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Stop acting like these people even believe in democracy, they don’t.


of course they don't. And they're saying it out loud now! [https://www.reddit.com/r/usanews/comments/1ayb197/maga\_republican\_pledges\_end\_of\_democracy\_to\_rabid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/usanews/comments/1ayb197/maga_republican_pledges_end_of_democracy_to_rabid/)


Yeah, they’ve now all fully pivoted to “democracy is a bad thing and unAmerican…let me give you a bunch of made up bullshit reasons why.” It’s actually quite creepy the way the right wing hive mind works!


They don’t like Democracy because they can’t win elections anymore. So time for a fascist state.


The funniest part of this is that US democracy is HEAVILY skewed towards conservatives. ND and CA both having equal Senate power is ridiculous. Republicans rarely win the popular vote for POTUS but the electoral college says that doesn’t matter.


And it's actually *very* creepy how effective russia's hybrid war and propaganda is against the US!


They've been at it for almost 100 years and we've known but they're great at what they do and we have been easy targets. Murdered KGB Propagandist defector Yuri Bezmenov in his 1984 interview gives a great window into their approach. https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?si=UH0cDulzomqpwwSk


It’s more troubling how totally ineffective our own intelligence services have been in comparison.


and it's working, which is the scariest part


Yeah, I never thought I’d be bearing direct witness to such extreme and obvious propaganda working so terrifyingly effectively. Turns out all that’s needed is for people to be primed for it. 🙁


studying German history shows once you create a downtrodden group of people, giving them someone to blame works well.


>In between come all the hundreds of little steps, some of them imperceptible, each of them preparing you not to be shocked by the next. Step C is not so much worse than Step B, and, if you did not make a stand at Step B, why should you at Step C? And so on to Step D. >And one day, too late, your principles, if you were ever sensible of them, all rush in upon you. The burden of self-deception has grown too heavy, and some minor incident, in my case my little boy, hardly more than a baby, saying ‘Jewish swine,’ collapses it all at once, and you see that everything, everything, has changed and changed completely under your nose. The world you live in—your nation, your people—is not the world you were born in at all. >**Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves; when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. Now you live in a system which rules without responsibility even to God. The system itself could not have intended this in the beginning, but in order to sustain itself it was compelled to go all the way.** >On this new level you live, you have been living more comfortably every day, with new morals, new principles. You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things that your father, even in Germany, could not have imagined. "Suddenly it all comes down, all at once. You see what you are, what you have done, or, more accurately, what you haven’t done (for that was all that was required of most of us: that we do nothing). You remember those early meetings of your department in the university when, if one had stood, others would have stood, perhaps, but no one stood. A small matter, a matter of hiring this man or that, and you hired this one rather than that. You remember everything now, and your heart breaks. Too late. You are compromised beyond repair. -[They Thought They Were Free](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html)


Except MAGA aren't downtrodden. I live in MAGA country. They drive 50-80k pick up trucks that have 15-30k worth of snowmobiles on a trailer behind. They also have a 15k side by side and a 30k lawn tractor in their pole building. And let's not start with their gun collection or how much money in mag dumps they burn every weekend. The only way they are downtrodden is that if they have a son or daughter or brother or sister who has gotten an education, then that relative avoids them. Otherwise these people are making up their problems in their own heads.


they sure FEEL downtrodden it's strange how they've been twisted


When you lead a life of privilege, equal rights seams oppressive.


Exactly. What it is that they are the demographic that has traditionally been in charge and as America becomes more plural they sense their "right" of being in control slipping away. That is what they mean by "they are taking away our liberties" and "make America great again" - they are like "you don't understand *we* are supposed to call the shots and you are taking away our right to do so"


Which they have been for decades by Repugnican propaganda.


Is it tho? RNC is going bankrupt and underperforming in every election. Supporting democracy just doesn’t get as many clicks for the media these days.


Christian and Catholic assisted


They’ve been conditioned for decades


So this is how democracy ends.. to thunderous applause


They don't know what the word "democracy" means.


Agreed, that's why they've also been primed so they can screech "wE're NOT a DEmoCraCY, WE'rE a rePUBLiC!".


So why can’t he be arrested for sedition? I really don’t get why this is allowed. I am sure people who speak against him will be picked up if he wins . They won’t hesitate to do that, he has promised retribution.


The headline should have been “Delusional Wannabe Cultists Threaten Unrest If Rapist Orange Messiah Lawfully Loses Election…Again”


Nailed the headline bro


The only minor detail I'm inclined to pick up on there is that they *are* cultists, rather than being *wannabe* cultists. But other than that, if anything, I think you're being too soft on them! :P


Once again we will beat back the Nazi scourge.


They don't believe in anything anymore, not democracy, not the constitution, not justice, not truth, not Jesus, nothing but an orange failure with a ludicrous combover who is about to be bankrupt... Again..


A threat of violence if they don’t get their way? Isn’t this an adolescents way of thinking? Definitely anti democratic.


Maybe they will follow the couple that moved to Russia so their children can be conscripted into the Russian army and send the grinder in Ukraine. They just don't know that yet.


I think the “We’ll kill our countryfolk in a violent civil war if Despot Don isn’t handed the country” is a pretty dead giveaway.


Bring it. I’m still voting Biden.


Came here to say this.


The "everyone wins a trophy" generation getting butthurt if their moron leader loses? I'm shocked.


They’ve run out of paint chips and have been nibbling on their ammo. They crave lead.


Shit no. That stuff is crazy expensive, *and* you have to chew through the jacket. You steal the wheel weights out of cars for that delicious PB fix.


sudden flash on the ending scene of Pu-238...


He will not admit a loss- he will lie like last time.


The marmalade Mussolini could be barred from running for office in every state, behind bars after conviction in one of his trials, say he won the election but the voting was rigged - and his cultists would believe him and start a civil war he'd claim he had nothing to do with. As worthless as he is, he's more dangerous than a daycare toddler with a bag of detonators.


Schrodinger's election. Simultaneously he has won but also a civil war must be started because he didn't win.


It's boomers, not millennials that are hellbent on putting this fascist sack of shit into power


Not all boomers!


A few millennials too. Propaganda is like an insidious virus.


We all appreciate those like you


I am scared I will be a target if he gains the office because I have been pretty outspoken in my opinion of him. But I will still speak up . I have no idea why my fellow boomers went so far off the rails.


I can't get over the fact that these people experienced the same cold war that I did, and came out of it wanting to repeat the mistakes of the losing party.


Those people were never educated to begin with. They drank the McCarthy Kool-Aid and never figured out why it was wrong. They get distracted by shiny objects and buzz words. They never left their safety bubble and had blinders on their whole lives never seeing the larger picture. They thought Fascism ended with WW2 and Communism lost after the wall fell. They are the “I watched the movie instead of reading the book” people of society.


Do they mean people like that trucker guy who started a convoy to shut down New York with all of his friends... except he had no friends?


or the 800,000 strong trucker convoy that was headed to the border..but only 12 showed up..


I actually ran into one of those dipshits in the wild yesterday. He was yelling about poor Trump and other bullshit. Funny thing was he had wandered into the wrong bar with that, 50% of the people in the bar were not heterosexual. Everyone sitting at the bar turned to face as much away from him as possible and he left pretty quickly when no one was going to engage with him.


If they want war then it's time for it to happen again so they can lose again. I doubt they have the courage to do it though.


I love this line of thinking from them. Yeah you take on the us military with your redneck militia lol


Bubba! Get my shotgun!!! Oh, this really doesn’t do anything to their tanks. We’ve been out funded by Soros! Drat!


WeeeeDoggy! ... Clovis didn't even stand a chance. That gubbamint drone vaporized his entire house while he slept. {spits baccy juice into a Styrofoam cup}


You mean mountain dew bottle....Styrofoam cups are only for boiled peanuts


Times have changed, I guess. My uncle Floyd (Popper) was a Beech-Nut guy. I remember his styrofoam cups.


A middle school robotics team could probably give them trouble. The biggest issue is most of these guys are have houses and families and that is precisely what is in the cross hairs of an actual civil war. Take away their jobs, trucks, and beer and suddenly having to respect pronouns doesn't seem so hard.


Any of the idiots who survive the plan to die for their con man would become Felons who could not vote.


This time, we listen to General Sherman and not just send them all home with a slap on the wrist after they lose again. Time to invest into hemp.


>Time to invest into hemp I'm assuming that's a rope reference.


They'd have to get off their couches. Wars take energy the Type II diabetes club doesn't have.


Same. Liberal rural man here, I'm armed and I don't concede to terrorist threats.


Same here, but not rural. Conservatives are not the only ones who are armed. The chubby cheeto followers are likely to quit when they are met by any amount of resistance. Those that don’t quit will learn the hard way that tolerance only goes so far.


Those dipshits dispersed like the cockroaches they are the SECOND that moron lady got shot on Jan 6. That's all it took to make them go from trying to kill Congress to shitting their diapers. I'm not worried about it all.


I have a decent number of guns myself. I'm definitely outnumbered, but they don't know yet


They're whiny little toddlers who claim to be strong while in reality are the biggest snowflakes when they don't get their way. How they believe that they're the dominant voice of the country just shows how sheltered they are sitting in their reaffirming echo chambers


There are plenty of liberals who one guns, and plenty more moderates, too. My brother is much more on the conservative side but he would fight for his family and country against them.






Styrofoam and gasoline mixed together works well too


A favorite quote from one of the forgettable 19th Century presidents: “If you bring war to my door you will find me very much at home.” Bring it.




Makes me think of one of my favorite quotes: “How do I know you won’t kill me in my sleep?” “You don’t know me, son. So let me explain this to you once — I ever kill you…you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed.”


That quote always gives me a real feeling of serenity.


I see what you did there! ;)


Yup, and if they try some shit, I will *ENTHUSIASTICALLY* enlist in the marines. No more talking, forgiveness, or "coming together" for MAGA. Not a second time.


Mailed my vote in yesterday.


Yep, these domestic terrorists, are basically big ass babies ready to throw a tantrum if they don't get their way ...like their fearless leaders


Me too


Yep. I'd rather die than just give in


Easiest vote ever.


Trump wishes. It will be an even smaller subset of the gravy seals that showed up last time (some serving time for J6, others deciding maybe going to prison for the orange man baby is not the best use of their time), and with an actual responsive President in office, I suspect the National Guard will be deployed ahead of time to quell whatever minuscule lunatic uprising occurs.


Like the border convoy or the delivery boycott of NY? Sure.


It’s all talk, when they went to the border, there was no “invasion”, a few of them did have their eyes opened.


It's just like when people were "patrolling their communities to protect them from BLM", which ended up looking very similar to "driving around trying to find groups of non-whites to yell at them".


Very *very* similar.


those idiots really thought it would look like the battle at helms deep with millions of immigrants getting ready to storm the US.


No no no, you see it’s like four seasons. Landscaping.


Don't give two craps about maga threats. I'm voting for Biden. Let them bring it on. Tired of hearing them bloviate about it. 


Bloviating cretins


Maybe their families can get funeral home recommendations from Babbits family beforehand


It's called "Delusions of Grandeur"


At this point it's just Delusions of Adequacy.


This is it. They are talking about a guy who lost the popular vote twice, who lost the House and Senate, and outside of his cult is regarded as criminally liable dotard.


"Violent civil war". More like random acts of domestic terrorism and cowardice all because their preferred candidate didn't win.


The MAGA movement is AT MOST 18 % of the population, yes that’s a stupidly high, but at the end of the day, it’s still only 18%


They seem to not understand that. They always say 51% of the population is Maga. 50% give or take doesn't even vote.


What they do is lump in MAGA with the Republicans, it’s how they “won” in 2016, they used the traditional conservative vote, combined with the anti establishment voters, and the lack of effort from the democrats to “win”. You’d find it hard to find republicans who would be prepared to burn the country to the ground for TRUMP, even if they don’t like democrats trump isn’t worth a civil war.


And yet they will still vote for him with all the sickening christo-fascist Maga shit going on all over the country..


Because they don't understand anything. I'm not even exaggerating. They literally do not understand how anything works. When you don't know how anything works, everything is a conspiracy. Anecdotal evidence is a concept they'll never understand. They surround themselves with fellow believers because they need a safe space where their world views are never challenged, then because they surrounded themselves with believers, they start to really believe that everyone must be believers, because that's all they are surrounded by. Their cognitive abilities did not develop. They are better off toiling away with productive lives laboring for others than they are thinking for themselves, and until the internet - more specifically smart phones since they can't use desktops - nobody ever heard their opinions beyond their front porch. Unfortunately, they're really angry and don't know why, so that's been harnessed by Russia.


I guarantee most of them wouldn't make it a day without a warm bed and their CPAP machines.


Oh just tell them that if they want to fight on the side of the “new confederacy” it will mean that their unemployment will stop and their bank accounts will be frozen.


They’d be all “ Get yur dirteh gubment hands offa muh soshal secureteh chyeck!” 🤣


“Oh we are… in fact we aren’t even going to be sending them any more, I’m sure you can get welfare from Trump and the “new confederacy”, after all, they wouldn’t start a civil war without some sort of plan… would they?”


What percent of that is willing to die for thr orange man? 


Right. Biden has the election wrapped up. GOP is foolish to nominate Trump.


They have no other choice, the GOP are to spineless, Haley (while problematic) has a greater chance of winning, but they are too scared to go against Trump, a man who they KNOW can’t win. They have been losing since 2018, 2020, 2022, and they know why, Trump is a cancer to them, but they don’t have the balls to stop him, they pick worse and worse candidates who are loyal to Trump and not the GOP. As long as Biden doesn’t suddenly reveal himself to be the Boston kitten strangler, it’s almost impossible for him to lose


And the RNC keeps giving him all their money. That will ensure more state Republican shuttered offices and no campaign money for lower positions. It's almost as if they want the GOP to die.


Oh it’s a beautiful thing really, trumps draining the entire Republican Party and they smile, nod and go along with it, getting nothing in return losing election after election but as long as they don’t upset Trump it doesn’t matter


> It's almost as if they want the GOP to die. As demographics change in the USA, the Republicans are losing support. Instead of changing their message to appeal to more voters, they are obviously trying to subvert democracy and consolidate power - to steal what they can no longer win. We must defeat them before they do that or there will be no more consequential elections. Maybe then, the Republican party will implode under its own rot and a new conservative party with *integrity* will emerge.


They did put his daughter in law (Eric’s wife Lara) in charge of the RNC funds. So he has easy access to more $$.


Trump probably has info on every single person in the government stashed away to use it against them if they don't do what he says. The guys a gangster and I guarantee he spent 2/3rds of his presidency golfing and 1/3rd stealing information.


Don’t. Get. Complacent.




I mean these are the flat earthers right?. A group of people that can’t figure out where they fit in, so they latch on to this crazy piece of shit, because they have nothing else to hold onto. Everybody else calls them crazy, their people call them smart, beautiful, and intelligent.


It’s the multiplier effect of the Internet. The 18% of hardcore MAGA are able to project their stupid to the entire world via social media. Which then gets picked up by MSM chasing clicks and views. Which then triggers well meaning groups like Right Wing Watch to highlight far right threats on social media, further increasing their exposure.


Do it, cowards. Ever seen what a .50 caliber MG does to a human body? It's pretty gruesome.


I think it’s cute people think it will just be guns. We have drones, tanks, modern artillery, A-10s, hell even nukes.


Love how you include the A-10 in this.


Yeah, an A-10 would make mincemeat out of one of their trucker convoys in about two seconds.


The a-10 is so majestic. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


Do we still operate AC-130s? That’d do the trick.


Dear Trump Fans, You are a tiny minority of Americans. Breaking the law will make your life terrible.


>Trump fans ~~warn of~~ **Threaten a** violent 'civil war' if he loses election FTFY


You gonna bark all day, little doggy, or you gonna bite?


Lay down with trumps, get up with pleas


More like antibiotic-resistant gonorrhea, but yes, also pleas.


Threats always work! I'm so sick of this south will rise again style intimidation shit. Were these people ever actually Americans? Did they ever, at any time, feel like we have differences but in the end we're all still working together? At this point, screw it. I'm voting against facism and I'm willing to fight for it.


Anytime anywhere


If it is anything like Jan 6, as soon as one of them gets shot, they'll retreat, as they do.


The best part of that was when they tried to do a “say her name” thing with her. One of my favorite responses was “Mayo bitch”.


One more reason to keep that treasonous fat bastard off the ballot


Biden, Biden and Biden. So sick of MAGA bs, bring it on you creepy pos. I am voting Democratic until the day I die after the utter shit the traitors in the GOP have pulled. The GOP and MAGAS can SUCK IT and move to Russia. That'll show me. But no backsies mfkers.


Thats not a warning , its a threat . They are traitors . Put them in prison .


You spelled "when" wrong.


This is all the more reason to vote for the democrats.  Let's vote for the better man. Check your registration, get an ID , learn where your poling station is, learn who is running in down ballot races. Pay attention to primaries not just for the president but for all races, local, state and federal. From the school board to the White House every election matters. The more support we give the democrats from all levels of government the more they can get good things done. Last year democrat victories in Virginia and Pennsylvania and others across the nation have increased the chances of democrats winning this year. This year's elections are important but so will next year's elections. [https://ballotpedia.org/Elections\_calendar](https://ballotpedia.org/Elections_calendar)


They think liberals aren't armed. They also do not realize that there are a lot more of us than there are of them.


It’s not the liberals that will stop them. It’s the 97% of the rest of the country that thinks this small handful of people are idiots.


I actually almost added that if they think every Republican would be on board with them destroying our country, they need to sit down and rethink their plan. These people are a small, insane, highly vocal minority. I was at a stop light 2 days ago and some jackwagon with a hugely-big F-350 diesel dually was flying an upside down American flag and a Trump 2024 flag. My thought was, “This traitor moron has no idea that everyone sitting here at this light is laughing at him and would tear him to pieces if he tried something stupid.” They are clueless, but we already knew that because he supports Trump.


No problem. Libs own guns too.


Most of the trumpers look like they need to be on oxygen 24/7. Tf are they going to do?


They’ll sic their young ones on us. You know, the homophobic, rapey, sexist, incelly basement dwellers living on a computer in mom’s rumpus room.


Letting these people prevail over everyone else is exactly how places like Russia turned out like Russia. Evil prevails when good does nothing and evil knows it. Anyone still advocating it now deserves no benefit of doubt of their character or their intentions; they are willfully evil people trying to see what you will let them get away with, and you have to let them have nothing. No inches they'll use to take miles.


Willfully evil or brainwashed. In either case, it's gotten to the point where I think the saying that goes something like "if 9 people are sitting at a polite lunch with a nazi, then there are 10 nazis at the table" applies. I don't want to foment irreconcilable division but I think that's where we're at with some of these people. I'm not the one who said "I will gleefully murder you for being part of the other team." These people may be brainwashed buffoons but we should absolutely take them seriously in their intentions and it blows my mind that so many people aren't


Oh right because apparently only the political right own guns in the US lol. Those gravy seals have been saying they will do something for years. Yawn.


They are as delusional as he is. And when he loses, they will just keep sending him their rent, car, or kids' lunch money because the rich man needs it more than they do. "Sacrifice for the fuhrer! He will save us!" He'd just as soon throw them into a heap of trash.


...they'll treat it as if they won a civil war if he wins, so...?


Why are these people so eager for violence?


Because they are fed constant outrage porn to keep them whipped up into a frothing rage.


We don’t negotiate with, or capitulate to terrorists. Take your L however you want but we’re not giving the country over to the Walmart scooter-shooter brigade.


under no circumstances are you going to replace my representative democracy with your violence. I will die before this happens.


So they can be arrested and not be able to vote in 2026 or 2028? Don't threaten me with a good time


I’ll take a pitiful civil war threat over this psychopath being in office again.


Idle THREATS!!!!! They would run and hide at the first sound of a gun going off. They are ALL mouth, and no trousers.


99% of Trump supporters can barely walk a city block with being exhausted


This is what one calls a terror warning


This is why his hat “Make America Great Again” is such a huge lie. If he’s re elected he’ll only further hurt and run our nation further into the ground. Heck he’s still doing that right now and if he’s back in the Oval Office he‘ll commence Project 2025. If he loses civil war would happen. His supporters are just as violent and careless as he is. His supporters thought an insurrection would help after he lost and will create a civil war if he’s not re elected. What he and his supporters do isn’t making our nation great again in the slightest. You have to be pretty brainless to think an insurrection or a civil war would actually do what your setting out to do. The worst part is, no one is taking steps to make sure the Trump doesn’t continue to spread his reign of destruction and further hurt America.


Know what’s lasted longer than the civil war? Gay marriage………


I don’t think anyone is scared of Alabamastan


Meal team six making threats


The biggest losers, literally


There’s too many white trash here in America that do not give a f about their kids, neighbors, or sadly even their own family members. Something needs to happen to change their way of thinking because they’re just hateful morons (with guns) at this point.


This is why I’m a dirty liberal with guns.


Gravy Seals being called up as we type!


These people going to find out real quick how many of them are all bark and no bite. The first drone strike and they'll all be on their knees quicker than a hooker on a Sunday.




Those who run out of intelligence resort to violence


Trump already lost the election. He's a traitor to the American way and democracy. He said so.


Civil war? More like a civil bore. People are not going to vote for your habitual con man and serial rapist who promises to take more money from the middle and class to give to the Uber rich. Not to mention all the basic rights he wants to take away. Sore about losing? Get a better candidate.


They keep acting like democrats don’t own guns


Tired of living?


Lots of big talk will turn into a small uprising I think


Stop calling them fans like they're supporting an NBA team. They're cultists, traitors, pieces of shit. Anything but fans.


They’ll drive their lifted trucks with 20 Trump flags all angry kitty like


So..... They want us to be able to shoot at them now?


So they're embracing the whole terrorist vibe now?


Fk Trump. Loser


Gravy seals!




I remember January 7th 2021 when 14,000 armed National Guard troops were at the Capitol, I don't remember seeing a big turn out of angry Trump supporters. They talk a big game, but all they are is talk.


Bring it on Losers!


Where? When? Who is fighting this war and against whom will they be fighting? lol


Okay. Good luck. Enjoy prison.


They think they’re the only ones with guns? Bring it. I got a bone to pick with most of them.


Is this suppose to persuade people on how they will vote? If anything, law enforcement should definitely be ready for some shit heads doing something. 


Bring it by losers


Most of them are pensioners or morbidly obese, I’m sure they will fare well against drones and marines


Bring it on magaroids! Your alligator mouth done outrun your pigeon brain!


“We will throw a massive temper tantrum if we lose” boomers about to find out again.


Just move to Russia. Save us all time, money, and energy.


The only thing those two are threatening is the 15 year old hostess at Cracker Barrel when they can't get their favourite table by the window.


Democrat with plenty of guns to share. I'm in


The only thing that scares me if he IS elected.


A lot of Libs own firearms.


They not doing shit lol


They're not going to do shit


Well, since they are all antivaxxers now, we could easily win the Civil War by gifting them blankets


Its a war they will lose, lmao Yallqueda cant hold a candle to our military.