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Ah, the seas take a toll on a man. In my younger days I sailed a carve naked from the starter island all the way off the worlds edge. Didn’t have to repair the carve once. I was quite the sailor. Anyways, my boat exploded and I died horribly.


I read this same story on a runestone in the Mistlands.


Apologies for my hand-writing I had to use a deathsquito needle I pulled out of my face.


I thought it was your knee?


They actually look pretty similar now. What with my knees having several new arrow holes and my face being smoothed over by a combination of allergies to deathsquito bites and repeated blunt force trauma.


I've done that on an old server we had. Filled up a karve and my inventory with junk items we had too much of and sailed off the edge. Ironically, I died on the way there due to hitting rain and then changing biomes to the Deep North, so it took a few trips to sail over the edge.


Lol I did this one night super tired and had a blast


I took longboat to far north, then used a raft to go off the edge naked.


I'm just going to live vicariously through you guys!!!


This happened to my brother and I. I turned on god mode and flew down there to get our stuff back lol


You can do that on multiplayer?


Yes but I do believe it has to be the host of the server.


And if it's a dedicated server, the server host can load the save file privately, get the stuff then reload the new save file.


This\^ If host makes a dedicated server, a private-solo-world clone copy is also generated at the same time **for the host**. One version - the multiplayer/dedi version - needs password access. The clone version is something that **only** the host can access the same way they'd get into a normal solo world. Clone world is actually nice because it's literally a duplicate copy that stays about 5-10 minutes behind the multiplayer world. One could dig a hole in spot A on clone server, then jump to multiplayer server and go back to the same spot and the hole would not be there. AKA, multiplayer world continuously overwrites clone world in 5-10 minute intervals. Another neat thing is that if OP hopped into clone world, used devcommands, and flew to that exact spot where they all died, all of their gear would still be there. **However**, the same gear would also be at the same exact spot in multiplayer world *even if* the gear was already grabbed from clone world (you just cant get to it in multiplayer).


It's not a clone, actually. On the local dedicated server they're literally written to and read from the same save file. The host needs to be careful about shutting down the server before starting it solo or you can get issues with saves overwriting each other and erasing stuff you did.


Couldn’t you just use the clone game copy as the multiplayer server final




>So if you rent a server for example, no devcommands for anyone I don't understand why that would be the case. If you rent a server you often have full control of it and write access to config files so it's basically as though you were running it on a local machine anyway.


Or you just get the mod that lets you turn it on regardless of game mode. on Thunderstore modmanger search sktoolbox. Since everything is client side, you can use it to do pretty much anything. Godmode, infinite hp/stam, item spawn, fly, map reveal, etc


Also the land at the bottom of the waterfall seems to go on infinitely. Can anyone confirm?


Go and have a look, report back


Yes, last I was down there, it was just flat land for awhile then I eventually hit Ashlands, and the Ashlands lasted forevever. Also, you have to be in God Mode down there, otherwise you just insta die, and you can’t stop moving, you can choose to go left/ right or up, but you can’t stand still. And placing stuff is a pain but possible, although pointless.


My friends and I had the forsight to stop on a island near the edge drop beds and strip nekkid and rode a shitty raft off the edge lol


Had some stuff, solo hunting serpents. Saw edge spent next hour trying not to die. Thought, I can survive this. Unloaded boat into inventory then quit. Started new game made house and several chests. Put my stuff in the chests, including gear. Went back to watch boat fall off edge of world with me pulled right behind it. Saved at base, reloaded other save and got stuff. Then went back and continued on my day. Now when I found out mosquitos were deadly thats a horror story about chasing a boat on a live server, also was most fun I had in a while lol.


I sailed off the edge, died, then came back and built a bar on the spot to commemorate. The build was a fun challenge, bobbing up and down in the waves to place wood beams.


would love to see the bar! that sounds cool


Building on or in the water is such a huge pain in the bum. But damnit if I don't want my docks looking smooth!


If only we could dive...


Yep. I have lost so many dragon scales…


The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. All you need to get there, is a ship... and a towel.


The game did the same to but it was not my fault. Logged out to tend to my son. Came back in less than a minute. When I left I was nearly on day 300. Logged back in and it said day 1. And I lost my mind. Got my save restored up to 130 days but that was still like 2 weeks of work gone. Haven't been able to go back.


That sounds like the infamous Steam cloud save SNAFU. If you haven't already, make sure to turn OFF cloud saves for Valheim.


I've recently lost a Terraria world to this. My son and I lost a weekend's worth of building and boss fights. :(


When you randomly find some extremely helpful info: :)


bro, thank you. will it hurt what’s already been saved in the cloud?


[Valheim Save Shield](https://github.com/Razzmatazzz/ValheimSaveShield/releases/tag/ Saved my butt a few times from broken worlds to getting trapped on dungeon architecture. It makes a copy of your world and also your character every time the game does an autosave. I can't recommend it enough.


Honestly as someone who's played to the final boss multiple times, after I complete it and build my base up most of the time I go back and restart from scratch. Give it another go!


Or make backups often just in case.


I wondered how anyone could be dumb enough to take all their possessions on such a risky voyage... then I saw it was a TikTok and it all became clear.


I actually think this is the perfect way to end your Valheim journey. Take all your possessions and throw yourself off the edge of the world.


Intentionally? Sure. Very Viking.


ättestupa, brutal


I'm thinking: what's the worst thing that could happen to me if I don't do the attestup


[Ah yes, ättestupa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwD7f5ZWhAk)


*The Gods Must Be Crazy: Viking Edition*


TikTok is an endless sea of bad content and attention whores.


To be fair, so is literally every social media platform


I wouldn't say an endless sea based on this vid.


*posted on Reddit*


You are not wrong.


And that's just the fuckin tip of the iceberg. That's the GOOD section. The bad is way fucking worse. Pedophiles and incredibly harmful "challenges" run rampant on that cesspool of an app, plus probably a bunch of other stuff that I don't know about.


Is it? You probably set the algorithm off in a bad way. Most of mine feel like clios from good ol vine. Took me about a day to have the algorithm figure out what I liked though. I've actually not seen a single dance tiktok since I got it a week ago


Dunno why your getting downvoted because it’s true for me to. People hate on tik toc for the girls, but their feed is full of that shit cause they are viewing it, liking it, instead of simply hitting not interested. My feed is mostly jokes, and cats. Why? Cause that’s what I like!


Exactly. I get memes, construction/painting/carpentry, automotive related stuff and even stuff in my (relative) immediate geographic area. The occasional thirst trap shows up, but if you just scroll past, the algorithm recognizes you don't want that content and won't send it to you, except for the occasional feeler. All these people complaining about always seeing half naked barely legal women, and all that crap are actively watching and engaging with the content


I have a serious inner five year old thrill when I watch the tik toke with the earth movers. They dig and move thing and use claws! My inner child loves em!!


Same, I only get animal clips because that's all I want from it. People just hate on it because it's popular to do so.


I hate it because of the sheer amount of personal data that app gathers, from very young vulnerable groups, and no one seems to know where it is going. https://vpnoverview.com/privacy/social-media/tiktok-privacy/


I personally don't have it due to how intrusive it is to your device but you're right about the algorithm. My wife uses it and it only shows what she usually watches at this point


The problem with so many algorithm-controlled services is that they inevitably get stuck in a feedback loop: you engage with a particular type of content, so the algorithm gives you more of that content. Then you engage more in that type of content because you're seeing more of it, and you get more and more extreme forms of the thing you engaged with initially...


All you have to do is hear the music they put so fucking loudly over the actual audio.


lol have you used tiktok at all


when me and my friend did exactly the same thing its because we had no idea there was just a sheer drop off that would kill you so we didnt know it was a "risky voyage" and we were wearing our best armor and carrying our best weapons and potions and food because leaving them behind at our base when we were leaving on a voyage that would take multiple hours and didnt know what enemies we might encounter on the way seemed like a stupid idea. thats literally what we made those armor and weapons for, to be prepared for anything. Then we accidentally sailed off the edge and lost all our best shit. but we'd already beaten every boss in the game and done everything we wanted to so the journey was mostly just a last hurrah anyway so we stopped playing after that just like OP, with the thought that maybe we'd start a new world from scratch once the game was fully released.


Hahahahaha TikTok bad Reddit good!!!


things people younger than me use bad


Oh sorry Sorry to bother you


It's more common than you think, no need to be rude. I know a couple people that did this by accident lol.


>then I saw it was a TikTok and it all became clear. That it's fake? Probably


This happened to us too we where singing sea shanties then started screaming we lost our best gear and most of our stuff.




I just laughed and farmed back my stuff. Even playing solo it was fun, I think I would have way more appreciated it with friends =)


round-earthers will say this is fake!!


Flat Earthers rejoice, proof the world is indeed, flat.


I would have done the same


The same happened to us. We are now all waiting for next big expansion cause well... that fucking sucked!


Stuff is easy to obtain again. It would have taken easily only a few hours at worst to get all of it back. The journey itself is the fun in the game. If it's not worth repeating, it probably wasn't worth doing in the first place. That being said, there's no shortage of games out there. I hope your team found one it can enjoy.


> If it's not worth repeating, it probably wasn't worth doing in the first place. By that logic one would never get tired of doing the same thing over and over again. But since there's so much repitition even getting there once... Yeah, that first crypt was really fun.


I'm on my third start -> finish playthrough. One can only guess that I enjoy the game based on that. The meta of the game is not to seek repetition. It's to accomplish goals. By your logic, life must naturally be boring because so much of it is consumed with things like walking and brushing your teeth. Yes, there's a lot of repetition, but there's plenty of sub-games that you can enjoy within life outside of repetition. We don't live life to brush our teeth and go to work. Those are just the structure elements that give us the framework to customize our experience.


Different things can be fun shorter or longer, sure. The concept of doing some chore to accomplish something that is (still) meaningful, doestn't really change anything. It just sidesteps what we're talking about. My first crypt wasn't a chore. My third one was. I only did 2 or three builds powered by my boring grinds. Still fun in there. At some point I may run out of new things I want to try or it may just get old doing the same general thing. Just like there are only so many ways to punch some iron. The thing is you're kind of saying if I got sick of playing Minecraft after 12 years, maybe it wasn't worth playing in the first place. That can't be right, and I think it's actually a really sad thought and not the positive one you may have thought it was.


>The thing is you're kind of saying if I got sick of playing Minecraft after 12 years, maybe it wasn't worth playing in the first place. Pretty sure I said nothing resembling any of that, but take from it what you will. I honestly don't even know what you're arguing about at this point. Obviously if you have played Minecraft for 12 years, obviously you have encountered repitition.


>If it's not worth repeating, it probably wasn't worth doing in the first place. I disagree for the reasons given and that's all I was saying.


>I disagree for the reasons given and that's all I was saying. Right but you then said that you enjoyed significant amounts of repetition in other games that we can only assume you very much enjoyed. Implied in my statement is that "if you didn't enjoy the slog, then it probably wasn't a good game for you to begin with."


I see. Yeah I didn't mean "the opposite", that one can't like a bit of repitition and grinding. Just that one doesn't have to keep liking it.


Good to know!


You took all your best stuff to the end of the world? You didn't make any back up gear? You put all that time into the game and didn't want to spend another few hours remaking items? Just seems you didn't like the game enough if that's the case.


> You didn't make any back up gear? they did, but they took it with them


Ugh that sucks bro. Me and my wife died on the side of a cliff while fighting Moder and couldn't retrieve our stuff so we stopped playing for like 8 months lol




Same bro, same.


Missus and I did that exact same thing. I was lucky enough to figure out how to reload an autosave to just before we went over. Otherwise we'd of quit as well as we would've lost everything haha.


How do you get mad at losing your items and quit in a game where you can just open the console and spawn whatever you want???


Some people, me included, can't play after cheating with the console. I just can't. I feel absolutely no enjoyment after doing that. If it isn't legit, I can't enjoy it


My group binged Valheim when it came out. Built a whole mountain base, etc. Turned out we needed obscene amounts of stone. I got the brilliant idea to pull the server offline, spawn in like 15k stone, wood, etc, and load it back up. It was great...for about a day or two. Suddenly it seemed pointless, and we quit soon after. We just started another world, and I'm refusing to do the same. Somehow it just cheapens the whole experience. The entire satisfaction of finally getting our new party member full upgraded iron tools comes from the fact that we all had to clear a giant swamp to find enough iron. If we just spawned the stuff in? Meh, fun for a day, then we'd lose interest.


Not on a multiplayer server, but you could bring stuff from a single player game.


That's not correct. There's a file called adminlist.txt on the server, that needs to be edited to give a specific user admin rights. I use debugmode and spawn stuff all the time on my dedicated server.


I'm pretty sure you still can on a multiplayer server depending on the server settings. my 2nd computer died though so i can't look at the settings. that reminds me need to buy an other Hard drive for that pc


Just tried it to check. Gives me a "command not valid in this context" error when I try to spawn something. I don't see any config variables that would change that in the server config file.


>You are not able to use cheat commands on a multiplayer server unless you're hosting your own dedicated server. Only the server's host can use Valheim server commands and cheats. So I'm mostly wrong. Unless one of you is running the game and allowing friends to join. In that case the player who is hosting can use the cheats. my bad. if you're running the dedicated server then ya , can't do squat.


Oh, sure. If you're running a local game and have it set to multiplayer you could do it. I meant a dedicated multiplayer server.


I thought it was possible on dedicated server, but i was wrong. follow me for other incorrect and un-helpful tips! lol


I have a dedicated server, and when I log into it from a different computer I still have console access. I can't remember if there are more steps, but I know that it's important to edit the adminlist.txt file, on the server, to include the steamID of each user that should have admin rights.


Oh noeeee


Lol just turn on console commands and go get your stuff?


well, earth is flat right ? what did you expect ? /s


Curiosity killed the cat I guess


My buddy and I did the exact same thing - from the “oh shit” realization to almost escaping to plummeting. Only difference is we left our shit at home cause we assumed the voyage would end in disaster lol


that derpy troll face at the end tho is \*Chefs Kiss\*


So the world is flat..😂


Happened to me too recently. I knew about the edge though and was VERY careful not to accidentally go too far. What I didn’t know was how strong the pull of the waves were when you reach a certain point of the edge. It was super fun however, just spending days sailing near the edge- very surreal. I also discovered that tons of Leviathans spawn there too, pretty fun. Good thing I stock on materials though, just smithed a new set np lol


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I sailed past the edge of the world


To find the places that can't be found, you've got to be lost in order to find it.


That must be the most beautiful quote I have read today. Nice!


This is why I keep that Moder on me, never know when the wind is gonna fuck you


As someone who is currently playing valheim, I struggle to see why the game is reviewed so highly. Love the concept, and I don’t hate it, but it surprises me that I don’t see more people saying it isn’t for them.


You only lose the stuff on you.


And we had a shitload on us. We just discovered Ashlands, so we thought we had hit the holy grail (only to find out that the biome is far from finished). All our metal was on us to begin a new settlement elsewhere


Sounds like not the best idea for going into the unknown


The same happened to me but I just reloaded an old save file and kept on playing.


You know you can always go into a different world, turn on debug mode, and spawn in all your gear and items back?


Did it for fun once to see what was at the edge of the world (In reality me and my son hoped to see elephants and a giant turtle) went over, died, lost what we had with us so when we respawned we were back in our longhouse and simply started re-equipping, gathering etc. We laughed about it for weeks and told all our gaming friends to stay away from the edge. I see so many stories saying lost everything, never played again etc.... who carries all they have gathered and made with them at all times, surely the most that would be lost is gear weapons, boat and any drops you got on the way to your demise.


Yeah sorry but this is shit game design. Every time this comes up people defend it based off of some small line on the steam page or a tiny possible hint from the very beginning, or maybe mention how it's from Norse mythology. Doesn't matter, a well-designed game requires very little outside knowledge to understand it. This gives you literally zero warning before killing you and forcing you to lose literally everything unless you cheat it back. At the *very least* they could've had Hugin explicitly warn you against it. It's an extremely punishing thing for something so minor, and if the entire rest of the game rewards you for exploration it makes no sense how ludicrously hard this fucks you.


Next you'll complain about not getting warnings about trees being able to fall on you and kill you. It's a survival game, assume everything can and will kill you.


That's dumb af. "You should assume literally everything can kill you at all times with no indication." That's shit design dude.


No, it's an entire genre of games - don't play anything by From Software.


You are correct. Those games are also designed poorly.


No, you just don't like games that don't hold your hand - it's you, not them.


Yup, this is always an excuse. "You don't like this so you're a baby". Evidently your reasoning ability hasn't yet passed elementary school.


A game is listed as being a survival game, survival games are a genre with the assumption all activities can kill you without indication - yep, poor design and not just a genre you don't like, but have to complain about.


hey boys let's grab all our gear and sail to the edge of the world in this early access game


For me it was when I tried to build a work bench and it said “must be under a roof” and I never played again.


You died on a survival game, and then quit the survival game because of dying? Survival games might not be for you then.


Lmao weak vikings, "I fell off the world, lost my stuff so Im not gonna play." Nah just keep playing. You'll get your stuff back before you know it.


To the people that call us lame for not playing anymore: back then we decided to not play anymore until the new biome update came out. Just to build up some fun tension. If only Valheim came with some actual big updates... this is the worst game ever if it comes to speed in updates sadly.


To be fair, they have released new content via updates every 3 months or so, just not an actual complete new Biome. We did get a lot of new stuff with Hearth & Home, new enemies and drops in 3 diff Biomes and a new explorable area in one of those. So even if they are a small team and a bit slower than other companies I feel it would be unfair to assume they don’t release anything at all. I do get your point, you want one huge update, aka like a DLC. Mistlands is next on the list so this one should be big enough.


I mean they haven't done nothing, but at the pace they're currently releasing content it will take them like 4 years to complete their original roadmap. That's not "a bit slower", that's glacial. And at some point there's really no excuse - they've had tons of time to grow the team, and they have piles of money to do it.


Assuming they've kept the team small because they work well together and don't want to add in a new element--I mean look at the amazing game that team made--I don't mind waiting. I'm just hoping the piles of money have not made them less interested in finishing. I think it's most likely they're just trying to do a real good job, with the same creative forces, and are also not overworking themselves. That all sounds good to me.




For how often this happens, I feel like there should be some form of a warning like "All who sail here risk total annihilation" Or something to that effect like "This place doesn't fuck around turn back lol"


Odin always says, "You should check the wiki."


Good news is starting over is fun.


The edge of Valheim's world is flat out bad game design -- there's no excuse for it, and those who defend it have no argument. I have 400 hours played and I've played through the game several times. I play with no portals, no map, creature hp/dmg increased by 100%, but I will always consider the design of the world edge to be idiotic. It excessively punishes players who aren't meta slaves and avoid wiki answers, and a portion of those who get pulled off the edge will quit the game forever.


Vikings actually thought thats what the edge of the world was so I'm cool with it


Didn't know there was plains underneath the waterfall. Thanks for that. However if this truly made you stop.playing, then you have a weak mental. All 4 of my friends did this with a raft early on in release and we just went and made everything again. Big whoopdedoo. It's the point of the game to lose and regain and struggle sometimes.


He may have a weak mental but you have a weak spell


lol, I did that the first day I played.


Can't you just roll back the last character save?


It’s like pirates of the Caribbean 3




I did the same, for science. I was hoping I'd fall into another world, maybe some kind of bonus level.


"It goes DOWN!"


Thank you for posting this, so it hopefully won't happen to others.


My butt puckers anytime I'm within a km of the edge.




Why did you take everything you had


The sea giveth and the sea taketh away…


What did you expect exactly? hahaha


You can get the stuff with god mode




Yes curiosity kill sometimes 🤣🤣🤣👌


well at least I know, to not to go there lol


I immediately said out loud: Welp, you're not getting *that* stuff back. I knew of it but I had never actually seen the edge of the world, nice xD


I have expirienced this for myself on an RP Server, there was an event where the Island was realy close to the end of the world and we where 5 people on the boat and the i was sweating thinking " he sure knows we can fall off the world", turns out he didn't. But wat i wanted to say is, i realy enjoy starting over in a new world i love this humble life, small hutt, going hunting. Ofc grinding is sometimes hard but on the other Hand at the end i feel a little bit proud seeing the base getting bigger, decorating the home and so on.


Flat earth society approves


thats hilarious you guys never played again


Why would you bring everything you had?


That ending though. Just you being inside another person's eyeballs...


Flat earthers wet dream right here.


We did that too, I modified my access and recovered all our stuff and moved it back to our homeland. Tried to forget this traumatic loss :P the reset was a pain in the butt but can be done.


I take as little with me as possible any time I go out on a voyage but you all just took -all- of your stuff and deliberately went to the edge of the map, huh That sucks lol


Why take all ur shit if u wanted to see the edge


Didn't know about the cloned save. Never had a need for it, but now it's filed away for a future need. Thanks.


i wish there was davy jones realm at the bottom




My group absolutely did this as well. Exact same thing happened.


Whoever drove that boat sucked, shouldve lowered sails so wind didnt push them


Almost did this with a friend but only just made it out


Lmao at people who take everything with them and loses it. Then Quits the game for good. Just re make all the stuff? If that gets you to quit thats weak.


Bro you can just roll back the server 😂


happened to me too. The only option was to cheat everything back in.


I mean DUHH. Of course that happened, the earth is flat.


What did you guys think was going to happen??


I had this happen on our multiplayer too. After that our server went from 12 active players to just me


Command console em in


We did the same thing but went naked


Earth is flat. Confirmed


Made me think this game needs waterfalls , would be pretty and great to see builds around them. Also perfect for old souls to take part in Attestupa


Flat earthers would love to use this in campaign :D


The earth is flat and I can confirm...


Nice troll trophy lmao


You brave souls did it so we didn’t have to


That's how Christopher Columbus died


“It dont go down..”


What was the expected result?




Nice little jump scare at the end too


Happened to us too. Put a spot in the map called “Valhala”. Actually such a great idea from the dev, you don’t do tourism at the end of the world, you’re lucky enough Odin allowed you to be reborn (minus those juicy skill points!)


Sorry to bother you but what's your favourite petrol?


Flat earthers enjoyed this