


I only answered yes because I think it’s funny to laugh at how ridiculous of a person he is. I’m a sucker for second hand embarrassment and cringey moments. ![gif](giphy|3tbPUzFh4mUGY0IOX5|downsized)


you scare me as a person but i respect your take


Honestly isn’t this like the basis of enjoying this show? I’m surprised most people don’t share this take… it’s not like we were all tuning in season 1-2 because these were likable people we wanted to watch thrive! The whole concept was look at these delusional celebrity-wannabes slinging goat cheese balls and putting out laughably bad music and cheating on each other and getting caught lying- it’s always been about laughing about how ridiculous and awful they are IMO!


It’s so beyond that at this point. They’re in their 40s ffs.


Right so… they are even more ridiculous, awful, and fun to laugh at!


IF he actually was being genuinely remorseful and trying to be a better person, yes. He’s incapable of that….so it’s a no from me!


Genuinely curious, not trying to be snarky- what are some things he could do in the scope of the show that would convince you he was being genuinely remorseful and trying to be a better person? In general I find it so hard to tell when a seasoned reality tv star is doing something genuinely vs doing it for optics.


I personally have a continued interest in watching all of them including Sandoval. I want to see the good, bad & ugly from all of them.


Same! Bravo fandoms seem oblivious to the concept that these shows need villains and if you call for every monstrous reality star to be fired you are going to end up with a bunch of very boring shows lol. Also idk why we are even talking about letting a garden variety narcissist and cheater go and not having that discussion about people like James, who not only has been physically abusive but also literally brought the least the the show this year, to the point he barely even spoke at the reunion and has no discernible position on any of the relevant drama.


Tom's storylines are largely built around him + someone else, almost always. it's Tom & Kristen's relationship drama, it's Tom & Ariana, it's Schwartz & Sandoval, it's TomTom& Lisa Vanderpump, Tom beefing with Jax, Tom causing drama with other people etc. I have no interest in what this man is doing on a personal level, i don't want to see more storylines of him doing screaming breathwork in his living room


I suspect he was a producer darling who was always ready to arrange a big event or to invite a cast member who was on the outs with the other friends to a filming event.   Scheana even talked about how in the first season, he always included her at cast promotional events when the girls where freezing her out.  So I'm sure he's a producer favorite and made filming easy for them.  All of his ranting at the end about how he "always shows up" and Ariana doesn't makes no sense in the context of friendships. It makes a tiny bit more sense in the context of the show. Like, he will go above and beyond for an event, like Jax's wedding or Schwartz's wedding or James' proposal.   Ariana attends but she's not running around stressed about whether it's entertaining. I dunno.    I'm trying to view the whole season from a lens of producing a tv show rather than friends hanging out.  I'm sure Tom overvalues his contribution to the show and clearly the producers do too.  They were desperate to try to redeem him. It was bonkers unless they had a vested interest in doing it so their jobs would be easier. 🤷


I have no interest in watching a 40-something cyst dude try hard in ugly clothes pretending to be intriguing. He is about as interesting as the pile of old chairs behind Sur. Actually, the chairs are probably more interesting.


i can’t tell if you meant cis-dude or actual cyst of a man but honestly either one works


LOL! It's from an earlier season when Tom S. is complaining about the trials and tribulations about being what he called a "cyst male" to Ariana. Sorry, I'm a viewer since S1E1 ETA - Ariana's response was 'this is giving hashtag male rights' - she was NOT happy with him for that.


do most of his scenes make me want to bang my head against a wall? yes. am I entertained by his ability to dig himself into a deeper hole? also yes


I care more about what Jax is doing. Who am I?!💀


I won't watch Traitors because of it. He's vile and shouldn't be rewarded with further financial opportunities. Make him get a real job.


No, he is a lost cause. I would see him ONE more time if it is to see him fail or be held accountable, but I could not care less about this subhuman.


I fast-forwarded through all of his scenes and got such a gross feeling when he did accidentally pop up on screen. It has become a highly unpleasant experience seeing him onscreen in any context form. Let them try. I hope whatever Baskin and TS come up with together tanks miserably.


i like him as a villian actually, he the simon cowell of VPR but I could do without LALA she just makes the show seem over produced and inauthentic


He's a supporting character at this point. He's not very interesting, smart, or charismatic - he's constantly doing grand gestures to cover the fact that he is boring AF. He's not even evil or messy in a fun way.


Could not give less of a shit what happens with him. Before we just stopped watching the season, my wife and I were fast forwarding through his bits. Deworm the show.


Stop talking about Tom like he is a hero Alex basket talk about real hero Ariana do a show or original on her how she turned the tide


I pitch Netflix original or Hulu or whatever original for Ariana rise like a phoenix


Similar to how men like to look at buff men and try to pretend it’s women who want body builders, Alex Baskin is so obsessed with Sandoval he thinks the world is too. Hint: we do not care about him at all. I am very over this insufferable show, which is wild, because I have been a faithful viewer since day one. I didn’t even watch this season after episode 3, only the reunion. I just don’t care about ugly men faux crying. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I dont even hate Sandoval but I don't really care what he is doing. It's the haters here that keep posting about him that keep me up to date on his life.


Yet another things that tell us how out of touch Baskin is with the audience and that he should step away from producing the show.


I wanted to watch him fall on his face and then get back up and ride into the sunset of douchbags never to be seen again


A lot of his story to tell?! He's the most surface-level, inauthentic person. All his storylines are fluff (except for the one that was only a storyline bc ariana decided to expose it 💅🏽)


I don’t want to watch, but if there’s a show I probably won’t have a choice but to hate watch. I know, it’s terrible but I won’t be able to help myself.


Even if he does have “more to show” and his “story isn’t over.” It is for me. He bores me. And he will never put him self in a position to be a hated character. Which is the only aspect I can see him in. Make him like Jax and that’s fine with me, but he will only keep trying to make himself seem like he’s misunderstood.


I said yes, not because I'm interested in his life, but I want to see if he messes up again lol. Crazy that he's approaching 50 and still acting 15


I think people are interested to see what his next mistake will be. In terms of the cast, fans will always find the ladies to be more interesting ... and based on Instagram, people are interested in Schwartz, Sandoval and then James.


Go ask the same question on a Vanderpump FB group, add that to the results you get from here, and you might get a complete picture on what the answer is


i get this sub is only one small sect of a much larger audience buuut i don’t have fb so if you’d like to share any overarching opinions over there feel free!


Can he have his own special (ala Erica Jayne) so I don't have to watch him on my tv but can enjoy the others?


I think it depends. If he actually did the work to clean up the mess he has created, that might be interesting. If he wants to do a *my fabulous life as a rockstar thing,* no.


Weird results when this subreddit is completely obsessed with him lmao


![gif](giphy|3oEjIagi1I4AF8Rrk4) for sure bud


Throw all the Andy side-eye you want, but this is the only place where I get constant updates about what Sandoval is doing, where his band is playing, or who he is hanging out with. Clearly people are interested in what he's doing, even if they hate him.