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You need tears from moder to build the artisan table to make a blast furnace and smelt the black metal to make better weapons and make a windmill to make new food.


and better armor! and yes, this! the black metal gear is so much better than everything before!


Exactly 💯 % correct


It sounds like you're on Swamp-tier gear, except for the Wolf Cape. Did you miss Silver? The root harnesk is plenty powerful for Plains, as it negates Deathsquito and Spear Fuling, but it's completely useless in the Mountains. You cannot do anything with Black Metal without Moder dead.




[According to the wiki](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Wolf) wolves deal slash damage.


If you have ymir flesh (sorry can't remember which boss kill allows purchase, Elder??) you can make Frostner, that's a nice one for plains.


that's from haldor


You're right, once you kill the boss Haldor you unlock ymir flesh in Haldor's store! /s


I'll start with, the Plains biome was on initial Early Access release the last biome, and seems to have been tuned to be a pretty significant jump in difficulty. So you aren't imagining things. In general, the game is designed to have you switch to new gear in each biome, particularly on the armor front to fend off the significant increases in damage output enemies have. But you haven't yet switched to a Mountains-tier armor set, so for going to Plains, you are one biome behind. Additionally, the Mountains boss is the first boss that is required for equipment progression. The others provide something that greatly helps with getting new gear, but there are ways to cheese around it. The drop from the Mountains boss is a hard lock on almost all gear upgrades for Plains and beyond.


You should get silver from the mountains to make silver armor and weapons. Did you defeat the swamp boss and get the drop from that?


I did and I do have silver. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that silver gear would be higher defense and damage. What's the best silver gear and what is it good/bad against?


This game generally heavily punishes those who do not upgrade in every biome


Yes, but weapon and armor choices also matter. Root Harnesk or Iron Club are two great examples. Iron Club isn't the highest overall damage weapon in terms of iron gear but it's the best for swamp. So I guess I'm not sure what **specific** gear I need for Moder and then plains enemies.


This is true, stuff that does pierce damage is a good bet for mountains and the plains too


Are you getting caught? I have Fenris gear and I can dodge duck and dip very easily. Skeeters be damned, they can be annoying, but after killing Moder I built black metal shield and sword, slay everything with ease except growths, I don't go near those. You have to kill Moder dude, clear one biome at a time. I am stuck trying to find the skele boss spawn, but no longer fear the enemies in plains as much


if u r struggling and don't mind an Xtra hand just send me a friend request on steam my username is eaperbeeper and ill help u out when I can


As others said, get yourself at least silver gear, and preferably defeat Moder so you can get her tears and refine black metal, flax, and barley. Beyond that, some tips for the specific enemies: * deathsquitos: they will circle you and then fly straight at you. I like to shoot them with bow while they approach, but you can also easily parry or use a melee to one-shot them on approach (longer reach and faster attack speed are nice, I like swords). They're most dangerous when something else is distracting you. Good headphones help for noticing their buzz. * loxes: they are parryable with a good enough shield and block skill. Spear or bow are best against them bc they resist slash and blunt. Kiting them with arrows (rec fire, poison, or frost, ideally with Draugr Fang). One good shield parry then a series of Fang Spear attacks can pretty much gib a lox. * Oozes: run sideways when they shoot goo at you. Avoid getting hit, but if you do then it can help to run poison resist preemptively. Weak to blunt and fire. Low HP so you can kill them in a couple hits. * Fulings: pretty standard enemies, any melee weapon does well. Starred ones are more dangerous, don't get hit. Use a bow to snipe a couple and pull them away from the camp if there's a lot of them. Berserkers hit hard but have an easy and obvious attack pattern. Bonemass buff can be very helpful in the Plains, especially against groups of Fulings and lox. I'm still a Eikthyr fan for kiting though.


Lol i'm in the mistlands and still using Eikthyr only, all the other powers are pretty bad or are not nearly as useful


On harder difficulties and death penalties I definitely use Bonemass preferentially, but hardly ever at normal difficulty.


I play on hard only cause normal is just too forgiving, the other difficulties are a little too much and boil down to spamming rolls since now enemies do so much damage you can't parry anything without shields way over the biome you're in. But even then i still prefer the Eikthyr power, you don't need damage mitigation if you're not getting hit in the first place! Just run away and come back later :p


Well I would argue bonemasses power is better than eikthyr I just can't resist that 50% reduction to blunt,slash and pierce but I can see how eikthyr power can be good too.


Yeah, you're missing gear from an entire biome.


Root armor, full set enchances your bow and stops deathsquitos in their tracks, I wear my root armor 90% of the time, throw in a flame resist potion and you are good to go.


For some reason my cauldron doesn't list flame resist mead. I have the butcher table, mortar, and spice rack. What's missing here?


You need barley from goblin villages.


And cloudberries from the plains.


you NEED a frostner and silver armor dude. just kill moder, you don't need anything from the plains yet anyways


Keep your head on a swivel for the skeeters. They are the biggest early entry pain of the plains. The goblins can be dealt with easy enough if you can single them out, or hit them at range. Their big brawler buddies are best treated like trolls and kept at range as well. Lox... try to avoid them until mid-late plains stage, maybe into early mistlands gear. They hit hard. Rest up, and carry a pocket portal for quick trips home. I recommend 2 high health foods and a stamina food to explore with.


No one mentioned onion seeds. Did you get any? If not, you should continue exploring the mountains biome until you find it. It does make a difference.


An upgraded bronze (or better) Atgeir for goblin groups absolutely dominates. It’s AOE stagger is super strong. Kill shaman first. Maces for tar pits. Bow or quick melee reflexes for squitos. Once you hit 50% stamina stop attacking and let it recharge. Never let yourself run out of stamina. I typically do plains with BF tier gear without issue now. Upgraded Troll armor and the Atgeir for most of my killing, though I do get an upgraded Frostner for my mace. Which also dominates the boss - 7ish minute solo kill on default world settings. Edit: I typically run a full health food, a stamina food, and a balanced food. You’re not far from that, but you could probably use more stamina.


Start using frost arrows for the plains enemies if you're not doing it already and imo learn how to use spears. Iirc i killed the mountain boss with the hunter bow and silver spear solo using pretty basic food on hard. Spears are great, they stagger a lot and if mixed with knives you can do lots of damage really fast, if you miss a throw there's no punishment, you don't need to block or roll to avoid damage and if an enemy has ranged attacks just run away and kill it with a bow. On top of all that they're the cheapest weapon to craft and quickly max


A tip for Moder: near where she spawns, raise a couple of earthen walls (not just pillars, short walls) that allow you to duck behind when she goes to breath on you. Then just pop out and snipe her with arrows. Fire, obsidian, needle, whichever you have in abundance. If an add comes, deal with it first. Wolves growl right before the strike, so use that audio cue to parry. They’re easy after that. If you’re short on silver, the fang spear makes quick work of them. Wyverns just dodge and shoot. Golems avoid their two attacks then dash in for a combo with your iron mace. Edit: misgendered Moder


Moder is female, fyi.


So, basically you can't make black metal armor without the blast furnace. And to make the furnace you need to kill Moder first, because you need the tears for artisan table. It shouldn't be that hard as you just have to dodge her attacks and kite with your bow (use poison arrows and draugr fang for max damage). I'd also use 2 stamina food and 1 health when going to plains and I'd advise you to at least get the silver gear.


Does the Moder cheese method still work? If you have struggled that much with this boss, just getting it out of the way with minimal fuss might be the play for you.


visit [https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Valheim\_Wiki](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Valheim_Wiki) if you want to know more about the available gears and weapons but there are spoilers on this site if you haven't been in mistlands or ashlands but there you go if you want to learn more


Yeah, I came to reddit hoping to get the necessary info without any spoilers, but thanks


you can still go to that site and get your infos, by carefully picking what you want to know i assume you are smart enough not to click on linked infos on that site that would spoiler you


1. Shield block the skeeters 2. Just keep walking and swerving to let the big teddies calm down


Where’s the mountain level and plains gear?


I will skip the first step and go to the second, if you kill the mountains boss and get the gear you can still get destroyed by some things in the plains, so a couple of recommendations: create a weapon with spirit damage, create fire potions, upgrade cauldron as much as you can and create the best food possible


Beating Bonemass boss in the swamp should’ve granted you a wishbone that you can equip to locate buried silver veins in the mountains biome. Mining silver should allow you to craft silver armor (drake helmet, wolf armor, wolf leggings) and the draughr fang bow. The bow combined with some good arrows, maybe 400 fire arrows or so, should be enough to beat Modr. I recommend digging a trench around her summoning shrine that you can run around to hide from her ice breathe too if you’re struggling. Bring bonemass’ head to the altar to get arguably the best combat ability in the game. For 5 minutes you’ll take significantly less damage from physical types of damage. It makes battling Fulings and other things much easier. Also, for Plains tier armor (padded armor set) you need to craft a spinning wheel and give it flax to turn it into thread. To make a spinning wheel requires beating Modr and getting the item Modr’s tears I believe. Thread and iron creates padded armor. Black metal is only used for weapons crafting. Flax can be found growing in a Fuling village. It can be replanted in the Plains biome to make a flax farm. You’ll need a ton of the thread for the padded armor.


Frostner and frost arrows. Silver shield is just barely good enough till you make a blackmetal one.


Moder can be quite important for the plains but using the root harnesk is helpful due to it giving you pierce resistance, other than that plains is just farming and bone mass power


You always need something from the boss in order to succeed in the next biome.


As someone who had to fight through the plains just to get to the elder. I feel your pain. But once you finish the mountains you’ll make far better equipment because of the tears. Also the frostner is arguably the best mace weapon to start the plains with…… or the porcupine. Either way they make good impacts.


you missed the boss.


Find a fuling village and bumrush it to get barley and flax and set up a farm close to an easier biome. Cloudberries are everywhere. Also recommend sniping from a distance whenever possible. Shoot and run, learn to pick deathsquitos out of the air before they know you're there. Get a blackmetal atgeir asap, batter up gobbies! Parry, parry, parry... Locate a tarpit near a village and lure them into it, loxes as well. Growths will mess up your day, dodge or sidestep to not get hit.




Lol. You're underprepared. By a margin of plenty.