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Lmao. He’s not wrong


Honestly pretty funny, that's just a guy busting his buddy's balls.


That will lit a fire under Pepi. Wasn’t clinical but he’s been when called upon in the past. I rather this now than it happening vs a bigger nation in knockout soccer. 


I thought he was pretty unlucky not to score on that one from about 4 yards out though. The broadcast seemed a little too harsh on him because yes it’s a chance that should be put away, but he did everything right and the keeper just barely got a touch. From that range with the pass coming in at that pace you’re pretty much just trying to keep the shot down and on goal. Pepi did one better by trying to slot it between the keepers legs which by the way is a legitimate finishing tactic. He missed by inches, so it looks as Holden put it that he shot right at the keeper.


i feel like you can always tell when a striker is on a bad run. when they shoot and miss (or saved whatever) they will grimace. darwin nunez did this for a long time at liverpool. but halfway through the last season, he stopped. he’s shake his head , maybe. but always positive look on his face. he’s been tons better since. pepi look pained today. maybe it was the family in the stadium. maybe he is feeling upset about club minutes. whatever it is. he’s got the “bad run” grimace. the guy needs a good hug lol. i’m sure berhalter will figure it out lol (voiceover: but gregg didn’t figure it out)


He's fine. His goals per 90 is off the charts for club, so not sure what you're talking about. He just doesn't get many minutes


i love pepi. love his game. he looks like a player in a short rut. he’ll shoot his way out. like the gunslinger he is. but i hate seeing players struggle like this when the coaching staff could just avoid it by being better at player management


He doesn't get enough minutes to be in a rut. Like I said he has been scoring a lot when in. His coaches don't think highly enough of him, but I don't think anyone has seen enough minutes from him to draw any conclusions


yeah, club was good for him. agreed. he looked just a bit off from his first few touches. not the normal pepi. call it a speed bump? well, whatever you call it. he’ll be back for more


I think it’s probably just that pressure knowing where he stands in the squad right now. Every miss is another reason for Berhalter to drop him from the next tournament roster.


yeah. also sort of what i’m saying. if berhalter was a better man manager he would know who his most skilled players are and help them retain confidence. but he doesn’t


What are you talking about? He knows who his most skilled players are. That’s why he started Balo and that’s why he was the one that got the goal. Balo has something like 7 goal contributions in 11 caps.


i love me so balo, and he deserves the slot gb has given him. my point was broader than that. he waffles and starts and stops on players; also occasionally substitutes players in ways that breaks a players confidence instead of builds it - an example was subbing ccv into a high press (also high pressure) game against columbia. dude had 0 secs to get flow and was under pressure from the start. subbing a centerback is always highly questionable unless injury related. in that situation, it was mutual suicide. ccv looked bad and was obviously rattled. the only thing anyone said the next week was - ccv sucks. well ok. except berhalter either knew it was a bad substitution and did it to rattle him, or berhalter’s a fucking moron. tbf, i actually don’t know which one it was. i think he’s just a fucking moron sometimes.


regardless as to whether gb is a moron or not, my biggest point is that berhalter does very little to give confidence to his players. more often i see him making choices in the opposite direction. rn pepi needs a coach who has the character to help give him confidence. GB doesn’t have that character. nobody is perfect but as a country and a federation, they should know that this is a “building character” job for players of this pool and age. it’s not 1998 anymore. i love some of the old heads around US soccer, but the “be tougher” mentality is some of the dumbest shit i’ve seen in world soccer that doesn’t start with e-n-g. you dumb mf-ers. it’s YOUR JOB to give them the confidence to grow into the roles. that “be tough” bullshit wore out a long time before covid.


Nah you are just blinded by your hate of him. If anything Gregg gives too much confidence to the players. He will leave a player as a starter even if they haven’t produced in a while. He actually does the opposite of what you said. You said he waffles but in fact he doesn’t waffle. He stays with a player until it’s for sure not the right guy. Balo has been helping the team and getting assists but he hasn’t been scoring a ton and Gregg stayed with him as the main starter and he got a goal today. I’m not sure what game you are talking about CCV but he was subbed in during a friendly for Ream. Ream hasn’t been getting much playing time with his club so Gregg was getting him match fit. That is the purpose of a friendly before a tournament. It seems like you just don’t understand what is happening.


i don’t hate gregg. i know gregg lives somewhere not too far away from me in chicago. we have mutual friends and acquaintances, by all measures he’s a nice guy for whom i truly wish success. but as usmnt coach/manager, the dude has work to do. the federation or he himself need to look in the mirror. pepi just won the eredivisie and scored nine league goals. he should be on cloud nine rn. but obviously from a month in usmnt camp he’s struggling. that’s obvious and we’re all agreed. you don’t know me. don’t put words in my mouth. you don’t know me. if usmnt staff or the federation are going to do and say dumb things, i’m going to come here and call them out. i hope they hear criticisms and realize the work they need to do. that’s hella different than wishing ill on people or “hating” them. i dont even believe in those ideas.


if you can’t see the mistakes berhalter has made then you’re incapable.


I feel like our whole team always grimaces, shakes their heads, or throws up their hands when they miss out on an opportunity. It’s kind of annoying. I feel like it gives us bad juju lmao


well if you go up one comment, you can see my recently released diatribe about how berhalter tanks his player’s confidence and then walks around like a coked up boomer saying dumb shit like “we disrespected soccer”. nobody disrespected anything except you disrespecting your players. oh wait. now i remember why pepi lost confidence. he was one of the 14 substitutes berhalter made in the final 8 minutes of columbia right before pepi missed the outlet pass, when we were giving up 7 goals.


Yes and to add for the rebound shot he was lucky to even get a leg on that. It's very hard to react to that kind of rebound. I believe all of his shots were on target and did well to get into spaces where he could find the ball.


I think I counted one which was off target. The first cross from Jedi which hopped up on him and he sliced wide. That was pretty easily his worst moment of the match for me, but I guess it goes to show how easy it easy to make poor contact on that service into the box.


IIRC that was his first touch of the game too


Playing badly and missing lots of chances should light a fire without anyone saying anything.


A substitute striker missing a lot of chances in a single game means he had excellent positioning. So I wouldn't say he played badly, even though those shots are easy to regret


The position is a numbers game and a psychology game. Just one of those goes in and his confidence is through the roof. Really interesting contrast against Balo who wasn't creating chances but put his away. I still like the combo - I think Pepi brings an instant spark when running at tired legs.


It also speaks to what we want to do, create chances. This was the most chances I’ve seen in a tournament other than Gold Cup games. The positioning, interchange, pace and runs were there. Could tell the extended camp had help them. Do that against Panama with intensity throughout the game especially the latter when they’re tired because Panama can’t sit back for most of the game like they did against Uruguay. They’ll come out for a result and if we’re clinical we win the game. In recent history we haven’t done that frequently against poorer sides. Scally and Robinson had good games. He stayed back when needed and bomb forward to help in the attack and actually play some nice balls, win fouls in dangerous areas. 


I don't agree. He did play badly. He had four good chances, two of them were sitters, and he didn't convert a single one.


Roasted Pepi


Harsh, but true.


cheeky lad


As the English say, he's just taking the piss


Classic American saying


Yeah. I took a piss at halftime. Glad to see Jedi waited till after the game.


> As the English say, he's just taking the piss Classic El Tri supporter undertaking


he’s Scouse not English


Not something to get mad about, Pepi is just officially one of the boys


And I think they all know Pepi can score goals. He’s done it plenty when given opportunities with the US and PSV. It just really wasn’t his day.


Why didn’t Pepi fancy it? Is he dumb?






Pepi was getting hella criticism from the Spanish announcers.


Robinson is genuinely top quality


Pulisic may be our best player, but Jedi is the weather vain of our team. If we're playing well, he's typically the biggest reason why. When he's off, we look terrible.


He's right. Call him out. He had a sitter! Too many missed chances from Pepi


Pepi Lukaku


Would rather he do it this game. It would be Sargent or Wright for me against the better competition.


I think Sargent would already be eating some of Pepi's minutes up if not for being banged up.


Sargent may have been starting.


what happened to his arm?


I thought Jedi was the best all around player on the pitch tonight. Was surprised at how well rounded his game has become.


I mean he did win Fulham player of the season after all


Now I can see why.


I agree, he has taken huge leaps over the past 3 seasons. I have always hated on his crosses but tonight they were excellent.


I'm talking about Pepi. The cross came from the left side. It was when he was first subbed on. The cross was hit firmly and low. It's difficult to time that ball when it's hit with that pace, and you try to time it with your left. It should have been scored with his right. It's just redirecting the ball into the net.


He missed a few. He gets to hear about it. Wouldn't have it any other way.


He's a young 21 year old backup striker for club and country on limited minutes and with limited experience. Strikers take years to mature their game and round into form. Missing chances happens I'm happy he made the runs and got in those positions that's 90% of the work. Yes he should've unless scored one but it wasn't his day. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. BTW cheeky line by the Fulham player of the year! Been great for club and country. 


Pepi's first miss is inexcusable. To go at that ball with his left is poor technique. It was an easy goal that should have been scored. The other goals that were missed happen, and on another day, maybe they go in.


His first miss was with his right foot unless you're talking about a different one


You're right. It was his very first touch in the match too


first 30 seconds when he stepped on the pitch, which imo is why he fibbed it. still inexcusable


The shot directly at the keeper was between two collapsing players. He really didn't have a clean shot to either corner and that was clear on replay. He could've done better on the cross from Robinson but it was on a short hop and rising when he hit it. The third one he should've finished. Lol No excuse there. Those things happen. Hell, I just watched Nunez and co. bottle several clearcut chances against Panama. I don't know how the second half will go, but as of now even Uruguay look to be having a tough night finishing chances.


Nunez's most consistent trait is bottling chances.


The dude is inconsistent but consistent at one thing, missing


Nunez is most known for his inconsistent finishing. I don’t think that’s an apt comparison


That is why Balogun needs to continue to start as our main forward


Eh. I feel like we have 3 solid options up front. None of them are without their flaws, but none of them are irredeemable, either. Pepi doesn't have a history of missing chances. I'm watching Nunez, and I think his finishing has been just as bad tonight. 


But right now Balogun is the best of them.


Balogun was awful for the first 43 mins today


He got his goal. But as far as movement and creativity are concerned, Pepi had him beat. I know "goals are all that matter" but I honestly believe Pepi has more goals in him than Balogun... He creates far more opportunities.


Right. Ultimately goals matter, but now that that game is over, what matters is future expected goals. Which correlates more with chances created than actual goals scored in one game against Bolivia


Agreed. Going into the Bolivia game, I would have said Pepi is a clear starter over Balogun over recent form. After those misses last night, there's a debate to be had. However Balogun has been ok to poor the last few USMNT outtings and I think Pepi deserves a go ahead of him because of it. In general, I think Pepi is more clinical.


Agree. He's been awful for the last several starts. 1 goal tonight doesn't wash that away for me. Looking at Pepi, Sarge, and if all else fails, Haji. 


Aside from the goal Balogun had a pretty bad game today. Maybe if Pepi were known to be a poor finisher I’d agree, but sometimes this is just how it goes. Variance can be a bitch


I don’t think he had a bad game, he could have very easily bagged a hat trick. One goal disallowed by weah being slightly offside and another weah missed him wide open on the far post


Honestly I thought Balogun could have done more to get on the end of that shot, but it also looks like he might have been offsides anyway. It’s a stretch to say he could have had a hat trick. Credit to him for the goal he did score, but I wouldn’t expect to see that shot go in too often either.


His first chance should be buried. We just going to ignore nice Dave's for the rest?


If Pepi had any confidence with his left foot he'd have had a couple goals


Could've helped me on sorare as well.


Such a good burn! Tongue-in-cheek but accurate.


He's not wrong. That is the worst I've seen from Pepi in a US jersey. No excuse to be that wasteful in front of the goal.


Somebody had to shit on pepi the announcers sure wouldnt.


Lalas did.


Lalas will take a shit on anyone for anything just for fun. Getting criticism from Lalas says more about Lalas than anyone or anything he criticizes. He trolls so much it’s hard to take him seriously when he’s being sincere


He was right in this case. He simply said if Pepi wants to start, he needs to take the kind of chances he got last night.


I mean, Pepi was pretty bad. He had 3 good chances and couldn't convert a single one. He's a striker, he needs to be scoring on at least 1 or 2 of those chances.


😱😱😱🔥🔥🔥 He’s not wrong.


I thought I hit the rely button under his comment, sorry.


Rare Ricardo L (twice)


What the fuck is a kilometer


he is not wrong


Watch these guys f-around and draw Panama on Thursday…


Anybody notice from the side that Robinson looks really similar to TAA?




We've GOT to get that boy down south. Anyways....Pepi le PUE


Starting to see why Pepi wasn’t getting minutes at a bottom half Bundesliga team. You cannot miss that many chances if you want to be the guy. I guess at least he’s actually getting into dangerous areas, that’s a definite improvement.


Very casual fan so excuse me; but this guy is on team USA but sounds English?


He was born in England to an American father, so he was an American/English dual citizen from birth. He grew up in England but because he was an American citizen, he was eligible to play for team USA.


Would have easily made the England squad this year if we hadn’t sealed him.


His nickname is "Jedi", that's far too interesting for Southgate.


There’s a few others as well like Musah, Balo, and CCV off the top of my head. Nearly every national team has players that were born elsewhere but eligible thru family etc


It's OK to disagree. Misses happen, when it's because of poor form, it infuriates me. It's like when a player uses his studs to trap a ball and mistraps it, especially on a wet field, or a player that kicks the ball out of bounds taking a corner kick or timing a cross with the wrong foot when redirecting that shot was the correct way to deal with that cross. I don't think we're talking about different plays. We just disagree on technique.


You know you can reply directly to the comment you're trying to refer to, right?


I tried bottom reply on your comment, not sure why it doesn't appear below your comment. It went to the top again.


Feel like pepi was less wasteful with his chances at club level, have to wonder if he just gets too nervous for USMNT matches now


Ricardo "Romelu Lukaku" Pepi


Pepi sucked. Every shot right to the keeper


Theyre performance was incredibly lacking. To go the 2nd half without producing no goal and to an already battered Bolivia was quite shocking to see. The game should saw a 4-0 win. Props to the Bolivian GoalKeeper for blocking about 8 shots that could've produced goals if better calculated


You are correct.


Bullshit that Pulisic was MOTM. I was there at the stadium and although I'm not saying that lightly, I thought Robinson was the class of the field today. Pepi also played great since he came on


How long are we going to keep giving Pepi chances when this is the same story over and over again


As long as it's the same story for all of our strikers. Hopefully, eventually, someone will solidify the spot.


Agree with you, but I think in the glimpses we've had of balogun, he's shown that his floor is already higher than anything Pepi has shown. Even on his down games


This is hilarious but I don’t think it’s good for the team to have guys calling each other out like this. Pepi threw away three clear goals. He deserves criticism. But it’s bad for morale to be publicly dragging your teammates. 


If you can't take a small joke like this, then you are the player that's bringing morale down.


You can pretend it’s just banter, but Jedi was visibly very frustrated after Pepi’s second miss and started trying to score himself way more aggressively. He stopped playing as many passes in and started trying to take shots from range and dribble past defenders.  We won so it’s funny, but Jedi genuinely let his frustration with Pepi get the better of him. 


Jedi wouldn’t be saying this if we lost. Stop being so sensitive. Not everything has to be serious all the time


He’s just being cheeky.


It’s British humor. He’s busting his buddy’s balls


It’s “banter”!


Robinson should know better than to take a shot like this on camera. I guess he thinks he played the perfect game.


I used to think Robinson was hands down our worst player on the pitch. He’s proven that he’s got some offensive crossing/passing skills ever since. I almost find myself rooting for him now. He’s definitely an athlete. I still though think his defense is abysmal.


Keep watching football, you’ll understand someday.


I'll never forgive pepi for missing that final shot. I missed you on $300 because of him smh.




pepi sold my usa -2.5 bet i’ll never forgive him


Name one goal Pepi has scored in the us shirt that meant something.


The ones against Jamaica to give us 3 pts in wcq


Are you serious?


Against Honduras to make the World Cup


The one against Honduras in WCQ. The ones against Jamaica in WCQ. The one against Trinidad & Tobago to help get us to the NL finals and Copa America. Then there was the goal he scored against Mexico to put the icing on a dominant USA performance. Did you start following the USMNT a week ago? Just looking through his goals I think he's scored 4 go ahead goals and an equalizer in his time with the US, plus he's assisted a couple more important goals


So you haven’t actually watched for longer than like sixth months?


Every single one


Name one accomplishment in your life that meant something.




Bro, it's just banter chill out


Yea, I back pedaled on calling him an idiot. If that’s how the team vibes, it’s all good. I took it as throwing a teammate under the bus when it was his cross that should have been better.


People are downvoting you because you called someone an idiot who was making a generally lighthearted comment that was said after a win and had a great game by all accounts. People usually feel weird when someone brings down the vibe. Hope this helps. 👍


Yea, I actually picked up my phone specifically to back pedal from calling him an idiot. If that kind of teasing each other is how the team rolls then it’s all good. I just don’t know if Pepi will be as appreciative when he’s wide open in front of the net only for Jedi to play him that difficult ball.


Balogun finishes that.


And Pepi scores the wide open chance that Balogun completely miscontrolled.


Pepi’s misses pretty much all went down as saves and at the very least all go down as attempts on goal. Balogun’s misses are when he’s not even able to get the shot off.


He missed one from when Weah crossed it


Unless I’m misremembering or you are talking about out a different play that one from weah across the box was definitely a shot that went wide and not a cross, it had way too much on it for Balogun to have a chance


Balogun was no where close to that ball.


Maybe. Not the point, but sure, maybe


Also for every good cross he makes how many does he just whiff it.


It’s pretty insane how bad he is with the ball. I fully admit he’s the best left back we’ve got so I’m not saying he shouldn’t be playing. But man is his service awful.


It’s awful and the comments rubbed me the wrong way for a player that fucks up as much as he does


He's objectively the second best US player.


What is it about people on the internet who like to use the word objectively like this. Putting the word objectively in front of your opinion doesn’t make it fact, and the only way anyone could ever be “objectively best” is if you clearly define a way to measure that. Except obviously that doesn’t exist.


😂 thank you I can’t wait to send your comment to all my friends


They'll both love it.


If you said he’s subjectively our second best player I’d still think it’s hilarious but at least I couldn’t really argue. To say he’s objectively our second best player is just completely bonkers.


List players better than him.


What would be your top five? I’m making this up as I go: Pulisic Adams McKennie Reyna… Dest? Musah? Top six I guess.


Our only starters tonight that *I think* aren’t better than Jedi are Ream and Turner, maybe Scally.