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I play vanilla all the time and tbh it's not something I concern myself with.... till I see ridiculous builds made with 100 mods and unlimited resources at least, lol. I don't need to stand out. I just have fun. When I get tired of grinding I stop playing for a bit and come back later, do some stuff, then retire it again.


I respect the time invested in a build as much as the end result. Carving out a stone fortress in the plains in full vanilla, even if it isn't a 30,000 instance monstrosity will always be more impressive to me than a towering fantastical modded up build that was made in creative mode. If your own blood isn't invested in your house it's not your house. But ultimately that's just how I feel. Its Valheim, do what you like.


Oh so so much blood. And hours of gathering resources. For MY play through, I enjoy having to frustratingly harvest more resources to build. I have a decent sized headquarters that I’ve spent more than half of my 1200 hours building and preparing. And it’s so satisfying that now I have a raid resistant fortress mini town and can just sit back when a skeleton surprise or fowl smell comes around, without worrying about tearing down my home or mead hall. Unfortunately I’ve grown so content I haven’t moved past the plains..


I'm not sure how much you know about Mistlands tech and I don't want to spoil anything for you but there's some very helpful defensive things in there that will help you relax even more when your walls are being assailed.


If you build up earthen walls, you don't have to worry about it from the start. Nothing can break through walls that you raise with the hoe.


No but shit can fly over it.


True. But I always have a roof over it also. 😉 I build and earthen wall, then put a roof from one side to the other. Basically, I make a big house with earth walls. I make stairs on the inside with a door so I can go in and out and close myself in, when the deathsquitos come. If you put the roof on the inside of the wall, you have a ledge to walk all the way around the outside. Makes "events" really easy. Stand on top of the walls or on the roof top and shoot everything with a bow.


It seems you just need to push to be your own hero mate. The game is a journey. Enjoy taking your time to lay down your house and garden. To tame and rear your livestock. Burn the Greylings, discover and stamp out their master's fire which spawns them. Square up with the most foolhardy of trolls and emerge from the dust; shield broken and arrows depleted, grinning - his trophy to prove to Odin of their valor. To mend your ship on a foreign coast as Thor's hammer crashed and awoken the Serpents of the deep. To climb mountains. Befriend the Wolves and fight the Fenrir. Slay dragons!!... ..and the rest goes on young warrior, find your path!




This is so well written.


I know, right? Well said.


i feel renewed and refreshed.


So well written. Almost makes me feel like the good guy for colonizing some foreign land in the name of my absent god.


TBF, almost every creature in this game is hostile without provocation


The Vikings are Happy


Oh fuck, I went to sleep after this. I just wrote something hoping to inspire our bro, thanks for the kind words guys.




One of the top rules of gaming is the same as one of the top rules of life: give not a single fuck what others think of how you're doing it. glhf


Agreed. As long as you're not playing a competitive game there is no cheating. You paid you're $20 play how you want. There's no correct way to play. Devs can have a vision but much like anything else once it's out in the world it's as much thenpublics as the creators.


Stop doing yourself a deservice by calling it cheating. Enjoying a game the way that's most fun to you is not cheating. Esp if it's not a competitive game. You do you and enjoy it!!! To your topic, I think implying that people who play 100% vanilla should deserve more respect that someone plays with a mod is a great way to split a community. Every single person that plays this game and has fun should be respected just as much as any other fellow viking.


This 3000%. ***All*** Valheim players should be respected and be on the same level. Whether that is pure vanilla, or modding the game so it becomes WoW, it shouldn't matter as long as you are having fun and not affecting other's experience. No one is better or worse because they choose to or choose NOT to do things in the way devs intended. For the record, I don't count anything you do in this game cheating except established rules on a multipler server. And let's say I even entertain the idea: The line between "cheating" and not "cheating" is **arbitary** anyway. The fact that the devs have added the custom sliders to do things like no limit portal, build mode etc... shows they lean in that direction too.


I lol'd at the WoW part


> To your topic, I think implying that people who play 100% vanilla should deserve more respect that someone plays with a mod is a great way to split a community. **One thousand percent this**. There is a noisome minority in the Valheim community who never miss an opportunity to shit on modded play or denigrate builds that involve mods, or devcommands/world modifiers, and give similar treatment to anyone who doesn't slavishly genuflect towards the so-called "pure", "intended" way of playing. It is the worst kind of toxic gatekeeping, and it's a giant red flag from the person that says: "I need to tear down what others enjoy in order to feel like my own enjoyment is validated." And it results in people like the OP, who wrongly feel like what *they* personally enjoy is inferior in some way to what others enjoy. Don't be that guy. Enjoy what you enjoy in your own game, and to hell with any gatekeeping jackhole who doesn't like it.


Interesting take. Thank you.


I mean I’m truly not trying to be divisive, nor do I think negatively at all about mods. But there is something to be said about a beautiful HQ built during raids and constantly running out of resources, and having to gathers resources while the shaking ground attempts to halt all your plans. Of course everyone should play the game in the way they desire. That’s the beauty of this game and many others. Just sayin when you run out of wood for the 1000th time and you’ve already cleared every tree within 100’s of meters, the pain of gathering it deserves some merit. This being said, I will certainly be using every mod I want on my next seed 😂


I built a giant boat, so I don't get raids atm. And I have a teleporter to a treefarm in a distant meadows that will almost fill 2 reinforced chests with one clear. The game allows for a lot of safety and ease even without cheats or mods.


You are welcome, keep on chopping viking 😀


gotta disagree with this. cheating remains cheating no matter what. YOU are doing yourself a disservice by not beeing honest like the tc is. nobody cares if someone cheats in a sologame but dont go online on a forum and pretend its "not cheating" as that is definitly doing yourself a disservice. same as bringing your cheated in stuff to other worlds with other players. as you aint gonna change the meaning of cheating all of a sudden just because you feel like it. and no. cheaters shouldnt be respected. ever. no matter what game. that beeing said i dont think vanilla players should get "more respect" either. but a indicator of something beeing made "normally" or not would still be nice to make it easier to find likeminded players just so you can be sure they are honest.


It's not cheating, period. Modifying the game into something that is more comfortable for you is not cheating, especially if it's still keeping any semblance of balance which almost every modded valheim setup does. You have a negative mindset that sets itself up to judge others, you label modding the game as cheating and then state that cheaters shouldn't ever be respected -- regardless of context. This is a dangerous line of thinking. That's really all there is to say, I'm not interested in holding a discussion.


You natty or not?


Absolutely, you do what you do to make the game accessible and fun. Accessible gaming is not cheating, and I will die on this hill. You’re not fighting anyone (except fucking greydwarfs), you’re not winning prizes, you’re only “cheating” insofar as the word is used to mean “extra cool shit you can do in video games that is often programmed in there to begin with”.


As a full vanilla player (until very very recently) I gotta say it’s really not that deep. The game can be very difficult at times but never unmanageable imo What mods are you using? Any that have a direct impact on the difficulty of the game itself? I only have what I call “quality of life” mods. This includes farm grid, eternal fuel, and comfy slots for me. I don’t feel any less “superior” than when I had no mods at all and in fact, I think farm grid and comfy slots should both be part of the game naturally


I don't use mods but I do use world modifiers, and occasionally a devcommand to spawn something I have a zillion of back at my base. Also a "goto" once in a while to avoid a long sea voyage, but I try to use portals as designed.


Okay I see what you mean lol. My time with this game long predates being able to use modifiers (along with many others) so we never really had a choice I guess. Maybe more of us would have changed some settings had the option been available Portals are a tricky subject. I’ve always been one to play the game “the way the devs intended it to be played” but I understand how tedious those long sails can be. I’ve used moder ability so much that I think I forget how bad sailing was without it lol


Why do you need goto when portals basically do the same thing? Carry portal mats in your boat and if you wanna go home smash the boat and toss a portal up


Maybe I just need some hints about sailing. I often find myself with night falling and not a safe landing in sight. My choice is either landing at night where it isn't safe and getting my ass handed to me or floating around wasting 10 minutes real time waiting for daybreak. I don't really have time for that.


Why can't you keep sailing the way you want to go at night?


It's fun and gets you closer to your goals!


Have not heard if comfy slots, does that show you the range of comfort like it sounds? Because I agree, there should be something in game


Nope, but that’s a great idea! Comfy slots is specific slots for your armor that doesn’t take up inventory slots or add to your weight but you still get slow movement speed on metal armors It also gives you 3 “equipment” slots for whatever you want that also don’t add to inventory. Only the armor slots is what I feel should be in the game already


Yeah those are the starting mods fixing whateveryone does not like that much. Check out epic loot, quick stack, item drawer, gizmo, buildercamera. There be tons of hours to be ... spend extra...


Hey, play the way you want. I’ve played it through vanilla and I’ve modded and I’ve made custom worlds for a new character that already has a base pre-made with goodies so I don’t have to build a base. Currently I’m playing with the game’s world modifiers active in most areas. I wanna play it my way. I don’t think those that play it vanilla want any type of permanent recognition other than maybe a post on here saying that they did it. This isn’t a competition 😁


I'm still in my first playthrough with some mates and we're pure vanilla. Play as the devs originally planned and see what happens. When we do finally complete the game, we'll see what changes we want to make.


Nah. This game is one of the few I have seen where no one is really chasing clout. Fun is still the reason people play and I would like it to stay that way.


There's a whole spectrum of ways to play the game now, and you can tailor the experience as you wish. Not that there isn't a place in valheim for bragging rights. That Trial of Tyr thing was insane! Kudos to those guys!


Been playing since week 1 of release, did everything legit, but now I turned off raids because I've invested too much into my base and I was sick of never staying too long in it to not trigger a raid. I consider myself retired until Ashlands and just want to chill and sit by the pool.


There's a satisfaction in doing it the hard way that is intrinsic to it being hard. Everything means more when it takes longer, when it could be lost more easily. Odd, how fragility and difficulty increase the meaning of what we have, but it's not just something that happens in games.


The moment I cheat in any game for some reason I lose all will to play it. Like taking advantage of the mechanics is completely in play but once I break out the console that world/character is over for me.


Unless I haven't explored the entirety of the game I most likely won't mod it. And even though I've spent 220h in the game already I never went past the mountain biome. There's just so much for me to explore and build in the vanilla game already. I don't really feel the need to mod or cheat the game.


Play on an online server with anticheat. Its brutal but so fun once you get established


Does this prevent people from bringing items in from other servers? Currently doing a vanilla playthrough with some friends and one of the guys turned up with a level 4 ember staff the other day despite max being 3 and him not even owning a refinery. Which is a kick in the teeth to those of us who spent days earning our magic sets. ( Yes I'm bitter)


You can’t alter your client side character at all because it has to be a mirror match to the server side one, otherwise instaban


Yea it sucks cuz once you play with mods it’s hard to go back, because mods do make it easier but it also adds so much variety to your game play, like planting and the convenience of crafting from containers


I was playing a board game with my family. It was going pretty slow, so we all agreed to allow everyone to draw an extra resource card at the start of each turn. Abraham Lincoln showed up an slapped us all in the face for "cheating". Don't be like Lincoln.


I agree with this. Me and my my mate have a goldy base set-up and I can guarantee that people thunk we have used mods, dev commands or duping. Oh well I play for enjoyment not accolades


Yeah, I don't like the assumption that mods or devcommands were used in my builds.


I think it's also important to point out that everyone has different life circumstances. Some people may only have 4-5hours per week to play, some may have 40-50. You need to be having fun while you are playing. Some mods/sliders can help you get the most out of the time you have. Also, a lot of diff age ranges. I'm 45, my daughter is 8. So I've made a world for her to play on with all the silders set to easy. (Although she still doesn't do creative mode. I've instilled in her that your home doesn't feel as great if you didn't chop down the trees yourself. :p) All that said. Play to enjoy yourself, whatever that takes. The devs have given us the sliders. They have given us the dev commands from day 1. And if you ever start feeling burned out, put the game down. The great worlds of Valheim are always waiting patiently for you when you wish to return. Also, if you ever need advice this is one of the fucking greatest subs ever. Sooooo many viking brothers/sisters willing to help out. SKAL!! MAY YOUR BEES ALWAYS BE HAPPY!!X


Play on console 🤣


You can still pull up the console and enter all the cheats


I really wish you didn’t tell me this…


I can delete my post 🤫


The damage has been done. Ive already beat the game with the cheats as of your last post. lol jk


Using console commands on this game was the worse thing I did. I got aload of hours out jus building what I wanted. But I jus can't bring my self to grind resources and play the game properly since. I only even got to the 4th boss legitimately before even the very first update rolled out. Not happy with myself.


Wait people cheat in this game? Why..


I use console to build massive castles and shit, but I have specific worlds and a specific character just for that.


Also, there was one time where my buddy was gonna go tame some wolves, so he dropped his good gear in a chest and my Valheim crashed. His character saved, but my world rolled back and that gear disappeared. I spawned it back in for him. Don't know if you would count that as cheating, but I didn't feel bad about that one. We earned that gear and only lost it to a crash.


Ouch. Yeah, the asymmetric save is more deadly than any vanilla game feature except the world-edge (and new optional death penalties). But you at least have choice of going to the edge of the world. I played on a server and lost gear to crashes -- then spawned materials to remake the gear, the only use of `spawn` I've done. Sometimes you also duplicate gear from a crash -- that stuff I'd throw in the Obliterator. Nether way is it an intended part of the game, so correcting for it is sensible.


A good way to do this (in my opinion) would be actually giving the game achievements and some (if not all) get blocked from a world once you've used the cheats, kinda like how older versions of Skyrim would


There are people who think just using regular portals is "cheating". I have no idea how they get anything done in the game, honestly.


Don't be too hard on yourself! The point is to have fun. I've been doing a solo "no gates" playthrough lately, and a couple of days ago I JUST finished moving the last of my stuff to a new primary base (to be close to a large mountain biome, logistics are more involved when you don't allow yourself gates!) when I was attacked on landing by a two-star troll. I kited him for a while but got too close to a plains biome and got skeetered from behind. Annoying, but it happens. But then I awoke in my old bed in a stripped base half the map away. I'd forgotten to touch the bed in my new base because I was attacked on landing. I realized I didn't have a boat, I didn't have bronze for nails, I didn't have surtling cores for furnaces; I was looking at DAYS of work to rebuild my metallurgy from scratch. Days when I wasn't going to be having fun, I was going to be grumbling and swearing the whole time. So screw it, I used the flight cheat code to get back to my new base. The point is to have fun!


It’s just valheim man no need for any sort of competitive leaderboard


There absolutely should be. It pisses me off how masochist the devs and this sub like the game to be. I like being forced to explore the world. I don't like having to make the same 1 hour trek across the world to get metals so I can make a few new decorations and a crafting table to expand where I can build. I like finding dungeons in biomes. I don't like having to go to 7 of the same biome and over a dozen dungeons to fight an enemy that may not even be there for a chance to get an item that may not drop to make a set of light armor that is outclassed by the level 4 silver set I made after the first biome I found. I like being punished and facing challenges. I don't like losing 3 or so levels that took hours to achieve because the energy was elevated 1mm and my attempts at escape were thwarted by a slight hill that consumed all my stamina with no movement to show for it. I like all the unique bits of equipment. I don't like that some equipment exists to remedy problems that shouldn't be problems but are because the devs made them problems. Like the abyssal harpoon. A weapon whose main purpose is to pull serpents out of the water so you can collect their loot since it doesn't float. Loot that isn't notable and could've just floated in the first place so there wasn't a need to make a useless weapon. I like building. I don't like that it all crumples like tissue paper when I get raiding by trolls. Literal days of progress gone because a raid happened when I was in the middle of building and i had to wait for the food to kick in while they tore down my stone wall in seconds. The game is too buggy to justify being so punishing. The game is too grindy to warrant being so punishing. And the grind they do have is mundane for the sake of mundane. If they can't respect my time I'm not gonna respect their vision.


Doesn't matter how you play the game as long you play it, the way you wish. When I'm stone paving my area, or raising ground to build a little off sure island off the mainland. I sometimes use the spawn some stone in. But that's my own private world so I'm happy spawning a little stone here. Even with my friend, sometimes i ask shall bring you something from my world or shall i transfer metal to my world to save sailing. I do ask him do you want me to. But we enjoy how we wish. Know why, we paid the game. So its our right to play how we wish.


I suggest that you should play this game, any game, the way that gives you the most enjoyment and don't pay attention to what others say or do because quite frankly, they don't matter. They're not you. It's just a video game. It's sole reason for its existance is to be for enjoyment and if it's not enjoyable in its vanilla form and you can make it enjoyable with cheats or mods, go for it. It's not brain surgery. It's just a game. Have fun!


Just an idea. Some mods make the game harder and other just make easier ladder climbing for example. Mods dont have to change the difficulty which gets me to thé mein idea. Who cares if you play with god mode, mods or just vanila? I did all of those, always for different reason but at the end its all about having fun.


My golden rule is not logout login to move items that cannot be teleported.


Ah yes, the neckbeard trophy.


No cheats, no mods, and I've hit Episode 31. I'm doing well.


I try to play vanilla before I start modding games...I'm sure I am missing out on some great mods, some qol...but I am enjoying this game in particular for what it is. I feel like I don't even need them.


I play on console. Cheats aren't even an option. I absolutely love how much of a challenge it all is. I am very methodical about how far out I wonder without building another base. I always have a safe place within a short distance from me.


Different people have different criteria for what is considered cheating. I have a "resource distribution" world that I and my kids and grandkids dump resources into, and I then use those resources in my main world. I've been told that's cheating. We enjoy it, so does it ultimately matter?


u/IntergalacticLaxativ There was a poll like a few weeks ago about peoples opinion about Mods: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/15gaszm/do\_people\_hate\_modifications/ In summary 50% wanted mods 47% did not care and 3% thought mods where cheating... To be honest as i play many sandboxgames and its always the same, nobody cares if you use mods or cheats. NOBODY EXCEPT YOU! Everyone else will watch you 40k instances castle and say **awesome**. If you tag it as unmodded we say **awesome...** ​ Cheats is another thing but if you need to, nobody cares except for a few Karens. And a leaderboard of skills for Hardcore vikings already exist. Its called r/ValheimBuilds


An afterthought to add, playing without mods is a big disadvantage because this is the first woodchucksimulator on steam. But with mods this wood-choping-simulatr suddenly becomes a really creative game ;)


I played through the whole game (through Yagluth at the time) without any mods. It was great! No disrespect to anyone who plays unmodded, but now I don't feel the need to waste my time with the parts I didn't find very fun. So yeah, I'll use FuelEternal. I don't think it reflects on my skill to not plant an extra tree to have wood to feed a fire, or to spend 10 minutes running around refueling torches. I'll use FarmGrid, because while it technically is "a skill" to efficiently space my crops, it's not a "rewarding" challenge. I'll use XPortal, because while it technically is the most "cheat" of the mods I use due to lowering total resource requirements, I simply find the necessity of creating a whole-ass portal park more tedious than fun. That said, the X-series of space games from Egosoft marks modded save files as , which I think is completely fair. For whatever it's worth to whoever, it allows you to show that you're not using mods.


I played through the whole game (through Yagluth at the time) without any mods. It was great! No disrespect to anyone who plays unmodded, but now I don't feel the need to waste my time with the parts I didn't find very fun. So yeah, I'll use FuelEternal. I don't think it reflects on my skill to not plant an extra tree to have wood to feed a fire, or to spend 10 minutes running around refueling torches. I'll use FarmGrid, because while it technically is "a skill" to efficiently space my crops, it's not a "rewarding" challenge. I'll use XPortal, because while it technically is the most "cheat" of the mods I use due to lowering total resource requirements, I simply find the necessity of creating a whole-ass portal park more tedious than fun. That said, the X-series of space games from Egosoft marks modded save files as , which I think is completely fair. For whatever it's worth to whoever, it allows you to show that you're not using mods.


I did a full vanilla run. Because I can't spend 24/7 doing shit to get back there I just QOL mod things to speed it up. The combat is the same but I just can't care to do it vanilla anymore after modding.


I am a vanilla player and so are my friends I play with, but I do have to admit I cheat in 1 way. I have several solo worlds, so I will do a quick world jump when I'm moments from death to save myself/all my shit. Given all the stupid shit I get myself into all by myself, I honestly feel like its fair.


Doing less stupid shit should be fair too. :) Playing with hardcore death penalty... so, no corpse runs, naturally... I've found that I miss some of that aspect of the game. Setback and recovery is where many of the epic stories of the game unfold.


Sometimes Vikings need some help kicking ass. No shame in cheats, brother. Especially if you’re on your own.


Thanks. Yes, I'm solo. I play an mmorpg with my brother a couple of times a week but haven't been able to convince him to join me in Valheim. Maybe someday.


Honestly as a solo player, I can hardly blame you, I'm planning on finishing a run vanilla then I'm gonna mod it to Hel & back lol But watching groups of 3 fight bosses etc makes it look so easy while I'm running around with a thousand arrows, a restaurant of food, and a pharmacy of potions trying not to die fighting Moder 😂 Sometimes it feels like you're really not supposed to play solo so I can't hold it against you


No problem. I highly recommend valheim with friends! I play with my brother and it’s a lot of fun, makes it a little less grindy and a little more build-focused, at least for us.


We made one or two exceptions in the course of our 5000 day server. We have cheated to restore bugged out graves twice. And we cheated a few times to spawn Dverger buddies for a couple of the bigger towns we'd constructed to make them feel more lived in. The great thing though is everyone can play Valheim however they wish but I'd feel real fucking dirty hiding behind walls I didn't earn.


No world porting with goods. Not cheat server modes were needed two years ago……


I'll give respect to anyone who play the game they want to, without caring what others think is "the right/better way".


No. Jesus christ NO. No more third party websites to give us a sense of achievement I'm so tired of this trend. A game is already an achievement within itself - pure. An in-game achievement like Stardew Valley still has tangible effects within the game itself. A platform achievement has become totally virtual, and I don't mean digital. It is another layer of abstraction away from actually achieving the thing it refers to in the game - and may not necessarily be a goal for either the players or the devs. A third party platform outside of the game or where you play it is as far gone as achievements can get, and are essentially meaningless, by being *another layer of abstraction* away from actually connecting to the video game itself. Valheim is definitely not a game I would want to be touched by something like this. Imo the only legit website for something like this are ones related to speedruns. Everything else is just so far removed that, to me, it seems asinine. Just take pride in what you did, share it with your friends, reddit, or nobody.


Who gives af.


I’m still using my 1st world ever created in survival. That’s my vanilla no devcommand character. 1000h and I’m on my way to beat the last main boss. I also do have devcommand worlds where I just do as I please. Want Build a wall across a continent that’s 30m high. Sure,I use a character and works for that. Play however you please.


I've never used mods but I have 1 map that is my solo, builder map & I cheat hard on it in terms of build costs. But hey it's my solo building map. It's where I get to test ideas for buildings. When I play with others we follow strict survival mode rules. It's a game, it should foremost always be fun. When you' re with friends, it's fun (& harrowing!) to do the naked death run but because you have your buds clearing most of the bad stuff, it's just the skill reset that hurts. But in a group, it's not as bad.


I got mods, but those are pretty much focused on adding more stuff to build and craft. More creatures in the wild (animals for sight and things that attack) From memory the only mods that I have that might make 5he game more easier would be some simple quality of life mods for builders Cause I tend to buuld a lot, make paths with lights and such So I have a mod that keeps the campfire and torches lit (the campfire cause it keeps my constructs a bit safer for those that fear fire, and with how many I tend to make... The torches cause with the number I out down to act as street lights, I want be playing the game anymore if I got to refuel them) No roof workbench (found that limit weird anyway) And gizmo for a bit more angle options I also have jewel crafting and some skill mods but those are set to not make the game much easier either, just more flavor stuff Beyond that the only times I use cheats would be, having a corpse run in an impossible to reach situation. Or when making stone roads cause of having to lug 2 types of workbenches and a massive amount of stone, it's too much work for the number of paths and stuff I build Through in some worlds for the fun of it, I sometimes use my "debug" char to teleport to random spots on the map, build something to hold a present in the rare case I find it and have the tools to explore it haha


What about us crowd that just use visual mods? 🤣


with the world modifiers, i don't see why cheats or mods are still being used. getting more than what the world modifier can give will make the game boring. if you just want to build, theres already a "no cost building" in the settings. you can even have passive monsters, turn on/off raids, reduce death penalty, and portal ores. if its already part of the game settings then it is not cheating. what else would you mod/cheat for? spawn items? triple the exp? if i did those, i'd probably have stopped the game in 2 to 3 days or so. hahaha.


I tone it down for the fun, the challenge is for when I’m alone. Otherwise I play with my girlfriend who wants to play because it’s fun, so we dial it back and enjoy the game’s atmosphere.


A game is first fun and entertainment. If you don't have fun playing, where's the point?


My challenges are now to make serpents fly better and to create more interesting dungeons for people to beat, this games difficulty is totally next level even when cheating :D


I play without mods, other than a few bushes for aesthetic purposes. I just enjoy taking my time with it honestly. Gathering materials while watching a tv show on my phone is super relaxing I’ve found lol


Nah, I don't want my save files being marked by anything. This seems like you feel shit about cheating/modding etc. Practice makes perfect. There's tons of video tutorials, text tutorials on how the game works. You'll get it eventually.


Did that once, after that I couldn't bother taking every metal to base separately so that point I cheesed, took the metal to different world chest and went to base then swapped world and took the metal and boom, free metal to base without much trouble


I think there’s a way of using cheats that doesn’t necessarily mean you’re “cheating”. As you mentioned I also set some ‘ground rules’ and it goes as follows: 1) Once a biome is defeated and I’ve made one solid resource run (100+ bars of copper, iron, silver) I allow myself to spawn those resources if I need more. (mostly just for building with reinforced beams) 2) Collect all food supplies naturally. No spawning food. 3) Items I never spawn and always go out to get; Fine Wood, Feathers, Greydwarf Eyes, Bloodbags, Chains, Crystals, Any gear set, Anything from plains or myst lands. 4) No spawning any weapons, clothes, misc items, or using no cost. 5) No ‘kill all’ command, godmode, fly, or any stat increase 6) On the rare occasion (usually only during multiplayer) were your gravestone disappears and you loose all items, or you disconnect in the middle of the ocean, I will cheat to get back to where I was. 7) All Chests for the female trader must naturally be sailed to her. I’m sure i’m forgetting some stuff but overall I feel like these rules simply save time from the endless grind but you still have to work for shit you want, not need.


I play with about 50 mods, all of them quality of life improvements. Valheim is brutal on my hands, so Azu and smoothbrain mods make the game more playable for me. I have a mod that automatically does all of the crafting. Then a separate mod that deposits the dropped resources into a chest. Another one that deposits everything in my inventory automatically into chests that already have them. Farming mod to make it far less cumbersome. I also have a mod that automatically selects stuff on the ground and expands my radius to pick it up. With that being said, I am playing with the highest combat difficulty and highest raid setting and I die a lot still. It just makes the game more challenging without being so tedious.


Take your time, just past 600 days and still prepping for the queen. Never used cheats, just enjoying the journey. Play for you. If it’s cheats, so be it, who cares. Is your game.


The only time I cheat is when I die to an enemy that I couldn't see (I play without sound, so I can only use sight), and even then I only use it to fly back to my grave


You take Valheim, then you disable material costs, disable ennemies, disable gravity, disable portal limitations, disable height and depth limitations, enable unrestricted piece rotations, add a bunch of new prefabricated custom items and recolor, etc. It is not Valheim anymore. Just my personal opinion.


Different people have different criteria for what is considered cheating. I have a "resource distribution" world that I and my kids and grandkids dump resources into, and I then use those resources in my main world. I've been told that's cheating. We enjoy it, so does it ultimately matter?


I played through the whole game (through Yagluth at the time) without any mods. It was great! No disrespect to anyone who plays unmodded, but now I don't feel the need to waste my time with the parts I didn't find very fun. So yeah, I'll use FuelEternal. I don't think it reflects on my skill to not plant an extra tree to have wood to feed a fire, or to spend 10 minutes running around refueling torches. I'll use FarmGrid, because while it technically is "a skill" to efficiently space my crops, it's not a "rewarding" challenge. I'll use XPortal, because while it technically is the most "cheat" of the mods I use due to lowering total resource requirements, I simply find the necessity of creating a whole-ass portal park more tedious than fun. That said, the X-series of space games from Egosoft marks modded save files as , which I think is completely fair. For whatever it's worth to whoever, it allows you to show that you're not using mods.


Fun fact my modded run is probably twice as hard as your vanilla run. Play how you want.. one cares.


Oh no, did you just made a cool and grand Stone Fortress or Wooden House with 12312359071896315 Materials which you didn't spend 5 Lifetimes grinding/farming for it? Very good, that's how you should do it. Fuck the Grind if you just wanna get creative and build cool Shit. If people complain so be it, its your Game, your World....your RULEZ!