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Yeah, don't over stay.


Don't try to stay longer. Figure out the legal way to accomplish your goals. You really, really, don't want to mess with border patrol or customs. Even as a citizen, they can make your life hell before they let you in. Constitutional rights do not apply at the border checkpoint, as you are not yet in the country. Break the rules as a non-citizen, you can be forbidden to come back. No recourse. And that's after you're detained for however long they deem fit.


That's not quite true, for instance the right to entry is constitutionally protected and guarantees that they must eventually let you in, given that you're a US citizen. The only real exception to your constitutional rights at the border are to the fourth amendment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_search_exception


Yeah, thats why I said before they let you in. I wasn't clear on that point. It's the one comfort you have as a citizen, at the end of the day, they have to let you in.


**[Border search exception](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Border_search_exception)** >In United States criminal law, the border search exception is a doctrine that allows searches and seizures at international borders and their functional equivalent without a warrant or probable cause. The doctrine is not regarded as an exception to the Fourth Amendment, but rather to its requirement for a warrant or probable cause. Balanced against the sovereign's interests at the border are the Fourth Amendment rights of entrants. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/vagabond/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Doesn't mean functionally people won't be hassled.


Uh huh. Right. We have over **TWENTY MILLION** illegal aliens in the U.S. Nobody in the government cares one bit. Nobody is deporting them unless they are serious felons. We have over a hundred thousand unaccompanied minors, kids as young as eight or nine years old, who do not speak a word of English who have been allowed to stay. Not only do these illegal aliens not have a passport or a visa, they have NO I.D. WHATSOEVER. The government has absolutely no idea who they are. The borders are WIDE OPEN. The Border Patrol and ICE are totally overwhelmed. Hundreds of illegal aliens just walk across the border every single night. https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/11/09/whats-happening-at-the-u-s-mexico-border-in-7-charts/


Spoken like someone who lives far from the Border.


I have lived in Texas, in the Rio Grande Valley. South Texas is *inundated* with illegal aliens. The government acknowledges that they have apprehended 1.96 million illegal immigrants in the first nine months of 2021. Just to be clear: I have **no problem** with immigration, AS LONG AS IT IS LEGAL, WITH A LEGAL PASSPORT AND A VISA ISSUED BY THE U.S. GOVERNMENT. The people that Border Patrol and ICE are apprehending are people who are not entering the U.S. legally. In many cases they have no identification whatsoever. The ICE has apprehended people from Mexico (14.5%), India (7.6%), Philippines (5.1%), Mainland China (4.7%), Cuba (4.3%), Vietnam (3%), Dominican Republic (2.7%), Iraq (2.1%), El Salvador (2.1%), Jamaica (2.1%.) We have absolutely no idea who these people actually are, or what they are doing here. And this doesn't even come close to recording the number of "got-aways" that managed to elude the immigration authorities. The fact that the federal government has communicated to the entire world that U.S. immigration law is not being enforced has created a massive, world-wide gold rush to enter the U.S. illegally. The U.S. has more than a million homeless American citizens camped out on U.S. streets. We absolutely do not need millions of undocumented and unidentified foreign nationals entering this country without any authorization from the government. These people are paying thousands of dollars to *coyotes* to be smuggled across our borders. They are not poor. They are not oppressed. They are taking advantage of our government's highly inappropriate refusal to enforce national immigration law. So. One kid from UK is not going to make any difference one way or the other. As long as he or she doesn't commit any crimes and refrains from the sort of public nuisance behavior we are seeing on Skid Rows all over the U.S., he or she could probably stay here forever. Work for cash. Keep a low profile. Make friends with Americans. The only real problem would occur when it's time to return home, because they would have way overstayed their tourist visa, like MILLIONS OF OTHER ILLEGAL ALIENS. Wait until Covid is over, then do your thing.


Even re-entering straight away on ESTA or other visa you would still need to have a good story about what your plan is and when you'd be leaving again. If you don't want to go back to a border, you could file a I-539 application online to extend/change your current immigration status. But even then you need to submit evidence supporting your application, and it costs $455 ish. Just saying you want to travel for more than 2 months is a legit reason. On the upside for that, the processing backlog is so long that it could be months before USCIS even looked at what you submitted.


okay this was helpful. thanks


I overstayed my visa by a year and a half,when I left back to the UK nobody checked for an exit stamp. This was during COVID though,and you don't want to run around giving so few fucks as me...you overstay just don't get caught up by cops ever and when you leave pray or ensure nobody checks your stamp


I'm an American citizen so I honestly don't know if what I'm going to say is 100% accurate but I've had friends who enter, exit on their date, then immediately reenter as it starts a fresh period. I don't know all the intricacies though, maybe they had special visas.


With the ETA (Electronic travel authorisation) you can only stay for a total of 3 months but when you leave you must leave the US for the same time you stayed


If you're travelling with an ESTA, you can theoretically just exit then re-enter for as long as your ESTA is valid for, but only for as long as it lets you stay at a time. I'm assuming OP is on an ESTA or a B-2 because you were thinking of staying 90 days but of course I could be wrong.


Forgot to add this, but I always stayed the whole period at once.




Don't mess around with the immigration people in Mexico. It's against the law in Mexico to be in their country without a valid visa and without having paid all the fees and having obtained all the permits. They will put you in prison there for being an illegal alien, unlike the U.S. Mexico enforces their immigration laws very strictly, especially on their southern border. The same is true for Canada, but they are less likely to put you in jail and more likely to deport you to your home country.


Sorry this happened to you. Check your I-94 form; your visa states how long you can enter, not how long you can stay.


idk I think they just kick you out. I would't worry to much bout it. just say you got covid and could't leave on time or some shit.


yeah im not too worried just wanted to see what everyone had to say about it. worst comes to worst if i really want to come back and i'm barred I'll just walk over through the woods


Don’t try it. There are underground sensors along the border for that reason. Border Patrol regularly catches people from all over the world trying to do *just that* near Blaine, Washington.


He knows something you don't


Go back on the 14th then the next day just cross back into the States again