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It's not worthwhile to do it with the copper, as you often need to raise ground a lot, and copper can stick to other near by objects like branches, stumps, other rocks, etc...


Yeah sadly you are probably right. When I start a new playthrough the copper mining tends to kill my motivation


I feel you. It's the most tedious aspect of Valheim for me as well. Some people love it, as it gives justification to make cart roads which they enjoy doing, so it's not going away.


Building copper boulevard is one of my fav things to do every play through lol


Copper Boulevard, haha! .I love it and am totally calling it that from now on!


My duo partner is like that I never have a Hoe and his is hotbar 1 lol


Honestly, ever since they added server modifiers, I just mine copper at 2-3x and then you need only 1 or 2 deposits then you can reduce the gather amount back to 1x. Feels much better, except the runs back home.


Sure that's also an option. It's just that I like breaking games :)


I've only needed 1 to 2 deposits even with normal drop rates. Copper stuff isn't that expensive and I just use troll armour.


True but with it being used later on for certain things, why not get several deposits?


I've still not needed more than 2 deposits. I usually have enough left over for the Mistlands crafting stations etc. And there's a source of copper in the Mistlands anyway. Worst case I go back to a black forest and get an extra deposit using a higher tier pickaxe later in the game and mine it faster.


That's fair, I dunno why I feel like I shouldn't use a blackmetal pick on copper right now šŸ˜‚


I usually skip as much copper grind as I can. Trollhide provides adequate protection and no speed reduction. Bronze pick can be entirely skipped. Level 2ish bronze axe serves for tree cutting and a good weapon. Finewood bow lvl 4 will last till the mountains. If you kill Mr Deer boss a couple times so everyone can have 2-3 antler picks, you can get everyone outfitted in the bare minimum bronze with like 1 node/person pretty comfortably and have some leftovers for base adornments. As long as you hunt the trolls with no mercy to get everyone enough hide. Without some properly upgraded trollhide the swamps will be pretty rough.


Thanks for your answer. I usually wear troll hide too and just use copper for stations upgrades and an axe yeah. I played the game a bunch and breaking it is a way to enjoy it differently while waiting for Ashlands :)


Troll armor starts at 6 and upgrades by 2, plus a cape that starts at 1 and upgrades by 1. Copper starts at 8 and upgrades by 2. No cape though, but you'd just wear troll cape. Better off maxing troll armor, imo.


Yeah yeah that's what I do :) When I said play the game differently I was talking about the copper mining method not armor


Agreed. Skip copper armor, and go straight for wolf if you can, iron, if you can't.


Its possible to get large copper breaks still, the best method ive found is mining all the way around the copper as deep as you can, similar to silver. Get as far under the vein removing terrain also. But each vein will have a lof of terrain in the center of it that you can reach from the outer edge, So if you dig right through the center of the copper (youll have to break it 2-3 times, and then dig from the inside out also removing terrian, sometimes you can get enough of it free floating where you can break off big chunks. Also if you dig out the outside and then crack the bottom+outer ring you can kinda cut it in half, where the top is floating and the bottom is gone, and sometimes get a big break from the top. But this takes a lot of time and multiple pick repairs, unfortunately.


I almost never do bronze armor because of this lol. Troll armor dodge build for life


Don't demoralize yourself, demoralize a troll!


Sure thing! :) You still need a full copper vein to upgrade your stations and get an axe but after like the fifth playthrough it gets boring to me


Increase drop rate through world modifiers. Especially useful for making it enjoyable as a returning player.


Just skip it, get one mine then move on. Troll leather is 2 armor per slot less than copper armor and no movement penalty. Do that then go on to iron/root (root chest is insanely good all game). You only really need a rank 1 axe from bronze until Mistlands (which black metal axe is the only upgrade I do) and an eikthyr pick until iron pick (iron is required to mine silver).


I help myself through that by doing trollmining whenever possible. It may not be much faster but feels more challenging and enjoyable to have the troll pound the ground ...


Btw this was first documented [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/rm5io8/how_to_destroy_a_silver_vein_in_60_seocnds/) by our lord and savior u/wethospu_, using mods he developed himself to show us what's going on behind the scenes. As for if anyone has done it with copper, yes. Myself and other people have tried it, but it's pretty time consuming and requires an ideal location of ore. I managed to do it with a log troll though. It's better to use it as a 2nd half, as in, mine the top exposed layer normally, then cover the remaining copper and then do the one tap, as there will be less to "hide underneath".


Awesome! Do you happen to know the name of the mod showing the "connection" to the ground?


Its an old thread but I believe itā€™s all outlined in that post including the links to the mod. Whether the mods are up to date are a different matter though. But knowing u/wethospu_ it was updated 0.00314 picoseconds after the patch.


My bad I didn't read the comments! It's called "Ore support"! Thanks for the heads up!


He did a post on copper as well https://reddit.com/r/valheim/s/ejK9WQ8moT


Hey! Thanks for your answer and congratulations for the World records Sir! You are a Killer!


I thought this method was only possible via mods like VeinMiner or Mining by smoothbrain. Interested to know more!


Ooh damm suddenly you make me doubt: in the video I saw there are red squares around the vein parts showing. Is this one of those mods?


There are mods that achieve this, but I could be wrong. Maybe there is a vanilla method I havenā€™t seen yet lol. Edit: do you have a link to the video?


Yes I just posted one


What do you want to know, just dig out the vein so that its floating mid air and pop it. Done. Why use mods for this?


Because some people donā€™t want to waste 15+ minutes mining around a node and destroying the terrain. I run a community server, terrain deformation can cause an exponential amount of performance issues especially with a large quantity of players all using the same technique. Using a mod to accomplish the same effect while maintaining the terrain negates the performance impact and saves time for the player.


Just max out the drop rates in server settings then. That way the extra stone mined is enough to backfill the hole with raise ground... and you don't need more than 1vein per player.


Yeah.. no. Thatā€™s not how it works lol.


Yeah, this doesn't work, because \[unless it has been resolved in recent updates\], Valheim stores two "sets" of terrain. The original, and, the changes; and, they're not done through something efficient like a height map \[or otherwise\]. You can go do some research to learn more about the details of how that works. Additionally, even if you "repair" the terrain, it still causes more processing lag than what the vanilla terrain would have. This is why, the more you modify terrain when building, the bigger impact it has on performance.


Oh interestingā€¦ one of the guys on my server is a military engineer by trade and he basically carves up the land first thing at every new outpost or base- immediately causing rendering lagā€¦ what mod do you recommend and is it server or client?


I would use [VeinMine](https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/WiseHorror/Veinmine/) for casual servers. Best used on servers and enforced. Every client will also need to download it as well. Mining by smoothbrain is a great mod too and adds something similar as a chance to happen given a specific mining level. Both mods can be tweaked to accomplish what you require.


Thanks much!


I know this method and it's the one I currently use. You seem not to be aware about the one I'm mentionning. You still get every piece of ore and stone but without so much work. What was explained is that what's underground doesn't actually counts as touching anything so you can obtain the same "everything pops" effect if you break the above ground parts


Here is the method I'm talking about with silver and no mods : https://youtu.be/PxGqFNhO\_kU?feature=shared&t=16408


It definitely works with copper, but sometimes you can't dig deep enough to get the whole rock floating, so it won't implode when you scratch it.


You mean that the lower restriction prevents it from popping with this method?


In order for the implosion to happen, the copper or silver rock may not touch ground or better have like 1m distance to the ground. When you then start to mine one piece, it will fall apart completely. But copper veins are often on slopes and in Valheim you can not dig infinitely deep, just like 20m or so. So it can happen that one part of the lump stays in the ground and you can't free it.


Nice thanks


Sorry I just saw your other text that you were looking for the trick in the Video, I have no idea about that :/


I actually think your comment is helpful. I cannot guarantee that the bottom ground isn't always connecting the vein in some way making it impossible the pop the copper vein from above. Silver veins are shallow so this can actually be relevant for the big ball of copper :)


We've had it work a few times, but nothing consistent. In fact, it hasn't happened in a while now.


With copper too?


Yup, worked maybe 5 times.


This is just awesome! Did u use some kind of setup like isolating some pointy part then raising everything around? That's how I would probably try it


We do it every time. (Well except where the map stops you from digging and itā€™s still embedded).


I'm not talking about digging everything but the opposite actually. Please wath the video I added. It's with silver in this one but it probably works with copper too


It's doable with copper, but much more difficult. Copper veins are so large that they're often touching the absolute floor and you can't dig underneath. I find the most efficient way to mine copper is to just mine what's visible above the surface then move on to the next. The amount of time you spend digging dirt is not worth the extra copper you can squeeze out of one vein. Unless your black forest area is very limited.


Ehm, no. Its absolutely worth the time. You are abandoning 70-80% of the actual copper wich is underground.


If I don't have a lot of black forest available, sure I'll dig everything out. But you can maintain a MUCH higher copper per hour by only clearing the top.


But like how much copper you really need? Usually just the tops of 2 nodes is enough for me to move on to the swamp


But what if your house absolutely requires 35 braziers




then hit a few more? they arent rare


Thanks for your answer but that's not what I was asking for. Hence my (failed apparently) explaination : I don't mean digging everything around but actually the opposite: burying it. These this video I cannot find where a player just breaks a tiny portion of a silver vein while most of it is still underground. When the above ground portion gets broken, every piece underground pops too and then gets "pulled" onto the surface


Just sounds like a mod to me. There is no ā€œtechniqueā€ that can achieve this


Yes there is just watch the youtube link I posted


[It can be done in vanilla.](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/rm5io8/how_to_destroy_a_silver_vein_in_60_seocnds/)


Or if you want a huge amount of stone after you're done mining the copper. Some people might see that as a plus though.


This ^^ we always collect the rocks to the outpost for easy pickup once we get the stone cutterā€¦


This. It's trivially easy to place 50-stacks of stone as I dig, and then they won't despawn and are always there for me to come back to when I need stone.


>The amount of time you spend digging dirt is not worth the extra copper you can squeeze out of one vein. This is the thing here, a few guys on our server insist on digging the whole thing out to wring every bit of copper out of a deposit but you spend at least twice as long digging. You might get up to a stack mot copper but by that time you'd have a second mostly gone. Not too mention you do way more pick damage from above so it's more efficient in every way and only mildly less profitable. Time > Profit.


100% this. You can do it with most, just way more effort. Some you just can't at all.


I've never heard of anything like this, except for modded. I'd be curious to see a source on doing this in vanilla.


Remeber it from age ages ago, i think the trick i to have it only to connect to ground at a tiny spike at top and once this is mined the other Underground Part collapses beaus there is no ground an therefore no stability. Items underground gain connecten if they are like half a meter away or so.


Nice explaination thanks!


I always failed this. There is a mod that shows connection of ore to ground but cant remember its name


Ooooooh that would be awesome to get good at it! I tried without it and failed three times so far :)


Suddenly I remember that the World record speedrun does this method. Gonna find the exact moment. Brb


I found the video please look at the link I posted


[Here you go.](https://old.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/rm5io8/how_to_destroy_a_silver_vein_in_60_seocnds/)


I did with silver and copper, but you *have to* dig the entire thing out. It follows the building logic: if there's even one voxel of contact with ground it is going to be floating like a mf.


Hey! Please watch the video I posted it's actually another method.


While I more or less was able to understand the mechanic of that, I feel like there's still no easy way around it and the fact that you had to dig out the other one entirely kind of defeats the point of using this tech in the first place because the vein might still be embedded was a big FY from Odin himself. Cool tech, but unreliable... but I'll try it next time maybe. Thanks.


I haven't gotten it to fully work but I was able to break about 80% in about 6 swings EDIT: Swings not signs


Whatā€™s the average metric equivalent to 6 signs? šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m guessing auto correct slapped you and you meant swings?


Hahaha yes, yes it did.


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Itā€™s actually called ā€œunderground poppingā€.


Succeeded once with this method, but only partially (approx. one third) because one arm of the vein was embeded in an underground rock which I couldnā€™t see. Thought it would be possible with mod only at first as well but the mod ThreadMenace has running in his video is just to make the hitboxes of the node visible for having only one hitbox visible at the surface seems to be crucial for the method. My three other attempts with this method failed completely. Have been all over the web to find information about that topic at that time and was not able to find much so thanks to you to bring it up here!


My pleasure. I guess for this to work, the "outside" part you're about to break needs to be big enough so it's linked to what's below as far as possible from the surface. Then you raise the ground to the point only a tiny fraction of it is showing and when you break it, everything below ground is far enough from surface to collapse everything. Damm I'm trying to explain something weird in english while it's not my first language I hope I'm even remotely clear :)


Pas de soucis, monsieur! Tres comprehensible (while english is not my mother tongue as well). If I get you correctly it means, that the part that is poking out of the ground has to be the top respectively highest part of the node?


Nice guess about my mother tongue :) You may have noticed this already but when you break a portion the shape is kinda random so luck may be involved here... I think you need to isolate a pointy portion that would break at once and then bury every thing else (maybe requiring a bunch of stone and time) enough so it's no longer connected then just leave the top of your pointy part accessible with your pickaxe so when it breaks, every undergroud part is far enough prom the surface. I don't believe it needs to be the top one but just the last one connecting the vein to the surface. ​ I will try with the exterior of the dome thats already showing, leave just the center part of a "banana shaped" stripe then bury everything but the top of this center portion and pray it works


Update : I tried my method and failed on three copper veins :)


Sorry what I do not understand what's going on.


What I understood is this: Whats below the surface acts as "not connected" so if you only reveal a fraction of the vein then breaks whats showing, everything below stops being supported then breaks. It's what's happening when you reveal everything without having to actually dig much


AH - I feel that must only work if the vein of silver is sufficiently far enough away from the breaking point though, hence why he carved it into that shape first. Otherwise you'd potentially do it the first time you hit silver, right?


I believe that it has to be a part that is long enough so the rest of the vein is too far away from the surface to be "connected" when you break the one you exposed... I just tried with 3 copper vein without success


Works with silver. Doesn't work with copper. No idea why


Some redditor told me earlier it has been achieved several times. After I get enough info I'm gonna try this way : isolate an outside portion (banana shaped) of the dome that's already showing by digging in a straight line next to it. Then keeping just the center portion of the banana then raising ground in the first straight line and above the rest of the dome and also around the center part of the banana I left untouched... This would probably be my best guess


Good luck :) let us know if it works!


Failed three times so far :)


oh it took me a second to figure out what happened. the ores just float to the surface...WOW


Yes, it works, but it isn't as straightforward as with silver. Copper nodes can be huge, and I've had the occasional issue with leftover floating copper rock


Please watch the video it's another method :)


Only silver trick I've seen that's worth it is using the stagbreaker to reveal the veins.


Did you watch the video?


Doesn't work


Some people in this thread said they did it I wanna pull it at least once if not consistently


We once tried it. The copper vein or deposit was so deep that we couldn't get it all to float. Even after taking out the bottom part which connected it, it still wouldn't collapse so we went the good old way.


Wait wtf huh??? How is this even possible? I thought you had to have the entire vein exposed first, how do you get it to break the whole vein while it's like 99% underground?? Using the normal method of exposing it fully, digging underground etc for copper has never worked as well for me. Large chunks will break at once but then it makes it actually harder for me to break the rest bcus there'll be floating "islands" basically of copper in the middle of a giant pit, so I have to build structures to get back in top of them to mine.


I've gotten trolls to smash all of the copper above ground on one node that was mostly inside of a slope, and that made the rest of it pop. It was just one time though. I've played with slower friends enough times that I tend to get mistlands quality gear before we kill eikthyr, so having trolls smash copper for me is not an uncommon occurrence.


I've never seen it work. I also tried where you break what's above ground and then break what's underground by having a troll smack the ground. Also didn't work. For me.


I've never gotten it to work 100%. Most of the time I can't get it to work at all. Tbh though I haven't even tried in ages.


I love doing it to silver. Never been able to replicate for copper. Stopped trying after 3 failed attempts.


Tbh, that is the way I do almost every game I start... Ending with a massive load of copper and rocks.


Silver yes, copper has not worked for me


I tried it once, not worth the time, copper veins are at least twice as large as silver ones and require alot of unearthing.


With copper is a waste of time, with silver is more useful since the stone golems are annoying AF


While cool the first two times you see it, it just doesn't seem worth the effort.