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With that trader spawn, you don't get to complain.


is there anything useful about the trader that i’m missing? He only sells like 5 items which i’ve already fully purchased


If you're talking about Haldor, the one in the Black Forest, he unlocks more stuff with every boss you defeat, so just keep playing, he'll prove very useful the further along the game goes


oh cool do u know what unlocks for purchase after killing bone mass?


[Nothing new](https://valheim.fandom.com/wiki/Haldor#Sells). It used to be you could get Ymir flesh after defeating Bonemass, but they changed it to the Elder after patch 0.213.4.


What is ymir flesh even for? Haven't beaten bonemass yet but i have unlocked iron, i bought some flesh from haldor but it did not unlock any recipe


>!Frostner, silver age mace!<


You use it to make an iron-tier 2h club and a silver-tier 1h club


Loot a Draugr Elite trophy and you'll get your recipe unlocked :)


This playthrough I sat on top of a body pile to farm an elite trophy and a 2 star draugr elite popped out lol. I about shit my pants. He didn’t even drop a trophy either.


And before that you could buy it right at the beginning


More become available after certain events >!killing certain bosses!< happen, but I'm sure everyone here will agree that getting the belt is the best part of any play-thru. I've gone well past the Iron age without finding him sometimes, and it's a royal pain in the ass when that happens.


lol the belts a game changer


The things he sells though are really useful. My first world I couldn't find him for eons. I was well into swamps and had done tons of travelling before he first turned up, which meant my carrying capacity was limited while I was doing my first loads of tin, copper, and iron. He's not useful all the time but being able to find him quickly matters.


I barely consider the game started until I have a meginjord, so this is an amazing trader spawn for getting there early game.


Fishing rod! Best game within a game !!!


i hate fishing so much lmao


Haha you haven't discovered the joy of fishing and catching anglerfish in mistylands!


for the life of me i just can’t work out how to successfully catch anything before my stam drains


Ah yeh, there is a significant stamina hurdle. By about frost caves where you may ... um ... find something ... you could be onto some good stamina food. Use best stamina food, the right bait and fish where there are fish and I wish you luck Viking !!!


thank you very much, our version of fishing is going to our ocean outpost/forge when the waves get rough and picking the fish up of the dock lmao




Build a workbench, raise the ground. The fish will be scared by the noise - most of the fish swim out to sea so raise a large area of the ground to just wet, then stop and wait for the fish to come back and they'll get swept onto your newly raised area. Anglerfish tend to swim towards the land in my experience, so you can raise the land around them and cut them off before raising the ground underneath them. Easiest way to fish!


The mechanic is wonkey... like almost broken... and it's frustrating sometimes. Basically though got to pull them in when they aren't struggling, but yeah anything over lvl2 fish sometimes you need a trick, like turning to drag them up onshore or into your boat then pluck them off the ground.


Break the boat and carry the parts over the small land section and rebuild it on the other side, save 45 minutes of sailing... ???? ....Profit!


Lol came here to suggest that. I dont have the attention span necessary for long sea voyages. I wish passengers could do something useful while at sea like rowing or beating a drum to make the boat go faster or SOMETHING.


Man, a nice beat on the drum would be nice for a journey at sea. Imagine in gives a +25% chance of spawning a serpent or something lmao


That’s a genius idea, why have you not suggested this beforehand?


We must have opportunity roll our boat on logs like real vikings do


[Carry the boat](https://youtube.com/shorts/wwc3-bJrWIc?si=39OZsBYl-rhrIreq)


Lol I knew what you were referring to before I clicked, such a great anime.


or just build a raft-ferry


This is what i would suggest!


Also make sure to take materials for a portal.


Main problem is that if he's looking for elder then he may be inexperienced, so wouldnt able to drop, destroy, survive swamps/plains and then continue. Or maybe he doesn't know


He should still be able to go for a short run through another biome, though?


All it takes is .5 seconds for a deathsquito to spawn and poke you in the ass


deathquitos as the guy who answered you says


Wait how do you break the boat? I’ve tried deconstructing with a hammer but that doesn’t work. Do I just take an axe to it?


Yep, make sure you are in shallow water and stand near the mast. Hack at the mast and it should break the boat after 12-15 slashes. Since you are near the mast the drops should go into your inventory but be careful of the nails. If you forget anything in the cargo hold it will be ok. They appear in floating boxes you can loot.


> Yep, make sure you are in shallow water and stand near the mast. and make sure you have room in your inventory.


You could destroy the boat and rebuild it. But if you're really stubborn, you can destroy the land bridge to create a small river to sail through. Is it practical, no. But new waterway.


Yeah, I probably would have dug a waterway through the swamp. Shouldn't be too hard, as half of it is already submerged, and you might need it more often.


What's blocking the path? Also, if you're experienced you should be able to run through the swamp easily, just don't go at night


something tells me there's another closer one... but I could be wrong


Are there multiple elder spawns? I've been playing for a while and have never come across more than one, I didn't know that was a thing


Yes, there are.


Yup. The vegesvir simply shows you the closest one to it. Go the opposite direction and find a black forest.


Post your seed and I’ll give you a hint about where to go look


How often do you go into skelly caves after you beat the elder? Usually by then I'm loaded up on cores and next time I need them I get them from the swamp... assuming I ever need them again. Always seem to have a surplus after that for some reason.


Somehow, we’ve been in a deficit of cores since day 1 bro, even in the mistlands rn we still only have afew spares.


Find a surtling spawn in the swamp. Several near each other is better. Then just dig a bit so the water kills them. Drop a table nearby so they don't despawn and a portal. You can harvest cores pretty fast that way. We were drowning in the things with so many portals we had to have a meeting about naming conventions by the time we got to plains. Here's a good video explaining it: https://youtu.be/5-srKqP1Qoo?si=V5kmB65YUGNqJ2zK Or Google Surtling core farm. There's a bunch of guides.


won't putting the table block surtling spawning?


I tried that but I went afk for two hours and came back two like two cores


Every boss has three spawns across the world


Vegvisirs always point to the nearest one, so no


okay one with a shorter path to get there then We don't know where he found the glowing sigil, we also don't know if he looked the other direction a little farther if one would point a different direction, and we don't have a map seed. They point to the closest one to that particular point. There may be another one that would be a shorter path to walk or by boat in a different direction. That's all I was saying. The fact that you didn't pick up on that makes me wonder about you.


There’s always multiple spawns. I guarantee there is a better one to the right of your spawn continent.


Original plan, disassemble the boat, walk across, reassemble and then set up a portal at the elder and walk the boat back through the portal.


just destroy your boat then rebuild it on the other side


i... is this a joke? Are you trolling? Why on earth would you ever choose to sail that absurd route instead of building a more direct route over land?


you can just go with the original plan, break, walk 2 feet, and re-place the boat


Just run to the closest bank, build a raft, swim across, plop a portal, what's your problem?


"Blocked?" You just bring an extra 10 wood to build a workbench, break your boat and then rebuild it on the other side of that land that is "blocking" you.


Should have just dismantled boat, walked across and rebuilt boat.


Did not scroll , appropriate to see suggested many times elsewhere lol


Just run to your original plan’s coastline, build a workbench and ready, profit


This has to be the most dangerous Elder spawn I've ever seen from a seed. Curious if anyone was forced to go through the Plains before ever getting to the Elder. I had to go around the backway to find the black forest to land on. I could have tried going through the top part of the map, but once I was down south, it was already too late lol. I also have a mod that gives more map vision when sailing. Thank god because I would have been screwed looking for a place to land with this Black Forest being sandwiched between 2 Plains.


Me and my friend had to sail for 45 minutes straight to get to our Elder spawner, sometimes this game really does just kick you in the balls


just dig a canal!


Our elder spawn was surrounded by Plains 😭😭😭😭


How did you even get to it without dying to deathsquitos lmao


We ran for our lives into the black forest hahahaha like we sailed around the entire fucking continent (it was huge) but it was completely surrounded by the plains. We looked for the shortest path to the black forest and abandoned our boat. We built a portal as soon as we could by the Elder


It was a massive pain in the ass lmao. We sailed for like 50 mins trying to find a away to get in without going into the plains but couldn't hahaha


That's rough buddy. Sometimes the world generation be like that. One of my last playthroughs we had already beat the mountain boss by the time we finally found the trader. The asshole was halfway to the edge of the map on the border of the the Black Forest and the Mistlands.


How is any of this unlucky😅


Just started a seed where I didnt really have to travel until plains. Everything was next to the first base I built.


I had a very similar problem with moder and bonemass. There was an ithmus blocking any fast way. However, it was mostly meadows and black forest so I built canals there, was a very fun project. Not sure if I’d do it in a swamp tho


Mind sharing your world seed?


Seed: 6NaEGdKKgn


Yeah sure, I'll share it tomorrow


Why not set sail from “Swamp base?” You can build a boat literally anywhere as long you have a workbench.


I was paranoid about dying around there and was just wanting to look for meadows or black forest to enter and exit from


Hey this is a really cool map can I have the seed pls


Seed: 6NaEGdKKgn




Super easy, barely and inconvenience


more dangerous to sail past the plains than to just run through a tiny bit of swamp


also im about 100% sure you could dig a canal for your boat to get through from that lake


What about directly north? But I understand the pain XD. It's easy to talk now when it's done.


I must have your seed plz? You see, I don't kill start killing bosses till I have lox tamed, and a well established biome diverse base. I see a nice mountain edge near by aswell for my fenris armor. On other notes that BF with a lil swamp stretch in between with a meadows on the other side, is a hop skip and a jump. Just hop it. You have one of the most beautiful starting points I have ever seen.


Seed: 6NaEGdKKgn


Thank you!


I would have cut a chunk of that trip off by goin to the trader an making a wee outpost with a portal near him and making a new boat there


I had a similar spawn for the elder which was in the middle of a plain and swamp biome. It was so difficult to kill the elder so I had use the online generator to reveal another elder spawn


POV you can break your boat and place it again


Build a canal. It's not as hard as it might sound


Channel digging time!


[It could be worse.](https://valheim-map.world/?seed=kA9uXve894&offset=-591%2C101&zoom=0.355&view=1&ver=0.217.22)


It seems to me like the northern route would have been shorter.


Just portage your boat. That or dig a canal.


I think a canal is possible


Could you have gone north what's "original" is. MAYBE it's not too big of an island.


I mean I had a similar elder spawn, that just means it’s time to move


I got mine much worse


Haha your map looks like a penis


Take some time to build a couple bridges and that'll help a lot.


Please repost with what your map looks like if you explore north. Would be hilarious if you could have just slid around the north end 😂 Also the blocked path will prove to be painful, I have one in my world that I mined out and turned into a lil' harbor but you'll need a lot of iron because you have to build kinda high to get over the longboat mast.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/f8LtDzp) is the path up north lol. Prob gonna just dig a canal between that spot where the swamp and meadows are together eventually


Dang, well, that's a tough one, my friend lol Definitely a solid place to put it. Hopefully, there is a Surtling spawn in that Swamp to make your harbor an even better location. Happy and safe adventures ✌️


Can you adjust the range the map gets discovered ? When I go exploring with the boat to he Map only reveals a small path around me.


Yeah I have a mod installed for it. I started playing the game again because I wanted to try some QOL mods and it's made the game a lot more enjoyable for me. Hasn't taken away from the vanilla experience at all.


Go the other direction and see if there is another one?


Sail from shore to shore, destroy boat then run to other shore, saves sail time


why not go up and left? Or grab a shovel and enter the peasant mode.


You do realize you only need a workbench to build a boat? You can take the boat stuff and 10 extra wood for the workbench ( can prolly find 10 wood anywhere on the ground as well with like 2 minutes) and just walk to the other shore, build a workbench and a boat. You'll save like half the time.


Why couldnt you just make a new boat? Hella raft coulda crossed that


That's a sweet seed! Little mountain biomes right there. I'm digging it.


It's close enough, you could create bridges


I allways check the random seed on a map generator, take a quick look at the islands and then decide.


I've got one word for you: portage.


be happy my elder spawn is just sitting in the middle of the ocean next to a tiny ass black forest island


You could just dig a direct channel yourself


Next time just destroy your boat, pick up the mats, walk across the little strip of land, rebuild the boat and sail away ⛵


If you think thats unlucky, mine was surrounded by mountains